been looking for undesirables art on tumblr for funsies and there is, with all 5 members in each post, a total of 10 posts and that is excluding my own art of them (which is an additional 3). there’s probably more out there, I’m just really bad at searching. though I did find a lot of art that is in context of undesirables and magic police that I’ve saved. hopefully I’ll discover more as time goes on. if there isn’t anymore I’ll do it myself and fill the undesirables tag. easy fix
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askyogsundesirables · 17 days
update - september 10th, 2024
it's been about a good few months since the announcement I made to start this blog anew, so it's appropriate I give y'all an update and let y'all know I didn't abandon this again... (this entire project has consumed my thoughts since early may)
last I mentioned I've only begun brainstorming a new storyline, though now I have a pretty clear outline how the plot will unravel. at the moment there are a few in-betweens I need to add as well as rewriting/adding more content for an arc; I am not liking how lackluster it feels and it's a very important arc. well it should be. kinda note to self here, make sure to research that thing involving the arc rewrite
as you've seen recently, I started working on revising the banner with, surprisingly, an improved art style. I'm also testing the process of drawing asks and how it will look for the askblog on my art blog, here, feel free to leave me some asks there! answering those asks are gonna take some time since I have work and school started recently and I'm slightly behind atm, hah. the process and art style are basically what I've done before with a few tweaks and hopefully more expression/pose diversity; I mainly wanna get used to the process again
once all the background stuff is taken care of I need to work on the technical stuff, which is mainly tediously retagging all the old posts, yay... I'm also binge watching as many yogs complete series related to the undesirables as I can since I pretty much forgot everything lol. so far I'm just about half way through flux buddies and that's only the tip of the iceberg to the collection of series I need to rewatch. ALSO I've never seen blood and chaos so that will be fun
I project the rerelease of askyogsundesirables to be sometime in early 2025? which is ironic since the first post was made back in early 2020. wouldn't it be funny I start the blog back up at the exact same date. if the demi-gods permit, we'll see
is it normal to think about songs related to projects you're working on before it's even release? there's one song that I'm currently rotating in my brain
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askyogsundesirables · 20 days
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hey remember that one sketch I mentioned the other day, well it’s here!! compared to the old banner on @askyogsundesirables I’m impressed how much I’ve improved. hopefully I’ll finish the banner up in a few weeks time and have it replace the old one
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askyogsundesirables · 1 month
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the little mages
I shouldn’t be doing this since I gotta focus on pride and artfight stuff but redesigns are so fun, specifically these are askblog redesigns teehee
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askyogsundesirables · 5 months
after four years of silence I think it's time to bring this baby back to life. however, I'm gonna go back to the beginning with a new story. I think it's best since this blog has been inactive for so long and I created the askblog immaturely since I rushed a lot of my prep to jump on the trend at the time, from my point of view it had a very shallow plot. this revival will have a much more satisfying and deeper story than the one I originally created years ago, I hope.
of course there will be some changes, though some things will remain in terms of some of the plot and the state of the blog. what will change story wise is, well technically 'remain', rythian will be the sole main character of the story for sake of consistency and I forgot how to write in the other undesirables' mannerism... perhaps later on you may see the other cast of the undesirables pop in. what will stay is a few key points that will be recycled for the new story. for the blog, an update on the banner and profile, as well as the art style since I've had years of improvement lol. however, what will stay is the old posts because I love them so much I can't get rid of it. I'm gonna spend some time, after writing the story, retagging the old posts to separate the old story to the new one.
I do not have a release date in mind just yet since I have other projects I should be prioritizing first and that I just came to terms with redoing the whole thing(which I don't usually do in general). I've just begun brainstorming, as of yesterday... so for now enjoy this little update as this is a little treat to myself and hopefully for you guys as well
- melon
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omg @askyogsundesirables in my 2023?!?!
had this locked away in my drafts for years,,,,
I been tempted to bring back my ask blog recently, seeing some ask blogs pop up again that inspired me to do the same. though first I have to write more lore,, haha writing I love it,,
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askyogsundesirables · 5 years
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There stood a wolf
Alone, howling to the skies above.
His cries shook the trees surrounding him, stretching for thousands of blocks
Waiting to be heard.
The wolf sat under a tree that bore red berries while delicate rays of light kept him warm.
He was terrified stray away from the tree.
Terrified to discover what lays in the shadows.
Terrified to disobey.
But his sorrows were not in vain.
It reached the ears of those trapped within the strange forest.
One rested under a great oak tree, recovering from his travels.
The other cooped up in a tower while nose deep in his studies.
Both astonished by the wolf’s deafening cry
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askyogsundesirables · 5 years
thats subjective, and honestly most of it really did sound like 'because i said so'
D: Ok yes, I’ll admit most of it did sound subjective.
D: Now excuse me I have to drop off the Mage’s gift before he gets too attached to me.
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askyogsundesirables · 5 years
Finally a decent reason
D: All the other reasons I threw at you all are just as good as what I explained recently.
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askyogsundesirables · 5 years
Give the pubby belly rubs from us!!!
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D: He’s so fluffy...
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askyogsundesirables · 5 years
That dog seems... Familiar?
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D: Well, if my alternate self created a puppy, I would create something similar, right?
OOC: I coincidentally envisioned what the puppy would look like at the same time as @ask-cornerstone, which we find funny. But, I have reasons as to why this pupper looks like this, which will be revealed soon.
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askyogsundesirables · 5 years
Was Dave making something? What is he making?
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D: It’s the dog one of you requested me to give to the Mage.
D: So here he is. Now all I have to do now is drop the dog off to him. Gah, I just created him but he’s so affectionate.
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askyogsundesirables · 5 years
I think this is all misdirection you keep talking up this villain but not telling us about them while talking up yourself as powerful and right you say you have to keep Rythian isolated for the greater good without every explaining why, Rythians got a martyr streak if you just told him actual solid reasons he’d likely agree with you but you don’t seem to have any! The only greatly powerful being using Rythian to further there own ends is you, and you’re just trying to shift blame to distract us
D: Ok, fine! I’ll tell you all why I’ve kept the Ender Mage in isolation since you can’t accept what I’ve given you as an explanation.
D: There are abilities I am granted as a god, some favorable than others while some I see as curses. One of them being able to see a glimpse of a possible future. Well, a person’s future. It usually consists of colors, objects, and the other senses, the scenes I get to envision only last for a second each. 
D: But Rythian’s future was vivid, clearer than most. I can’t get into specifics at the moment but it showed he was apart of a bigger picture. It led to the world shifting drastically.
D: You have to understand I’m trying to change the course of the future to avoid what may happen. Keeping him in isolation was the best option I had to give me time to find the true villain behind all of this and prevent the visions I saw. It was either that or I remove Rythian from this world, completely. And I don’t think any of you would like that.
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askyogsundesirables · 5 years
for the record its not a matter of 'getting it' its a manner of 'caring about it'
D: I do care about it! I care about what’s going on and what I’m doing that effects others. If I don’t give a damn, the world will fall apart.
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askyogsundesirables · 5 years
did someone say jump to conclusions? my moneys on the enderdragon, rythians weird ass not mom but totally mom even if crappy mom is a big bad after all!
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D: Yes the Enderdragon has played a role by transporting the Ender Mage here, but I believe it’s unlikely it’s her.
D: The Queen thinks she can use him again for her schemes while he is in a fit of rage and desperation, though he has severed his connection with her long ago. I doubt he will turn to her for aid.
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askyogsundesirables · 5 years
Hey whats parv up to?
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P: Just giving blood
P: There’s a new blood orb that needed to be filled. Saving it for a bigger project later down the line
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askyogsundesirables · 5 years
Soooooo is there any reason you’re not explaining this “overworldly big bad” to the rest of the class
D: Well, I’m not entirely sure who is the mastermind behind all of this. However, I do not want to reveal who I think it is so you all do not jump to conclusions.
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