woso-dreamzzz · 2 days
How does Pipsqueak celebrate Ellie's birthday?
She very begrudgingly brings her breakfast in bed and when Ellie teases her about it, Pipsqueak puffs out her cheeks and tells her to stop making such a big deal out of it
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willowbees-posts · 2 months
"Nobody needs A Thneed" (Animatic)
Finally done it!
Cuz I continued it lately, took like 8 hours to add on the other verses XD
I hate it, cuz my brain isn't working
For a really long time, sorry it took awhile :(
But...I draw most of the animatic in my phone which is in ibispaint and my finger is now sore HAHAHA
Anyways idk if this is worth it , but I tried my best ;)
Hope y'all like it!
Still in haitus though, might also do more animatic , I guess. ;)
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heyjudeart · 30 days
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Pip Darling, exactly what truth did I vote for you to reveal?
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"You guessed right. I'm trying to protect my Sweetie Belle from her, actually. . I don't like fighting.....If they all meet...I don't know.. I'm so tired." - Pipsqueak
Silly Silver, I'm a different kind of Sweetie Bot! I'm faster and a better efficient lean killing machine than the others. I have 50 kill count to my name. Wanna see my cam feed? :)
I dare you to come over, @askadultsweetiebelle!
- Renegade Sweetie Bot
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redrabbu · 4 months
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Pipsqueak doesn't know she's Rabbu's daughter, and she is in fact... A dragon. Lol.
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suemooon · 9 months
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sleepy oncie and pipsqueak
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Avatar: The Last Airbender Live Action Thoughts!
-First of all, ya'll need to leave those child actors alone, they are babies and they didn't write the show, nor was it their idea to do it. I have seen way too many people body shaming children; leave them alone they all did well!
-I think Gordon makes Aang just as cute and small and powerful as I always saw him as!! He manages to joke around and be fun even when the storyline is a lot darker and more serious.
-I really wish Sokka was able to be more of his goofy and silly self. I understand why he isn't, and his humor is more sarcasm and dark jokes, but I saw glimpses of him in there! His excitement when he was with the Mechanist, engineering and getting to do something other than be in charge. Also when he has any older brother convo with Katara or Aang. I'm hopeful with time he'll be able to loosen up!
-(Speaking of the Mechanist, my boy Danny Pudi was SO GOOD, I love him, him and his little son).
-I wish Aang would practice waterbending with Katara :( those scenes of them practicing together were always some of my favorites in the series. Just beautiful kataang moments. I'm glad they addressed it but I missed those moments.
-I don't understand how you guys can't be having fun watching this, I get so excited waiting for little moments of lore, or when Jet and Katara were fighting in the forest I was sitting in front of the TV like "WHERE'S SMELLERBEE AND LONGSHOT. OH MY GOD NO IT'S PIPSQUEAK!" It's just so much fun! The colors are beautiful, the effects are gorgeous, and the plot and characters are entertaining. Think about the piece as it's own thing and enjoy it!
-Adaptations are just that; adaptations, and things will be changed! I think so far I haven't minded their changes, I understand why they've been made. There are things to criticize, but I think this is pretty well done.
-Zuko is fantastic; I think all the child actors are fairly good but Dallas' pissy attitude and the faces he makes are so so fun! I feel for Zuko and I'm scared of him when he shows up, and he's just as annoying and bratty as ponytail Zuko should be. His physical motions are fantastic!
-TEO WAS SO LITTLE?? Oh my god, like as a kid I thought the cartoon version of him was kinda hot so when they wheeled that tiny baby in I was HORRIFIED.
-Idk why YOU ALL weren't scared of Lizzy Yu's Azula, but her little smile in her intro scene gave me a lil chill. Maybe it's because I was away when the show first came out so I saw post after post about how bad she was, but I just.... Thought she'd be worse?? She did really well! Ya'll better be careful though or Gaten Matarazzo will come for you, that's his girl.
-So far the mushing of plots has made sense to me. Yes, I miss the silly filler episodes and the traveling the Gaang did, but it allows us to sit in a scene longer, and to colorize the world better, when we're in one place and one plot for longer. I think that's important for this type of medium and this amount of episodes. They might be able to justify more next season if this show does well enough.
-I am OBSESSED with Zuko and the 41st division oh my god, what a fantastic and well thought out addition. The reveal, and they're bowing for him when he comes back was DEVASTATING.
-They we're GIVING us Sokka and Katara best sibling moments, I loved all of them. They are so cute, they just mean so much to me.
-I don't feel Appa or Momo as characters like I did in the cartoon. I'm hoping this can change, because rn they surprise me every time they get on screen. I'm like "WHAT- oh it's Momo, he's here." How are we going to feel Appa's loss as much as we did in the cartoon if they continue to like barely be in it.
-Ken Leung SLAYED as Admiral Zhao, I watched him go literally insane as the episodes went on.
-Aang's imposter syndrome and feeling of failure being focused on I will always enjoy, even if I hope he can be silly next season too. His entire character arc this season just made me want to cry.
-Bro the coloring during the the Siege of the North was A M A Z I N G. The way the color faded in and out with fireballs and the monster koi passing nearby, just so pretty. It looked awesome.
-Making Yue a waterbender? The best. Her freezing Sokka in place so he can't stop her? Heartbreaking.
-Iroh and Zuko paddling off looking for bestie Lt. Jee?? Okay.
-They really grew this show up for us adults that watched it in 2005 and focused in on the really painful moments, themes, and details.
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zinxii · 5 months
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Eepy oncie for the winter season c:
(I can't draw animals.)
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mylittlechook · 7 months
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Haven't posted my art here in a bit, so I felt like sharing some random designs from my next gens!
To learn more about my next gens, check them out here!
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lukathechub · 1 year
Head empty, just Pipsqueak.
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 days
Ellie and bubs
She's adamant that Bubs is plotting her downfall.
Pipsqueak thinks Ellie's being pathetic again
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seorikkun · 7 months
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baila conmigo (2023)
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heyjudeart · 8 months
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Swordtember early day one witch, with miss hardbroom
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Dear Diary,
To take my mind off my heartbreak woes (and for self-preservation), Sweetie Belle took it upon herself to instruct me in the basic principles of magic. Based on my understanding, there are three primary practitioners of mystical abilities, with a fourth option being the utilization of unique objects. Looks like I fall into the third category. The fundamentals were rather straightforward. With a little focus, I managed to utilize the converter and accomplish my tasks. However, mastering more complex spells, such as conjuring a fireball, can be quite challenging. It's incredible how many times I found myself defeated and lying on the ground, completely defeated.
The diagram that I drew:
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And this is me getting the hang of it right now:
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Wow, I'm feeling quite exhausted. I believe it will require some time to become accustomed to this. Hopefully I can protect myself from the unsavory characters pursuing me. It's quite peculiar, isn't it? I understand that they belong to a certain group, but I don't have any information yet…
Going to be a bloody tiring week. - Pipsqueak
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waltj · 3 months
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he's short. he's sunburnt. he's towing an rv. all he's got on him is $560. i didn't say his name but he popped into your head didn't he
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