autismtypes · 3 years
Autism Type #2030
“Low-key treating my stims like they’re a conlang I am simultaneously inventing and trying to learn” autism
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autismtypes · 3 years
i know this blog is meant to be satire, but i am collecting all of the types that i relate to into my "proof of autism" collection for the doctors because i am an adult woman and some doctor's autism knowledge is still in the last century, so it's hard to get diagnosed... is that weird? does anybody else do that?
I wouldn't say it's weird, but I would say that it wouldn't necessarily be helpful. While some of the Types are quite autism flavored (are more likely to be relatable to autistics and/or ND people in general), others are fairly generic, because this is all just for fun.
If you'd like to use them as part of your support, I'd suggest finding the ones that are a bit more specific and rewording them into describing the actual traits you're relating to.
For example: "Autism Type #2029: The type who’s faking a sore throat so they wouldn’t need to talk." may become "Speaking out loud is tiring to a point of pretending to be ill so people stop pushing me to talk."
Or "Autism Type #2019: can’t wait to go to big cities and do stuff but gets super tired and overwhelmed after only a couple of hours autism" may become "Exhausted and overwhelmed even by enjoyable activities and events I was looking forward to, much faster or more so than my peers"
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autismtypes · 3 years
Autism Type #2029
The type who’s faking a sore throat so they wouldn’t need to talk.
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autismtypes · 3 years
Autism Type #2028
Every wall of my room must have colorful posters/pictures/decorations of some sort because blank, empty walls are Scary™ type autism
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autismtypes · 3 years
Autism Type #2027
Woke up in the middle of the night and infodump myself autism
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autismtypes · 3 years
Autism Type #2026
really has to hold self back from correcting grammar as it genuinely irks you autism
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autismtypes · 3 years
Autism Type #2025
loud music on tv making me lose my absolute shit but if i turn the volume down my parents will complain they cant hear anything and that i just hate music autism
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autismtypes · 3 years
Autism Type #2024
"My hyperfixation is literally a color" type autism
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autismtypes · 3 years
Autism Type #2023
ive been listening to the same album for weeks and im getting tired of it but i cant listen to anything else because the album will know im cheating on it autism 
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autismtypes · 3 years
Autism Type #2022
Where you deal with people that aggravate you with a harsh loud voice. Some people accuse you of having a bad temper, but if you don't express yourself when your frustrated or mad then your anxiety goes through the roof type autism.
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autismtypes · 3 years
Autism Type #2021
i overuse sarcasm but forget to change the tone of my voice when being sarcastic so people are constantly confused around me type autism
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autismtypes · 3 years
Autism Type #2020
"My brain works differently than yours so stop assuming it doesn't" autism.
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autismtypes · 3 years
Autism Type #2019
can’t wait to go to big cities and do stuff but gets super tired and overwhelmed after only a couple of hours autism
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autismtypes · 3 years
Autism Type #2018
“Have to stop and engage with every salesperson in the mall because my speech teachers were too effective in teaching me to engage in conversations and I’m too socially anxious to just tell them I’m not interested” Autism
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autismtypes · 3 years
Autism Type #2017
Read every book in the science section at the local book shop autism
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autismtypes · 3 years
Autism Type #2016
Interstellautism 5555
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autismtypes · 3 years
Autism Type #2015
Finding a new blog you like and liking all of their posts before remembering that they're getting a notification each time autism
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