ask-charity-ler-blog · 11 years
[Mod note: Still here, don't post that often because there's no questions to ask/art is slow going.
I'm  considering  opening up roleplay with Charity. would anyone be interested in playing if I did?
Note that I can get kind of wordy and do usually reply with a paragraph or more of text. I'd love to get him more active and have some lovely character development and whatnot. 
Thoughts? Suggestions? Anything?]
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ask-charity-ler-blog · 11 years
[[Mod post here: My computer blew up and so I am unlikely to answer any asks (not that my inbox is overflowing, lol, I have one ask) with art quickly. I'm working on my substitute computer, which works pretty well, but still needs some tweaking before it's up to par with the one that is presently on its way back to the manufacturer. Thanks for your patience]]
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ask-charity-ler-blog · 11 years
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...wait.... You're talking to m-
Um. H-hi. I'm The Once-ler. President of Thneed Inc.
I'm only little if you're that tall...
Erm. Hi. Who are you? and how did you get past security?
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ask-charity-ler-blog · 11 years
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There’s my Charry! And Pip is back too!
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ask-charity-ler-blog · 11 years
Hello everyone!
Two things for today--
One: It's Earth day, so if you could all go out and lend a hand with the cleanup effort, it would be very much appreciated. Or do something simple like... use less energy. Something that benefits the earth, directly or indirectly. Every little bit counts today!
And two: Norma has all but demanded we go out for my birthday, so I won't be around a little later. My inbox is still open, though, I'll get back to what's in there on my return. 
Have a wonderful Earth day everyone, and remember: Let it grow.
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ask-charity-ler-blog · 11 years
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If he's not helping me out, he's usually helping her. She does about as much hands-on work as I do, but she does more work with planting new trees. He's almost always there to help her with that. 
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ask-charity-ler-blog · 11 years
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Hello Ladies and Gentlemen. Thank you for coming.
I'd like to first announce that, for the first time in a very long time, the skies above the valley have been clear! After the rainstorm the other day, the majority of the smog was washed away. What's more, it also helped with the water contamination slightly. We're making an amazing amount of progress.
The first of the Roto-Tills should be ready by next week, and we're working on a method for removing the stumps without damaging the environment further.
The only unfortunate thing I have to report is that production has been nearly halved by these changes. The going is slow, sadly.
So, with that out of the way, I have plenty of time to take your questions.
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ask-charity-ler-blog · 11 years
Just so you all know, I'm still here! I've just been incredibly busy and have been planning something big!
Thank you all for being so patient!
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ask-charity-ler-blog · 11 years
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She's always there to help me when I need it...
I don't deserve support like that. Not after what I've done.
She's a wonderful woman, really.
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ask-charity-ler-blog · 11 years
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Rainy day today. Can't really do anything but sit and look out the window. 
Hopefully this will help wash away the smog and sludge.
I've got time for a few questions
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ask-charity-ler-blog · 11 years
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They flap a lot and get water everywhere. Any and all extra help is appreciated .. especially if it's you who's giving it.
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ask-charity-ler-blog · 11 years
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.... Let's just say she isn't too happy.....
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ask-charity-ler-blog · 11 years
Oh see! Pip looks so happy! Probably because he's missed you so much since....well no matter, you're back now and things are swinging well!
Swingin' as swingdancing! He missed me a lot.And I missed him too. I'm glad he's okay.
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ask-charity-ler-blog · 11 years
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He was pretty thin, but I made sure that he was alright. Marshmallows aren't an optimal diet, but they helped put some weight back on him. There's not a whole lot of Truffula fruit right now, so he, as well as the other animals, gets other fruit to eat, like bananas, and apples and stuff. We've imported a lot of food for not only the animals, but the people of Thneedville, too.
Pip is also my unofficial vice president. Don't tell him it isn't official, though, he doesn't know that. Heheh.
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ask-charity-ler-blog · 11 years
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He helps me out sometimes if I need an extra pair of hands, usually when I'm cleaning down Bar-ba-loots, Swomee Swans, or Humming Fish. But he rarely says anything. He looks sad, but not as sad as he was before. I think he's having a hard time trusting me again, and I don't blame him. I broke my promise to him, after all.
I think he and I really need to sit down and hash it out, but neither of us have had the time.
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ask-charity-ler-blog · 11 years
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We've got a couple conversion projects going on at present, not the least of which being turning the Axe-Hackers into tills. The spiral motion of their arm can be converted into a very powerful till at a low cost, and with the addition of another arm that digs a small hole and port that deposits a seed, one of these in a straight line can plant a large row of Truffula trees!
... Unfortunately, it means I have to remove the stumps first, which is the roadblock that I'm presently facing. I mean, we could have manual labor out there pulling them up by hand or by individual machine, but... that would take a really long time.
We are also using Thneeds to clean up the river and water that has been polluted-- they're super absorbant and so can pull upthe grimy water better than any clean-up sundries to date! So far, we've been supplying a few for volunteers to use, but if people use their own Thneeds, we replace them free of charge if they are irreparably damaged!
I stated before that we have strict emissions policies on the factory and machinery now, so there's that... oh! And we have teams of volunteers cleaning up and taking care of the local fauna.
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ask-charity-ler-blog · 11 years
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While I appreciate the time to get things done...
I haven't seen this since the early days of my company.
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