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Everyone: *Have been stuck in the 60’s for years thinking that all of their siblings were dead*
You would not believe the week I’ve had!
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astrologicalwarrior · 12 days
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oh uh. scuse me. just a lil snail crossing your dash
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astrologicalwarrior · 13 days
The Genesis Series
chapter one
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Genesis walked next to her sister, surveying her new surroundings. Westfield High was what you expected a west coast high school would look like. Genesis was not impressed, considering the fact that she was previously in an art school before coming here, so this was complete bullshit. To make things even better it was her senior year. She looked down at the black watch that was on her wrist, 1:35. Sighing she turned to her sister,
"I got class on the other side in a few, I'll see you later."
Violet nodded simply saying cool before Genesis took a right and tried to remember where the hell room 107 was for AP Biology. Her long blue flower patterned skirt swished around her legs as she continued to walk forward, luckily she had a few minutes to get to class, if she ever found it. Another minute had passed before she decided so was just better off asking someone where the class was then trying to guess. Genesis sighed before turning, she intended to go to the main office and ask for help when she heard a voice call out to her. 
"Yo new girl, you lost?" 
Genesis turned her head to look behind her and her green eyes met a pair of hazel ones.
"Is it that easy to tell?"
The boy in front of her chuckled slightly, his dark curls bounced slightly as he did. He took a couple steps forward till he was a few feet in front of her. He was smiling as he looked at her. 
"I'm Alex."
She continued to take him in. He was at least six inches taller than her. His eyes were scanning her face while he waited for a response. 
"Should I just keep calling you new girl or?" He was tilting his head now as he looked at her. 
"I'm Genesis," She finally returned his smile "I'm looking for room 107, Biology"
"Well luckily you ran into me, I'm heading that way too," He took another step forward.
"Lucky me" 
Genesis walked out of her biology class with Alex next to her. They had ended up becoming lab partners. Although they had only spent 42 minutes together she could see herself becoming very good friends with him. Together they walked into the courtyard, he had told her that she had to meet up with her sister and he had offered them a ride. 
"You're a total hippie," Alex laughed as he shoved her lightly.
"Bullshit, don't spread lies." Genesis grinned, he was completely right. Genesis knew that's who she was deep down. Alex smiled down at her about to respond when they heard some yelling.
"What the hell is wrong with you? People sit here, they eat here!" 
"Jesus fuck that sounds like Leah." groaned Alex.
"Who's Leah?" Genesis asked as she looked around for her sister.
"Honestly she's my best friend's sister so I shouldn't say this but she sucks." Alex sighed as he pointed to a tall brunette. 
When Genesis looked over at the girl Alex was pointed to she noticed that she was yelling at a smaller blonde that seemed to be wearing the same outfit Violet was today. Genesis walked a bit to the blonde and she was right, it was Violet. Alex trailed behind her as she walked over to her sister. Once she saw Leah bend down to pick up the cigarette and hold it in Violet's face.
"Eat it" Leah demanded, "Eat it or I'm gonna kick the shit out of you." She threatened.
"Whoa what the fuck is wrong with you?" She exclaimed as she pulled Violet slightly behind her.
"Leah what the fuck?" Alex asked from next to her. 
Genesis placed a hand on her sister's upper arm before taking a step away from Leah. She was confused and if she was honest slightly freaked out. 
"Come on, Leah, that's enough," Abby said, trying to pull Leah back.
"No, no, no, I want to see her eat it," Leah said. She was not leaving until Violet ate the cigarette. She was furious. SheTries to reach for Violet again before she gets her hand slapped away by Genesis.
"She isn't going to eat it, cut it the fuck out," Genesis said
"Eat it," Leah said forcefully "Eat it!"
"Leah, seriously, She's like 12 and 13," Becca said. She didn't want to see anything happen. The girl, Violet,  did not know, it was not her fault that she was new. Yes, Leah did have a reason to be upset but she did say sorry.
Leah steps forward and tries to force the cigarette into Violet's mouth, but Violet spits at her and Genesis pushes Leah back away from her sister before turning and walking towards her car with Violet.
"You are dead!" She could hear Leah scream in the background, "You are dead!"
"Yeah fuck off."
Ben clicked his pen once as he stared at the young man in front of him, Tate. Tate was tall, handsome, and charismatic, he could be a cult leader or a movie star, and he had blonde hair and extremely dark eyes. 
"So, Tate," Ben started, "These fantasies started two years ago, three years ago, when?"
"Two years ago." Tate answered, "It's always the same. It starts the same way."
"How? Tell me." Ben said interested.
"I prepare for the noble war." Tate smiled slightly.
A tattooed Tate walking down a school's corridor wearing a trench coat and holding a duffel bag, students turned to look at him but he didn't care. He was on a mission and he wouldn't stop until he was done.
"I'm calm," He continued to say, "I know the secret, I know what's coming, and I know no one can stop me, including myself."
"Do you target people who have been mean to you or unkind?" Ben asked, trying to figure out why the teen would have these dreams. Little did Ben know they were not dreams, they were a reality.
"I kill people I like," Tate answered unconcernedly.
Tate enters a studying room. All the students raise their head to look at the strange teenage boy that just entered the room.
"Can I help you?" The teacher asked.
"Some of them beg for their life." Tate smirked angrily "I don't feel sad. I don't feel anything." Tate glared a bit at the ground, "It's a filthy world we live in. It's a filthy goddamn helpless world, and honestly, I feel like I'm helping to take them away from the shit and the piss and the vomit that run in the streets. I'm helping to take them somewhere clean and kind. There's something about all that blood, man."
    Genesis sat on her bed, Fourth of July by Sufjan Stevens played softly in the background. In front of her was her rolling tray, lighter, grinder, and her weed. She knew Ben was busy with a new patient, Her mom was out looking for some local activities, and Violet was god knows where. It was the perfect time for her to relax and smoke. The last week has been overwhelming. The move, leaving all her friends, the new school, and fucking Leah. She was exhausted.
"I drown in it." Tate continued, "The Indians believed that blood holds all the bad spirits, and once a month in ceremonies they would cut themselves to let the spirits go free." Tate looked up at Ben slowly, he smiled peacefully. "There's something smart about that, very smart. I like that."
Tate looks behind Ben and sees himself standing behind Ben, blood running down his head.
"You think I'm crazy?" He asks looking into Ben's light eyes, daring him to say he was.
"No. I think you're creative. And I think you have a lot of pain you're not dealing with." Ben answered.
"My mother's probably worried about me, right?' Tate said sarcastically but Ben did not notice.
"I'm sure she is."
"She's a cocksucker." Tate said suddenly, "I mean, literally, a cocksucker. She used to suck the guy off next-door, all the time. My dad found out, and he left. He left me alone with a cocksucker. Can you imagine? How sick is that?" he said resentfully.
"I've heard a lot worse," Ben said calmly.
"Cool. Can you tell me some? I like stories." Tate smirked as he crossed his legs.
"No. I can't." Ben said. He would not tell an already damaged boy about his damaged patients, it might give the teens ideas.
"The world is a filthy place." Tate started up again, "It's a filthy goddamn horror show. There's so much pain, you know? There's so much." Tate shook his head slowly.
Genesis sat on her window ledge. She had finished smoking her joint and now had a small bong in between her lap, music still played softly in the background. The sunrays brushed lightly on her forehead and over her lips. Her mind was filled with a comforting silence, for once not racing. 
"You know if you want to be more discreet you might want to close the door" She heard behind her. She turned around to see the same blonde from before.
Tate watched as her glossy eyes landed on him. The sun that streaked across her face made her dark forest green eyes look grassy in color. His name left her lips in a whisper as if she would break the spell of her high if she spoke any louder. Tate decided that she looked beautiful like this, completely relaxed bathing in the sunlight. He wondered if he should tell her, warn her about the darkness that lurks in every corner and hallway of this house. When she asks him to stay and sit with her he decides against telling her. He knows that if he does then the light almost entranced look in her eyes would disappear. As he stepped further into the room and closed the door behind him he hoped she would never find out the truth about him.
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astrologicalwarrior · 14 days
We need mean!reader, angry!reader, misunderstood!reader, creepy!reader, gross!reader, toxic!reader, nonforgiving!reader, selfish!reader, narcissistic!reader, dark!reader, FEDUP!reader. That bitch is way too nice, passive, and sensible. ✋🏾😂
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astrologicalwarrior · 14 days
“english isn’t my first langua—“ say no more.
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astrologicalwarrior · 20 days
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51 years ago today two vampires ruined a twink journalist’s life
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astrologicalwarrior · 25 days
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cannot stop thinking about this tweet actually
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astrologicalwarrior · 28 days
As a writer I need everyone to know that whenever I write "exchanged glances" my intent is this
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astrologicalwarrior · 28 days
The Genesis Series
Series Masterlist
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'This is fucking stupid,' she typed out the message to her good friend Madison as she sat in the back seat of the SUV, 'I can't believe they're really doing this.' Genesis huffed angrily as she hit send and stuffed her phone back in her pocket. Her left leg was slowly but surely cramping up after spending a few hours in the car. In reality, it was an absolutely beautiful day, fluffy white clouds decorated the bright blue sky, The sun was illuminating everything it touched. Usually, Genesis would crave days like this. Days where she could spend hours just sitting outside, feeling the grass between her toes, her arms spread slightly above her as she laid back. Today, however, could get fucked.
As she leaned back in her seat her murky green eyes looked at her companions in the car with her. In the driver's seat sat her father, Ben Harmon. Her father used to be one of her favorite people in the world, and even though he wasn't perfect that never bothered her. It was the fact that he used to try to actively be in her life. That was before he was caught balls deep in some college brunette only a few years older than her. Gross.
Genesis scrunched up her nose at the thought before her eyes landed on the passenger seat where her mother, Vivien Harmon, sat. In Genesis's eyes, her mother was one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen, both inside and out. She had long wavy strawberry blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. She was Genesis's biggest support when it came to art and music. She taught her how to be strong and powerful. 
Now, however, in Genesis' eyes, her mother was weak for staying with a man like Ben.
Genesis' eyes had just landed on her younger sister when she heard her father speak.
"Isn't it beautiful?" Ben said, trying to start a conversation.
"The light is different out here. It's softer." Vivien said.
"It's called smog." Violet retorted.
Genesis smirked and shook her head, not surprised at her sister's attempt to break the moment.
"You should be excited, Vi." Ben, their father, started, "You can stop sneaking cigarettes and just start taking deep breaths," Ben turned his attention to his other child, "and you Gen, no more sneaking out."
Genesis frowned; she did not want to be included in this conversation with him.
"Sure" Genesis sighed.
She turned her head to look out the window. The trees whizzed by as they drove. She turned back to her parents.
"I need to go to the bathroom," Violet said.
A small smirk slipped onto her lips. She knew Violet did not have to use the bathroom and just wanted to escape the car.
"We're almost there. " Ben said
"I need to go to the bathroom," Violet said again.
' "Vi, it's a freeway." Ben tried to joke, "Really, where do you want me to pull over? Maybe the Honda next to us has a bathroom or something."
"Bet if the baby had to shit, you'd find somewhere." Violet shot back quickly.
"Really? Vi, you girls know I hate that word unless I'm saying it." Vivien said.
"Shit" mumbled Genesis.
Violet turns and grins at hers at her before focusing back on the issue at hand. 
"Why did we name you Genesis again? We should have picked something darker." Vivien told her more outspoken daughter.
"I'm really glad we named you Violet, instead of our second choice," Ben said smiling.
"Which was?" Violet asked.
"Sunshine," Vivien said
They all start chuckling; Genesis shook her head and laid her head against the window.
"It's funny. Come on, you gotta admit it's funny." Ben said while chuckling.
They all kind of crack up again, a fleeting moment of family togetherness, Ben shares a smile with his wife, He hoped he could fix his mistake, fix his family. He reaches out his hand to hold hers, but she pulls it away and looks away from him. It's still too soon.
Genesis blinked as she looked around the bedroom she was in. Her family was downstairs following the realtor, Marcy, around as she showed them from room to room. Genesis had snuck away to look at her potential new home and bedroom. It was light blue with an arch in the middle of it. She was surprised that she didn't hate it. She could admit that the room had the potential to become a space she could really enjoy. To be fair she loved her last room too and look where she is now.
Fucking Ben and his unfaithful dick.
Genesis sighed as she slowly spun around to look at the room. God she would give anything to be in her pale yellow room that was filled end to end with plants and paintings. Instead, here she was in fucking LA out of all places.
"Hey" She heard a male voice behind her. 
She spun around to face the voice to see a tall blonde leaning against the door frame. His hair was wavy and fell right above his eyes. He was wearing a striped green sweater and dark jeans. He had his hands shoved into the front pocket of his jeans. Overall he looked comfortable leaning against the frame. 
Like he wasn't a stranger that snuck up on her.
"Hey," She said slowly, "Who are you?"
"Oh, I live next door." He shrugged casually.
"Cool Cool." She stayed silent for a few seconds before speaking again, "What exactly are you doing here?"
"This place has been empty for a while so I like to hang around." He answered back.
It wasn't a crazy reason to be in a vacant house. Hell she herself had snuck into a few FOR SALE homes to relax and smoke. Before she had the chance to respond she could hear her mother calling her name.
"I gotta go, maybe I'll see you around." she smiled at the boy.
"Maybe," He smiled back. "Hey, what's your name?"
"I'm Tate."
**not my gif! I found it on Google so if anyone knows who’s it is please let me know so I can credit them**
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astrologicalwarrior · 1 month
I have a billion stories I want to write by my fingers do not type at the speed I need them too. Why can’t I just think and they’re done. I also hate writing the beginning of stories I just wanna get to the juicy bits already
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astrologicalwarrior · 1 month
The Genesis Series
I'm sorry.
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Her vision was blurred as she sat up against the wall. How did everything get so fucked up? She thought to herself as she tightened her grip on the white blanket in her lap. Her limbs ached and begged for her to stretch, to move, but she couldn't. She felt safe on her closet floor, the outside world was not real in here. She wasn't dead in here.
She looked at the dirty blond that sat across from her. He had his knees up to his chest, his arms were wrapped tightly around his legs. He wasn't looking at her, he just couldn't, not with her tear-stained cheeks and red misty eyes. He couldn't look at the way her mouth would flutter open as if to say something only just to snap close. She hates me his arms tightened around his legs once the thought races through his head.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Her voice, barely a whisper, cracks as she asks him. She watches the way the mop of curls on his head bounces as he snaps up to look at her.
"I-" He goes to answer but it gets caught in his throat once he meets her eyes.
"Why?" She asks again after a few minutes of silence pass by.
He watches as her eyes narrow never breaking contact with his. He didn't know what to say to her. How to even begin to explain. He felt the thick tension in the air shift from despair to rage.
"Why?" He can practically see the venom dripping from that single would she spat at him.
"Answer me!" He flinched when her voice raises from a whisper suddenly. He can feel her rage tingling under his sink. It sits there hot and heavy and his eyes sting. He knew nothing he could say would make it better.
When he doesn't answer her she feels herself get hot. The small closet no longer felt safe, not when he was in it. Not after everything that has happened. She had to get away.
"I'm sorry." He whispers out to her as she suddenly sprang up and yanked the closet door open. He knew sorry wouldn't change anything.
She was still dead either way.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Coming soon…
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astrologicalwarrior · 1 month
The Valeria Series
On April 12, 2001, at 1:32 AM, 19-year-old Diana Adams water broke. Now at 19 years old, she was anything but ready to become a mother. Her pregnancy was a complete accident if she was being honest. She had just turned 18 and had started seeing some guy she had met at a party. He was so different from her usual type. His arm was decorated in a rainbow of color, from his wrist to his shoulder. The glint of the hoop jewelry on his nose. The way the smoke slowly escaped the slight gap of his lips. That wasn't what she went for. The guys she liked were clean-cut. No tattoos, no piercings. They didn't smoke. They didn't go to parties like this. She couldn't help it though. He was beautiful.
She remembered walking up to him. He looked up at her and when he smiled at her. Fuck. She was hooked. After the party she would see him a handful of times. It was never anything serious, he was 22 and she was just 18. They would meet up, hang out, and hook up. Then she found out she was pregnant.
She couldn't tell her family who the father was. She waited so long to even tell them she was pregnant. They were devastated. She was devastated. All she knew was she couldn't keep this baby.
14 hours of painful labor later, Valeria was born. Diana didn't name her at this point yet. She did not want this baby. When the nurse handed her the baby wrapped up in the small pink blanket, she felt nothing. If she kept this kid her life would be over.
Three days later, Diana stood outside a small 1 story home clenching the handle of a car seat. Her eyes shifted to the car seat. Inside it sat the newborn fast asleep. She would be fine. He was her father after all. Diana took a deep breath before quickly walking up the few steps to the porch. She quickly sat the car seat down in front of the door. She also took the baby bag off her shoulder and sat it down next to the seat. Sighing she turned around and pulled out her phone before heading down the steps. She knew he was home. She saw his car in the driveway.
I can't keep her. She's your kid too. She's outside. She typed out quickly before she locked her phone and unlocked her car door.
She couldn't keep this kid. She thought to herself again before pulling off.
It was 3:26 PM when Elijah Rivera received that message.
"What the fuck" he muttered to himself before standing up.
He quickly pressed the call button and waited for a few rings before she picked up the phone.
"Yo, what the fuck are you talking about? Whose outside?" He asked as soon as he heard her pick up. He continues the quick journey to the front door.
"I-" Diana sighed, "Look I was pregnant."
No fucking way. His brain froze.
"I can't raise a kid. You're her father. You can take a DNA test if you want but you are her father. I just can't." She hung up.
What the fuck.
He tried calling her a few more times. Nothing. The last 3 times he called the phone didn't even ring. She blocked him.
When he made it to the front door he yanked it open and saw nothing. Till he looked down. There she sat in a small gray car seat. She was still wrapped up in that hospital blanket they give you when you're discharged.
"There's no way." He whispered, eyes wide.
She was small. The smallest thing that he has ever seen. She had a tuff of curls sitting on her tinny head. His small eyelashes rested on her little pink cheeks as she slept. He slowly bent down and wrapped a shaking hand around the handle of the seat, his other hand picking up the baby bag. As he shut the door the small slam had woken the sleeping infant. He heard her sniffle a few times till he heard her first cry.
"No no no" Elijah quickly exclaimed and rushed over to the couch. He sat down and unstated the baby and picked her up. He rocked her softly as he spoke.
"Hey" he cooed "It's okay. It's okay. Daddy's here it's okay."
It took a week for Elijah to get the DNA results. This was in fact his child.
It took two weeks after that for Elijah to name the infant and get her birth certificate.
Valeria Rivera.
It took 7 years for Elijah to save enough money to be able to move himself and Valeria from crime-filled Compton to safer East Highland.
It took Valeria 23 minutes to burn it all down.
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
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astrologicalwarrior · 1 month
The Umbrella Academy
The Wanderer Series
coming soon...
On October 1st, 1989, Anabell Nicholson woke up feeling the same as she always did. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, the sun was shining as it always did. The leaves swayed in the wind as usual. It was a normal Sunday, so Anabell proceeded to her routine as usual. She stood and walked to the bathroom to get ready for her day. Anabell took the same path she always did to church. She entered the same church she always did. She praised the Lord with same devotion as usual. At 11:58 AM she stood as always to approach the front. At 11:59 AM she turned to face her priest as usual. At 12:00 PM she dropped to the floor clutching her now round belly in pain. Now that was unusual.  On October 1st 1989, Tabitha took her first breath and screamed.                          Since the she’s never stopped.
The Valeria Series
Valeria had become accustomed to the tingle of anger that constantly buzzed right below her skin. She has become one with the blinding white hatred that would take over her life but one day it had felt like a volcano had finally erupted. Instead of the light tingle of anger that occurred every time she was even slightly irritated, she was consumed with contestant aggression. She would lash out at everyone who even looked at her the wrong way, she would destroy her room from fits, she would be left breathless and overwhelmed with the constant burning heat of hate in her heart.
American Horror Story
Murder House
The Genesis Series
Tate watched as her glossy eyes landed on him. The sun that streaked across her face made her dark forest green eyes look grassy in color. His name left her lips in a whisper as if she would break the spell of her high if she spoke any louder. Tate decided that she looked beautiful like this, completely relaxed bathing in the sunlight. He wondered if he should tell her, warn her about the darkness that lurks in every corner and hallway of this house. When she asks him to stay and sit with her he decides against telling her. He knows that if he does then the light almost entranced look in her eyes would disappear. As he stepped further into the room and closed the door behind him he hoped she would never find out the truth about him.
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astrologicalwarrior · 1 month
The Wanderer Series
On the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began. Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer,  resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible.
He got seven of them.
On October 1st, 1989, Anabell Nicholson woke up feeling the same as she always did. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, the sun was shining as it always did. The leaves swayed in the wind as usual. It was a normal Sunday, so Anabell proceeded to her routine as usual. She stretched before swinging her legs over the edge of the bed. She stood and walked to the bathroom to get ready for her day.  Anabell took the same path she always did to church. She entered the same church she always did. She praised the Lord with the same devotion as usual. At 11:58 AM she stood as always to approach the front. At 11:59 she turned to face the priest as usual. At 12:00 PM she dropped to the floor clutching her now round belly in pain. Now that was unusual.
 On October 1st 1989, Tabitha took her first breath and screamed. 
Since then she never stopped.
Since the day she was born, Tabitha’s mother knew there was something different about her. For starters, the fact that Tabitha was even born was unbelievable and quite frankly, impossible. As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Anabelle firmly believed in no sex before marriage, so imagine her surprise when in the middle of Sunday's sacrament she gave birth to a baby girl with bright blue eyes. 
It’s not that Anabell did not want to be a mother, she just did not plan to be a 21 year old unmarried virgin mother but she believed that this was God’s will. So when an older gentleman named Sir Reginald Hargreeves offered her thousands of dollars for her child, she declined. The thought of selling her miracle child that the Lord blessed her with seemed like an ultimate disrespect. Instead she decided to raise the young girl, with the help of her church, to be a good God fearing woman. 
She tried her best. Lord she really did but when Tabitha hit the age of 4 and her eyes started to glow she started to question if this child was really a gift from God or a curse from the Devil himself. She tried to ignore the gold glow of her eyes, she tried to rationalize when that same glow started to appear on the young girl's hand. She could not ignore when that same glow appeared in others eyes when Tabitha was around, how those that were affected by the same glow that Tabitha possessed would then seem to be under Tabitha’s command. She did the only thing she could think of to help her child. She called a priest.
Tabitha remembers the day she turned 9 like it happened yesterday. She remembers the feel of the rope around her wrist and ankles. The way her drenched hair was plastered to her forehead after the priest threw the holy water. The way she screamed for her mother while he yelled at her in a language she did not understand. She remembered how dry her mouth was, the way that her bones ached from being kept in the same position for days. She remembers the relife she felt once she was released. At 16 she finds herself in the same predicament except this time, she snaps.
coming soon...
nothing yet...
nothing yet...
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astrologicalwarrior · 1 month
Request Something!
Guys!!! The writing bug has bit me in the ass and I want to start writing again!!! Please send request! Check out my little prompt list too if you like!
I write smut, angst, fluff, AU, OC and Y/N.
Check out my rules and fandoms too! If you don't see a fandom you like don't be afraid to ask maybe I'm in it!!!
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astrologicalwarrior · 1 month
me when I reach the angst part of the angsty fic that I specifically chose for the angst
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