awkward-tortellini · 3 years
I started crying because of it.
I feel so sorry for Aleksander. He's been a hero this whole time yet LB called him a villain.
I also feel sorry for Nikolai. He cared. It wasn't about him, it was about Ravka. And LB took his crown away for a woman who left her whole army because of a single girl.
This is just sad. This is why RoW is so bad.
all I see at the end of RoW when aleks basically says that all he ever did was for ravka is a man who’s fought his entire life to make sure his people are safe and is begging for once just to not be seen as a villain and just someone who wanted to help. this poor man has been vilified his entire life because of his powers, because of who he is. I don’t understand how that was framed as a want for power, ofc he wanted power in general but that was never the goal, power was never a goal but his tool to achieve a better safer world for grisha. any minority knows that the only way to change the system is to destroy it and build a new one. Only power can bring change.
At the end all I saw was a man so desperate to be seen and known for once, not a villain that he was ready to basically sacrifice himself.
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awkward-tortellini · 3 years
So proud of you! And thank you for tagging me uwu
1. My hair is absolutely gorgeous
2. I started running and I've already lost four pounds!
3. I can cook, maybe I'm not Gordon Ramsay but my lasagna is outstanding
4. I think I'm a good listener
5. I'm on 14 days streak on Duolingo like that's not a big achievement but I haven't missed a day since I started learning Russian
Tags for the people who most likely don't remember me because I left Tumblr AGAIN:
@f-r-o-p @camilleisback @ninazenikistheloveofmylife @ninamorozova @iambecomeyourvillain
Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, and send it to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable). SPREAD POSITIVITY! ♡ ~omar-rudeberg x
five things about myself?! ummm... haha, okay
1. my hair! haha, i actually rlly love my hair haha
2. (why is this so hard...???) my writing? i guess i've become prouder in my work as time as gone by, so that's good
3. my baking! i made the peach cobbler two days ago for a dinner, it was rlly good! haha
4. my hoodie and boot collection...? (does that even count??) i have this obsession with hoodies and boots, haha, and right now i have... 32 hoodies, hahaha, my friend has declared it a problem
5. my friendships. ik it's not only me, but my really close friendships are really deep and i'm really proud of them<3
tagging people 'cause i'm lazy, haha
@im-constantly-fangirling @r-a-b @kitty0621 @ilovemarvelanne1 @scandalous-chaos @sirisuorionblack @kurogue-nine @mr-brekker15 @gemma-collins-ily @ladydaemon @levi-txliesiin
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awkward-tortellini · 3 years
Hello my beautiful people!
I've got an idea to recommend some of my favourite polish songs to you because you probably never have listened to it but you should. Because... they are cool. Also @yototothelalafell said it's a good idea uwu
So the first song is "I ja Ciebie też, bardzo" = "I love you too, a lot"* by Męskie Granie Orkiestra. It doesn't have lyrics so I wrote it below!
I open my eyes as I walk
I can see one meter ahead
Mown grass, a boring day
I guess along the way I'll pass
The old, familiar shore
We're going to meet in a moment
Hold my hand, quickly
I won't do it in a few words, you know
Don't waste time, the night isn't young anymore
You have to know that I love you too*
I know I don't wanna be afraid anymore
I don't wanna dance to the melody I already know
I'm free, the wind took me already
Far away, where the milk spills among stars
I walked in for just a moment
I stayed for a couple of years
My fears held my neck
I open my eyes as I walk
You stand in front of me
Green grass, the good days
I'll hold your hand, quickly
Don't worry, the night is still young
I don't mind a waste of time
You have to know that I love you too*
I love you too, a lot
I love you too, a lot
I love you too, a lot
I love you too, a lot*
I know you don't wanna be afraid anymore
I don't wanna dance to the melody I already know
I'm free, the wind took me already
Far away, where the milk spills
I know you don't wanna be afraid anymore
I don't wanna dance to the melody I already know
I'm free, the wind took me already
Far away, where the milk spills among the stars
Keep in your mind that there's no verb to love in original polish lyrics. Ja Ciebie też means I (verb) you too, but we don't say the verb lmfao
For example:
Kocham Cię. = I love you.
Ja Ciebie też. = I [...] you too.
Nienawidzę Cię. = I hate you.
Ja Ciebie też. = I [...] you too. (it's the same!!)
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awkward-tortellini · 3 years
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awkward-tortellini · 3 years
She whirled on Nikolai. “Why do they love him [Aleksander]?”
“They love strength,” he said. “Living in Ravka has meant living in fear for so long. He gave them hope.” - King of Scars
One of those moments where Nikolai proves he deserves to be tsar, because he is willing to understand his enemy and his enemy's appeal.
Hence the saying: If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. - The Art of War
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awkward-tortellini · 3 years
Darkling antis: the Darkling is a well written villian and that is why he is so dangerous.
Darkling stans: the Darkling is so badly written that it makes my head hurt, yet he's still the best in the trilogy wtf
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awkward-tortellini · 3 years
yes and I hate it
no one:
leigh bardugo: I am going to bring down the king of ravka with a single blue ribbon
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awkward-tortellini · 3 years
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Please, reblog! IIt’s called self defense. Apart from having here, in the US, one of the highest cases of homicide and rape in the world and high rate of GBV, think about how this could help your mother or sister
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awkward-tortellini · 3 years
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✨ heartrender husbands ✨
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awkward-tortellini · 3 years
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bubble tea date!!
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awkward-tortellini · 3 years
Now I’m thinking Alina was waiting for something to go wrong/was expecting the worse which is why she so easily believed Baghra. Or maybe she was looking for a way out, she didn’t want to be there. There was only a brief moment of her feeling confident in herself and feeling like she belonged but then she throws it all away because of vague explanations by Baghra.
Subconsciously she was wanting a way out or was waiting for something to go wrong.
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awkward-tortellini · 3 years
Some people: OH NO! Leigh said season 2 will be even MORE different than season 1 was from the Grishaverse trilogy.
Me, thinking about how book 2 was perhaps the most boring book in existence from page 50 until the Darkling showed up at the end: Thank the lord for that.
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awkward-tortellini · 3 years
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awkward-tortellini · 3 years
She descended from the coach, closing the door behind her. Mal and Alina stood on the sanatorium’s stairs, but when Alina saw Zoya, she smiled and raced down the steps with arms open. Zoya blinked away an embarrassing prickle of tears. - Rule of Wolves
I am honestly flummoxed that Alina and Zoya are not the main couple of this series.
I think they need an old fashioned "ship manifesto".
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awkward-tortellini · 3 years
““… You were father and friend and mentor. You were supposed to protect me.” “I had a nation to protect, Genya.” “A nation is its people,” Zoya said. “Genya, me, my aunt.” The Darkling raised a brow. “When you are queen, you may find such calculations more difficult to make.””
Rule of Wolves (Leigh Bardugo)
Genya’s change of POV aside.
The Darkling is thinking and acting (whenever the author allows him) as a general. Strategist. Tactician. He knows he can’t save everyone, so sure as hell, he’s gonna use every. Little. Sacrifice. To. His. Advantage.
While Zoya, who’s for some reason called “general”, is constantly refusing to look at the bigger picture. And she doesn’t have to. When she’s finally put in front of a decision, whether to go save Nina, or help her army, she has just enough time to do both.
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awkward-tortellini · 3 years
LB only actually likes two characters: Mal and Zoya and she’ll do just about anything to make them happy. She’ll destroy her magic system or her main heroine or her main villain or just about anything else to serve the lame ass stories of these two bone heads.
Everyone and everything in the og gregverse trilogy serves to make Mal happy even though he’s not even the male lead. Both Sasha and Nikolai have more of a claim to that title and his happiness comes at the cost of Alina’s character. In the duology, you know the one that’s about Nikolai, everything revolves around Zoya and how much of a girl boss she is. The narrative breaks its back trying to make Zoya the best grisha ever and the queen and a dragon and the the avatar that’ll lead the grisha into the future. I swear it’s only Mal and Zoya the rest of them can rot.
When you think about how the narrative had to bend over backward to make Mal crucial with making him the third amplifier rather than just a gifted tracker
& then how King of Scars went back on everything we knew about Grisha magic to make Zoya the most powerful Grisha to ever live, despite the trilogy never showing her as more than a talented Squaller with a good amplifier
- it really makes you think why no other character got a similar hand dealt to them.
And I know Leigh is capable of writing happy endings because the Crows all got theirs, yet in Ravka, even Genya and David couldn't get to just stay happy and in love.
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awkward-tortellini · 3 years
Congrats, you probably just did a better research than LB
Yes, I am currently reading “The Russian Market in World Trade, 1500-1860 By ARTUR ATTMAN” because of the Grishaverse.
In the later Middle Ages other important products emerged: flax, hemp, tallow, ashes and skins. Flax and hemp were key articles for the shipbuilding industry, being used as materials for the rigging, ropes and sails.
While furs and wax had been the most important export goods during the early centuries of the Middle Ages, flax and hemp became increasingly dominant in Russian exports during the sixteenth century. For the discovery of new shipping routes at the beginning of the modern age created an ever-growing demand for tonnage. It was primarily in the Netherlands and England that the maritime buildup gathered momentum. The fitting-out of vessels constantly required new supplies of flax and hemp.
This could be the historical trade between Ravka and Kerch. 
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