The time I got chased by Wild Turkeys.
Fear is one hell of a thing. We all have made decisions in our life at one point of another based on how frightened we were. When you’re young, fears are a bit irrational. Like tthe fear of a monster under your bed, or a fear of people in animal suits. (Ironically, a fear small Vinnie had.) As you get older, your fears start to have more rational substance. Instead, most adults fear things based…
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Been a bit of a crazy work week for me, so the idea train hasn’t really arrived at the station yet. But I still wanted to try and get something released on the blog so that I wouldn’t lose the momentum I have been working on with posting and all that. I am doing well, I think. Between editing and making sandwiches, I have still been able to get decent amounts of writing done. I still call this a…
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Story Snippet: Intense Research [18+ story]
Intense Research is an 18+ story that features a himbo vampire with frat boy energy being interviewed a feline journalism student whose curiousity gets the better of him. This story will be released on Voice of Dog, during the Ghost of Dog installments. However, I am feeling generous and low on any blog ideas. So I figured, why not give out a sneak peek of the story? Please enjoy this excerpt…
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An idea that seems big.
Do you ever have an idea for a story? Of course, this question is probably only relevant to people who have ideas. And I obviously have a point to this that I should really try to get to. This idea that you have, does it feel way too big for your abilites as a writer? Or maybe you just don’t think you have the time? What if you feel like it is just too much in general? I have multiple ideas…
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My Time This Weekend! (Megaplex 2024!)
This past weekend, I went to Orlando for the annual furry convention Megaplex! You all know this; I talked about it in my last post! It was a really good time, and there were so many furries that came out to mingle, fursuit, and just overall enjoy the fandom they love so much. I attended the convention for the afternoon half of friday, and most of Saturday. And there was so much that I was able…
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Hey! I am at Megaplex! Or I am on my way to Megaplex, depending on what time you read this post! That’s right! I have scheduled this post to go up on the day I am attending the convention. (Well, one of them?) Most of the people who would be reading this post probably already know what Megaplex is. So I won’t go through the explanation of it outside of, it’s Florida’s furry convention! It takes…
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More Questions!
Time for a third round of questions and answers! I promise to answer every single question with one-hundred percent seriousness and I won’t be making up any silly or untrue answers at all! Are you guys ready to see me answer more questions?! 😀 Where do babies come from? What a wonderful question! You see, when two people love each other very much… A anthropomorphic stork named “Big Jimmy”…
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More Pokemon Decklists! BY Chee!
A little over a month ago, I shared a list of four decks that I made for more competitive (and fun) Pokemon play! Three of the decks I used last time were decks that have a good shot at thriving in the meta. However, the meta isn’t always important. Sometimes rogue decks can do well. Or they can just be fun! Control is becoming a big element in the TCG and it’s not all bad. However, some control…
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Doing another Q&A post for my blog! Send me questions! ^_^
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Story Snippet! Sunnydale!
(Hiiii! As I am slowly working on multiple porjects at once, I felt like it was a good idea to share a snippet of one of the other long projects I am working on. Haunting in Sunnydale features my trans-masc German Sheppard OC Shane as he moves to a new town where things are a bit weird. This is a horror project, that I am hoping to turn into a series one day! Fingers crossed!) (This is the first…
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The Final Girl Trope (Spoilers for Various Horror FIlms)
I have made it no secret that I love horror films, as well as other horror media like books, comics, and video games. I have also claimed that “The Final Girl” trope is one of my favorite overall tropes in storytelling. And it’s sort of true still to an extent. But what is the “Final Girl” trope? The title is usually given to the young woman who finds herself able to evade and possibly even…
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Checking in with the chee,
Happy August everyone! Hope everyone has been having a good summer! I, for one, am so greatful that I no longer work in the public school system. I am, as I joked with a customer at work earlier today, “safe behind the sub-service counter.” Speaking of work, this month marks the start of my sixth month working in the deli that I am currently working in! Five full months, soon to be sixth with…
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New To Horror, But Don't Want To Watch Movies?
There’s no such thing as being new to horror, in my opinion. Horror inspires fear, and that’s something everyone has had. But I am more talking about horror media. And chances are, if you consumed media as a kid. You are kind of familiar with some form of horror. Kids tv shows like Scooby Doo, Gravity Falls, and The Owl House have varying forms of scares throughout, whether they are prevelant the…
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Writing Plans for the Future?
So, just six days ago, I published a post that explained everything going on for me as a writer, and this included a list of the stories you can expect to see from me in the coming months/year. (Thanks again to TJ Minde who gave me the idea for that post and this one!) I am still a busy beaver though. I have so many stories in my big ol’ smarty smart brain. And that is so good because my…
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List 30 Things That Make You Happy!
Daily writing promptList 30 things that make you happy.View all responses I haven’t done one of these yet, because none of the prompts really spoke to me. This one is nice though, because I can list some positive things in my life that bring me joy. And it’s a fantastic post idea! ANd it’s a list! I fuckin love lists! So, here are thirty things that make me happy. Being alive. My partner,…
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Writing Updates!
(Thanks to TJ Minde for this idea!) I have been having a good year so far when it comes to the general writing (this includes both writing and editing.) As some people already know, my biggest project at the moment is a collection of nine short stories. All of the stories have varying horror adjacent themes! Some of them have been previously published (and heavily rewritten) while others are…
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Vinnie Answers Questions! AGAIN!
Answering questions is fun! This time I took to Bluesky, Mastodon, and Tumblr for questions! These are the questions I recieved, and the answers I am giving! What’s your most and least favourite trope in storytelling? My most favorite trope in storytelling has to be “the final girl” trope.I love horror films/books, and there is something so satisfying about seeing loveable characters survive…
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