asmodeusoncrack-blog 4 years
MC:*Hanging with the other brothers*
Mammon: Lucifer how are you okay with MC doing this?? They're half naked! It makes everyone look bad!!
Lucifer done with his shit: Mammon who let you back in the house?
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asmodeusoncrack-blog 4 years
How you become the demon brothers friend
饾懗饾挅饾拕饾拪饾拠饾拞饾挀 饾懘饾拹饾挀饾拸饾拪饾拸饾拡饾挃饾挄饾拏饾挀 (饾挃饾拹饾挀饾挀饾挌 饾懓 饾拫饾挅饾挃饾挄 饾拤饾拏饾拝 饾挄饾拹 饾挀饾拞饾拠饾挀饾拞饾拸饾拕饾拞 饾拪饾挄
You usually hung out with Mammon or Asmo but today you hung out with Lucifer, He didn't think much of it at first. You usually annoyed him with questions and stuff about random shit, Today you were afraid he didn't wanna be your friend so you decided to ask him "Luci..fer?" You squeaked out terrified you annoyed him, He groaned "Yes Y/N?" He asked in his somber voice. You smiled "Are we..friends?" You asked and he looked quite shocked "Yeah we are I mean if we weren't I would've fed you to Cerberus by now" He chuckled
You and Mammon were pretty close, You both never left eachothers side. He had hidden feelings for you but he didn't wanna admit it, You felt like he didn't truly wanna be your friend so you decided to ask him "Mammon..?" You tapped his shoulder and he flung around with his usual grin. "Whats up Y/N?" He said with a pink tint to his face "Are we friends..?" As soon as you asked that you were pulled into a tight hug "Yes we are! I don't hang out with no good idiots Ya know!?" He laughed and gave a goofy grin.
You and Levi were pretty close, You watched Anime together and played games together. He was like your best friend (To Mammons Dismay) And you adored him, You wanted to know if he was your friend so you thought 'why not go up to his door?' And you left Belphie asleep on the couch and went to Levi's door and knocked "Levi..?" Your somber tone made him yell "Who is it!?" And you jolted slightly "Y/N!" And with that a shuffle was heard and he flung you into his room "I don't want my brothers knowing I hang out with a normie!" He said with a giggle "Anyway! Whaddya want Y/N?" He said as he ruffled your hair (assuming your short) "Are we..Friends?" With that he pulled you into a tight hug "Yes we are..Your my best friend Y/N!" He said "Why..? Do you not think we're friends?" He asked and looked sad "No no! I was just thinking you hated me!" He then lit up "Well then tell yourself that Leviachan doesn't hate you! Wanna watch Anime together?" He asked with a smile "Sure!" You said and giggled "Oooh how about F/A (favourite Anime) I know you like it!" He said and you lit up "Yes! I love A/P's battle against A/V!" (A/P: Anime Protagonist and A/V anime villian) You said with a giggle.
You and Satan usually hung out together, He was your favourite brother and you honestly loved him secretly but never told a soul. You and him were in the library when you let your thoughts slip "I wonder if Satan really is my friend.." You asked aloud and Satan heard "Y/N we are friends. What makes you think otherwise?" He asked with a sad tone, You walked up to him "Just.. Anxiety" you said as he nodded "Humans get that a lot don't they?" You nodded and he smiled "Well wanna read F/B? (favourite book not Facebook) you can sit on my lap if you'd like" He offered with a blush tinting his cheeks, You nodded and sat on his lap with a small smile and soon you fell asleep on his lap. (Mammon yells and kicks door down like "BITCH GIMME Y/N OR I WILL KILL YOU")
饾懆饾挃饾拵饾拹饾拝饾拞饾挅饾挃 (饾拵饾拞! :饾懌)
Asmo and you usually hung out together spreading gossip or doing mini fashion shoots, You and him were pretty close. He knew every way to make Mammon Jealous while with you, He knew just by kissing your neck all of them would be jealous. (Yes even Belphie now shhh) You felt like he wasn't your friend so you knocked on his door "Asmo dear..?" You asked as he smiled on the other side "Y/N doll! Come in Come in!" He said while beckoning you inside. He was laying on his bed Gossip girl style "Whats wrong darling?" He asked as you sat next to him laying your head on his lap "Are we friends?" You asked and he pulled you up to face him "We are love! What makes you think otherwise?" He asked quite concerned "Oh just..my Anxiety.." You said as he kissed you on the cheek "Doll your my best friend! Don't ever forget that!"
饾懇饾拞饾拞饾拲饾挍饾拞饾拑饾挅饾拑 饾拏饾拸饾拝 饾懇饾拞饾拲饾拺饾拤饾拞饾拡饾拹饾挀
You Beel and Belphie were close, Extremely close. You'd raid the fridge with Beel and nap with Belphie, You'd be the one to comfort them when they cry about Lilith. You'd be the one to take their punishments from Lucifer for them, You felt like they didn't care about you truly so you asked them "Are we..friends?" Your voice sounded somber and sad, They tackled you into a hug and said at the same time "We are friends Y/N!!" You felt relieved
A/N: sorry if this isn't canon I just can't write canon anything. I legit cannot
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asmodeusoncrack-blog 4 years
Mammon:*does literally anything*
the 6 other brothers: oh no its retarded
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asmodeusoncrack-blog 4 years
Mammon doesn't come
*Mammon busts the door down in his demon form* WHO SUMMONED ME
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asmodeusoncrack-blog 4 years
Asmo: Bonjour amour ~
Mammon:I don't speak Despacito
Lucifer:*walks into room* 1 that's french 2 ITS SPANISH!
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