astromilku · 3 years
B4 The Flight
Summary: You arrive at Jotunheim and discover a snake in the grass.
Pairing: Rick Flag x reader
Word count: 5.2k
Warnings: Violence, death, blood, swearing, mention of past trauma, angst angst angst (i cannot stress enough how much angst there is)
A/N: Sorry for the wait, but here’s the last part of Worldwide Torture! Get ready to be in your feels >:)
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The elevator dinged as the button labeled ‘Dirty Little Secrets’ lit up.
What looked like several layers of metal doors slid apart as the elevator opened. Rick stood at the front of the group, shotgun raised and eyes alert. Sebastian started squealing, digging his tiny claws into the shoulder of Cleo’s jacket. Your stomach filled with dread. You got the sense that something wasn’t right.
Rick stepped out first. You followed closely behind, clinging to the back of his shirt. The hairs on the back of your neck stood on edge as you crept forward down the long, cement hallway. There were no windows to light your way, only the fluorescent lights overhead. You shivered involuntarily at the drop in temperature.
You heard a low growling like the rumble of thunder before you turned the corner. You froze in your tracks, horror seizing your limbs at the sight in front of you.
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astromilku · 3 years
no but where is all the hype for shang chi????? ive seen people talk more about mcu side characters than i have for shang chi ffs.
reblog if you have seen shang chi and think that this piece of art deserves all the hype in the world
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astromilku · 3 years
I think it’s really crazy how Shang Chi”s success became so important that it literally saved Venom 2, and quite possibly No way home and eternals, from being pushed back in release dates.
Shang Chi literally saved cinema.
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astromilku · 3 years
Wenwu and Yingli are obviously very much alive in another universe (thanks to the multiverse)
they are. they have a lovely beach front property in singapore where they're enjoying their retirement. wenwu fusses about his hair slowly greying while yingli reassures him he still looks as handsome as the first day she met him outside ta-lo.
they skype with their kids at night — shang chi is in san francisco still parking cars to make rent while xialing's taken over her father's business and is based closer to them in hong kong and sometimes in macau; they see her at least once a month. she's turned the ten rings into a legit conglomerate with diversified business interests. but she still runs her underground fighting ring where even some of the young superheroes show up from time to time to practice. it's her baby and it's 100% self-sustaining.
ying li drops hints to her kids about marriage and grandkids while wenwu is just exasperated that his first born is still living in a 1br & parking cars for a living. "look at your sister, look what she has done with her life, and you're still parking cars for other people," he'd complain. shang chi would try, only half-heartedly, to explain to him that being an avenger and saving the world pretty much takes up 90% of his time and there's no way he has the energy left for law school or med school or whatever it is that wenwu expects.
after they hang up, ying li tells him over dinner to stop fussing so much, that the kids are grown up, and they are going to be all right. wenwu goes to bed thinking the matter has been put to rest until ying li wakes him up in the middle of the night and says let's go and surprise shang chi.
(if you're asian and you live away from your parents, let me tell you, them showing up unannounced is always a surprise all right, just not the kind that you'd be hoping for 😂)
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astromilku · 5 years
[At Disneyland on the teacup ride]
Tony, Steve, and T’Challa: *spinning calmly, enjoy their ride in peace*
Peter, Shuri, and Bucky: *flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming*
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astromilku · 5 years
new blog
i have a new blog specifically for anime! this is where i’ll post my anime fics and what not! if you’d like to you can go follow! and send requests if you’d like!
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astromilku · 5 years
my brain developing plot lines and multidimensional characters while at my busy at work:
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my brain as soon as im at home with loads of free time, empty notebooks, and multiple writing programs at my disposal:
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astromilku · 5 years
how many followers do i need to get random asks god be nosy u little shits ask me about my personal life this is fucking boring getting nothing
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astromilku · 5 years
not to bring this up for the billionth time but nothing seems to have changed so here we are again! let’s go.
it really is so sad that nobody interacts with fic writers anymore. i don’t think any non-writer really has a clue as to just how much effort and time goes into writing, whether it be a 500-word drabble or a 60k fic. the readership on tumblr has become very passive lately; people will absorb a piece and then click out of it like nothing ever happened. i get several messages a week asking me if i’ve read xyz fanfic, and while i don’t mind helping people track down a fic, i just have to say: you wouldn’t have lost/forgotten it if you’d reblogged it, babe!
and the worst part of it all is that, as a writer, you’re constantly asked when you’re going to post something new, but as soon as you do, all you get back is just. radio silence. so, really, why do we bother with writing anymore? we write to share, we write to evoke emotions, we write because we want people to engage and interact with us about what we’ve created.
support fic writers. reblog their work if you enjoyed reading it. getting likes on a piece is nice, but they do nothing to help spread the fic and help it reach a wider audience. and for the love of god, leave feedback! send a quick message to the writers you love and tell them that you enjoyed their piece! you can go into as little or as much detail as you like, it really doesn’t matter. just please, try to give back because we work so hard and put so much effort into our writing, and to receive absolutely nothing in return is the most discouraging thing in the world.
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astromilku · 5 years
new blog
i have a new blog specifically for anime! this is where i’ll post my anime fics and what not! if you’d like to you can go follow! and send requests if you’d like!
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astromilku · 5 years
Endlessly - Bakugou x Reader (Angst, Fluff)
Request: I uh I’m a sad person and I just wanted to see if you could write something that’s sweet and uplifting, I don’t know how to do this and I’m uhm not sure this is how I’m meant to do this but I’d like something like character helping their s/o through a state of severe depression (I just I feel alone and wanted something like this I’m sorry if it’s not what you do! I uhm I’m sorry)
Thank you for the request, love! I love this idea and I’ll do my best to do it justice. I’m sending good vibes and love to YOU, sender, I hope all gets better and you see brighter days. Always here if you need a rant ❤️
I based this off of my own experiences with depression, so I understand that it won’t represent all experiences, as that is near impossible.
Pretend for this fic that the UA dorms have private bathrooms, as it helped my storyline get some extra mush into it :’)
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astromilku · 5 years
did i just cry the entirety of kirishima’s arc? yes. yes i did.
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astromilku · 5 years
if this isn’t me every time i post¡
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posting your fic on AO3 like
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astromilku · 5 years
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astromilku · 5 years
pick-me-ups for writers
for the self-conscious beginner: No one makes great things until the world intimately knows their mediocrity. Don’t think of your writing as terrible; think of it as preparing to contribute something great.
for the self-conscious late bloomer: Look at old writing as how far you’ve come. You can’t get to where you are today without covering all that past ground. For that, be proud.
for the perfectionist: Think about how much you complain about things you love—the mistakes and retcons in all your favorite series—and how you still love them anyway. Give yourself that same space.
for the realist: There will be people who hate your story even if it’s considered a classic. But there will be people who love your story, even if it is strange and unpopular.
for the fanfic writer: Your work isn’t lesser for not following canon. When you write, you’ve created a new work on its own. It can be, but does not have to be, limited by the source material. Canon is not the end-all, be-all. 
for the writer’s blocked: It doesn’t need to be perfect. Sometimes you have to move on and commit a few writing sins if it means you can create better things out of it.
for the lost: You started writing for a reason; remember that reason. It’s ok to move on. You are more than your writing. It will be here if you want to come back.
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astromilku · 5 years
Peter: things i want, snuggles.
Peter: things i recieve, struggles.
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astromilku · 5 years
Shouto: If a demon possessed me, I’d just say oh cool take it from here and good luck
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