ask-number-seven · 4 years
wow! i haven’t. touched this blog or, anything in . years! holy shit.
anyways. i’m lozy. i’m 18 and i made this account when i was like . 13 or smth?? and it was about a novelization i wrote on ffnet and never finished because  oh , you know  
anyways. i never let go of sevvy or any of the accompanying lore despite it having been <3 nearly 7 years (hgheigwog) so i’ll just say now that i’m really glad i had this as an experience. thanks to the 49 people who followed some 13 year old kid’s extremely oversaturated art and weirdly convoluted writing (in first person ..............)
anyways. here’s a redraw of the very first post on this blog i think. i’m not actually opening this up ever again but , like. i thought it was funny. god he’s so  Vibrant....
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ask-number-seven · 7 years
((Here’s this one on ff.net!!))
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ask-number-seven · 7 years
((Here it is on ff.net!))
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ask-number-seven · 7 years
Chapter 13
((Chapter 12 is here))
((Chapter 1 is here))
((tw: more screaming and crying))
Mido is standing at the entrance of the village, blocking my way. "Hey, Link! What did you-," Please leave me alone, please, please, I don't think I can take anything more today-
I push him out the way but he grabs my shoulder from behind and turns me around. I look down.
I don't want him to hate me even more than he already does.
"Link, w-whoa, w-wait up-,"
I can't even bring myself to fight against his grip on me.
"The Great Deku Tree," he says, and he sounds like I remember him, young and caring and scared, "Did… Did he… Did he die?"
I don't say anything.
He takes his hands off my shoulders and takes a step back, mouth open.
Sina sinks to the floor, and Navi floats over to her. She tries to comfort her but Sina slaps her away, and Navi flinches back.
It's a while before Mido says anything, but when he does, it's a whispered, shaky, "How…"
I'm ready for him to say how did it happen, how did he die, how are we going to live from now on, but instead he steps up to me and grabs my collar, lifting me off the floor before screeching into my face, "HOW COULD YOU LET A THING LIKE THAT HAPPEN!?"
He throws me on the floor and shouts, "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! GET OUT OF MY HOME, OUTSIDER!"
And my heart stops.
Mido and Sina stomp away and I'm left with nothing but a fairy that shouldn't belong to me.
I get up and sprint out of the village, ignoring everybody's curious and worried glances in my direction, and I remember that just a while ago I was taking this exact path all while cheering because I finally had a fairy and it was the best day of my life.
Navi flies after me and clings onto my hat, and she's telling me that it isn't my fault, that it's the desert man's fault, not mine-
But it is. It's my fault. If I had gotten there a little faster, I would have saved him. If I had woken up a little faster when Navi called, I would have saved him, if I hadn't eaten with Saria and Hael I would have saved him-
I run into the Lost Woods and I take the path that I know will lead me out, the path littered with the skeletons of Outsiders that tried to make it in but couldn't, guarded by our Stalfos and signs painted with red X's.
Erla, he likes to sit by the exit to the forest to make sure nobody leaves and I know this because we're brothers, we're siblings but not anymore, sees me turn onto the path and yells, "Wait, Link, where are you going!? We Kokiri will die if we leave the forest!" He grabs my wrist and pulls me back, hard. It hurts my shoulder but he looks at me and asks, voice soft, "You're not… You're not going to try to leave the forest, are you?"
For a moment, all I can think is that death is the least that I deserve.
You murderer. It's your fault. All your fault. You killed him.
I jerk my arm back, fighting back tears, and run off, through the tunnel and I think I see Boney out of the corner of my eyes but I ignore him and his flower in his skull and keep running.
I make it out onto the bridge, made with its rickety boards of wood, mossy and covered in lichen, before freezing at her voice.
"…You're leaving, aren't you?"
Of all people, why, why, WHY did it have to be Saria?
I turn around slowly and nod, not trusting my voice.
Her eyebrows scrunch into her forehead and she looks down at her feet. "Oh…"
She looks up abruptly, a forced smile on her face. "I always knew you'd leave one day, Link, because you're different from us." And all I can think is no, no, no, no-
But then she adds, "You're destined to do greater things, Link," And I'm not sure if that makes me feel better or worse because at least Saria still accepts me for who I am?
"But that's okay, because we'll always be friends, right, Link? And you'll come back, right?" She's holding out the ocarina that SHE'S TREASURED FROM SINCE BEFORE I CAN REMEMBER AND SHE'S GIVING ME HER MOST PRECIOUS POSSESSION and I can't, I can't-
I take it from her hands, she has soft hands, grit my teeth, take one step backwards, oh, goddesses, oh, goddesses, I'm leaving the Forest, I'm leaving Saria, take another step, we'll always be friends, why is it even a question, and another step before burning her every detail into my mind, her tangled green hair and her soft blue eyes and everything about her all the while thinking what if I don't make it back, I'm so sorry, before sprinting out of the forest as fast as I can because I don't want to let her see me cry again, no more-
And when I pop out of the hollow and out of the Forest, all I can do is clutch the Fairy Ocarina to my chest and cry because I've just lost everything I care about.
But then I hear Navi's small, beautiful voice, "Hey, listen!" and I can't stop the tears from flowing because I still have somebody with me, someone who I shouldn't have but is still here with me nonetheless-
I stare at her with teary eyes and blubber, "N-Navi, I didn't even say good bye to her, don't leave me, please, I-I don't wanna be alone, please, please stay-," And I'm so, so horribly scared that she's gonna leave me too, but Navi cuts me off by snuggling into the crook of my neck.
"I'll never leave you again, Link. I promise."
I look up at her and ask, "Al-Always be with, with me?" My voice cracks and breaks and I force myself to ask her, "P-Promise?"
"Always, Link. I promise."
And she lets me hold her close to me as I try to keep hold of the last person left in my life.
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ask-number-seven · 7 years
Chapter 12
((Chapter 11 is here))
((Chapter 1 is here))
((tw: death of a tree and a bunch of kids crying))
"My children." The Great Deku Tree interrupts us, Navi still clinging to the skin on my cheek as I smile softly and press my face into her small hands. "I am afraid that the challenges you are the face are not yet over."
"What do you mean?" Navi asks, taking one hand off my face. I miss it. "What else would you have us do?"
"I… I have yet more to tell the two of you. But please, please know this," His eyes look even more sad than usual, "You will never be able to take back this knowledge. Please consider this when you answer."
"Will you listen to the rest of my tale?"
And I say yes.
The Great Deku Tree looks at me with his somber eyes, shadowed by what I think is grief, and he continues. "Then… Listen carefully, young ones."
"A wicked man of the desert cast this dreadful curse upon me. This evil man ceaselessly uses his vile, sorcerous powers in his search for the Sacred Realm that is connected to Hyrule," he explains, "For it is in that Sacred Realm that one will find the divine relic, the Triforce, which contains the essence of the gods."
I take a seat at that point, drawing my legs close to me and hugging them even closer. "Yeah?"
The Great Deku Tree chuckles. "I will tell you a story of the world's creation."
"Before time began, before spirits and life existed…" he rumbles in his deep voice, dramatic and nostalgic, "Three golden goddesses descended upon the chaos that was Hyrule." He's told this story before. All the Kokiri know it word for word. Normally, we would recite alongside him, but I want to listen to him.
I want to listen to the Great Deku Tree's soft, gentle tremors in the ground as he tells his stories. I want to be able to ask him for advice on how to deal with Mido, and I want him to-
"Din, the goddess of power, Nayru, the goddess of wisdom… and Farore, the goddess of courage."
"Din, with her strong flaming arms, cultivated the land and created the red earth. Nayru poured her wisdom onto the earth and gave the spirit of law to the world. And Farore, with her rich soul, produced all life-forms who would uphold the law."
"The three great goddesses, their labors completed, departed for the heavens. And golden sacred triangles remained at the point where the goddesses left the world." The wind blows and Navi flutters up to settle on top of my head, gripping the hem of my hat.
"Since then, the sacred triangles have become the basis of our world's providence, and the resting place of the triangles has become the Sacred Realm."
"You must never allow the desert man in black armor to lay his hands on the sacred Triforce. You must never suffer that man, with his evil heart, to enter the Sacred Realm of legend."
Flaming hair-
Lightning strikes-
Water beneath your feet, thrown back-
The end of the world-
"That evil man who cast the death curse upon me and sapped my power."
My heart is crushed inside my chest, and I feel like I'm being squeezed by the Gohma again, sharp and painful and constricting. The Great Deku Tree laughs gently. "My end is nigh, young Seven. Though your valiant efforts to break the curse were successful, I was doomed before you started. I hoped…" He curls his lips in a trembling, warm smile. "I had hoped that I could at least keep all of my children safe."
My breathing jerks to a stop for a moment and I stand up slowly and take off my hat, hands fisted into the fabric. Tears pool in my eyes and I can't believe that the Great Deku Tree, Great Deku Tree-
The wind blows and the Great Deku Tree creaks softly. I look up at him and all I can see is the Great Deku Tree, my hero, old and ashy and turning grayer by the second. I can't accept it. He isn't dying, he isn't dying, he's not going to die-
I open my mouth and manage to choke out a sound through my tears.
"Do not grieve for me, children. I have been able to tell you of these important matters."
"You are Hyrule's final hope, Link."
I swallow my tears and shout, "Great Deku Tree, I-,"
"Go now to Hyrule Castle, my child," The Great Deku Tree interrupts, the grand, commanding voice I never thought I'd hear again echoing throughout the clearing. "There, you will surely meet the Princess of Destiny."
The Princess of-
"Take this stone, my child, the stone that man wanted so much that he cast the curse upon me. There's a green flash of light and the Kokiri Emerald itself shines in front of me, glistening and sparkling and I'm holding the Spiritual Stone of the Forest, the Great Deku Tree trusts me enough to-
"The future depends on you, my courageous little one. And you, Navi, my brave, wise fairy…" Navi flutters off my head and to my side. "Help Link to carry out my will."
"I am so sorry, my children, for the fate that will be forced upon you. I hope that one day… you will forgive me…"
And the Great Deku Tree stops speaking.
The wind blows through his branches and dead leaves float down, crumbling and the color of ash. It sounds like the earth is sighing. I look up as small petals and flower buds fall. It's almost spring. There's a pink flower in my hands, small and young.
It turns to gray and crumbles in my palms.
"Great Deku Tree, no, I can't- you can't-," I'm choking and Navi buries her face into my hair, I can feel small tears on my scalp and it only makes me want to cry more-, "YOU CAN'T LEAVE US!"
I'm screaming, running to the Great Deku Tree and rake my hands against the Deku Tree's bark, trying to feel for some sign of life that I know he doesn't have. It hurts but I keep wailing and sink down to my knees.
"NO!" My throat is raw and painful from screaming, "He can't be dead, he, he can't be dead, Navi, please-,"
I lift Navi up and cradle her in my hands. "Please, please tell me I'm dreaming. Navi, please." I need some way to know that this isn't real, I need this to all be a dream that I'll wake up from, I'll go play with Saria and maybe Mido'll be nice to me today, none of today ever happened and the Great Deku Tree isn't dead and-
"I'm sorry."
It hits me in the gut like the boulder in the forest, hard and heavy and painful.
I throw the Kokiri Emerald to the ground and scream, "I DON'T WANT THIS!" I'm angry, angry at the rock and at myself, angry that I couldn't do anything. "W-Why-," I sniffle, wiping my eyes, "Why is this happening?"
The cycle will continue.
"…Lets go to Hyrule Castle, Link." Navi says after a while, alighting on my knuckles.
I wipe my tears and pick up the Kokiri Emerald, brushing off the dirt and putting it into Storage. I feel disconnected from my own body but it stands up and starts to run, full speed, away from the Great Deku Tree, back towards the village.
I stop and notice Navi is far behind me, still by the Great Deku Tree. I watch through eyes that don't feel like my own as she whispers something I can't hear to the Great Deku Tree before she zips after me.
I hope that one day, you will forgive me.
((next chapter here))
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ask-number-seven · 7 years
Hey guys! I was just wondering if maybe Navi could draw what one of the healing fairies look like up close (they all look similar right? Or are they different?), or even what all the Kokiri's fairies look like up close! I'd really like to know what the other fairies look like but they're too bright for me to tell. Only draw as much as you want to though!
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“The pink one in the corner is just an example of a Healing Fairy, but they all look pretty different! The yellow one’s Sina, the purple one’s Ophus, and the green one is Hael.”
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I drew Navi!!
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ask-number-seven · 7 years
*hugs Link bc he Definitely Needs It the poor child*
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Thank you.
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ask-number-seven · 7 years
seven has two dads named Trolls 2 The Movie and undersized tea
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!! Really!? What’s a dad, Navi!?
“It’s... I’ll tell you later.”
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I’m kind of disappointed.
((yall should check out @yureimori​ and @hero-of-thighs​ because they also have au time links that i interact with pretty frequently theyre cool))
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ask-number-seven · 7 years
Chapter 11
((chapter 10 is here))
((chapter 1 is here))
I’m curled up, still shivering due to something other than the cold, when the baby Gohmas start withering away. They shrivel, turn brown, and collapse into a pile of wrinkled old carcasses. I can barely process anything that’s happening and my sword hangs limply in my hand.
It’s a strange feeling, to die. I didn’t think I’d get to experience what it felt like until much later. Maybe some part of me thought that I wouldn’t.
Something’s leaking out of my eyes and my mouth, and I register vaguely that I taste iron.
I don’t want to die.
I don’t want to die yet.
I’m scared and I don’t want to die yet.
I want to say sorry to Navi. I want to say sorry to Saria. I want to tell Mido that I’m sorry and that I do actually love him, tell the Know-it-all Brothers that I’m sorry I stole their shiny rocks without their permission. I want to tell Fado that I’ve always wanted to hang out with her and play with each other’s’ hair, I want to tell Yerbal that I really appreciate everything he does, I want-
I realize that I’m not breathing.
Something’s pulsing in my chest and I wonder if it’s my heart.
It’s not.
Blue erupts from my core, the light carving a circle around me. Runes tie themselves together underneath me and before I know it, a teleportation circle is activated around me and my vision fades to afterimages of clouds and streaks of gold, iridescent rings and soft voices.
Wake up, sleepyhead.
 When I wake up, all I hear are the birds singing. Grass presses into my cheek and it smells good, so good, wind blows through my hair and it’s all I can do to keep from wailing.
I’m out. I’m outside.
I breathe in deeply, several times, just to fill myself with the fragrance of nature; the earthy smell of dirt and the subtle sweetness in the air. I’m still crying.
I open my eyes.
Blades of grass drift quietly in front of me, and I can see-
It’s the Great Deku Tree. His roots are spread out around me, and I’m safe. I’m going to be okay. Everything’s over.
I push myself up with aching arms into an upright position. My head spins but all I care is that there’s a flower in front of me, a bluebell-
I try to stand up but I crash to the ground without grace, skinning my knees on the ground.
It hurts.
I blink, once, twice, sprawled out uncomfortably on the grass in the Great Deku Tree’s clearing. I slowly turn around to look at my legs-
My knees are red and raw but that’s it- the skin is stretched over my leg like it had never been torn off in the first place, with nothing left but an outline of where the injury once was.
Injury- The Deku Tree! Is he okay?
I stand up, ignoring how weak my legs feel and how my knees sting, turning and looking at the Great Deku Tree.
The wind whistles through his leaves, and his branches creak and groan.
Is he alive?
“Ah. Good morning, young Seven.” I almost burst into tears again from the calm rumble of the Deku Tree’s voice, cracking and pitching at all the right places.
“Great Deku Tree!” I shout, and I run over and press myself against his bark. It’s rough and drags against my skin, but it feels so nice. He’s alive. He’s alive and I’m alive, and everything is going to be alright.
He laughs, and it’s a deep throaty sound that I can feel through my feet.
“I did it, Great Deku Tree.” I whisper against him. “I beat Gohma. I did it.”
“Thank you so much, my child.”
I did it.
The Great Deku Tree lets me sob against him for a while, and once I’m done, he starts speaking again.
“You traveled deep into Gohma’s lair and faced her, even when you were scared. For that, dear Link, I cannot thank you enough.” The Great Deku Tree praises and my cheeks flush.
“I cannot emphasize just how thankful I am, Seven. I wish that I had a way to thank you aside from healing your wounds, but as I am a spirit of nature, there is not much else I can do.”
“I-It’s- I’m-,” I stumble over my words, “I’m honored that you would- that you’d even want to do something for me, Great Deku Tree.”
He chuckles, the sound warm and deep, “It is my honor, courageous little one. I cannot express how deep my gratitude runs. You’ve saved my children.”
I blink. His children? The Kokiri?
“What about y-,”
He cuts me off. “Well done, Link.” I smile and scratch the back of my head.          
“I-I didn’t do much. It was- It was mostly…” It clicks. “Navi.” I look up, and I can still feel Navi’s screaming raking through my ears. “Where’s Navi!? Is she okay!? Is she…” I bite my lip. “Is she still mad?”
The Great Deku Tree looks at me with his warm brown eyes, sighing before responding. “Navi… Navi is fine. In fact, I think she has something she wants to say to you.”
A small blue light hesitantly flutters out from behind the Great Deku Tree, each flap of her wings leaving trails of fairy dust behind her.
It’s her.
I didn’t actually want to put up with you.
She’s getting closer, and I can see her turquoise turn darker, sinking almost into navy blue.
Have fun, Seven.
“L-Link?” She says, and just hearing her voice makes me want to-
She launches herself into my cheek, latching on as best she can with her small arms and sobbing. “I’m- I’m so-, I’m so so sorry, Link, I’m so sorry-,”
Some part of me is still angry, still hurt, telling me to refuse her, to push her away- She hurt me and that’s something she’ll never be able to take back.
“I’m so sorry. I’m- I’m-,”
It’s slowly, but I lift my arms, cup her in my hands, and cradle her against my face while she cries and I tell her that I forgive her.
((next chapter here))
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ask-number-seven · 7 years
((its chapter 11!!))
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ask-number-seven · 8 years
is seven going to be okay after that fight?? QnQ
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ask-number-seven · 8 years
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((who the heck. who in the heck he is like nine))
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ask-number-seven · 8 years
Seven is a boy and a friend and Timie bOY BOY BIG BOY BIG BOY needs to hug him like now, Lozy, pls
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ask-number-seven · 8 years
((here it is on ffnet))
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ask-number-seven · 8 years
Chapter 10
((Chapter 9 is here))
((Chapter 1 is here))
((TW for gore and blood and yucky stuff))
My legs buckle underneath me and I fall on the floor, staring up with wide, terrified eyes.
The Gohma’s eye rolls around in its socket to look at me, and then it shifts position slightly before jumping off the ceiling to the floor. It lands on the floor with a loud crash, and the ground shakes beneath me.
The room is dark and all I can see is that huge eye, I’m gonna-
It lashes out with a huge claw, catching me by the leg and throwing me to the other side of the room before I can register anything. I hit the wall with a crack, my sword is blown out of my hands, and all the air is knocked out of my lungs as I hit the floor hard, coughing and trying my best to regain my breath.
Tears form in my eyes and spill over and it hurts so bad, my back and my leg- I take a look at my foot and immediately turn to the side and vomit. The skin and meat is torn away, revealing sharp white bone slicked with blood and remaining strips of muscle.
“NAVI!” I scream, trying desperately to stand back up but failing. My leg is burning, it hurts- “NAVI!!!”
The Gohma is slowly making its way over to me, flanked by two or three of its children. Its eye is narrowed and the pupil is red. My breathing quickens and shallows and its staring at me, it’s gonna kill me, I’m gonna die-
It tilts its head to the side and clicks its mandibles together, watching me with its huge, glowing eye.
I turn and glare at it, trying to make myself at least a little bit threatening, but the pain in my leg makes me regret it immediately. “S-Stay away!” It probably won’t understand me but I can at least try, right?
I reach out into Storage and pull out my slingshot. I load up a seed and shout, “D-Don’t come any closer! I-I’ll shoot!” Please, please, please stay away-
It takes another step towards me before its eye changes color and it lunges, mandibles wide and ready to hurt me, please stay away-
It didn’t work, it didn’t- I squeeze my eyes shut and let a seed fly.
It lands smack in the middle of its eye with a goopy squelch sound and an angry squeal as it recoils, waving its pincers wildly. I back up and crawl away desperately as the baby Gohmas chase after me, kicking them off with my only good leg.
I’m not fast enough, though, because Gohma recovers and I can hear her stomping over here-
A claw smashes across my torso, pinning me down, and I choke on my own scream, IT HURTS, as blood pools in my mouth. I hear something crack and breathing gets painful, I’m broken, I can’t breathe- I spit out the blood in my mouth and writhe underneath her, smashing my fists on the shell of her claw. I pick up my slingshot from where it fell out of my hand and take aim again, shooting it into Gohma’s eye at point blank.  She screams and I take the opportunity to jab the pronged end of my slingshot into her eye.
Pus and clear, sticky liquid splashes onto my face as she recoils, making harsh, screeching noises, no, nonono, I don’t like this, I’m sorry. My slingshot gets pulled out of my hand, still in her eye, I’m sorry, and I can hear mucus splattering on the floor, oh god, I did this, as she screeches. I wrap my arms around my chest and hop away quickly, sobbing. I crash against the wall and use it as a support to get myself more stable.
Gohma writhes and screams from the center of the room, her babies swarming around her and I want to scream, I need Navi, please, please, I don’t want to die-
Her glowing eye momentarily lights up the gleaming, silver blade of the Kokiri Sword and I seize my opportunity. I limp over to it, ignoring how I can feel my damaged leg, it hurts, it HURTS, dragging along behind me and my ribs cracking and expanding with every breath.
Leaning down to pick it up ends up being a much harder task than I thought it would be. I collapse on the floor from the pain in my chest and legs, twisting. I look up quickly to see what Gohma is doing and- I’m safe, at least for now, because she’s still trying to get my slingshot out of her eye. I reach over to my sword with shaking, grasping fingers, and pic-
Mandibles clench around my torso and squeeze, I look into Gohma’s huge singular eye, glowing red and green, and I feel the jagged, sharp edges cut into my sides like teeth, It hurts, let me go, it hurts, please- I scramble for the sword, just managing to pick it up, and with a scream, stab it into the middle of her pupil. I twist my sword in her eye hard, ignoring the screams of the baby Gohmas behind her.
Bloody pus and mucus spews out, coating my sword and my arm. She roars and her jaw opens and I’m free, I’m free, but then she stumbles away, screeching and shrieking, before falling dead on the floor, fluid still leaking out of her blank eyes.
Her children crawl around her, chirping desperately, and I watch them, dazed, from my curled up position on the floor, bleeding and trying to just keep breathing. They place small, sad claws on Gohma’s, pull the sword out of her eye, nudge her with their soft green plumes, curl up in the groove of her soft underbelly. They wail and cry into the darkness of the cavern, eyes glowing and slicked with tears, vibrant colors turned dull.
It almost seems like they’re mourning.
Of course they are.
Their mother is dead.
And I’m the one who killed her.
I’m the bad guy.
((next chapter’s here))
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ask-number-seven · 8 years
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ask-number-seven · 8 years
Merry Christmas, Link and Navi!!
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Happy Holidays to you guys too!! I love you guys so much!!
“Happy Holidays!”
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