aviyel-art · 2 years
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OC - Indigo 
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aviyel-art · 2 years
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I believe that you can be "not talented" but still achieve decent results.
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aviyel-art · 3 years
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Big news here, guys. After few years, me, @ironic-artist and @miyomiikonran got REUNITED! There were many turbulences in the past, we were basically messed up kids. But today, I can say with proud, we all grew up and learned a lot. Guys, it's so good to have you back <3 To honour this, I made few sketches. With my oc - Asano, and @miyomiikonran's oc - Takashi. Fresh, rockband au~! New adventures~! And Takashi's new hairstyle XD
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aviyel-art · 3 years
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Hi guys~! It's been a while, since I posted anything here. I'm more active on instagram recently, so if you are interested in my works, I reccomend to watch me there! > w o
Here is my latest artwork. Im not big fanart drawing fan, but I finished watching Adventure Time not long ago and omg, I love relationship between Bubblegum and Marceline! I wish there was more episodes about them > w < Still, Marceline mini-series and Obsidian were really good ones!
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aviyel-art · 4 years
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My latest artwork on tablet (I haven't use it since October). My uni keeps me busy and my health is not the best these days (my dizzyness and backpain make me go nuts). Anyway, this artwork is dedicated to my favourite private server of Aion . They're having a really hard time - data center got into fire accident. Now, the team is working on restoring data and make server works again. If any of you are interested in high quality private server with 4.6 version, then check out EuroAion^^ Servers should restart this week! My OC - Leuris from game Aion: the Tower of Eterinty by NCSoft
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aviyel-art · 4 years
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First battle of the Second D.R.B. is comming! Here, have some Yamada Bros X’D I keep my fingers crossed for their success! “Re:start” sounds amazing in trailer and I like it much more than “what a OSAKA” (I mean JIRO’S VOICE IN RE:START, OMG). What abut you guys? Are you cheering for Buster Bros!!! with me? Or do you prefer Dotsuitare Hampo? Or maybe you like both and cheer equally for them? Let me know in the comments! Go, Buster Bros!!! Go!
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aviyel-art · 4 years
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Omg, I hope that my motivation will stay with me for longer X’D I used some other technique again. I usually delete sketch/line work and make 1247827534579 layers, but this time, I worked with sketch and colours on ONE layer (mostly. I put extra effects on different layers). I wanted to create something “darker”. I think it turned out... well - not as good as I expected (of course), but not so bad for 4h-long drawing session X’D
Enjoy! c: My Oc Leuris form game Aion: the Tower of Eternity by NCsoft
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aviyel-art · 4 years
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Forgot to post it here >____>”
So, again, my Hawke O w O I really wanted to draw her with laurel - you know, the “champion” thing~ = w =
I tried to make my brush strokes a bit rough. Usually I blend EVERY. SINGE. O N E. of them (which is not the best thing to do, I think? -  textures exist for some reason, right? X’D). Goodbye my comfort zone.
I decided to sign my artwork by my initials from now on - my nick is kinda annoying with it’s lenght and it’s killing me each time I write it >___>
I thought of participating in this year Inktober, but after thinking about all pros and cons... I decided to let it go. Maybe I will draw something if topic and time will be on my side - who knows?
Also, another reason for my decision is... drum roll, please...  that I made it this year to be admitted to university at art department! So excited! O 7 O I hope that I will be able to share things I do on my lectures with you! > w <
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aviyel-art · 4 years
Rules: List 4 movies you’re pretty sure that you like more than anyone else you know and tag 4 people. Tagged by @acertaincritic​
Lol, it won’t be very surprising X’D. ‘Kay, let’s go!
1. The Lord of the Ring: The Fellowship of the Ring
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2.  The Lord of the Ring: The Two Towers
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3.  The Lord of the Ring: The Return of the King
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I tried to give you some nice meme from “The Return of the King”, but I couldn’t find one ; n ;
4. LoL, there is no other movie I’m sure I like more than anyone else I know, sry X’D
So yah, LotR movies are my most beloved movies! I know most of the dialogues by heart and can easly tell what happened in which scene, in which movie and with which characters X’D
I don’t tag anyone, becasue... nope. You can do it if you like c:
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aviyel-art · 4 years
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Something I was working on since yesterday o w o I recently started plaing Dragon Age 2 (thanks to my beloved @byhikarii <3). I really love my rogue Hawke, srsly ;-; 
This drawing was - at the same time - relaxing and pain in ass X’D But I learned something new again and that’s what matter!
Hope you like it!
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aviyel-art · 4 years
This is one of those moments, when I think that the whole Universe is trying to tell me, that I should stop digital painting <_____< -My laptop keyboard kinda died. I can no longer write “o“, nor “ > “. (not to  mention numbers  on the right side of it and one of the arrows) -My tablet pen is dying fast after charging. (I’m supposed to charge it once in 3 months, while now it need it once a MONTH. N ow I’m waiting f or my drawing program to die, and my laptop to shut down 4ever =____=“ I’m so done with this. Really. Wish me good luck, guys.
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aviyel-art · 4 years
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Fanart of Fenris from Dragon Age II. It’s a small gift for my sunshine - @byhikarii​ <3 She is my inspiration in artblock times, especially those days (I didn’t touch my tablet for 2 months now and I was kinda afraid how this piece will turn out. I also barely touch pencil and paper ;-; )
It took me less than 24h to draw it, which is not a bad timing for me X’D 
Enjoy~! Fenris from game Dragon Age II, created by BioWare
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aviyel-art · 4 years
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Pheewww, finally I can share this piece with you x__x I’ve been working on it for some time, but I had to stop, because I ended up in hospital for 10 days. The cause of this was my chronic lower back pain that, at some point, was this painful that I could barely walk. I was diagnosed with spine degeneration (casued by carring way too heavy things with bad posture, since I was around 10 years old), slipped annulus (6mm) and sciatica. Yeah... FUN. This diagnosis clearly, had a bad impact on my well-being and my motivation. Especially because I can’t sit for longer than 2 hours, which clearly interrupt my work. Okay, enough about me, let me tell you something about this drawing c: This is OC I created for one group on Facebook I belong to. It’s group created by one of my favourite artist. He calls his fans Prates and we call him our Capitan. The idea was to create some pirate-themed characters and have some fun~!
From technical point, I drew him in some other technique with different brushes and I treated him more like the real paiting (I payed extra attention for colours and bouncing light). 
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aviyel-art · 4 years
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aviyel-art · 5 years
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aviyel-art · 5 years
Okay, so I was tagged by @miyomiikonran. I’m not into suff like this too much, because I don’t like to talk about myself too much, but maybe it will be fun? o 3 o
Rules: Repost and tag 10 people
Birthday: 30/05
Star sign: Gemini
Gender: Female
Height: 163cm (Around 5′4′’ I guess?)
Sexual Orientation: Asexual (tbh, it’s always hard for me to put a label on myself in this case, but I think this is closest to reality. Also, I don’t like to talk about sexual orientation, because I don’t care too much about it - I just want people to treat themselves nicely, ok?)
Romantic orientation: Demiromantic
Favourite colour: Purple (so unexpected, huh? X’D)
Time and date at the current moment: 22/03/2020 6:40 PM
Average hours of sleep:  5-9.  The less I sleep, the more rested I feel, but I like sleeping, lol (even if i don’t feel refreshed at all, no matter how much I sleep) 
Lucky number: 8 (but I also love 3 and 13)
The last thing I googled: “Cannelloni”, lol X’DDD
First word that comes to mind: Misery
One place that makes me happy: Hm. My friend’s grandparents’ parcel, where we go every year for 4-5 years? (omg, when did all those years pass?)
How many blankets do I sleep under: One. It would be too hot for me If I would get any more >____>
Favourite fictional character currently: Hmmm... usually I choose few characters from Saint Seiya, because I have my faves of all time out there X’D But let’s say Asra Alnazar from “The Arcana”?
Favourite famous person: Hm. Hard question. If it comes to sports, it’s deffenetly Yuzuru Hanyu. In music - Freddie Mercury. I can’t decide who is my fave actor or painter. But the truth is - choosing only one fave person is impossible for me - there is too many of them that inspires me X’D
Celebrity crush/es: None.
Favourite books: The Lord of The Rings series by J.R.R. Tolkien
Favourite animals: Ha.ha. Very funny. how am I suppose to choose only one? I love wolves, cats mostly I think. (But I also love otters and rabbits > 3 <)
Favourite shows: Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas
Favorite musician/band: Starset is my beloved band since I found them few years ago and noone can take the crown from them <3 (But I would need separate sections for all of bads I love most in their own way. E.g. Queen, which I was rased with <3)
Favorite games: Well... I wasn’t playing many games, tbh.
Last movie I’ve seen in the cinema: Omg, that was...National Theatre Live series, I think? I watched “Frankenstein” with Benedict Cumberbatch as doctor Frankenstein. That was great~ = w =
Dream Holiday: Omg, there is so many places I’d love to see. It would be great to visit some interesting places from around the world with my friends > u <
Dream job: I wish it would be something creative and attached to art. Mostly, I’d love to be concept artist, or splash artist, I think?
Wearing right now: Red t-shirt with coca-cola logo on it, brown sweater and some loose black pants (Am I a victim of trash-fashon or smthn?). I like to feel comfortable at home.
Last book I read: The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien time to read the all the trilogy again. Well, I won’t nominate anyone (REBELLION AGAINST THE RULES!). If you are reading this and you’d like to do it, then feel nominated~ > w o
And now, it’s time to go back to my sketches, so I can share some of them with you soon <3
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aviyel-art · 5 years
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Aaand another drawing inspired by RockBand!AU~ > w <  I didn’t post any in traditional art for some time, so here it is - a sketchy sketch, of my OC Regulus, giving his sweetheart Satoshi a kiss > //// 3 //// <
As I said in previous post - Regulus is a drummer. Meanwhile, Satoshi is a bass player. (Regulus loves to tease him, that he plays a bass guitar, because he is lazy, lol. Guys, remeber: bassists are AMAZING! Give them as much love as you can! <3)
Regulus by me Satoshi by @byhikarii
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