ask-slendermansion · 3 months
Been awhile, hasn’t it?
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Slender isn't so happy to see you again.
[It has been a while! And while Slender isn't so happy to see you I am!] [I've been gone since last summer due to a lot of school stress and since this blog isn't very big I didn't feel the need to post about it.] [Coming back now I'm doing it for fun and posts likely won't be especially consistent. The flower crown ask had a lot of drawings and time put into it so it took me a few days of drawing in free time and to relax to actually draw the post, while this one is only two and happened in about a sitting.] [All of this to say I'm happy to be back and you might see me now and then, happy to see some of you are still here!]
[And also I'd like to mention your interaction, Slender doesn't just find you annoying, you're making him worry, and you might need to ask around, if you want to find out why.]
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ask-slendermansion · 3 months
-Puts a flower crown on all of them- There ya go, now everyone has one!
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Sally likes hers!
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Smile did appreciate the flowers.
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Toby liked the flower crown, maybe too much.
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Ben's a bit busy.
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They don't mind the gift.
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ask-slendermansion · 1 year
BOOM COOKIES! (I give everyone cookies and hide on the ceiling)
EJ takes the cookies, "Thank you." he says before setting them down on the kitchen counter. Ben takes them without even looking away from his game. "Is there a reason you are giving these to me?" Jeff questions "Hell yeah! Cookies!" Toby says loudly as he takes them. He runs off to Cody to share them. As you hand the cookies to Jane she thanks you.
SK looks at them and slowly takes them. "What are these?" She asks. EJ walks over to the two of you, "It's a cookie. You eat it." He answers. SK hesitates before taking a bite. After a moment her eyes widen some and she smiles. "This tastes really good!"
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ask-slendermansion · 1 year
We’re just bullying Jeff because we can, kind of like: “What could go wrong?”
"He could hurt you," EJ says. "That's what could go wrong."
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ask-slendermansion · 1 year
who would answer the front door if someone unexpected were to knock?
"Usually whoever is in the living room at the moment will answer the door," EJ starts to explain. "If it's someone we don't know we take precautions, but the average human or creature can't find their way to the mansion without being killed by the creatures in the forest."
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ask-slendermansion · 1 year
Masky, guess what? -Gives him a a tiny doll of himself and runs off-
Masky looks down at the doll for a moment. "How the hell did you make this? Why did you make this?" He asks confused.
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ask-slendermansion · 1 year
(to answer Jeff's question)
Im your new friend, Jeff!
"Fuck off. I don't need any new friends." Jeff bites before walking off.
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ask-slendermansion · 1 year
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"Did Ben do this?"
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ask-slendermansion · 1 year
Alright, Jeff, you asked for it...
-takes a big blanket and wraps them up like a burrito, hugging them-
Jeff falls dizzy, and confused, "...What the Fuck are you!?"
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ask-slendermansion · 1 year
Slender, Jeff put me in the vegetable steamer for no reason..-
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ask-slendermansion · 1 year
That was a tight hug.. thank you.
"Of course, hugs are always nice." Toby says.
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ask-slendermansion · 1 year
Jeff, you need someone there for you, don’t lie.
-Pats his back and fluffs his hair-
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Jeff is not convinced.
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ask-slendermansion · 1 year
Ben doesn’t suffice! You’re more fucked up.
"Fuck off." Jeff growls.
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ask-slendermansion · 1 year
Notepad and pencil in hand: so Ben, how do you feel right now?
Ben doesn't look at you, keeping his attention on his game. "Fuck off will you? I'm not in the mood to be asked about my feelings. I'm trying to beat the boss."
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ask-slendermansion · 1 year
Toby, I’m sure both of us had a stressful day, I was wondering if I could have one tiny hug? You can murder me afterwards if you wish.
"A hug?" He questions for a moment before going over and hugging you tightly. "I can fulfill that request."
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ask-slendermansion · 1 year
Yes, we are therapists.
Jeff stares a minute, the goes to walk away. "Do Ben first."
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ask-slendermansion · 1 year
Jeff, why are you so violent? Even to those who genuinely care for you?
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"Why the hell are you shits bothering me? What are you therapists??"
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