ask-nationfiles · 2 years
these... nation people... do they control the government or does the government control them?
Oh, an ask! I haven't received one of these for a while! Glad there are still people interested.
That's quite simple to answer, actually. There was one time when I had to take some documents with our leader, and when I was getting out of the room, the nation entered, most likely to talk to the leader. I stayed by the door's side for some while, trying to hear what they were saying, and I could at least identify some authority coming from someone, and it was not the nation. I could be wrong, but my conclusion is that, in fact, it's the government that controls the nation.
It would make some sense if you think that, since the nations represent the country's people, then they would have to obey the same leader as us. Now, I'm pretty sure they still have a lot of influence on most of government decisions. Not as the final voice, but someone whose view has to be taken in consideration.
Thinking of this makes me a bit concerned, since... Well, what would guarantee that these immortal creatures don't have the same thoughts that existed in the past? The same backward and conservative thoughts that existed (and unfortunately still exist)? Unless their opinions evolute as time passes, or just adjust to the ideals of their country... I don't know what to think of this, honestly. We still need to know more about these 'nation' things to really have a concrete idea of what they are. For now, it's just speculation.
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ask-nationfiles · 2 years
What happens to personifications of countries that stop existing, or merge with others? Did say, the Republic of Texas die off once the US annexed it?
That's actually a very good question! I hadn't thought about that before. I was so worried with discovering how nations are born that I didn't thought on how they die. I didn't even thought that they could die, since they're immortal!
I wasn't able to find a good answer with what I had available. So, in order to gain as much information as possible, I had to turn to asking people with more experience than me to answer our questions. Again, I know it's not the safest way, but... I guess, if I don't take some risks, I won't be able to reach some important stuff.
Apparently, there are these professionals... "nationologist" (I think that's how you write it), who specifically study about the nations. It is said they are people who work exclusively to the government, in order to understand how a personification can affect the land, or the other way around. For example, if a nation gets sick, that means that the country will go/is going through a economic crises. It's actually pretty useful, if you think about it. Some good predictions you could make there, huh?
Since I found out about the nationologists, I searched for one and it wasn't that difficult to find! It was a man who I saw out of the corner of my eye one time or another, but we never got to interact face to face. I used to question what the hell he was doing there if he wasn't apparently doing anything important. It turns out he was. Studying nations, just like I am right now.
Does this make me a nationologist..? Oh well, that's unimportant now.
I asked some things to him, saying that I just wanted to understand better with "what" I was working with. He seemed to be a very serious person, but actually was kind enough to answer a couple of questions, which was better than nothing.
First, I had asked about the "death of nations" and how it worked, since this is the main topic of the question anon made. The man answered that nations die the same way they are born: human belief. He explained that a nation is born from the moment that people believe that they belong to a certain country — I actually explained that in my first ask, but perhaps not as well explained as his. So, more than anything, this first part is a confirmation of what we believed to be true. He also said that the belief of a nation is very complex and relative, a single person believing that they belong to a country that doesn't exist at all wouldn't be enough for that nation to be born. There has to be a ton of people who strongly believe that they belong to a certain nationality, to the point that they can set an independent political and economic system. After all, these two factors are the main ones to sustain a personification's life. So it's no surprise that a nation is only... well, a nation, from the moment these two things are settled.
The same way, a nation dies when the country is falling apart, and the people start to believe they don't belong there anymore. I told him about the Republic of Texas, and he explained that Texas was a young-looking personification, since it didn't last very long. The personification started to "die" way after the annexation. Its former people viewed themselves now belonging to "United States", not "Texas" — and that was what really killed it, not the annexation itself. And many years later, the personification, having its nationalism completely forgotten, disappeared.
He also mentioned other two examples of the same case, both in US: the Kingdom of Hawaii and the Confederate States of America. The Kingdom of Hawaii is quite old, considering how long it has lasted. Now, the Confederate States is really young, after all, it had existed for literally four years. If anything, its nation would've looked like a child, or a pre-teen (it's pretty strange to imagine a child fighting in a war, to be pretty honest). And even so, both had the same end, which all of us know. The personifications disappeared after their people became "Americans".
Well, with all that discussion, at least we got the answers for both this and the previous question.
The man got suspicious on why I would need to know how a nation dies, so I had to ask him something else. I asked him how are nations born — if they are born from humans, another nation, or if they are generated by Earth itself. He said that nations can be born from both humans and other nations, however, it has never been seen how it happens. It's just stated that, if human women are pregnant with a nation, the chances of them dying while giving birth are 99,80%. Why it happens is a mystery. On the other hand, we have nations who gave birth to other nations. For example, we can be sure the Roman Empire had lots of descendents... like Italy, Spain, France, and many other nations which came from it. But it's said that the personification of Italy itself declared that the personification of the Roman Empire was its "grandpa", or something like that. Which makes me wonder who are Italy's parents. Even that is unknown.
Knowing all of that was making my mind blow, honestly. I was really getting interested in learning more about nations, and acted a little impulsive. I probably made more questions than I should, so many that the man must've started to think I'm crazy. But it was just when I asked "Why the nations are hidden from the public" that he dismissed me out of hand, saying that "There are things that someone in your position shouldn't know about", perhaps referring to my job. I decided it was best to leave, unfortunately, noticing there's no chance he's going to be an ally.
That's why I didn't talk to someone else about this before. I didn't want to arouse suspicion. And I almost failed miserably now.
I'm going to be more cautious next time. If a "next time" will be needed, at least.
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ask-nationfiles · 2 years
Where did these nation people come from? They sound like fucked up aliens or something.
Okay, now you got me there... I tried to look up for some explanation in the documents that I have access to. However, there's no clear information on where those creatures come from, or when they came to be. Perhaps, people had never figured out how it worked, or they had, but the records about it had been lost with time. Or even... they might still exist, but the government keeps them under lock and key. Which means they are not accessible to me...
I'm new to this job, and I just got to know about nations. They must think I'm not trustworthy enough. Not gonna lie, it's a bit frustrating... but, since I'm sharing informations about the nations existence to the public without them knowing, they have a point.
Now that you mention it... Yes, with their concept, they really seem like some kind of weird aliens that appeared here on Earth with no more or less. Immortal beings, that look extremely alike (if not identical) to a normal human being, which have a complex memory capacity, inhuman knowledge and habilites... Even though, I doubt they came from another planet or something. For what I understood, they are "connected" to the land and people they represent, so they are directly affect to factos like weather, natural disasters, human development index, economy, satisfaction of the population with the country conditions and the government (so, apparently, they can go against the government... that's how the French Revolution happened then?)... The personifications seem to be connected to their countries in a very curious and interesting way, perhaps in a way that neither of us humans could understand until how far it would go.
This makes me think... Have them been here on Earth since forever? Have them existed even when humanity just came into being? Are they creations of us humans ourselves? Because, if you think about it... If the countries humans founded were never created, then the personifications would have no reason to exist, right?
What are they? Are they creatures born from Earth itself? Did they use to be humans before turning into nations? Are they born like normal humans? Or do they appear out of thin air? What are the conditions for a new nation to be born? Which was even the first nation to ever exist...? The more I think about it, more questions I have. It's already giving me a headache.
I'm starting to think that, to get some proper information, I'll have to take some risky decisions... like talking directly with the personification of my own country. I could ask it questions pretending I'm just curious. After all, I'm sure that, having lived literally centuries by humans' side, nations must be already used by being questioned on how they work. However, I'm worried if it'll get suspicious if I question too much... God, it's not possible that there aren't any type of professional who study especially about the nature of nations, instead of a random person who just make theories and give us no concrete answers in the end. There must be any record that someone wrote which can give me enough answers to understand exactly what they are. If there aren't any that I can reach, than I'll have to record my own findings myself.
You are going to be the witnesses of my research. I'm not letting this story end this easily, no matter how much they're trying to hide the truth from humanity.
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ask-nationfiles · 2 years
Are they dangerous? Why does the government feel the need to keep them hidden?
Oh, someone else interested? Good to know people don't think I'm crazy.
Now, answering the question... I would bet they are, but in a very subtle way. I just recently got introduced to the nation I work if, and got trusted to the documents about them as well. And, for what I could read in them, it's said that a nation exists since the creation of their countries. Or, at least, the feeling of belonging to them.
I'll pick an example for you: the American personification. I might presume, they exist since the declaration of independence, back in 1776? So, I bet they fought at least on the American Revolutionary War, perhaps the Civil War too... And even in both World Wars! And we know exactly what the USA has done during these periods, right? I wouldn't be really surprised if the personification is behind all that stuff.
So, if they're dangerous? I'm 90% sure of it. They might act friendly around you, but a good remind is that the most possible chance is that they are war criminals. They are the type of people — things? Idk what to call them — that will smile at you but then shove a gun at your face if you speak too much. I hope I don't have this "conversation" with my own nation...
Now, why the government wants to hide them? They never gave me many details. They only said they would pay me and guarantee I'll stay with my job if I keep their existence a secret. So, it means not even us who work to them can know what they hide. But I believe it's for the very own reason that they committed atrocities in the past. I can't see not even a single one of them not doing anything wrong. If not even humans that have a short life can remain pure, imagine these immortal beings that have lived through wars and violence of all types. If humans were to know we were existing with these... things, them it would mostly cause a great fuss, something not even the great powers would be able to control.
I particularly don't want to mess with any of these nations... After all, my life is way more "fragile' compared to theirs.
But I'll eventually have to. For the sake of knowing what the heck it's up with them.
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ask-nationfiles · 2 years
Okay, guys, listen up. I work for the government, and I supposedly got access to some documents regarding to some strange creatures called... "nations". Apparently, I've been working with one this whole time without even knowing...
I don't get why the government would want to hide such things like them from the public. They act like human beings and might be living among us humans and we not being aware of it. So... if there's anything y'all want to know, just ask me and I might find something that can answer our questions!
And please, try not to make this too popular... If they discover I'm the one behind this, I might be dammed.
Hey guys!!! I've been on the fandom since 2019, but got courage to interact with everyone just now. I'm loving to see everyone's headcanons about nations being public figures and decided I wanted to share some of mine. I love this whole "nations reveal" thing :D
So, if you want to know something, send an ask! I'm a little shy, but I promise I'll try to answer it as good as possible. If you want to share your own things too, be welcomed, I'd like to debate! Oh, and English is not my first language. So, please, be gentle with me. ^^
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