atyournearestfanfic · 9 years
[Fever Delirium] Joe SuggxReader
     Joe squinted in the dark of his room, listening. For a few moments, he heard nothing and closed his eyes again. As soon as he did, the noises began again. He sat up, and listened. What on earth was making all that noise? His eyes widened, beginning to hope he wasn’t being robbed. That certainly would be inconvenient, wouldn’t it?
     Slowly, he peeled off the warm blanket and lowered his toes to the cold floor. As quietly as he could, he opened the door of his bedroom and poked his head out. The noises were coming from upstairs. Ever so carefully, Joe tiptoed up the stairs. Peeking through the stair rail, he saw a massive bundle of blankets standing in the kitchen.
     “(y/n)?” Joe walked normally the rest of the way up the stairs. “It’s four in the morning, what are you doing?”
     “Making, uh, whatever this, stuff is,” your words were slightly slurred as you mixed whatever was in the mug on the counter.
     “Are you drunk?” Joe squinted at you, it was highly unlikely, but honestly, Joe could never tell.
     “No! I’m, uh….” You swayed slightly as you stopped to think, “What’s the word for ‘not drunk’?”
     “Sober, are you sure?”
     “Yes!” You took a swig from the mug. You scrunched up your nose, “It got cold.” Turning, you popped it in the microwave and turned it on. You turned around once more to face Joe but suddenly swayed to the side, rocking like you were on a boat. “Dizzy…think I might..just…” and with that you began to fall.
      “Holy-” caught completely off guard, Joe lunged forward to catch you. He nearly missed and you two went tumbling to the floor in a tangle of blankets. He sat up, but you continued to lie on the floor. “Are you all right? What are you doing, you crazy idiot?” He moved one hand to brush the hair out of your face but stopped when his cool skin met yours, “You’re burning up, (y/n), why aren’t you in bed?”
     “I wanted…a drink.”
     Joe shook his head, “You crazy girl, come on, let’s get you to bed.”
     “Okay… Joe?”
     “Carry me?”
     “Are you are you serious?”
      He sighed and stood, “Why can’t you wake up Caspar when you’re delusional at four in the morning? Come on, up you get.”
      Joe scooped you up into his arms, being sure your blanket was still on you. You closed your eyes and leaned your head against him, listening to his heartbeat.
     He began to make his way carefully down the stairs, “Yeah?”
     “I like you.”
     “Well, I like you too (y/n).”
     “No, like, I love you like you.”
      Joe stopped a moment, taken aback by the drunken confession, before continuing onwards. He said nothing.
     “Do you still like me?”
     "Course I do.”
     “Do you, love me like me?”
     “I… I don’t know,” Joe put you down on your bed slowly before tucking you in, he sat down and felt your forehead again, you were boiling.
     He went to move his hand away but not before you caught it, “Is that a no, then?”
     “N-no, I just, I think I do, actually. Now that you mention it.”
     You let go of his hand and closed your eyes relaxing into the pillow, “Oh, I’m glad.”
     Joe chuckled, you were so weird when you were sick, he leaned down and kissed your temple, “Goodnight (y/n).”
      “Goodnight Joe.”
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atyournearestfanfic · 9 years
[Sweaters] KandaxReader
    “You don’t even know wha-”
    “Can I just-”
    “No. Kaia, the last time you looked at me like that the room beneath the science lab exploded.”
    “That wasn’t my fault!”
    “Just because you know how to cover your tracks does not mean it wasn’t you. It almost means that it had to be you.“
    "Whatever, that was a whole two weeks ago, and anyways, this has nothing to do with rubber bands. Or water guns.”
    “For the last time, I’m not doing it.”
    “Come ooon, (y/n) will think it’s cute.”
    “…Alright, I’m listening.”
    “Wear this.”
    “What?! I’ll look ridiculous!”
    “It even has skulls on it and it’s your color! Go ahead, put it on!”
    “…You’re sure (y/n) will like it?” You’re sure?”
    “Yes! Hurry up!”
    “I’m going, I’m going! Don’t push me!”
    She hadn’t moved for a good minute. (y/n)’s jaw had nearly fallen off when she had turned to see Kanda in a black, turtleneck sweater with a litter of stitched skulls. Her hands flew to her cheeks, squishing them in excitedly. Kanda shifted from one foot to another, he whispered out of the corner of his mouth, “Kaia, I think I broke her.”
    A giggle escaped (y/n), “Oh my goodness.”
    “I look ridiculous, I know.”
    “That may be the cutest thing I have ever seen!”
    “I’ve definitely seen cuter.”
    Everyone turned to see Lavi’s head poking around the door. He wiggled his eyebrows at Kaia. She giggled.
    "Lavi!” (y/n) and Kanda yelled. He ducked his head, but grinned impishly. Kaia laughed and ran towards him, “I’ll leave you two alone.” Still running, she grabbed Lavi’s hand, dragging him along behind her down the hall.
    “You do look really cute in that!”
    Kanda turned, one eyebrow raised, “I- It was Kaia’s idea.”
    “Well, it was a really good idea.“
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atyournearestfanfic · 9 years
Pens (KandaxReader)
Author- KCSquib
Word Count- 989
(Y/N)= your name
(F/N)= Friend’s name
*click* *click click* *click*
Kanda looked up from what he had been reading. What was that clicking noise? After listening for a few moments, he returned to his reading.
*Click* *click click click clickclickclickclick*
He looked up again, glaring around the room. Someone had to be making that noise.
*Click click click* *click* *clickclick*
He finally pinpointed the sound. It was coming from the corner.
*Click click*
“(F/N),” he growled.
“Hmm?” she didn’t look up from what she had been writing.
“Stop it.”
“Stop what?” she asked, her attention still on the paper before her, her focus barely on the conversation.
“The clicking. I know it’s you. Make it stop.”
*clickclickcli-* His hand shot out and took the pen from her. *ck*
(F/N) finally looked up. Then ducked her head a little once she realised what she had been doing. “Sorry. Force of habit I guess.” she chuckled nervously.
Kanda glared at her once more before walking off, her pen still in hand.
“Hey! I need that! Where are you going??” She called after him.
“To drop it off a cliff.” Kanda answered.
“No! That’s my nice pen!” she jumped up and ran to the door, “Ugh, I’m never getting that back…. (Y/N)?”
No response
“(Y/N)!!” (F/N) tried again.
The other girl’s head snapped up. “Huh? What?”
“Your boyfriend took my pen.”
“He took my nice pen. Can you go get it?” (F/N) pleaded.
(Y/N) looked at her skeptically, “What makes you think I can get it back?”
“I dunno, you’re dating him, doesn’t that give you some leverage? He’d hesitate before throwing you off the cliff,” (F/N) leaned on the doorframe.
“Maybe. I guess I’ll go try.” (Y/N) stretched as she stood, then left in the direction Kanda had gone. She caught up to him in one of the long hallways.
“Kanda! I have an idea!”
“Is it a stupid idea?”
“Probably, that’s why (F/N) said to tell you about it first.” She tried to slip her hand into his, in an attempt to get him to drop the pen. Kanda, however, is not as stupid as (F/N) said he looked, he immediately caught on, and pulled his hand away.
“You’re not getting (F/N)’s pen back.”
“Dang it,” (Y/N) grumbled, “Well it was worth a shot. See you later! I’m gonna go do something stupid.”
“Try not to hurt yourself….again.”
“No promises!” (Y/N) called as she skipped away, “Time for operation justice eagle,” she whispered to herself.
Using a super secret method of secretness, (Y/N) managed to climb to the top of a rather tall pillar and set her trap. It wasn’t long before Kanda walked too near the pillar, and that’s when she jumped.
“THE EAGLE OF JUSTICE DESCENDS UPON THEE,“ She screeched as she fell. She actually managed to land on Kanda’s back. The sudden assault froze him for a moment. (Y/N) took advantage of that moment. She snatched the pen from his hand and quickly pecked his cheek before hopping down.
“Thank you very much, good sir!” She giggled.
“I can’t let you give the pen back to (F/N).” Kanda stated as he turned to face her.
“This may have possibly, maybe been something akin to a mistake.” (Y/N) mumbled.
“You think so?”
“Yeah, I…..DO!” (Y/N) began running as she said that last word. Kanda was right behind her. Adrenaline caused a burst of speed that (Y/N) didn’t know she had, but it wasn’t enough. Within thirty seconds, Kanda had caught her, and proceeded to sling her over his shoulder. He walked outside and stopped near the edge of the cliff.
“Throw it.” He ordered.
Knowing she really didn’t have much of a choice, (Y/N) threw the pen over the edge. He made his way back to the room (F/N) had been writing in, (Y/N) still on his shoulder. As he entered the room, (F/N) looked up hopefully, but her face fell when she saw the pair.
“Where’s my pen?” (F/N) asked.
“Hopefully in the depths of Hell, where it belongs.” Kanda answered.
“Sorry, the eagle of justice has failed you.” (Y/N) called. She lifted her hand up behind Kanda’s head. She was still holding the pen. It took everything (F/N) had not to burst out laughing. It wasn’t often that someone fooled Kanda.
“How dare you, eagle of justice!” (F/N) giggled.
“Yeah, I know…..Uh, hey, Kanda? Can I go back to reading now?” (Y/N) asked, while attempting to wiggle out of his grasp. He turned his head and narrowed his eyes before finally responding, “Fine.”
He stepped over to where (Y/N) had amassed many blankets and pillows, and dropped her on the pile, before sitting back into another chair not far away from (Y/N)’s pile. (Y/N) motioned for (F/N) to follow her, one at a time, so as not to alert the quiet Kanda, they tiptoed out of the room as nonchalantly as possible.
“How did you do that??” (F/N) whispered.
“You know I always have a pen with me. It wasn’t hard to switch the pens. You owe me a new crappy pen by the way,” (Y/N) whispered back.
(F/N) took her pen back, and examined it to make sure it was still in tact. When she was satisfied that it was not broken, she exhaled and let her hand fall to her side.
“I actually used a pretty brilliant plan to get tha-” *clickclick* (Y/N) stopped talking and stared disbelievingly at her friend. (F/N) froze, horrified at the mistake she had just made. They both glanced at the door. There wasn’t any noise coming from within, but the girls bolted anyways. A wise decision, as Kanda came barreling out a split second later.
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atyournearestfanfic · 9 years
[Pizza] LevixReader
    “What. Is. That.” Levi poked at the steaming creation set out on the counter.
    “I don’t know, I was just messing around.” (y/n) pushed all the extra flour off the counter, it wasn’t enough to save, so she threw it away.
    “With our food supply?”
    “It’s edible, I already had a piece. It needs some tampering but it’s really good.”
    Sure enough, a triangle was cut out of the roughly shaped circle. (y/n) had layered bread dough with cheese, tomato sauce, and thin slices of meat and baked it. Levi squinted at it.
    (y/n) laughed at him, “Just try it, dumby.” It certainly smelled good. He cut another triangle out of it, grimacing when strings of cheese clung to the rest of it. He put the thing on a plate and sat on a barstool across the counter. Hesitantly, he cut off a piece and took a bite. Levi’s eyes widened, it was good. He realized (y/n) was watching him expectantly. “So?” she asked, “What do you think?”
    He took another bite and said nothing, teasing her. She sat by him on a stool and punched him in the shoulder, “Come on already, how is it?”
    “Like all your other weird concoctions.”
    “That doesn’t mean anything!”
    “It means, I like it.”
    “Really?” she smiled, “I have to think of something to call it though.”
    “Like what?”
    “I was thinking ‘pizza’”
    “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”
    “It’s an old word, Italian, I think.”
    “Whatever, as long as you make more.” He finished eating and reached for a napkin to wipe the miniscule bits of grease that were still on his lips. (y/n) grabbed the napkin before he could reach it. She jumped out of his reach. “Give me that, brat.”
    “Mmm, no.”
    “I’m filthy, give it back.”
    (y/n) only laughed, her laughter turning quickly into a squeak of terror as Levi lunged towards her. He tackled her with a bear hug, causing her to drop the napkin. They both looked at it.
    “Tch, now I can’t use it.” He looked back at her, “I’m still covered in grease, how do I get it off now?”
     “You could uh, let me go?”
    “Or I could do this,” Levi moved in, pressing his lips on hers. (y/n) pulled back, “Now it’s all over me!”
    “I’m alright with that.”
    She smiled, “I hate you.”
    “No you don’t.”
    “I guess not,” she rolled her eyes and kissed him again.
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atyournearestfanfic · 9 years
[Bored] LevixReader
    “Notice me!”
    “Heichou Senpai!”
    Levi finally looked up from his paperwork, thoroughly annoyed, “What do you want?”
    (y/n) lifted her head up to look at him from her upside down position from the couch, “Come play with me.”
    “Wh- I’m busy. Go find (fr/n),” He looked back down at his papers.
    “She’s out with Erwin.”
    “The cadets are always up for something, go find them.”
    “It’s their day off, they’re all asleep still.”
    “Mike and Hanji?”
    “It’s not the same,” she moaned, sliding off the couch. She landed on her back, feet still on the cushions.
    “Get your filthy feet off my couch.”
   She did so and lay on the floor. Levi’s pen began scratching again and she sighed. Rolling onto her stomach, (y/n) army crawled towards him until she could see him bent over his work. She looked up at him, her head between his feet.
    “What are you doing down there?”
    “I don’ know. Watching.”
    He started writing again but soon stopped, distracted. Levi sighed and moved his chair back until he could comfortably see her face. He looked down, “You have a thirty second head start, start running.”
     (y/n) squeaked and laughed, scrambling to get up and out the door.
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atyournearestfanfic · 9 years
[Names] KandaxReader
    “Ugh,” (y/n) dragged her friend away from the rubble. She needed to find somewhere he could lay down so she could address his wounds. Kanda groaned involuntarily, one hand pressed over the wound. Why was he so heavy? If they hadn’t already killed the demon they’d be dead by now. “Kanda, you fatty,” she muttered.
    “Really? You’re really going there?” Kanda gasped the words, “And you’re doing it now?”
    “You know I call people names when I’m tired.”
    “You always call people names anyways.”
    “That’s beside the point.”
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atyournearestfanfic · 9 years
New page
Good evening lovely followers. After having really bad writers block for a long time, i’ve come up with a remedy. I made a new page called “Writers Block”. Basically I’ll take anything that inspires me and write about it. They may be strange or cheesy or just plain dumb. I warn you, it will likely be a lot of song lyrics or random pictures that inspire me. 
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atyournearestfanfic · 9 years
1, 2, 3....
  1, 2, 3….
Author- KCSquib
Word count -  1788
(Y/N)= Your name
(Fr/N)= Friend’s name
Author’s note: In this story, the reader’s innocence is in one of her two necklaces, the first necklace can be turned into a large dragon. The reader can also push her innocence into the second necklace and give it to someone to create a protective bubble. The friend’s innocence is a ring that when activated turns into something close to brass knuckles, or a full gauntlet.
“I don’t like this.” he sighed.
“Kanda, you never like it when I go out on missions. At least this time you and (Friend) are coming with me.” (Y/N) looped her arms around his neck and smiled up at him. He absentmindedly slipped his arms around her waist as he sighed again. “Hey.” (Y/N) spoke again, drawing him out of his thoughts, “I’m going to be fine. I promise.” She stood on the tips of her toes and kissed him. After only a second of hesitation, he kissed back.
“Eeurgh.”Came a voice from behind them. The pair turned to see Lavi making a highly exaggerated disgusted face, before running off. 
Kanda growled and would have chased after Lavi if (Y/N) hadn’t held him back. 
“No time for chasing ginger idiots, we have a mission, come on.” She chimed.
“I still don’t like that idea.” He grumbled
“Oh, come on.” (Y/N) began pulling him in the direction of where they were supposed to meet (Fr/N), “I’ve got you to protect me….and a dragon. Seriously, what can get past a giant freaking innocence dragon!”
A level four. A level four can get past an innocence dragon.
It was easy enough for the trio to dispatch the level ones, and the level two’s weren’t much worse. Kanda had already killed the recently evolved level three. It seemed like it was almost too easy to get to the innocence. It had taken the form of a small book, and was near impossible to find in the massive library. Somehow, (Fr/N) managed to find it, and was examining the decoration on the spine.
“Now this is my kind of innocence.” She remarked.
“Weapons? You want weapons? We’re in a library! Best weapons in the world right here!” (Y/N) quoted.
(Fr/N) snorted as she turned back to the book.
“Isn’t that the truth! Well… at least it is now that I’m here.” A menacing voice sounded from above them. The akuma looked vaguely humanoid. It’s face looked like it had been taken off a porcelain doll. It’s eyes seemed to bore into your soul, as if it was looking for your darkest secret. The way it moved, and even the way it looked at things made you want to curl into a ball in hopes that it would take no notice of you. (Y/N) had to fight the natural urge to flee the monster floating above the decimated library.
Instantly, the trio’s weapons were out. Kanda moved backwards to better shield (Y/N). (Fr/N) stepped up beside (Y/N), handing off the book as she did so. (Y/N)’s necklace began to glow and the faint roar of a dragon could be heard coming from it.
“Do you really think you have a shot here? We’ve just killed off all of your brothers, you think we can’t take you too?” (Fr/N) asked, her ring melting over her knuckles as she spoke.
“Well of course you were able to kill the others, they were weak and expendable. Just like you!” The akuma launched itself at (Fr/N). She threw herself out of it’s path, swinging her innocence around to try and hit the akuma as she fell. Kanda was running at the akuma before it could slow itself down enough to turn. (Y/N) had released her innocence dragon. It coiled around her briefly, then took off after the akuma. (Fr/N) was also up and running, she shouted something in (Y/N)’s direction, but (Y/N) couldn’t hear her over the sounds of the battle. The akuma kicked out at the dragon, sending it spinning away. It turned it’s gaze on (Y/N), who was still holding the innocence, but whose attention was on the dragon, willing it to regain control of itself. The akuma moved forward only a short distance before Kanda and (Fr/N) began to push it back. (Fr/N) managed to hit it several times, but her punches didn’t do much,at least not at the power she was hitting with now. The akuma batted her away just as Kanda tried to stab it through the middle. (Fr/N) landed heavily and rolled, but was back up in a second, her innocence flowing over her hand to create a heavy gauntlet. Kanda was sent sprawling as the dragon was thrown into a pillar. (Fr/N) could see several scratches and cuts on the akuma, but it didn’t seem to be slowing down. She ran at it once more, hoping that now her hits would do some damage. The akuma was rushing towards (Y/N). (Fr/N) matched its speed as best as she could, and hit it with her full strength, sending it flying backwards. (Y/N)’s dragon caught the akuma and began to rip at it, tearing holes anywhere it could find. The akuma fought back, raking long scratches into the dragon’s neck. The dragon began to shimmer slightly as it started to heal itself. It flickered and froze for only a moment, but in that moment, the akuma tore the dragon’s head off. The body of the dragon fell to the floor, crushing several book shelves beneath it. (Fr/N) rushed at the akuma. It threw the dragon head at her. (Fr/N) didn’t have time to move. The head crashed into her, pinning her to the floor and knocking her unconscious. The akuma moved towards (Y/N) again. It was within a few feet of her, when it spoke again.
“Give me the innocence and I’ll kill you la-”
A black sword stabbed through the akuma’s midsection. It spluttered, but didn’t die. It grinned, and turned to face its attacker. The akuma raised its hand, ready to kill him in one swipe. The dragon body dissipated and returned to (Y/N)’s necklace. She fell to her knees. She didn’t have much energy left. The fatigue made her brain sluggish, things seemed to slow down. The akuma brought it’s hand down, and she saw Kanda reach for it’s arm in an attempt to fight it in hand to hand combat. She knew it was a fight he wouldn’t be able to win. (Fr/N) was slowly starting to stir, but wouldn’t be up fast enough to help. (Y/N) reached for her second necklace, she pushed as much innocence as she could into it, then tore it off and threw it and the book to (Fr/N). As it left her hand, a bubble of innocence bloomed from the charm of the necklace. She willed her innocence to protect the others. It obeyed her, and formed a protective bubble around both Kanda and (Fr/N). The akuma hit the bubble, but couldn’t penetrate it. It turned to her, a mixture of delight and also anger blazing in its eyes
“I guess that means I’ll kill you first. I wonder how many ways I can kill you before you’ll actually die,” it giggled with a twisted sort of glee.
(Y/N) raised her fists the way both Kanda and (Fr/N) had taught her to. She glanced at (Fr/N). She still wasn’t fully up yet. Kanda was pounding on the shield and yelling at her to let it drop. The air grew thinner as the akuma advanced. It reached for Kanda’s sword, which was still lodged in its midsection, and pulled it out. The innocence seared the akuma, but the akuma took no notice. There wasn’t any air left to breathe. (Y/N)’s arms dropped, her heartbeat pounded in her ears. Her vision started to darken.
“One. Suffocation.” the akuma laughed.
The akuma swung the sword and cut her diagonally from shoulder to hip, then threw the sword away. Blood began to pour out of the wound, soaking her clothes and the rubble beneath her. Her limbs turned cold as the warmth spilled out of her body onto the floor. (Y/N) sagged, if there was any air left in her lungs, she would have screamed.
“Two. Blood loss.”
(Fr/N) had pushed herself up onto her feet. She slammed her hands into the shield, then rammed it with her shoulder. Kanda repeatedly punched the shield with all this strength. Blood leaked out from his knuckles. There was nothing (Y/N) could do to save herself, she poured what was left of her energy into keeping the shield up. It didn’t help much.
I have to keep them safe, was her last thought.
The shield fell as the akuma kicked (Y/N), sending her flying into a bookshelf. There were audible cracks. (Y/N) was dead before she hit the floor.
“Three, broken neck….. Only three? Shame, I had been hoping for a more extensive list.” The akuma shrugged. It began to turn back to the remaining exorcists. There wasn’t even a flash of black to tell the akuma that it was dead. One second it was in one piece, the next, two. Kanda stabbed the dead akuma repeatedly, to make sure it was dead, then flung the sword away from himself.
(Fr/N) had run to (Y/N)’s body, and was shaking her, trying desperately to wake her up. Kanda glanced in (Fr/N)’s direction, then looked to the floor. He couldn’t make himself move over there. He couldn’t stand to see them like that. (Fr/N), strong, intelligent (Fr/N), reduced to tears, repeating the same phrase over and over again,“Wake up, moron”; and beautiful, loud, warm (Y/N), now a cold and silent corpse.
“Take her back to HQ.” Kanda called, as he began to walk away.
“What? Where are you going??” (Fr/N) looked up to see his retreating figure.
He refused to answer and kept walking. He stepped on the flat of his sword as he walked out.
“Don’t just leave! Don’t leave us here! Don’t leave HER HERE!” (Fr/N) screamed.
“Take her back to HQ.” He repeated, then left.
A few of the surviving finders helped carry (Y/N) back. (Fr/N) grabbed Kanda’s sword, as he had not bothered, or even wanted to take it with him.
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atyournearestfanfic · 9 years
[Is That a Yes?] KandaxReader
    Kanda had been pacing as he spoke, but here he stopped and faced her. He had a fire in his eyes that shocked her, that she hadn't quite seen before. (y/n) didn't know what to make of the generally impartial exorcist.
    Abruptly, he advanced towards her. He exuded such an aura of determination she felt almost as if he were physically pushing her backwards. (y/n) hit the wall, her heart beating against her rib cage like a caged bird. "Kanda," her voice was hoarse, nearly deserting her, "what are you doing?"
    Kanda stopped, a few inches from her face, his breath was warm on her cheek.
    "Shut up," he leaned down and kissed her, one hand in her hair refusing her resistance. His lips seemed cold as her face was flushed with blood. Kanda kissed like he fought, fiercely and with flair. His other hand gripped her arm.
    (y/n) kissed him back with near as much force. It almost seemed to be a battle, a power struggle, more than it was a kiss. The battle felt like it lasted a lifetime. Then Kanda surrendered, pulling away abruptly. The silence was deafening. He looked at her, completely calm, like he hadn't just given her a heart attack and taken her breath away.
    "Is that a yes?"
    (y/n) almost could say anything at all, an odd occurrence for the characteristically loud girl, "I uh, I-"
    "Think about it." He stepped away and she sank into the wall feeling limp. Kanda opened the door without a word, then he was gone.
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atyournearestfanfic · 9 years
[Napping] LevixReader
  Levi sighed happily. It was his single favorite week, the time of the year the cadets dreaded. Spring cleaning. The corporal had already made assignments to each cadet for the entirety of the week.
   All squad leaders and higher ranking military officials in the castle were given the week off, but Levi took the quiet time to arrange and reorganize his private quarters, office, and paperwork. He was just going through his closet, (which (y/n) had helpfully arranged by color a few months ago on a particularly slow day) when he noticed he was missing one of his shirts. It was an oversized shirt he normally wore on laundry days. For some reason, it was no longer in his closet. (y/n) probably knew, she was the only other person he allowed in his rooms, let alone his closet.
   Levi made his way to the Squad Leader's quarters. He knocked and waited for an answer. There was none. Cautiously, he opened the door, "(y/n)? Are you here?"
   At first, he saw no one. As he was going to close the door, he saw a pile of blankets and pillows sitting in the sun by the window. He would fold the blankets and go look for (y/n) again. He crossed the room. The first blanket came away to reveal (y/n) sleeping with a book in one hand, her glasses askew. Levi smiled, she didn't normally wear her glasses, but he loved when she did. She always laughed and objected whenever he told her they looked cute. "I look funny with them on!"
   Slowly, so as not to disturb her, Levi reached down and lifted the book off her stomach. He marked her page and set it down nearby. The glasses he folded carefully and placed them on top of her book. As he reached down to pull the blanket back up, her eyes fluttered open. "Levi?" She stretched and rubbed her eyes, "Did you come for your shirt?"
   "Wha-" he stopped when he saw what she was wearing, his white, oversized shirt. Levi chuckled, "You brat."
   She hugged herself, "You're not getting it back."
   "I'll have to stay here then, I can't have a shirt missing." He pulled the rest of the blankets up and lay down by her, hugging her from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist, "You're warm."
   "And sleepy, you interrupted my nap."
   "Get back to it then. I'll protect you while you sleep."
   (y/n)'s eyes were already closing, "Alright, if I have to.”
  Levi breathed in her sweet scent, maybe it wouldn't be too bad to rest here for a while.
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atyournearestfanfic · 9 years
Request Dates
Yay! Requesting and stuff! We will be opening the requests on Thursdays and Fridays. Saturday we will post the list of requests, and then Sunday-Tuesday we will write and post the selected requests. We will get them to you as soon as we are able, please do not expect them with in the hour or even the next day. (A bit of a lengthy process, but we sometimes have busy schedules. Sorry.)
~ Kaia and Collista
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atyournearestfanfic · 9 years
Peanut Butter Cups - Erwin - Day Two
“She knows.” Erwin blurted out as he sat down to breakfast the next day.
“She knows, Levi!”
“Who knows what? What the Hell are you on about now?”
“The peanut butter cups. Collista, she knows. Kaia probably knows as well.”
“The-? oh. You mean the-”
“Yes! the peanut butter cups. I want more of them, but I can’t just go ask for them. She’d never let me forget it.”
“But how can we get some?”
“You think you’re the only one who-” Levi stopped as Collista walked in, heading for the seat next to Erwin.
“Morning Eyebrows, Shorty.” She chirped, she was met with a mumbled morning from the both of them.
“What no comeback?” She asked.
“Uh, what?” Erwin looked at her, she squinted in return.
“Are you sure it’s not stach-less Mike up there? What is with you lately?”
Levi mumbled something about getting Kaia out of bed. Collista was too busy with her breakfast to actually pay attention to what he had said. It wasn’t long before Collista noticed something moving in her peripheral vision. Just as she turned to look at it, Erwin quickly moved his hand away trying to make it look as though he hadn’t been moving it towards her. Collista picked the thing up. It was a wrapper from the peanut butter cups.
“I found it on the ground yesterday. I think Levi left it there. You should make more so we can find out for sure.”
Collista gave him a look of pure disbelief.
“Really?” She asked. He nodded. “Levi left it there?” He nodded again. “If you know it was Levi, then why don’t you just punish him? We don’t need to make more if you already know it was him.”
“I just want to be sure.”
“Erwin are you feeling okay? First begging for sweets at 10pm, and now accusing Levi of leaving a mess? Did Hanji drug you again?”
“No Hanji didn’t-”
“I’m gonna go talk to her. Try not to do or say anything too crazy while I’m gone.” Collista stood from her seat and left the mess hall. She met Kaia and Levi on her way out.
“Morning lazy butt.” She said to Kaia.
“Hey, aren’t you going to come eat breakfast?” Kaia asked
“I already ate. Also, Erwin has been acting a little weird,” She leaned in so that Levi couldn’t hear,”He accused Levi of littering.”
“Does he have a death wish?”
“I think Hanji might have had something to do with it, I going to talk with her now, keep an eye on Erwin for me, yeah?”
“Yeah, see you later.”
Collista couldn’t get over how strange Erwin had been acting. She was fairly sure that Hanji hadn’t drugged him, but there wasn’t any other explanation.
“But usually when Hanji does put drugs in someone’s food, it’s an entire group of people. Not just one.” Collista muttered to herself. Surprisingly, Hanji was in her office.
“Hey Hanji?” Collista asked, pushing the door open.
“Ah! Collista, are you here to help me with my experiments?”
“No Hanji I-”
“OOH gossip?” Hanji looked a little too happy about the possibility of gossip.
“No. I have a question for you.”
“Even better!! What is it? Something about titans?”
“No, I think I know everything I want to about that particular subject. I-”
“Aww but Collista, they are so interesting! Don’t tell me that Erwin and Shorty’s boring has rubbed off on you.”
“Hanji did you drug Erwin again?”
“Again? What do you mean a-”
“Hanji, I know it happened before, a while ago, but I’m not here about that. I want to know if you’ve drugged him recently.”
“Not that I know of. I don’t recall-”
“Did you or did you not, drug Erwin?” Collista had adopted a menacing tone.
“Well okay then. Oh, and I might have some gossip for you later. If I ever figure out what on Earth is wrong with Erwin.”
“What is he doing?”
“It’s a long story, and I get the feeling that it’s not over yet. I’ll tell you later.”
Collista shut the door to Hanji’s office. She was left to her own thoughts. She couldn’t think of any other reason that Erwin would be acting so strangely. As she made her way back to the mess hall, she stepped on something. It looked like a, now squished, ball of paper. There was actually a little trail of them. The trail was spaced out and a little erratic, but it was a trail. She followed the line of paper, not bothering to pick them up as she went. At the end of the trail was an empty peanut butter cup wrapper and a note.
At first Collista thought that it may have been Erwin’s handwriting, but Erwin’s writing wasn’t that neat. Erwin’s Writing looped and curved more. It was entirely unreadable at times. No, this looked more like Levi’s writing.
“Shouldn’t this have been for Kaia then?” Collista wondered aloud.
“What about me?” Kaia asked, having followed the trail of paper to the same spot Collista had.
“Apparently shorty had a message for you.” Collista handed her the note.
“Do you know what this means?”Kaia asked
“No idea, he’s your boyfriend.”
“That doesn’t make me an expert.”
“Well you should be by now.”
Kaia rolled her eyes and scanned the note again, “Something is going on.” She commented.
“And it has something to do with peanut butter cups.”
“Thank you Squad Leader Obvious.”
“You’re welcome Commander Sarcastic.”
After finding wrappers stalking their every move with none-too-inconspicuous shadows every time they turned around or looked up at the tree or in the entrance to the tunnels the men didn’t know they knew about , Kaia and Collista finally met where they knew their proud manly men wouldn’t follow them, the ladies’ room.
    "Okay here's what I think we should do," Kaia leaned against the bathroom counter, the girl's bathroom they had decided to meet in later that day, "so it all started after we handed out the peanut butter cups, I think they just want more."     "Which explains a lot of the weird crap they've been pulling all day. They can't for some reason come out and say they want some."     "Definitely. But it would've taken a lot of self control from Levi to leave the trash trail, I say we wait, do nothing. I'd like to see how far they're willing to take this before they cave."     Collista laughed, "I like it, so we don't mention it at all to them?"     "Not until the idiots stop being so stubbornly proud."     "Let's do it."
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atyournearestfanfic · 9 years
Peanut Butter Cups - Levi - Day Two
    The next morning, Levi woke earlier than usual, hungrier than usual. He got ready quickly and made his way to the mess hall. Very few cadets were there that long before they had to be. Lazy butts. Kaia wasn’t there yet, she was a lazy butt, sleeping in as long as he would let her. Levi looked at breakfast and found he didn’t want any. He still wanted something, but none of this crap. It was strange though, the Lance Corporal rarely ate breakfast.
    Erwin joined him soon thereafter. He sat down looking odd, his eyes were wide and his movements were stiff and controlled. He let out a hoarse whisper as he sat, “She knows.”
    Levi turned, “What?”
    “She knows, Levi!”
    “Who knows what? What the Hell are you on about now?”
    “The peanut butter cups. Collista, she knows. Kaia probably knows as well.”
    “The-? Oh. You mean the-”
    “Yes! The peanut butter cups. I want more of them, but I can’t just go ask for them. She’d never let me forget it.”
    “But how can we get some?”
    “You think you’re the only one who-” Levi stopped as Collista walked in, heading for her seat next to Erwin.
    “Morning Eyebrows, Shorty.”
    “Morning.” They sat in silence a moment as she dished herself breakfast, “What no comeback?”
    “Uh, what?” Erwin looked at her. She squinted in return, “Are you sure that’s not just stache-less Mike up there?”
    “I need to go get Kaia’s lazy butt out of bed,” Levi muttered, excusing himself.
    The squad leader’s room was pitch black when Levi went in. She shifted in her blankets when he opened the door, hugging a pillow. How could anyone sleep with so many pillows? There were at least four under and around her head. He shook his head, but smiled softly, it was kind of cute, hair all wonky like some sleeping beauty story. He crossed to the room and threw open the blinds and the window in turn. She groaned behind him, “Shut the window, it’s too dang cold.” She mumbled some other things into a pillow. But Levi was merciless.
    “If you don’t get up now you’ll never get up,” he pulled he blanket off her, revealing long shorts and a wide strapped tank top. Finally she sat up, hair sticking out at various angles. She rubbed her eyes, “I hate you.”
    “No you don’t.”
    She only smiled. He grabbed one hand and pulled her up onto her feet, he pushed her lightly toward the adjoining bathroom. “Go get ready, you stink.”
    “Thanks a lot.” She called, closing the door behind her.
    Levi waited for Kaia while she got ready. While he waited he made her bed, arranged her books, fixed her squeaky chair, and was trying to decide which stuffed bear she would miss the least when she reemerged from the bathroom, showered and dressed. She saw him near her bears, “What are you doing?”
    “Nothing, let’s go.”
    They headed back to breakfast together. Most of the cadets were there by then, the mess hall buzzed with voices.
     They met Collista on her way out the door, “Mornin’ lazy butt.”
    “Hi to you too. Aren’t you going to come eat breakfast?”
    “I already ate, Erwin’s acting weird,” she leaned in so Levi didn’t hear, “He accused Levi of leaving a wrapper on the floor.”
    “Does he have a death wish?”
    “I think Hanji had something to do with it. I’m going to talk to her now. Keep an eye on him for me, yeah?”
    “Yeah. See you later.”
    Levi pulled Kaia over to the table as Collista left. They headed towards their usual seats, Erwin was there already. Kaia went to sit down but before she could, an arm crossed in front of her. Slender fingers picked up a wrapper that had been left on the table. The hand withdrew, albeit slowly as if showing her. “Tch,” Levi examined the offending object, “Some idiot left their chocolate wrapper out.”
    “How do you know it was a chocolate wrapper?” Kaia looked at him.
    Levi hesitated, “It looks like the ones you had yesterday.”
    “That was wax paper, anyone could’ve used it since then.”
    Silence from the Captain, “Well, then, you better make more to make sure it wasn’t that. I need to go throw this away, excuse me.”
    “Levi there’s-” but he was gone, “-a trashcan right there.”
    What was his deal today? Kaia shrugged and sat down by Erwin, “Morning, Commander.”
    He looked at her eyes wide. “Are you alright?” Kaia asked.
    “Yes! Why wouldn’t I be alright? What did Collista tell you? NeverMindINeedToGoDoSuperiorCommanderThings.GooddayKaia.” Erwin hurried out of the mess hall, leaving her alone at the table. Did Hanji drug everybody? Honestly, at this point she wouldn’t be surprised.
    “Dismissed!” The cadets saluted Kaia and went off to do whatever kind of weird things cadets did. Truth or dare and such foolishness Kaia may or may not participate in every once in awhile. She returned to her room and changed out of her uniform into a T-shirt and pants. She sat at her desk but thought she heard something outside her door. It sounded like someone was out there. “Hello?” She moved to the door, distinct footsteps began running away from the door. Kaia went to open it, but stopped when she remember the last prank a cadet had played on her. She was going through the window this time.
    Kaia pulled herself up through the window above hers, it was an empty room, the window unlocked from the last time she had used it. She slipped through the door and ran back up to her room. There was no evidence of anything rigged, but there was a long trail of crumpled pieces of wax paper. Suspicious, she began following the trail,but soon turned back and began them up as she went. It was going to bug her too much. I’ve been spending too much time with Levi.
    The trail went around several hallways before Kaia saw Collista at the end. She approached, picking up the last of the pieces as she heard her fellow Squad Leader, “Shouldn’t this be for Kaia then?”
    “What about me?”
    Collista turned, a neatly folded paper in her hand, “Shorty had a message for you.”
Kaia accepted the piece of paper, she recognized the writing immediately, DISAPPOINTING ISN’T IT.
    What the heck Levi. “Do you know what this means?”
    “No idea, he’s your boyfriend.”
    “That doesn’t make me an expert.”
    “Well you should be by now.”
    Kaia narrowed her eyes, “Whatever. Something’s going on.”
    “And peanut butter cups are definitely involved.”
    “Thank you, Squad Leader Obvious.”
    “You’re welcome Commander Sarcastic.”
    After finding wrappers stalking their every move with none-too-inconspicuous shadows every time they turned around or looked up at the tree or in the entrance to the tunnels the men didn’t know they knew about , Kaia and Collista finally met where they knew their proud manly men wouldn’t follow them, the ladies’ room.
    After double and triple checking they weren’t being listened in on, resulting in the punishment of a certain cadet and the plugging of a peephole, they finally were able to discuss the odd events.
    “Okay, here’s what I think we should do,” Kaia pulled herself up to sit on the counter as she spoke, “so it all started when we gave them peanut butter cups, I think it’s pretty safe to conclude they only want more.“
    Collista scoffed, “That much is obvious, and explains a lot of the weird crap they’ve been pulling. Because they aren’t the type to admit when they want things.”
    “Definitely not. But it would’ve taken a lot of self control on Levi’s part to leave the trash trail, I say we wait and do nothing. I’d like to see how far they’re willing to go.”
    Collista grinned, “I like it, so don’t mention anything?”
    “Not until they stop being proud, stubborn idiots.”
    “Let’s do it.”
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atyournearestfanfic · 9 years
@people who reblog fics
I hope you find money on the ground today
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atyournearestfanfic · 9 years
Writing fix-its when Canon is just too awful
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atyournearestfanfic · 9 years
[Shot] Levi
     So this was how he was going to die. Not by the mouth of a titan but by the hand of some idiot attached to an old pistol. Levi fingered the ropes binding his wrists together but couldn’t reach the knots that were too tight to loosen from here. He couldn’t do hardly anything, even sit up on his knees, the cord around his ankles was attached to the one around his wrists by something that refused to bend. He was stuck.
     Levi glared at the person that stood before him. They wore all black, including a mask. Their stance was strong but their hands shook slightly. They lowered the gun to rest on his forehead, the barrel cool against his skin. What was taking so long? Just get it over with.
     They cocked the gun. Levi’s gut instinct to survive kicked in, “Coward!” he shouted, they paused, looking at him, “Tch, you can’t even show yourself, I’m ashamed to die at the hand of a fainthearted brat.”
     His captor stood still. Levi could see the internal struggle working behind the mask. Finally they stepped back, lowering the weapon. Levi’s shoulders relaxed, and he let out a breath he hadn’t known he held. They reached one hand up toward their mask. He could reason with them if he knew who they were, and he had a few guesses. They hesitated before pulling the mask off, whispering a coarse and strained, “I’m sorry.”
     No it couldn’t be.
     It- they would never.
     Levi stared stunned, all words lost on his lips. It-. They-. How could they?
     Tears filled their eyes as the pointed the gun at him once more. “I’m so sorry Levi.” They pulled the trigger and shot humanity’s strongest in the heart.
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atyournearestfanfic · 9 years
Peanut Butter Cups- Erwin- Day One
There was a reason that Erwin stopped closing his office door all the way; and he could hear that reason pounding down the hall towards him. Collista kicked open the door, effectively announcing her entrance.
“Collista I’m very busy, can this wait?”
“Why can’t it wait?”
“Because if I wait too long, the chocolate will melt!”
Erwin looked up from his paperwork for the first time in hours. “Chocolate? Where did you get chocolate?”
“That doesn’t matter, all that matters is that I made peanut butter cups, and you need to try one.” Collista skipped over to his desk, setting half a muffin tray of peanut butter cups on his desk. She plucked one out of the tray and shoved it towards his hand.
“I’ll eat it later.” he said, setting the treat off to the side.
Colista picked it back up and placed it in front of him again, “When I said the chocolate was going to melt, I wasn’t kidding. They’ve been out of the freezer for about ten minutes, so unless you want to drink that peanut butter cup and make a huge mess, I suggest you eat it now.”
Erwin was about to make another excuse, but she had walked out of his office before he could. He moved the treat off to the side of his desk again, and resumed his paperwork. Or rather, he tried to. Collista’s warning about the melting chocolate stuck in his mind. Erwin wasn’t quite the clean freak that Levi was, but that didn’t mean that he liked messes. It’s not like the sweet would distract him from his work, and he hadn’t eaten much that day anyways. He picked up the treat, it was only about an inch and a half in diameter. He unwrapped it and popped the sweet in his mouth, savoring the chocolate . He tried to focus on the mass of papers in front of him, but he found his mind wandering to the sweet he had eaten. He began wondering if Collista had any more.
He stood up to go find the girl when Levi pushed his way into Erwin’s office.
“Have you seen Kaia anywhere?” He asked.
“No, but she’s probably with Collista, and they might be in the kitchen.”
“I want another one of those chocolate, mess things, whatever she called it.”
“I do as well. Let’s hope they have some left.”
They found the two girls in the kitchen. One washing dishes and the other grabbing ingredients. They were in an animated conversation about something.
“Say something along the lines of “Think of it as manscaping!” that might work.”
“Yeah, That’ll work about as well as telling Levi that some animals use dirt to clean themselves. Do you remember what happened when Berthold said that to him?”
Both girls began laughing at the memory of the giant landing heavily in a mud puddle and not being allowed time to wash before doing chores.
“Do you have any more of those peanut butter cups? Are you two making more peanut butter cups?” Erwin asked from the doorway.
“No and no, just cleaning up.” Collista answered.
Both men sagged a little.
“Oh.” Erwin mumbled.
Kaia grabbed Levi’s arm, she was saying something about chocolate on his face, but Collista was too busy to listen. She poked Erwin’s arm.
“Are you sure you’re the real Erwin? Because the Erwin I know wouldn’t be out of his office until midnight. And he certainly wouldn’t have come to the kitchen begging for sweets.”
“I was not begging.”
“Uh-huh, sure.”
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