asukan-writes Ā· 3 years
Story idea
To shame myself into writing this at some point (though I have a lot of WIPs to worry about first), here are my scattered thoughts on a fanfiction staple: sex pollen.
Itā€™ll start with Naruto to show how the normally composed Kakashi is acting strangely and how he's worried.
All the emotions. The arousal (dammit, Kakashi smells so good and he sounds fucking amazing and he's stripping and that sleeveless undershirt thing should be fucking criminal, look at all that skin, he wants to nibble and bite and touch and lick and soothe those scars). The slight jealousy (he doesn't want anyone else to see Kakashi like that, no one should get to see Kakashi falling apart, know what he looks like, what he sounds like, gasping). The insecurity (it should be his, but it's not, and Kakashi is not his, why would he want Naruto?. Look at him, he could have anyone, fuck it he's gorgeous and brave and kind and strong and he is still trying to contain himself, still succeeding, telling Naruto to go away (and Naruto loves him so, so much because Kakashi would endure this too). And then the offer:
"Since we can't get anyone... I could... Sensei, I mean..." Kakashi's attention snaps to him. That normally so controlled body is shaking and that normally so calm face is hungry.
"Yes?" The voice is more growl than anything. "I could... The sexy jutsu? If you want. I'd be... I'd be willing. To help?"
The eyes - darker than normal because Kakashi's pupils are huge right now and Naruto knows what that means- widen.
"No," Kakashi managed to gasp out.
It shouldn't hurt. But it does. Of course, Kakashi wouldn't lower himself to touch... to touch Naruto. "Oh... alright." "No jutsu. You. Please. Naruto."
And then, you know, you swap to Kakashi being mortified that he let it slip. But he finally loses his mind at this point so that they can't talk before. It's just Kakashi tearing off the rest of their clothes, incapable of saying more than Naruto, yes and mine.
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asukan-writes Ā· 3 years
Chapter update
In which Kakashi talks to Kakashi and they're both shit at talking about emotions.
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asukan-writes Ā· 3 years
Hi, i love all your stories!! Theā€™re so amazing!! Will you finish them??
Hello! Thank you so much. And yes, I will. I just got into job and apartment hunting and real life bit me in the arse a bit. But Iā€™m editing the next chapter of If youā€™re waiting and Iā€™m working on the next one for Let the right one in. So theyā€™ll both be updated in a few days.Ā  All of the stories I have posted will be finished. And I have plans for more. Take care! <3
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asukan-writes Ā· 3 years
Hi!Itā€™s Lina. I want to translate it into Russian. I was thinking about ao3.
Oh, sure, go for it! AO3 makes it easy for me to link to it (it feels better when I know the website). Let me know and Iā€™ll link to it when itā€™s done.
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asukan-writes Ā· 3 years
OMG you have tumblr!Hi, I just thought your profile picture looked familiar to me and then I read the word "Asukan" on your profilehiiiiiiiii !!!!!!!!!!!!!<3I love all your stories and I just wanted to say it lolP.S Love
Hey! Yes, I have a tumblr. Iā€™m shit at using it though. I mostly spend time on Discord (lemme know if you have that, btw). And thank you <3
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asukan-writes Ā· 3 years
Hi! my name is Lina. I like your ā€œKakashi/Naruto summerā€ series so much. I would love to translate it. I hope you wouldn't mind, would you?
Hello there! Thank you so much. Well, to what language? And what website were you thinking of? Itā€™d be nice to be able to see the end result.
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asukan-writes Ā· 3 years
The problem with being new to anything
One of the main reason why Iā€™m shit at posting anything here is that Iā€™m just so used to only ever really writing anything on Discord these days. Iā€™m planning on starting to draw more (I realised a few months back that itā€™s been ages) and then at least Iā€™ll have some doodles to post. But for now, Iā€™ll try to be better with chapter updates and story ideas.Ā  Especially story ideas. I feel like documenting them somewhere would be an excellent way to shame me into writing them.Ā 
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asukan-writes Ā· 3 years
TFW you already have enough WIPs to make you a bit stressed out and then see something else you want to write.Ā  (Iā€™m also a big fan of the handwave-y style of ā€œX happens because of plotā€. I have no shame)
Kakanaru fic idea:
Kakashi and naruto are dating but keeping it to themselves for now. But then naruto gets hit by a jutsu or just plain old head injury so he lost his memories. The thing was nobody else knows theyre dating and kakashi doesnt know how to tell naruto or even if he should ā€˜cause naruto is just better off without him.
But naruto keeps feeling like something big in his life is missing and heā€™s driving himself crazy trying to figure out what it is
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asukan-writes Ā· 4 years
Accidental wife and/or husband acquisition. Must be a Monday.Ā 
Excuse you Miss Ray, I just saw your tag on that Oni!Kakashi pic and how the entire fuck dare you just throw that out there without elaborating?
Also my phone just autocorrected "fuck" to "funky" which has nothing to do with this but I felt you might like to know anyway.
Oh ~no~ youā€™ve activated my special trap card.
So of course this probably wonā€™t go how you would expect but itā€™s me so really itā€™s to be expected:
Kakashi is the son of the wolf youkai Sakumo, last surviving member of the once thriving and feared Hatake Clan.Ā  The Clan that had been whittled down by war and violence until it was just them, just Sakumo and Kakashi who had been born long after Sakumoā€™s last sister had died in battle protecting Hatake Clan territory.
Sakumo never really talks about Kakashiā€™s mother but he always watched the moon with an expression that Kakashi remembers being one part longing and one part grief.Ā  But itā€™s obvious just from looking at Kakashi that heā€™s not full wolf, that heā€™s something other too.Ā  Even his familiars, the canine packs all Hatake contract with show, his differences with their bone covered faces and their black purple mist and black shadowed bodies, so different from Sakumoā€™s snow white wolves.
It doesnā€™t matter though, not really.Ā  Especially not after Sakumo dies. Not after he chooses to leave Kakashi behind. To leave him alone and pack-less in a house that had already been too big for just the two of them.
Time passes and Kakashi lives.Ā  He spends his time protecting a territory far too large for a Clan, a Pack, of one but itā€™s what he has let and he refuses to give it up.
Heā€™s not sure when, exactly, the fox moves into his territory but heā€™s sure itā€™s not around for long before he notices it.
Itā€™s obviously a spirit, a true kitsune instead of a mortal fox, and as much as a part of Kakashi knows he should drive it off (interlopers and trespassers to pack land should not be tolerated) he never does.
The kitsune is young, only one tail showing, and obviously alone and mistreated if itā€™s visible ribs and ragged fur are anything to go by.Ā  And Kakashiā€™s never really believed in the old legends about kitsune being monsters even amongst their kind, about them being traitors and ill luck bringers and a million and one other bad omens.
Besides this one is a one tail kitsune not a three or a six or a, kami forbid, nine tailed one and so itā€™s relatively harmless in the scheme of things.
So instead of chasing it off Kakashi starts leaving it food.Ā  Just bits of meat here and there and an occasional rice ball at first and then entire plates of whatever heā€™s made for himself.
The kitsune takes to the food, and him by extension, quickly.Ā  Its body fills out and itā€™s fur thickens to a rich luxurious golden orange even as the fox moves closer and closer to Kakashi himself over time.
Before long itā€™s inside his house, sleeping in his bed, following him about his daily routine, and even running the territory with him and Pakkun and the others on occasion.
Itā€™s ...nice, having someone new to talk to without having to travel to Konoha proper.
But then, of course, war comes again and Kakashi is called to fight and kill as the Hatake have always been called to fight and kill.
He hates to leave his kitsune friend behind but the spirit canā€™t accompany him to a battlefield, especially not the one heā€™ll be heading into soon.Ā  Sarutobi, the monkey king, makes war on the snakes now for some theft Kakashi hadnā€™t bothered to pay attention to.
He hadnā€™t really cared too much for Konohaā€™s politics since Minato died and Kushina with him.
ā€œTake care of the place for me,ā€ Kakashi tells the kitsune, leaning down to press an impulsive kiss right between those startlingly blue eyes.Ā Ā ā€œHopefully youā€™ll still be here when I get back.Ā  Itā€™d be nice to have someone to welcome me home again.ā€
The kitsune follows him all the way to the territoryā€™s boundaries but no further, yipping out what sounds suspiciously like a goodbye as Kakashi moves further away.
Itā€™s a year before he makes it back home, before this new war ends with Sarutobi dead, Orochimaru wounded and slithering off to lick his wounds, and whatever it is that Orochimaru had stolen not being found and returned.
Exhausted and irritable, Kakashi makes his way back home only to stop and stare when he makes it to the outer boundaries.
Something is ... different.Ā  Very very different.Ā  The forest feels more alive, feels as if itā€™s teeming with life in a way Kakashiā€™s never seen before.
Even the house looks different, looks fresher somehow. Thereā€™s even a garden now and the koi pond is filled with fat fish that Kakashi knows hadnā€™t been there a year ago.
Someone or something has been living on his land and in his house, has beenĀ changing his territory.
It doesnā€™t take much to track the scent of musk and sun warm satsuma, so foreign and yet almost familiar somehow, into the house and towards his bedroom.
The last thing heā€™s expecting when he tears open the door is what he sees and heā€™s struck uncharacteristically dumb.
Long limbs, supple golden skin, messy blond hair and nine golden tails are all splayed out across his bed, flashes of thigh barely covered by the yukata that Kakashi knows carries the Hatake mon on it.
ā€œHusband,ā€ the kitsune boy says, voice breathy and smile sun bright, ā€œyouā€™re finally back.Ā  Welcome home.ā€
And Kakashi, starring down into familiar blue eyes, has absolutely no idea what to do.
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asukan-writes Ā· 4 years
Hatake Kakashi, Rokudaime Hokage because there existed a reality or future where Kakashi the Friend Killer was entrusted with the village, was looking at him. Gloved hands clasped together under his chin, a smile crinkling the skin around two dark, bright eyes and seemingly without a care in the world. Ā 
-The jagged edges of bones, scratching against his arm. Yet another corpse, etched into his memory. Glassy eyes, twisted lips, bloodied teeth. A sick, twisted slurping noise as the flesh stops clinging to him.
He wonders, as he wipes away the worst of the blood and gore, if it'd be better or worse if he could forget that it was once a human.-
Kakashi looked back across the abyss, the chasm a decade or a universe-wide , that kept him from understanding.
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asukan-writes Ā· 4 years
Chapter 8:Ā  Water pelted down on the top of his head, icy cold and unforgiving. He shivered at the sensation of it hitting his spine when he moved forward. Hoping it would wash away his sins.
It was reminiscent of past missions sitting huddled under the awning of a curved roof as he observed his target. Waiting in the silence until a vulnerable flash of skin showed through the dark. A flick of a wrist and a kunai sliced it open, rain washing away the fine red mist in an instant. Thunder hiding the thud as a body hit the ground. Moving through the earth until he was under his target, burying the evidence in an instant. Then melting into the dark. Using the heavy downpour as a shield. A quick, clean kill. Uncomplicated.
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asukan-writes Ā· 4 years
Chapter 7:Ā  In which there is pining. And a lot of smut. Kakashi woke up in his own bed. His own chakra humming, vibrating like lightning. Soft cotton sheets slid against him as he stretched, keeping his eyes closed to enjoy the moment. The remnants of a pleasant dream leaving his nerves on fire. He breathed in, luxuriated in how his room smelled like both him and Naruto, scents mixing. The smells were rich and vibrant. He could pick up the hint of sweat and pheromones. Male arousal. Coming from Naruto in waves. Who was in his bedroom.
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asukan-writes Ā· 4 years
Writing smut
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So... Certain words have lost all meaning. What is moaning? What is life? What is smut? Baby donā€™t hurt me. But hey, Chapter 7 of Let the right one in is almost done! And I only hate myself a little.Ā 
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asukan-writes Ā· 4 years
List of Vocal Sounds for Smut
I present to you a - probably quite incomplete, Iā€™m sure Iā€™m missing a lot of speech sounds - reference list and a bit of a guideline for the different ways one can describe the sounds your characters make whilst writing smut. Iā€™ll definitely be referring to it, because I sometimes get stuck on exactly how to describe a particular noise. (aka, ā€œhe canā€™t groan again, he just groaned last paragraphā€)
Sounds (noun, both independently and describing speech): breath/breathe, gasp, moan, groan, pant, whimper, whine, shout, yelp, hiss, grunt, cry, scream, shriek, sob, growl, curse, sound, sigh, hum, noise, squeak, snarl, howl, roar, mewl, wail, choke, keen, purr
Sounds (noun, describing speech): rasp, husk, drawl, plea, murmur, whisper, beg
Descriptors (adjective): loud, hushed, quiet, low, high, high-pitched, little, tiny, soft, deep, unrestrained, restrained, strained, breathy, rough, sudden, short, drawn-out, sharp, harsh, hard, thick, smooth, thin, heavy, impassioned, insistent, hungry, passionate, repeated, filthy, debauched, sweet, slow, deliberate, guttural, languid, surprised, husky, distracted, happy, pleased, satisfied, wordless, cut-off, bitten-off, contented, hoarse, extended, long, depraved, aching, choked, strangled, broken, helpless, shuddering, shaky, trembling, urgent, needy, desperate, wanton, shattered, pained, eager
Combine a descriptor and a sound for best effect - for example, ā€œneedy moan,ā€ ā€œpleased hum,ā€ or ā€œsudden scream.ā€ You can even use two: ā€œlow, rough grunt,ā€ ā€œsweet little cry,ā€ ā€œdesperate, filthy noise,ā€ as long as you donā€™t repeat a word that means the same thing, unless you really want to emphasize it. Avoiding repetition is pretty key here. You donā€™t usually want to say ā€œhushed, quiet gaspā€ except on rare occasions when itā€™s very important how soft the sound was.
Use your own common sense, as well; some sounds and descriptors donā€™t generally work well together. ā€œDeliberate shriekā€ probably wouldnā€™t work well, and neither would ā€œlanguid grunt,ā€ but again, this is all very situational - play around! Have fun.
Feel free to add to my lists, use for your reference or pass them around. It would be fun to see a randomized generator made, too, Iā€™m just too lazy to do it myself. ;)
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asukan-writes Ā· 4 years
Reblog if it's okay to befriend you, ask questions, ask for advice, rant, vent, let something off your chest, or just have a nice chat.
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asukan-writes Ā· 4 years
The collection for all the works that were submitted for the event!
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asukan-writes Ā· 4 years
Fic ratings
I was encouraged to up my rating from T to E for Let the right one in. For now itā€™ll stick to M. The temptation to writeĀ ā€œand then he inserted his erection into the opening and thrust a few timesā€ is there, ngl.Ā  Btw, Chapter 6 is out. In which Kakashi suffers. More than usual in my stories. https://archiveofourown.org/works/25573576/chapters/65900569
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