babykittycatxox-blog ¡ 6 years
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If any of you think I will ever shut up about their height you’re wrong
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babykittycatxox-blog ¡ 6 years
Go like my Bbygirls work, she's amazing @bigjigglyniggly
Another Krii7y Misteltoe Fic.
I did it! I finally finished that fucking Fan Fiction :D
lil disclaimer: Since I’m not a native English speaker, there may be some mistakes and weird sentences. I tried my best and I was honestly to lazy to send it to a beta reader. So tips and constructive criticism is more than welcome! Let me know what you think and if you liked it! Love y'all 💖
Warnings: There are no real warnings. A bit of swearing and fluff.
It’s the 19th of December and some of the boys had the brilliant idea to actually plan a Christmas party. Not that I’d mind, I’m a fan of Christmas and parties. But since the last party was a wild one I had my thoughts about this one. 
I was in the middle of packing my suitcase, as I heard the discord call sound softly ring through my headphones. It was John and a little smile sneaked up my lips. Without hesitation I joined the call after putting on my headphones. 
“Yooo what’s up dude?” Was the first thing John said. “You ready for the party?” He sounded genuinely happy which made me even more happy.
The last few weeks were pretty tough for John. He struggled a lot with his Depression but seemed to be more and more euphoric as the holidays came by. We talked a lot about his struggles and how much he hated it that most of his friends couldn’t live near him. That’s why a few of us decided to stay with John even over New Years. 
“Well.. Party sounds pretty wild for these kind of holidays. Shouldn’t it be more, you know.. Chill?” Was my counterquestion to that.
“Whatever dude. I’m just so fucking excited to se y'all again. Can’t wait to bury you in snow as a revenge for last year.” John chuckled and it felt so good to finally hear him like this again, all happy and keen. 
As we were talking, I reorganised my microphone so John could hear me while I continued to arrange and pack my stuff.
We talked about so many random things but mainly about finally seeing each other and the other boys again. It felt like we had been chatting for just half an hour but time went by faster than expected. At some point I had to yawn very frequently, even though I wasn’t feeling that tired, but all the excitement and packing still had an impact on me. “Getting tired, babe?” It wasn’t the first time John called me babe, but it made me grin wide. Sure, we were flirting a lot and most of the time it has been jokes, however it felt like all the cute and dirty little things became more and more serious. We never talked about it though.
“Yeah I guess so.. I just wish I could be there with you-.. all” John’s laugh told me that my attempt, to correct my little mistake, failed. “Yeah man, I wish you were here too. But No Homo tho” We laughed for a bit but we both knew exactly, even after that no homo, how fucking gay we were right now.
I went to bed earlier than usual and besides being incredibly tired I couldn’t get a resting sleep last night. Sure it wasn’t the first time seeing all the boys, but my excitement level was rising minute by minute and so was John’s. “Dude.. heckin 6 hours til I see all you cunts again! I can’t believe it!” I was already at the airport, impatiently waiting for my flight and another message just popped up on my screen. This time it was from Anthony. “Is it US you can’t wait to see or is it Smitty? :P”. I’m pretty sure everyone who would’ve seen me now, would’ve thought I’m a big douchebag because of my huge grin on my face. "Of course it’s him. Only him.“ Imagining John actually saying that made me smile more, if that was even possible and that’s when I realised why I was so nervous seeing him this time. 
Instead of going further into that thought, my flight was announced and just minutes later all passengers were conveyed to the airplane. "Alright guys, I’m inside the plane. See y'all later. <3” Was the last message I sent into our group just before receiving another private message from John. “Love you babe, see you later!!” Maybe he didn’t meant that little love you literal, it still made me smile for a pretty long time throughout the flight.
The plane landed on time after a few hours and I went through the standard procedure. With my big suitcase and another backpack I went outside and called myself a taxi.
The ride to John’s was pleasant but I was still very excited. I tried to think about something else, just anything but him. So I started distracting myself by watching snowflakes stick to the window right next to me. This went pretty fine until John called and a little smile creeped up on my face again. “Heeyy John!” I knew he was smiling too, as he started to talk. “Hey baby how was the flight, are you on your way? I mean.. of course you are” He laughed and I joined his laugh. “You know John, I’m just about to fly back to Canada, you idiot. Of course I’m on my way I was just to lazy to write, sorry.” Another small laugh from John followed “Don’t worry, it’s fine. So when do you arrive here?” “Uhh I’ll be there in 10 minutes or something I think”
I still had a little grin on my face and I felt like he did to, just like a little child and that’s exactly how I felt right now. “Alright great, see you in 10 then.” Talking to John made me relax a little. He’s always like an anchor for me, as weird as it sounds. We just click. “Yeah see you. Love you John.” For a moment it was silent and I started regretting saying that, until John answered. “I love you too Smit." 
This was so strange, everything was strange lately. I talked a lot to John the past few weeks, just to help him through his negative feelings but I didn’t except something like this to happen. I didn’t even knew I fell for him but it was more than obvious and I’m sure some of our friends already realised that. 
The taxi arrived in front of John’s house, I payed and thanked the driver before I took my suitcase out of the trunk. John’s house was decorated for the holidays, there was even a mistletoe hanging on his door. This gave me an idea.
I walked up to the front door, ringing the bell and all the nervous feelings from before returned. Maybe this was a dumb idea. I thought and looked down at my shoes. The door opened and a wide grinning, happy John stood in front of me. He was just about to greet me, but I didn’t gave him the chance to do so because my lips were already on his. I closed my eyes and for a moment I felt like this was so wrong, before even going deeper into that thought, John pulled me closer and returned the kiss fondly. Fuck, this IS really happening. For the moment the kiss lasted, I had no sense of time at all. Maybe we stood there for a few seconds or maybe even a minute, I really don’t know but what I know for sure is, that I enjoyed this a lot. John pulled away and smiled cheekily at me "I knew the mistletoe would work.” Was the first thing he said before pulling me into a big hug.
“You smooth motherfucker. As if you’ve planned that." 
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babykittycatxox-blog ¡ 6 years
types of people: lovers ❤︎
the snuggler - just wants cuddles on a daily basis, comforts their partner with the warmest hugs and the softest kisses, loving and endearing looks, cuddling on the sofa or bed, naps together and waking up in each other’s arms, sleepy ‘i love you’s, date nights indoors, sharing blankets
the affectionate one - not to be confused with the snuggler, loves to snuggle but also so much more, constant surprise hugs and kisses, public affection but not so much, kisses on the cheek or temples in greeting or goodbye, spontaneous pecks on the noses, fun loving and just wants to love
the keeper - always knows what to do for their partner, surprise visits and surprise dates that are always worth it, even the parents love them, holds hands to keep them warm, dancing along to music at home, sometimes will share food, always patient and ready for their partner to come back to them
the caregiver - takes care of you constantly, sends good morning and good night texts every day, feeds their partner all the time, knows what to do when their partner is sick, massages and soothing words, constant compliments and phrases of validation, may cook with or for their partner and taste tests with
the best friend - the most comfortable and the most fun, laughing too hard at inside jokes until tears come, knowing better than anyone, the most supportive of passions and interests, promises to never drift apart, silly antics, teasing each other, being fiercely in love
the protective one - gets kind of jealous easily, only has eyes for their partner and hopes the same in return, kind of clingy but just wants attention, will do anything for their partner, fights off anyone and anything just for them, the safest hugs and the warmest hearts, is always the one lending clothes
the sensual one - the best kisser, up close and personal, warm eyes and warm body heat, lingering touches, softly spoken promises, fun loving and risky, knows just the right things to say, fond looks, sly smiles, teasing personality, nighttime dates over daytime dates
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babykittycatxox-blog ¡ 6 years
Zuckles x Reader (Part 1)
Notes: Mason and you have been friends since school, he soon develops feelings for you but he keeps them to himself
[Y/n] - Your name
[Y/c] - Your Country
“I can’t wait to meet you again!” Mason called over the phone while you waited for your plane
“Same, I hope you haven’t done anything fucked up.” You said sarcastically
“Ah always mate.” He laughed. “Hey, um, will you be okay meeting my friends? They keep staring at me while Swagger’s making some thrusting gesture?” You started laughing and Mason chuckled “You cool with meeting them?”
“If they can put up with you, then I’ll definitely want to meet them.” You said making him gasp. You chuckled “I have to go, my flight is being called.”
“Okay!” Mason said with a smile “Love ya cunt.”
“Love you too bald-y.” You said before hanging up
//Time skip//
Your plane just landed and you grabbed your luggage before grabbing your phone, you almost phoned Mason before a large sign caught your eyes reading ‘[Y/n] the bitch that looks like DOG SHIT!’
“OI YOU BLOODY WANKER!” You yelled making Mason laughed (If you’re not British, change it to however you wish) “DO I REALLY LOOK THAT BAD?!” People started staring at you and Mason smiled happily
“Yeah, you look like dog shit.” He said smirking. you raised your eyebrow and Mason smiled “I’m joking, you look,” He paused staring at you before mumbling something
“What was that? I missed it.” You said leaning forward
“You look fine.” Mason said blushing. You frowned and pouted
“I’m hurt Mace.” You said placing your hand onto your heart
“S-Shut up, let’s go.” He said before grabbing your luggage. You walked outside and 5 boys rushed over, they started bombarding you with questions and Mason rolled his eyes “GUYS!” He yelled. They looked to him as he glared before pulling you into his side, “Can we just go home?” The tallest awed and snapped a picture making you cover your face squeaking
“No Mr. Giraffe man! I’ve just been on a long arse flight!” You gasped. They all laughed and Mason looked down to you (Or up if you’re a tall fucking alien) before he put your luggage into the back of the van
“Let's go!” Mason called
//Time skip// (You had gotten to know the boys throughout the car ride)
“Are you okay with rooming with Mason? I can always let you stay in my room Sweet-cheeks.” Eric said smirking as he swung his arm over your shoulder
“No! You can stay with me!” Toby said smiling 
“Or me.” Cameron said. Jay glanced to Mason making your eyes fall onto Mason also, he kept glaring at the guys before his eyes landed on you. They softened instantly and you chuckled
“Sorry boys, but I made a deal with Mason.” You said shrugging. Mason clenched his fist in victory before he rushed over, he threw you over his shoulder making you scream a little. “MASON BRADFORD!” You yelled as he rushed to his room “OH SHIT I CHANGE MY MIND!” The guys all laughed and Mason rushed into his room, he put you down and you saw your luggage already in the room. Mason shut his door and smiled
“Want to play Fortnite?” He asked smiling boyishly
//Time skip to dinner//
“Want to order?” Matt asked the guys as we wall sat in the living room
“We always have the same shit.” Jay grumbled. Mason yawned as he had his head on your lap
“Yeah well, we don’t have food.” Matt said. You started playing with the small amount of hair on Mason’s head
“You need to stop shaving your hair Mace.” You said frowning
“Did he do it in School?” Toby asked. You chuckled
“Fucking hell this prick never had hair.” You said
“But, you’re from [Y/c] right? How did you go to the same school as Mason?” Matt asked. Mason raised his hand quickly
“They’re a smartarse, they flew over just to attend a school in Australia, we bumped into each other on their first day and I instantly fell in love! So after that day, I kept an eye on them and one day, these HUGE bad guys had pushed them to the floor on purpose.” Mason rambled on as your eyes stayed wide
‘Fell in love?’
“SO THEN! I rushed over and helped them pick up their stuff, we locked eyes and I almost kissed them I swear! They looked at me like I was their saviour and I loved the feeling, of being someone’s saviour that I made a promise to myself to always protect them!” Mason gushed. You blinked and Cameron snorted
“Mason.” He called. Mason looked to him “You have feelings for [Y/n] don’t you?” Mason frowned before his eyes went wide
“Oh shit.” He whispered before getting up. He ran away and you blinked
“He does that, get very excited and ramble on, forgetting who’s in the room.” You chuckle as you stood up
“What are you going to do?” Swagger asked. You shrugged
“I guess I’ll go put his out of his misery.” You said smiling. You walked up to Mason’s room and knocked on the door
“Go away.” His muffled voice called out. You rolled your eyes and opened the door, you closed it behind you and walked over to Mason’s bed “I fucked up.” He mumbled “They won’t like me back.” You sighed softly
“You should check who comes into your room before talking.” You whisper into his ear. He stiffened before his ears and neck went red, you chuckled and played with his hair “You want to know my one favourite thing about you Mace?”
“Why?” He whispered. You laid back making your head lean on his side
“I love how clumsy you are, how you ramble about the things you love, when you get angry you come straight to me, when you’re stuck you refuse to ask for help until the very end, I love your smile and your eyes, I love how open you are,” You paused and Mason lifted his head
“That‘s more than one.” He whispered
“I guess I just love everything about you.” You said softly. His cheeks became red and you smiled softly “I love you Mason, I have for a while.” He blinked and frowned “Remember your first girlfriend?” He flinched “I loved you just before her.” He stared at you and he gulped
“Can,” He paused “Can I kiss you?” He whispered. You sat up and turned to him, he gulped as you crawled up to him
“You don’t need to ask.” You whispered. He pressed his lips onto yours and he groaned softly, he pulled back
“I’ve always wanted to do that.” He whispered. His thumb traced your bottom lip and you smiled as his eyes stayed glued to your lips
“That was a weak kiss.” You muttered before licking his thumb. He blinked before you suddenly laid under him, “Oh hi there.” He chuckled down at you before he pressed his lips onto yours with his lower body pressed against yours, his tongue licked your bottom lip and you smirked
“[Y/n].” Mason growled (I came)
“Mason.” You whispered smirking
“Be a good (girl or boy) and open your mouth.” Mason growled
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babykittycatxox-blog ¡ 6 years
Sorry guys
But I haven’t been feeling well recently so I’m not going to post up for a little bit, I’m sorry about that but I’ll post something I’ve written a while ago to say sorry :/
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babykittycatxox-blog ¡ 6 years
please reblog this if your blog is safe for asexuals
(an ace safe space)
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babykittycatxox-blog ¡ 6 years
Kryoz in a pink daddy sweatshirt!! Your art makes my heart go uwu
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awwe thanks you make me go uwu too
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babykittycatxox-blog ¡ 6 years
@multiwinch here ya go the boy and his cat
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babykittycatxox-blog ¡ 6 years
Dhjdckfjks if you're still taking requests then could you do anything with krii7y pls? I will adore whatever it is
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Have some cute fluffy krii7y! I had a lot of fun making this
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babykittycatxox-blog ¡ 6 years
KryozGaming x Smii7y x Reader (Preveiw)
Note: I call Smitty Jaren
*Hands you Devil Juice* you'll need this
⚠️⚠️ SMUT ⚠️⚠️
[Y/n] - Your name
You yawned as you felt the familiar heavy arm wrapped around your waist, you wiggled closer into John's chest before reaching out for Jaren. You frowned as you didn't feel him
"Jaren?" You called sadly. John chuckled softly
"He went to make breakfast." John mumbled. You moaned as you heard his deep, gruff voice right next to your ear, John smirked on your neck as you wiggled your arse on John's crotch
"You just woke up, and you're already so needy?" Jaren's lust filled voice cut through the air
"Did we not please you enough last night Baby?" John groaned into your ear as he guided your hips onto his
"We had you screaming our names all night." Jaren said as he crawled onto the bed
"M-Master." You gasped as John started sucking on your neck. John growled
"Get ready Baby." Jaren whispered. "We won't hold back."
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babykittycatxox-blog ¡ 6 years
Kryozgaming x Reader
Note: You paint his nails
[Y/n] - Your name
You sat on your boyfriend’s bed as he continued streaming, his fans already knew about your relationship and many accepted you but obviously many are Krii7y for life.
“How is [Y/n] doing? We haven’t seen her for a while.” John read. You blushed as he smiled happily towards you “How have you been Babe?” He asked. You giggled as you got up, you hugged him around his neck from behind and smiled sweetly to the camera
“I’m okay, guys.” You said quietly as John placed his hands on your arms. You saw John close his eyes as his head laid back to rest on your chest, you awed mentally and the chat started blowing up. “John is very cute chat, he’s suck a softie.” You giggled. John grunted in disapproval and you chuckled as he pulled your arms down making him press his lips to your jaw
“You’re the soft one.” He said smiling. You noticed his nail polish had chipped off and you sighed disappointed before removing your arms “Hey~ Come back.” John whined “I was warm.” You giggled as you grabbed the nail polish bag, you walked over to him and pushed his keyboard to the side before setting your arse onto the desk. “Careful your thick arse don’t break my desk.” John said smirking
“Hey!” You gasped making him chuckle. You grabbed his hands as he looked to the chat, you started painting John’s nails and you felt his left hand gently rub up and down your thigh. You finished painting his right hand and placed it on your left thigh. You grabbed his left hand and John smiled
“Yeah, they always do this.” John said smiling. He lifted his right hand before you gasped loudly
“HAND! THIGH! NOW!” You yelled. John smirked at you lustfully before he placed his hand on you thigh
“You’re nasty.” John said smirking. You rolled you eyes and he smirked biting his lip, you pressed a kiss onto his lips and he groaned softly
“Stop feeding the stan’s you doofus.” You chuckled. He smiled as you pressed a kiss to his forehead, he looked down to his nails as you blew on them
“Guys, we’re gonna have to go now.” John said smiling softly. “And yes, I am in love.”
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babykittycatxox-blog ¡ 6 years
⚠️Swaggersouls x Reader (Part 2)
Note: I call Swags Eric
⚠️⚠️ SMUT ⚠️⚠️
[Y/n] - Your name
"Swags?!" Toby called. Eric hummed
"We've been calling you for ages." Cameron said
"Yeah! What are you doing?" Matt asked
"Ooh! I'll go see!" Jay said jumping up. Eric raised his eyebrow before Jay swung the door open, it was silent as you continued to suck on Eric's thumb "MY EYES!" Jay screamed before running away. Eric smirked to you as you blinked frowning
"What happened?!" Cameron asked instantly going into Dad mode. You glanced to the screen before Eric's rough fingers gripped your cheeks making you look up to him slightly
"Keep your eyes on me." Eric snarled staring into your eyes deeply. You whined softly before Eric pulled his thumb away making a string of salvia follow it
"Swagger?" Toby called. Eric glared at you before pushing two fingers into your mouth
"Be a good Kitten and suck." He whispered harshly into your ear. You lapped your tongue around his fingers as your hands wrapped around his wrist
"Swagger?!" Mason snapped. Eric glared to the screen and sighed
"Can we cut the Podcast short?" Eric asked. You glared in jealousy as Eric paid more attention to the guys, you watched him sit down "10 more minutes?"
"Yes, and then you can go do whatever." Cameron said
"Probably fuck [Y/n]." Matt said. Eric chuckled before his breath hitched as your hand slowly unzipped his jeans, you removed his fingers from your mouth as you leaned forward
"So other than Swagger getting head, did anyone else have something to talk about?" Cameron asked. You pulled Swagger's belt off silently
"Oh! Swagger and I went drinking." Matt said happily
"Tell us about it." Toby said. Eric's eyes closed as you started rubbing him over his boxers
"So Swags and I went out to a party a couple days ago." Matt started. Eric's hand crept up your back making you arch it "-some bitches came up to Swagger and hit on him." You glared to Eric and he smirked smugfully
"They where hot man." Eric said smirking. You gripped his cock and he grunted jolting up, you smirked and pulled his cock out. You started giving the head kitten licks and he threw his head back as you slowly started taking it in your mouth, your nose gently touched his stomach making you gag a little before you pulled off. You went back to kitten licks
"Did you get their numbers?" Mason asked. Eric panted before gulping
"Nah." He said. You looked up through your eyelashes and Eric glared at you, you pulled away and started to jerk him off. He bit his lip as the guys started laughing at something Matt said
"Anyways, after this party we come back, drunk off our arses-" Eric gripped your hair and pulled you up slamming his lips on yours, he groaned softly into your mouth as you continued to jerk him off
"Alright, I think that's enough." Cameron called. Eric pulled back making you fall to your knees instantly deep throating him
"Bye~!" Toby sang. You sped up
"Bye guys!" Mason called. Eric looked down to you
"Byeeee." Jay called. He thrusted into your mouth
"Bye!" Matt called. Eric grunted
"B-BYE!" He yelled before hanging up. He groaned loudly as he came into your mouth and you swallowed it all before sticking your tongue out to show him. He panted and petted your hair "Good Kitten." He whispered. You watched him pull his boxers and jeans up before grabbing his belt, he stood up and helped you up. "Want to lay down?" You nodded and he threw you onto his bed making you squeal happily. "You're a very naughty Kitty for doing that." Eric growled into your ear as he leaned over you. "I'll get my revenge." He smirked before pressing his lips to your neck.
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babykittycatxox-blog ¡ 6 years
⚠️Swaggersouls x Reader (Part 1)
Should I continue this?
Note: I call Swagger Eric in this
⚠️⚠️ SMUT ⚠️⚠️
[Y/n] - Your Name
"We sat in a car for 4 hours." Eric groaned. You giggled next to him "God, if [Y/n] wasn't there I probably would've killed myself."
"How did [Y/n] help?" Cameron asked
"They gave me a blowjob." Eric said frowning
"What?!" Jay asked shocked. You nuzzled your nose on Erics hand making him look to you
"Yeah, I was getting pissed off and they offered." He said. "Well they kinda just leaned over and pulled my zipper down-"
"AHH I DON'T WANNA KNOW!" Mason yelled. You smiled and Eric looked to you
"Isn't [Y/n] in a relationship?" Cameron asked
"No, they broke up with them." Eric said. You smiled happily as Eric's hand ran down the side of your face, his thumb ran over your bottom lip as he stared at them. You licked your lips and he pushed his thumb into your mouth, you licked his thumb and he stared at you with lust in his eyes. You looked up him innocently
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babykittycatxox-blog ¡ 6 years
I do dumb shit when I’m drunk
Swagger x Zuckles. I’ll be calling Swagger Eric, and Zuckles Mason. This is not meant to harm anyone in the story, this is just a work of my imagination. Constructive criticism, or requests?
“It’s so…pretty,” Mason said, his voice barely a whisper as he looked up at the night sky, where stars littered the darkness. The power in their house had gone out, and apparently, it had also gone out in every house on their block, for no lights were left on.
Eric nodded, also staring up at the sky. They were sitting on the roof, after Eric had somehow found a way up. They were aware of how high they were, it just didn’t effect them, happy in each other’s comfort.
“Hey, Eric?” Mase asked, looking towards the shorter man. “You’re drunk, right?”
Of course, Mason already knew Eric was drunk. His words had been slurred, and he had been drinking plenty of alcohol previously. Mason just wanted to make sure Eric knew he was drunk. “Yeah,” Eric said, glancing at Mason. “Why?”
“I just wanted to check.” Mason tore his eyes away from Eric’s, forcing himself to focus on the shining sky instead. “You do dumb shit when you’re drunk.”
Eric nodded in agreement. He wasn’t really listening to Mason, instead finding himself staring at Mason. He didn’t try to look away. The scene was too beautiful, with Mason’s eyes holding the reflection of the stars, and a small smile present on his features. His practically bald head was covered by the hood of his bright pink sweatshirt. Eric moved his hand to be on top of Mason’s, and Mason didn’t pull it away.
“Mase?” Eric said, snapping out of his thoughts finally.
“Hm?” Mason hummed, looking back at Eric.
“I do dumb shit when I’m drunk,” Eric admitted. Mason raised his eyebrows.
“I just said that, cunt!”
Eric shook his head. “No, lemme finish. Promise not to hold this against me? I won’t remember it in the morning, but I need to get it off my chest.”
“Uh, I mean, okay. My lips are sealed,” Mason said, raising an eyebrow in confusion
Eric nodded, taking a deep breath to compose himself. “I don’t want to make things awkward between us, but I really have to say this. I, uh…I like you. Like-like you.” Mason opened his mouth to speak, but Eric pressed on, talking faster. “This sounds really cheesy, and really gay, but I’ve liked you for so long, and I can’t hide this anymore, it’s hurting me.”
When he finished, Eric chewed on is lip, his heart sinking. He shouldn’t’ve done that. He had just ruined his friendship with Mason, and Mason would tell the others, then Eric would be kicked out of the house and the Misfits, and then he would have to quit YouTube out of shame and embarrassment. He just ruined his whole life because of admitting his feelings.
“I’m–I’m sorry, like I said, I do dumb shit when I’m drunk, I shouldn’t have told you, I’m–”
His rambled apologies were cut off by Mason pressing his lips to the other. Eric slowly melted into the kiss, ignoring the anxiety he had worked up. “You never shut up, cunt,” Mason said after they had separated. “So let me finish. I like you too.”
Eric’s face slowly spilt into a nervous grin. “Really? You’re not just trying to humor me?”
“Really,” Mason confirmed. Eric tackled Mason into a hug, pushing the younger to the ground. Mason laughed, kissing Eric again. “Will you be my boyfriend, and annoy me even more than you do now?” Mason asked.
“Yes!” Eric replied happily. Then, the lights turned back on, scaring the two. Eric got off of Mason, then held out his hand for Mason to take.
They slowly managed to get off the roof, landing in the backyard. “My room?” Mason offered, realizing they were both exhausted. “It’s closer.”
“Yes please,” Eric said, sighing in relief and to calm his nerves. Mason grinned, taking his new boyfriend’s hand and leading him into the messy room.
Sorry this seems rushed at the end, I’m trying to fix my sleep schedule again haha. So, like I said before, any requests or constructive criticism?
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babykittycatxox-blog ¡ 6 years
   jealous / possessive  meme
“ you’re mine. you hear me? ”
“ were you with him/her? ” 
“ why is she/he calling you? ”
“ do they know we’re together? ”
“ were you with him/her? ”
“ i don’t want you seeing them anymore ”
“ did she/he make a pass at you? ”
“ i know you were with her/him ”
“ you belong to me ”
“ i can’t believe you were with her/him ”
“ i don’t like the way he’s/she’s looking at you ”
“im NOT jealous ”
“ i thought you only had eyes for me ”
“ he/she can’t make you feel the way i make you feel ”
“ you’re too good for her/him  ”
“is there someone else?”
“ you were flirting with them ”
“ they were flirting with you ”
“ i don’t want you talking to them again ”
“ i can’t stop picturing you with him/her ”
“ the thought of you with him/her makes me sick ”
“ tell me i have nothing to worry about ”
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babykittycatxox-blog ¡ 6 years
my morning routine includes 10 minutes of sitting on my bed and thinking about how tired i am
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babykittycatxox-blog ¡ 6 years
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‪Although Avicii passed away for more than half a year, it is really sad whenever I think about it. This is a practice painting last year that has never been posted (have a photo for reference), thanks for everything that your music brought me. R.I.P.🙏🏻😢‬
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