avengerssocialmedia · 2 years
It took way too long
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avengerssocialmedia · 3 years
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avengerssocialmedia · 3 years
Hello, can I please have some sambucky fic recommendations??
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okay this is gonna be long (these are all my personal favourites, if you were to ask me to choose one of them i would rather die hehehheh)
feel free to add more everybody!!
a great cuddler (and maybe more) by finnicklover69 on ao3 (word count: 2470)
Summary: Bucky doesn't convey his feelings very well. Eventually, he gets the hang of it. 
still feel the pull of you by napricot on ao3 (word count: 44382) (p.s. this was written before tfatws came out, but it’s so unique and amazingly written. definetely worth reading)
Summary: "The frantic pulse of fear doesn’t ease until Sam catches sight of Barnes for the first time since the end of the battle: he’s dirty and disheveled, and still, somehow, impossibly, the best thing Sam’s ever seen. The gallop of Sam’s heart slows, and the tightness in his lungs eases so suddenly that it’s like he’s gone buoyant, ready to float away without the help of any wings. Barnes turns as if he can sense Sam looking at him, and when he meets Sam’s eyes, he smiles, and it’s the brightest damn thing on this battlefield, a shock of sweetness in the midst of so much dark bitterness and confusion. Sam smiles back, giddy with joy and relief.
He thinks, thank God Bucky’s okay.
Then he thinks, wait, what the fuck?"
After realizing there are some unexpected side effects for those who've been brought back to life after the Snap, Sam and Bucky slowly but surely learn that if they want to be loved, they must submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known [via soul bond].
When We’re Old and Gay by 42hrb on ao3 (word count: 3724)
Summary:  “The paparazzi will get pictures from our wedding and call it a friendship ceremony.” Sam was frowning at his phone. “We’ll have a one bedroom apartment in the Avengers retirement community in 50 years and they’ll talk about how we’re such good buddies.”
weary traveler by mistilteinn on ao3  (word count: 15000)
Summary: come close, weary traveler,
rest your head on shoulder mine.
though your feet drag in the night,
you have crossed a hundred lands
and burned under the sun’s light.
“Coulda’ used the shield,” he can’t help but say, still half breathless. Sam rolls his eyes, tinted red by his flight goggles, and shoves him away. It’s enough to knock his equilibrium off, and for a moment, Bucky’s dazed. He looks up at the clear blue sky in wonderment.
Maybe Steve’s watching them from up there, he thinks. If he is, he’s definitely laughing his ass off right now.
What I've Been Living For by OhHelloFandoms123 on ao3 (word count: 2828)
Summary: He grabs his keys and starts heading out. He’s going to see Bucky again. He was nervous, excited…He’s never felt happier. “Sam,” Sarah teased, “looks like your boyfriend arrived.”
“Thanks, but he’s not my boyfriend.” he chuckled.
“The kids started calling him ‘Uncle Bucky’, might as well be your husband.”
Post-TFATWS Finale where soft feelings and emotions happen.
Louisiana Sun by Siancore on ao3 (word count: 1499)
Summary: “Thanks for today,” Sarah said, breaking the comfortable silence. “Haven’t seen my big brother smile like that in a while.”
“He’s always happiest when he’s helpin’ people,” said Bucky with a fond smile that caused his eyes to crinkle in the corners.
“That is true, but that’s not what I mean,” said Sarah, offering Bucky a small, knowing grin. “I meant that he was smiling like that because of you.”
a thread of guessing (with goodness at the end) by milucient (hopefulChange) on ao3 (word count: 1963)
Summary: Sam comes to think that his feelings are more than he lets on. Bucky sees it too.
Static in the Dark by wickedwitchcraft on ao3 (word count: 4989)
Summary: Prompt from abc-easy-as-123 on tumblr: So prompt idea, some bad guy follows Bucky to the docks for revenge (over whatever you can decide) and Sarah gets to see how protective Bucky really is over Sam when he gets in the line of fire
where you belong by faerialchemist on ao3 (word count: 7204)
Summary: “Wait, what do you mean ‘that’s good enough’?” Bucky managed to ask, matching Sam’s stride before he could be left in the dust on the docks.
Sarah gave him a small grin that Bucky couldn’t help but return. “C’est mignon, Sam—”“No, no, we are not going there,” Sam interrupted, shaking his head at his sister before returning his attention to Bucky. “And I just meant that it’s good you don’t know French.” A smirk slipped onto his lips. “We can talk shit about you in front of your face and you won’t have a clue.”
(The Wilson family speaks Louisiana French. Bucky doesn't. He finds a home with them all the same.)
something gave you the nerve (to touch my hand) by lovecamedown on ao3 (word count: 10738)
Summary: a reimagining of the hand holding in 1.05: what if they kissed in that moment?
and the aftermath, navigating this new territory.
“She thinks it’s weird I don’t call you my boyfriend,”
“Huh,” Bucky remarks indiscernibly. “Do you think it’s weird?”
Sambucky Stories by Trode19 on ao3 [an updating series] 
Summary: A collection of Sambucky stories I’ve written, all together for easier reading :)
i believe in you (so get over yourself) by bothsexuals on ao3 [an updating series] (p.s. OH GOD DO I LOVE THIS ONE pls this series is so so good)
Summary: A series of me being really good at writing sambucky despite watching like, ten minutes worth of content.
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avengerssocialmedia · 3 years
sam wilson deserves better
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avengerssocialmedia · 3 years
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sambucky fluff doodles ughhhh they make me cry happy tears
commissions open
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avengerssocialmedia · 3 years
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America Chavez: Made in the USA (2021—) #5 Variant Cover by Natacha Bustos
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avengerssocialmedia · 3 years
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Humble Loki, 19th June 2021
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avengerssocialmedia · 3 years
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avengerssocialmedia · 3 years
this is exactly how it went
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If he knew how to use a phone he would’ve done it
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avengerssocialmedia · 3 years
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Movie night by 刘tree
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avengerssocialmedia · 4 years
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i hate them BYE
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avengerssocialmedia · 4 years
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avengerssocialmedia · 4 years
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avengerssocialmedia · 4 years
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“I’ve had a lot of voices tell me what I should be making. Personally, I would much rather live and die by my own hand. If my stuff sucks, then at least I made it suck. I didn’t allow some person, some old dude in a suit, to make it suck for me.”
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avengerssocialmedia · 4 years
Morgan Stark and big brother Peter.
When Morgan Stark is born Peter is 18 years old, just graduated high school and ready to start college life.
Tony and Pepper didn’t hesitate to give him the title of Morgan’s elder brother and Peter was more than honoured, he cried and hugged Mr Stark and Pepper before holding his sister in his arms for the first time.
She was so tiny, Peter almost started crying again and for a solid minute just stared at her, eyes memorising her light brown hair and face scrunched up in a adorable, peaceful expression. Her heartbeat was normal, and Peter felt connected with her entire being.
He missed the smiles on Tony’s and Pepper’s face, so entranced by the baby in his hand.
Peter spent a lot of time with baby Morgan and his presence had become a constant in her life that she always knew when he was around. Peter was her favourite person as a baby after her parents.
He babysitted Morgan a lot with Rhodes help sometimes and sometimes when he was alone with her, he would read her stories or listen to songs with her, dancing with her in his hands and loving how she giggled, her tiny arms wrapped around his neck. (Tony and Pepper loved those videos)
Then when Peter went to college, the Stark family realized how constant his presence had become in their life and everyone understood why Morgan would cry about wanting Peter.
But Peter made up every time he came back, spending his entire holidays with them and May, not leaving Morgan’s side until the last day and felt the same heart ache when she sobbed in his arms every time he had to go back.
“I’ll be back soon, M. I promise” he hugged her close to his chest and looked over her shoulder to look at Tony who looked just as upset and had a pinched look on his face, but once Morgan was in her mother’s arms, the man hugged him so tightly and Peter smiled, his throat tight with emotion.
“Stay safe okay? And call us.” Pepper brushed his hair away from his face and looked at the 20 year old who smiled down at her and her heart squeezed.
God, how Peter has grown. He was already taller than Tony and he looked older, his baby face was morphing into a handsome man’s face and Pepper felt the same emotion she felt when she looked at Morgan.
Then a year later, someone leaked the picture of Pepper, Tony and Peter with Morgan in his arms coming out of a restaurant, Morgan’s hands squishing Peter face and Tony grinning at both of them while Pepper looked like she was trying to hide her smile and suddenly the world exploded, theories about Peter being Tony’s illegitimate child the top theory but was quickly squished down.
The next day SI released a statement about how they were waiting for the right time to announce it to the world that SI’s hire until Morgan is grown up is Peter B Parker, Tony’s intern who he has been training for years.
It had been a huge controversy until People meet Peter and obviously they loved how sweet and gentle his nature was and things went back to how they were except Peter was always in the spot light.
After graduating MIT, May and Peter moved to the tower and Peter started learning the trade from Pepper and Tony and Morgan was 5 years old now, who was more than happy that Peter was living with them now.
Tony and Peter became the most talk about topic for a while, seeing how close Peter was to the hero and obviously, when ever they were out Morgan was always with the young adult.
Morgan leaned more towards Peter, his kind and gentle demeanor and happy self was always uplifting and she loved her elder brother. Peter was there to drop her off for her first day of school, he organised her birthdays with mom and dad, he brought her gifts almost every week and he let her be part of his movie nights with his friends, MJ and Ned.
Petey was a protective brother, who would, as kindly as he could, tell the paparazzi to not crowd the 8 year old. Who took care of her when his mom and dad were away. He let her play with his hair and do his make up, let her touch his inventions, toys and was more than happy to bring her with him if she felt lonley.
Then years went by, Morgan was 10 when Peter got married to his highschool Girlfriend / one of the most badass women in the business industry, Michelle Jones and she was the flower girl at his wedding, Tony had literally become Peter’s father at this point and no one argued that Peter was not related to the man.
Morgan was 13 when she became an aunt of a young boy, Antony Jones Parker and Morgan still remembers seeing her dad cry and hold his grandson in his arms, choking on sobs.
She thought the baby might replace her in Peter’s life but her brother never let that happen. Peter, even when exhausted after a long day at work, always made time for his family, always present for dinner, movie nights, her school functions, playing videogames with her with AJ in his lap and Michelle curled up between them.
Their dad had insisted Peter as secondary guardian in her school after uncle Rhodey and Morgan doesn’t think she will ever forget that day in her life.
She went to the same High school as Peter and encountered her first bully who for months had taunted her a lot, a girl name Innana. It was three months into her junior year when Morgan’s patience snapped.
Innana commented how she was just a rich brat of a lame hero. How her family was so boring that her brother was not even her real brother.
Usually Morgan ignored her, but Peter made Morgan have always been a team and she was not going to let a jealous bitch say anything about her brother so she snapped and made her thoughts just clear to her bully.
One thing led to another and the two girls were sitting in the office waiting for their parents, Morgan nursing her hand and Innana her almost broken nose.
Innana’s parents came first( obviously) and using the skills her dad taught her, she ignored how they screamed at the principal to expel her.
She rolled her eyes and picked her perfect manicured nails, when someone else entered the office and Peter was standing in front of her, in his three piece suit and a amused smile on his face.
“Hey.” He kneeled down in front of her, ignoring everone else and she grinned at him.
“Hi.” The relief she felt seeing him here.
Principal Morita looked at Peter with a strange sense of emotion, almost looking proud but wiped it of his face when Peter turned to meet his eye.
“Sorry for being late. ” He smiled sheepishly at his old principal and sat down next to the girl’s parents who were staring at him with wide eyes.
The principal got down to business and both side of the stories were heard. Peter squeezed Morgan’s hand when she told them how Innana always bullied her. Obviously Innana’s parents didn’t believe her and snapped at them.
“Just because your father is Ironman does not mean you can do what ever you want!” The mother glared at Morgan and she was about to say something back when Peter pinned them down with a cold glare.
“I am sorry, but Morgan was clearly provoked. You saw the footage. It was your daughter who attacked my sister first and Morgan had every right to defend herself. If anything, your daughter should be apologizing to my sister.” His voice was clam, like Pepper’s but the edge in it was like their dad’s when he was pissed.
Even though Morgan was suspended for a day and Innana for a week, she knew that Peter would have done more, like going Tony Stark on the girl’s parents but stopped when Morgan squeezed his hand hard.
She looked at him, as he drove them back home and Morgan felt tears prick her eyes realising just how much he loved her.
He was literally the best brother in the world, who held her close when she was hurting, who stood by her with their parents when she needed backup.
She thanked her mom and dad for making Peter her brother and smiled when dad looked at her with that soft smile and caressed her cheek.
“He is the best, isn’t he?” Murmuring softly, the retired hero looked at Peter who was laying on the couch, playing with little AJ while MJ ran her hands through his hair a smile on their faces and feeling their eyes on him, Peter turned to look at them and grinned.
Morgan loved her brother so much. 
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avengerssocialmedia · 4 years
how can i help?
here you can find donation links, petitions, how to educate yourself, etc.
if you can afford to donate: official george floyd memorial fund here minnesota freedom fund here stephen lawrence charitable trust here the NAACP legal defense fund here black lives matter here
petitions you can sign: justice for george floyd here, here & here get the officers charged here reclaim the block — minneapolis here justice for breonna taylor here, here & here justice for ahmaud arbery here, here & here pass the georgia hate crime bill here **if you are international and aren’t able to sign, here are some zip codes to use: 90015 — los angeles, california  10001 — new york city, new york  75001 — dallas, texas 
text or call: text “JUSTICE” 688366 text “FLOYD” to 55156
get in contact with the district attorney and minneapolis mayor. leave a message demanding that 4 officers including derek chauvin (badge #1087) and tou thao (badge #7162) be arrested for the murder of george floyd.  minneapolis mayor’s office, jacob frey: (612) 673-2100 minneapolis district attorney, mike freeman: (612) 348-5550 OR [email protected] minneapolis PD emails: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] you can find the email template here
breonna taylor was murdered in her sleep by policemen (jonathan mattingly, brett hankison and myles cosgrove) who raided the wrong house and shot her 8 times. call the louisville mayor’s office and police department to demand that the police be fired and charged. louisville mayor’s office, greg fischer: (502) 574-2003 louisville metro police department: (502) 574-7111
undercover cop, jacob pedersen of the st. paul PD was seen smashing windows as the catalyst to many of the riots that occurred in minneapolis. email the st. paul PD and report his actions. st. paul PD email: [email protected] proof of smashing windows here proof it was pedersen here
want to learn more? i strongly recommend the book “Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race” by reni eddo-lodge. you can find an extract here.
list of resources: black lives matter google doc here black lives matter carrd here elle osili-wood on twitter here
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avengerssocialmedia · 4 years
Today marks the first day of Pride 2020.
It also marks the seventh day of protests held in honor of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. It’s been 634 days since Botham Jean was murdered by a police officer, 233 days since Atatiana Jefferson was fatally shot by a police officer, 2,123 days since Michael Brown was fatally shot by a police officer, and 2,146 days since Eric Garner was choked to death by a police officer. 
It has been five days since Tony McDade, a Black trans man from Florida, was shot and killed by a police officer.  
At the time of this post, it has been almost 19 hours since David McAtee was shot and killed by the authorities. 
This week has served as a stark reminder that those who have power in this country wield it recklessly and violently against Black people, non-Black POC, and trans people. For some, the power is found in their badge. In others, it’s their skin tone, their socio-economic status, their cisgender privileges, or any other number of privileges one can have. In 2018, with at least 26 trans people who were murdered, all but one was a trans woman, and all but one was a person of color. According to data collected by Human Rights Campaign, this pattern is all too common. It should also be noted that the number of trans people who are murdered is grossly underreported, with many families and newspapers often misgendering those who can no longer speak up for themselves. 
On June 28, 1969, the Stonewall riots began as a response to the constant police raids of nightlife establishments frequented by the LGBTQIA+ community. That night sparked a revolution, with many eye-witnesses crediting Black and Latinx trans women for being brave enough to ignite what would become one of the most pivotal nights in LGBTQIA+ history. Without Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, there would have been no uprising. Without them, there would be no Pride. 
At this moment, it would be tone-deaf and insensitive to commemorate Pride in the same celebratory fashion we usually do. Instead, we’re asking you to make the commitment to better the lives of the oppressed. Do the work to become actively anti-racist if you are not Black. Spread the word that Black lives matter. Spread the word that trans people deserve to feel safe wherever they go. Reblog this post, make your own, or find someone in your life who doesn’t understand and do your best to make them understand. Donate if you can. 
The first Pride was a riot. We stand with you.
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