#swaggersouls fanfiction
could you write some angst/fluff for swaggersouls when he has mental break down, and thinks he is insufficient and ugly etc for the reader.
At the end of course, reader comfort him and it's lovely?
My Ugly Duckling
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Swaggersouls x gender neutral reader Requested by: Anon Genre: Angst to comfort Music: Nostalgic for a fairytale you were once in with your soulmate Warnings: Self-hatred (Swagger's end), little to no dialogue, mentions of body dysmorphia (Swagger's end), a bit of ooc Swagger Summary: Swagger doesn't like how he looks, if only he could see himself the way you do Author's Note: Aw Anon~ This is such a cute and soft idea. I'm a slut for soft comfort <3 This is a bit short because I wanted to get straight to the point but I really like it :) -Mod Kenma
Mirrors. Mirrors were Swagger's worst enemy. He despised the reflective glass with his heart. Looking at it too long caused his mind to roam into deep and dark thoughts that never really emerged. He would begin to dissociate, no longer looking at the face that was in front of him. 
His mind would take him to his deepest insecurities and force them into the spotlight. Being front and center with all these disgusting feelings was sure to cause self-hatred. Swagger would look away from the mirror in repulsion and continue with his day, ignoring every reflective surface he could. 
Honestly, it was a bit obvious. At least to you, it was. How his eyes would dart away from windows or a small frown finding itself on his lips when his eyes would stare at a mirror for too long. You never brought it up though. How could you? So instead, you waited patiently for him to come to you. 
You knocked on the bathroom door, gently asking if you could go in. Your knock brought Swagger out of his dark thoughts and he opened the door. You could see the exhaustion in his eyes. You moved to the mirror, making your movements as light as possible. 
"You look very handsome today." You muttered, fixing your hair. You looked at Swagger with a soft smile. God, were you trying to make him cry? The softness in your voice brought Swagger to tears. He watched as you looked at him with such loving eyes. He couldn't help but squirm under your devoted gaze. 
"Don't say that."He whispers. Swagger hugs himself, trying to make himself the smallest thing in the room. You shook your head slightly and walked over to Swagger. You pulled him into a hug and led his head to your shoulder. 
God only knows how long the two of you stood like that in the bathroom. Tears were shed and words were thrown. You persisted and told him how much you love him, and how he looked like a true prince. He was your prince. 
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jiminsbabexxx · 2 years
Mayhem At The Misfits House
You were hanging out at the Misfits house, like any other day. Matt was filming as Mason hissed at the camera and disappeared into a bedroom. “Hey.” Mason said as he walked out of the bedroom. “Hey.” Swagger said back. “Oh sup.” Matt said. “How are ya, how ya doin?” Swagger asked.
 “You still recording?” Mason asked. “Yeah.” Matt said, as Mason then did a backflip. Everyone in the room laughing. Mason then deciding to do some vape tricks, getting on top of the counter. “What are ya fucking doin?” Swagger asked. “Mason please come down.” You said, nervous that he would do something dangerous and get hurt. 
Mason then jumping down. Mason and Swagger then deciding to do a fake fight, Mason taking a hit of his vape and running away. Mason then deciding to write on the kitchen counter C U N T, and then squeezing ketchup in his mouth. “That is the nastiest shit I’ve ever seen.” You said, the boys laughing. The boys then going to Mason’s room with a blacklight. “Oh Mason.” Matt said, you walking into the room. 
“What are ya doin?” Mason asked walking into his room. “Mason really?” You asked. “What is it?” Mason asked. “What the fuck does it look like?” You asked. “It’s nut.” Swagger said. The boys then shooting fake guns at Mason.
 “Take him down!” Matt said, Mason fake falling down. Mason then went into a room, so Swagger then decides to push a bunch of chairs in front of the door. “All were going to see is Mason stand on one of these chairs and eat shit.” You said. Mason then opening up the door and yelling at the boys, him starting to stand on the chairs. “Mas please be careful.” You said. Mason then going towards Swagger, the two then starting to chase after each other.
 “And now the show finally begins.” You said to the camera, Matt laughing. Mason then going towards Swagger again the two of them play fighting. The two of them then deciding to pillow fight with each other. Swagger then forcing Mason back into the room, Swagger then walking away. “Hey Swag that’s fine I’ll just get your girl.” Mason said, walking up to you. “Bring it Mas.” You said, putting your fist up.
 “No no no.” Swagger said, you looking at him. “Why?” You asked. “Because your going to fuck around and get hurt.” Swagger said. “Forget about him Y/N.” Mason said, you going back to play wrestling. “Swag it’s okay.” Matt said. “Fuck it.” Swagger said. 
You and Mason were wrestling for a good minute, you were sitting on the couch Mason then grabbing you by your arms and pulling you up. You were fighting him, Mason then grabbing you and picking you up so you were standing again. You were backing up closer to the window, before Mason then picked you up a little and pushed you as hard as he could. All you felt was a sharp pain against the back of your skull, as soon as you hit you then fell onto your knees bringing your hand to the back of your head. “Mason.” Matt said, Mason backing up and putting his hand over his mouth. “Mason!” Swagger yelled, walking over to you. “Shit I’m so sorry Y/N.” Mason said.
 “Hey, can you look at me?” Swagger asked you, you looking up at him. “It hurts.” You whimpered out. “Matt.” Swagger said, Matt setting down his camera and coming over to help get you up. “Where?” Matt asked Swagger. “Couch.” Swagger said, both of them putting you on the couch. “Hey baby look at me.” Swagger said. 
“I feel like I’m going to munt, no I am.” You said. “Can you get me the trashcan?” Swagger asked, Matt bringing it over and you throwing up. “Okay so I just looked it up and vomiting is a sign of a concussion.” Matt said, you groaning. Knock Knock, Matt opening the door. “You called.” Fitz said. “Yeah we need you to take Y/N to the hospital.” Matt said.
 “What the fuck happened?” Fitz asked. “Mason and Y/N were play fighting and Mason pushed her into the window.” Matt said. “Shit Y/N, you okay?” Fitz asked, rubbing your back. “Fuck no.” You said. “C’mon babe let’s go.” Swagger said, him and Fitz pulling you up. They walked you out to the car, and put you in it. 
Swagger sat next to you in the car Fitz in the drivers seat. You all ended up at the hospital, long story short after a long time of questions and poking and prodding the nurse was letting you go home. The boys then showed up at the hospital and came to your room. “Hey, how are you feelin Y/N?” Matt asked, walking up to you. “Better.” You said, Swagger sitting behind you in the hospital bed. “Oi Maso, you okay?” Matt asked, Mason then turning his back to everyone.
 “I feel really bad.” Mason said. “Mason.” You said, getting up and walking over to him and giving him a hug. “It’s okay Mase I know you didn’t mean it.” You said. “You sure?” Mason asked, you nodding. “Now can we please get the fuck out of here?” You asked, everyone laughing. 
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storiesforallfandoms · 6 months
our next step ~ swaggersouls
word count: 1611
request?: yes!
“hey hey!! i adore your work and was wondering if you could do a swaggerwouls x fem!reader? maybe something along the lines of the reader also being a youtuber and them having a baby together and announcing it to their fans?🥺i’ve been having major baby fever lately lol. super sorry if this goes against any of your rules and it’s totally cool if you’re not comfortable writing it! :)”
description: in which they decide to tell their fans the major update in their lives
pairing: swaggersouls x female!reader
warnings: swearing, two uses of y/n, rpf
masterlist (one, two, three)
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Being content creators with a very small social media presence outside of YouTube and Twitch made it incredibly easy to hide my pregnancy.
It’s not that we didn’t want to tell our fans. The majority of mine and Swagger’s relationship was online for everyone to see since we vlogged and gamed with each other regularly. If anything, it made more sense to tell everyone when I found out I was pregnant. And I had actually filmed most of my pregnancy to make one big vlog once the baby came.
But, like I said, the majority of our relationship was online. Not only that, but most of my life since I was in my late teens was online for the world to see. We decided that we wanted something for just ourselves, even just for a little while.
Neither of us posted on social media enough for it to be suspicious if we were suddenly MIA for months, and my face cam when I was streaming was always positioned in a way that showed me from my shoulders up, so my bump wasn’t on camera. The only thing my fans would notice was some weight gain in my face, which was easy to just say was because I had gained weight in general.
The other Misfits knew, of course. We told them shortly after we found out. Tobi was ecstatic that her son was going to have a Misfits friend. The guys were all happy for us, too, but Cam teased Swagger about being the last person in the group any of them expected to become a father.
“So, you’re giving up weed then?” Cam asked after we told him.
“Fuck no! I’ll go smoke outside instead.”
After nine long months, plus roughly six hours of labor, our baby girl came into the world and our family was complete.
She had Swagger wrapped around her tiny fingers from the second he laid his eyes on her. He loved her almost more than he loved our cats, which is definitely saying something. But, I did say almost.
A month or so after our daughter, Daisy, was born, Swagger and I were laid in bed together. I was reading while Swagger was watching stuff on his phone with little Daisy asleep on his chest. I kept glancing over at them and smiling at the sight. I couldn’t help it, seeing Swagger as a dad just made me happy. Especially seeing him with the little human that we made. It was hard to explain the level of joy I felt.
“Take a picture, it lasts longer,” Swagger said, giving me a playful smile.
I hadn’t even realized I was staring until that moment. I shook myself out of my thoughts and retorted, “That’s not as insulting as you think it is. If I could reach my phone, I’d take so many pictures of you right now.”
“Oh, I am well aware.” He reached out to hold my hand while trying to move very little as to not wake Daisy. “What had you thinking so hard anyways?”
I looked at Daisy again, another smile involuntarily tugging at the corners of my mouth. I just couldn’t help it.
Instead of telling him what I had actually been thinking about, I found myself saying, “Should we tell our viewers about Daisy soon?”
“We did say we’d announce it after she was born,” he said. “And they’ve definitely noticed that you haven’t vlogged in months.”
“Do you think it’s time?”
Swagger looked at Daisy and asked, “What do you think, Daisy? Should we tell the world you exist?” The baby let out a heavy sigh, but otherwise didn’t move or wake up. “I think that was a yes.”
The next day, I broke out the old vlog camera that I hadn’t used since before I developed my baby bump. Surprisingly, the battery hadn’t died even from lack of use.
“This feels foreign,” I said as I turned the camera on. “I haven’t vlogged in ages. I wonder if I’ll even remember how to do it.”
“You’re just setting it up to sit in front of it,” Swagger teased.
“Hey, that’s hard to do when you haven’t worked a camera in, like, a year.” I set the camera up on the tripod and turned to him. “Sit your ass down, knight boy.”
“That was a terrible insult.”
Swagger sat down on the couch, wearing his ski mask and holding Daisy in his arms. He had her positioned in a way that her face was hidden from the camera. We both agreed that we would not be showing her face on camera while she was a kid, but we also thought it would be hilarious to start the video with Swagger just holding our baby that no one knew even existed.
“She’s going to be terrified if she wakes up and sees the mask,” I said as I sat next to him.
“She’ll have to get used to it eventually,” he said. “Maybe I’ll just walk around the house with it on.”
“Do not do that. I know you would use that as an excuse to just scare me.”
He gave me a look, and I could tell from his eyes that he was smirking under his mask.
“Anyways,” I said, turning away from him. “Hello. I know you guys are all wondering, what is this thing.” I gestured to Daisy.
“Thing,” Swagger snickered.
“This is our baby,” I said, ignoring him. “It is the bun I baked for nine months, and now here she is. And I know you’re also all wondering, (Y/N) and Swagger, when did you guys have a baby?”
“About a month ago,” Swagger responded. “And technically, (Y/N) had the baby. I just put the baby in her.”
“Yeah, thanks for that.” To the camera, I said, “We know you guys have so many questions. The short story is, we weren’t trying for a baby. It was definitely a shock to us both, but it was a good shock. Announcing my pregnancy wasn’t the first thing we thought of. Actually, it took, like, a week for us to realize we hadn’t said anything online about it, and at that point we kind of came to the conclusion that we wanted the pregnancy to be an us thing instead of a shared internet thing.”
“We were being very selfish,” Swagger said.
“But we’re not sorry,” I added.
“Oh, not at all. We love you guys, but sometimes we do need some privacy, and this was definitely one of those times.” He glanced down at Daisy, his eyes lighting up just looking at her. I decided against teasing him in that moment because it was just too cute. He continued, “And I’m going to answer the important question, which is no, not even becoming a father will stop me from smoking weed.”
I playfully rolled my eyes.
“Everyone was thinking it!” Swagger argued. “Obviously I’m not smoking 24/7, or around the baby, but I’m not giving it up all together. I’m not becoming a square just because I have a kid.”
“Should we tell everyone her name, or are we just going to keep calling her ‘the baby’?”
“I don’t see a problem with telling everyone her name.”
“Her name is Daisy.”
As if hearing her name, Daisy made a soft cooing noise and opened her eyes. Swagger moved her so she would look at me first. We were joking for the video before, but we were actually a little nervous about her reaction to seeing Swagger in his ski mask for the first time. It was something we’d have to ease her into when she was much older.
“Hey baby,” I said, taking her from Swagger. “Woke up to be in your first ever video, huh? You’re ready to be a star.”
She looked up at me with her big, brown eyes. Ever since she was born, everyone said she looked exactly like me, but not her eyes. She definitely had Swagger’s eyes.
“That’s it, I guess,” I said. “We’re going to take some time to take care of this one and get used to having a baby, then we’ll be back to regular streams and uploads eventually. Uh...yeah. Bye, I guess?” I looked over to Swagger. “Can you turn the camera off? I’m holding Daisy.”
He got up and did as I asked. Once the camera was off, he pulled off the ski mask and tossed it off to the side. “That went well.”
“I’m weirdly nervous about it,” I admitted. “My heart is pounding. Daisy can definitely feel it.”
“You don’t have to be nervous. I don’t think anyone is going to react poorly to us announcing we’re parents now.”
“I’d doubt it, but weirdly I still am.”
Swagger sat down next to me and put an arm around my shoulder. I leaned into him, stretching my legs out and resting Daisy on them so she could look at the both of us. She was very interested in her surroundings. According to my mom, babies can only see so far when they’re first born, and their vision increases as time goes on. I’m not sure if that’s completely true, but it was adorable to think that she was just now seeing everything for the first time.
“I can’t believe we made this,” I said. “We made a whole human being.”
“We can make another one, if you want.”
I shot him a look. “No way. My body does not need to go through that ever again. We can practice, though.”
“Deal.” He pulled me close and kissed the top of my head.
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⚠️Swaggersouls x Reader (Part 2)
Note: I call Swags Eric
⚠️⚠️ SMUT ⚠️⚠️
[Y/n] - Your name
"Swags?!" Toby called. Eric hummed
"We've been calling you for ages." Cameron said
"Yeah! What are you doing?" Matt asked
"Ooh! I'll go see!" Jay said jumping up. Eric raised his eyebrow before Jay swung the door open, it was silent as you continued to suck on Eric's thumb "MY EYES!" Jay screamed before running away. Eric smirked to you as you blinked frowning
"What happened?!" Cameron asked instantly going into Dad mode. You glanced to the screen before Eric's rough fingers gripped your cheeks making you look up to him slightly
"Keep your eyes on me." Eric snarled staring into your eyes deeply. You whined softly before Eric pulled his thumb away making a string of salvia follow it
"Swagger?" Toby called. Eric glared at you before pushing two fingers into your mouth
"Be a good Kitten and suck." He whispered harshly into your ear. You lapped your tongue around his fingers as your hands wrapped around his wrist
"Swagger?!" Mason snapped. Eric glared to the screen and sighed
"Can we cut the Podcast short?" Eric asked. You glared in jealousy as Eric paid more attention to the guys, you watched him sit down "10 more minutes?"
"Yes, and then you can go do whatever." Cameron said
"Probably fuck [Y/n]." Matt said. Eric chuckled before his breath hitched as your hand slowly unzipped his jeans, you removed his fingers from your mouth as you leaned forward
"So other than Swagger getting head, did anyone else have something to talk about?" Cameron asked. You pulled Swagger's belt off silently
"Oh! Swagger and I went drinking." Matt said happily
"Tell us about it." Toby said. Eric's eyes closed as you started rubbing him over his boxers
"So Swags and I went out to a party a couple days ago." Matt started. Eric's hand crept up your back making you arch it "-some bitches came up to Swagger and hit on him." You glared to Eric and he smirked smugfully
"They where hot man." Eric said smirking. You gripped his cock and he grunted jolting up, you smirked and pulled his cock out. You started giving the head kitten licks and he threw his head back as you slowly started taking it in your mouth, your nose gently touched his stomach making you gag a little before you pulled off. You went back to kitten licks
"Did you get their numbers?" Mason asked. Eric panted before gulping
"Nah." He said. You looked up through your eyelashes and Eric glared at you, you pulled away and started to jerk him off. He bit his lip as the guys started laughing at something Matt said
"Anyways, after this party we come back, drunk off our arses-" Eric gripped your hair and pulled you up slamming his lips on yours, he groaned softly into your mouth as you continued to jerk him off
"Alright, I think that's enough." Cameron called. Eric pulled back making you fall to your knees instantly deep throating him
"Bye~!" Toby sang. You sped up
"Bye guys!" Mason called. Eric looked down to you
"Byeeee." Jay called. He thrusted into your mouth
"Bye!" Matt called. Eric grunted
"B-BYE!" He yelled before hanging up. He groaned loudly as he came into your mouth and you swallowed it all before sticking your tongue out to show him. He panted and petted your hair "Good Kitten." He whispered. You watched him pull his boxers and jeans up before grabbing his belt, he stood up and helped you up. "Want to lay down?" You nodded and he threw you onto his bed making you squeal happily. "You're a very naughty Kitty for doing that." Eric growled into your ear as he leaned over you. "I'll get my revenge." He smirked before pressing his lips to your neck.
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georgiaheartsdilfs · 2 years
that was staring from across the room | goodguyfitz x female reader
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my masterlist ↪M A S T E R L I S T
warnings / other notes ↪I'mm aware he's a controversial influence. II couldn't care less whether you support him or not. I personally, enjoy his content and his humor. ↪ she/her pronouns used ↪swearing, drinking, drug use ↪ im aware mason has a gf (if you didnt know, he does) ↪ sexts / mention of sex
prompt ↪ the misfits were having their annual boozy party and you were invited. recently cameron (fitz) and you had gotten into a heated argument over a small thing, so there was a lot of tension in the air whenever you were near him.
A misfits party, it seemed like every other week that the misfits held a party where there were booze, weed and every other recreational drug you could think of.
But, it wasn't every day that they held a party as big as this one, a party for one of their friends. It was Chad's birthday today and of course, being his friend, I was invited.
Stepping into the Misfits house I am welcomed with an overwhelming smell of weed and the familiar sounds of people stuffing their nose with coke, I never did drugs of course. I lived a happy life without them actually.
"y/n!" mason slurred, already wasted off his face, wrapping his arms around my shoulders his breathe reeked of alcohol and ciggies but it was comforting because that was the mason I knew.
"hey macey" I laugh "god well don't you fucking look sexy you fucking dog." he says removing his arm to take a step back and look at my outfit, which was only a simple dress with flats, nothing too interesting for these aussies.
"thanks mason." I smile looking around, the house was crowded and packed "the boys are playing a game do you want to play or anything, its fucking truth or dare." he says pointing into a crowd of people "truth or dare?" I question him "chad the cunt wanted to play." he says "come come" he grabs my hand pulling me along.
Dragging me through the crowded corridors and packed rooms, finally making it to a room where it was just the Misfits and close friends.
Some of the Misfits were out like Matt, Swagger and Cameron.
But shortly after they returned with a fuck ton of alcohol which made the party from the house even more vibrant and loud even though the people in this room literally weren't even apart of that party.
"truth or dare." chad mumbles to me, rubbing his nose I look around. Cameron was staring at me with his judgy eyes, "dare" I grin to Cameron before looking back at chad.
You see days before this party, Cameron and I had gotten into an altercation where he called me some very debatable names resulting in his shit being burnt. He and I were never dating nor did we question what we were but I did have some sort of feelings for him, so thats why his name calling hurt me more than it should've.
"I dare you to kiss mason, on the lips. no side kiss bullshit." the room woo'd at the last part of the dare. I shrug, I wasn't drunk but I also wasn't going to back down from a dare especially when I cockily grinned at Cameron who I swore I'd do everything to make jealous.
Mason laughs "fuck it come here." he says and I get up and walk towards him as he cups my face and kisses me, roughly yet tenderly, the booze taste in every inch of his mouth. I'm not complaining, it was a way to get drunk without actually touching a bottle.
We pulled apart and I sat back down, crossing my legs and the room was now filled with laughters and multiple rounds of applause from everyone except one person, the one person that was staring from across the room.
The one with the blue eyes, who was sat directly across from me. Twirling a silver ring between his long pale fingers effortlessly, crossing my legs I stare directly at him, not moving a single bone in my body "truth or dare" I smirk, he nods. Understanding at what game I was playing.
"dare" was the first word I had heard come out of his mouth in a few days, thats how long it had been since I had heard from him.
But as those words left his mouth, the room fell quiet. Everyone feeling the tension between him and I "guys you pricks had to make it awkward..." toby says, "you heard me... dare." he says leaning forward not moving his eyes from mine.
"send a sext to the seventh person in your messages." I shrug, it wasn't some big dare that was suppose to get him going but I couldn't think of anything when he was staring at me like that. He pulls his phone out of his pocket not moving his eyes from mine "whats with the eyes McKay?".
"alright, guys, come on." Jay says "no, let them go at it." Mason says "if anything these cunts will be fucking by the end of the night." he continues placing a lit ciggie in his mouth.
Cameron scoffs typing a message "done y/l/n" he flips the phone with a smirk. My phone goes off and it was him.
i know you're mad at me, you're hot though and i'd fuck the shit out of you.
"who was it?" Everyone asks Cameron eagerly and I look up from my phone "I need to take this." I lie standing up and walking out of the room, heading straight to the bathroom.
Banging on the door to hear people having sex, I grunt kicking the door angrily before making my way downstairs to the alcohol. Sure there was alcohol upstairs but the message... the message.
I look at the alcohol, it was teasing me "here" a guy says handing me a bottle "thanks" i smile before walking off.
I didn't make it back to the room filled with Misfits, instead I down the bottle and make my way back. Only he had that kind of affect on me. The affect that makes me swoon even when I hate him, that affect that makes the purest of hearts go bad.
Time had passed and I was now 10... 11.... 20 something bottles in. The party hadn't died, infact it was more alive than ever and every single worry had disappeared... including my phone.
In a panic I run back to the place that gave me alcohol "what's the, phone." my words were slurred, of course they were I was drunk. "what?' the man had said "y/n?" a loud voice yelled from the stairs, I spin around and see Cameron.
"shit, shit." I say slowly realising and running out back hoping he wouldnt find me.
Not look where I was going, I run straight into the pool. Swimming back up I scream "FUCK" this night just turned terrible.
Cameron runs out and sees me in the pool, giving me his cocky stare once again. "get up" he says placing his hands on his hips, eventually lifting one up to rub his dome. He was fully sober, sure he had been drinking but he didnt drink enough to be even licked (partly drunk).
"no" I slur, pushing my hair out of my face. "y/n, get out." he says and I stare at him, narrowing my vision to him and only him "what are you going to call me a dish-washing prostitue again." my words continued to be slurred, but they were nothing but the truth.
Everyone outside stops, staring at him and I.
"y/n, i won't repeat myself get the fuck out." he say taking off his shoes and cap, getting in the pool before grabbing me and pulling me towards the edge "let go of me." I try shimmying out of his grip but he was strong. He lifts me up onto the ledge, using his arms as back support as he leaves them wrapped around me.
"i'm sorry." he admits and the party goes back to normal.
He was still standing in the pool "i can't hear you the music is loud." I mumble leaning foward "Im sorry" he says "as you fucking should be." I point to him and he nods.
"KISS" someone yells from above, "who the fuck" "mason" he cuts me off "and don't ever look at me like that again." I slur to him, my mind was on straight after hearing his apology. The words... not so much.
"what?" he says "you fucking staring you mud cunt." I say "I was just admiring you." he shrugs before letting go of me and lifting himself up.
"well, then stare at me like that again."
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ximacrow · 2 years
It's just murder. There's some mentioned cannibalism too but mostly it's just murder. Sometimes you're just in a murdery mood, what can ya say?
Friends Aren't Food is a general rule of thumb, Tobi disagrees. Cue the murderification of swags, the traumatization of Cam, and the mentally deranged Tobi.
I am going to make a sequel to this. Nobody can stop me.
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jungledubs-archive · 4 years
Epic SMP two-shot about Jordan and the void! Both chapters are already up, so go read it :3 (and tell me what you think! It got away from me at the end, oops)
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latvianshampinion · 5 years
Horror film 2/2 (SwaggerFitz/Switz fic)
Aaand 2nd part. I hope you enjoy.
Warning: fluff, kisses.
When Swagger woke up he was a little frightened, for he remembered that he had fallen asleep...on Fitz's knees. On his face appeared blush, and he hoped Fitz wouldn't say anything. As soon as Helmet Boy got out of bed he noticed that he's only wearing underwear which makes him even more blush. Looking at the clock on the nightstand , he was surprised to wake up so early. Usually he wake up at about 12 am, but today he woke up at 9:34.
Boy dressed himself and looked at his helmet. Today they didn't plan to shoot video but what can come into the heads of Misfits?
When Swagger leaved his room he didn't hear any shouting or talking. Maybe, everyone are sleeping? Usually at 9 o'clock somebody is already awake. Boy took off his helmet and placed it on the kitchen table. After thinking a little Swagger decided to cook pancakes for friends.
That night he tried not to remember because it was...strange? Usually when Swagger slept on the couch in the living room, Fitz left him and didn't take him to the bedroom. Maybe in his friend awoke tenderness.
Fitz woke up when the pancakes were almost cooked. He smelled delicious smell of pancakes. He didn't think there'd be a Swagger in the kitchen. Usually breakfast make Toby or Matt buy not a Swagger.
"Wow, can you cook?" Fitz was surprised.
Boy flinched from the voice of his friend. Behind him stayed cute and sleepy Fitz. He turned and gonna answer the question but he stared at his friend. Tumbled hair, the t-shirt that bared his collarbone. The boy's throat was dry. Swagger can look at friend any longer but the pancake in the pan began to burn.
"Fuck!" he shouted and removed the pan from the stove.
"Oh no, you can't. Can I help you?" Cameron laughed. He noticed Swagger's glance and he thought it was cute.
Swagger let out a disappointed sigh. The last pancake was burnt. But the rest looked delicious.
"Yes, you can...wash the dishes, please."
"Yes, cap."
While Swagger was laying out pates on the dinner table, Fitz managed to steal one pancake. Pancake was so tasty and Cam hastened to share it with his friend.
"Your pancakes are so tasty! You are good fellow," Cameron smiled.
"Oh...thank you. I don't think they taste that good," - Swagger shoved a pancake in his mouth and was pleasantly surprised. Pancakes are really nice. A smile appeared on his face.
"Turns out I'm a cook" he laughed and put the remaining pancakes on plates. The last mission was wake the rest of the guys.
At the breakfast Misfits couldn't believe Swagger made breakfast. But in the end eveyone was satisfied and no one was poisoned.
The weather was great and the guys were thinking where to go. Ever since they came to Melbourne, they've done nothing but watch movies and have mini parties.
"We could go to the cinema," - Toby suggested. They sat in the living room and made plans for the day.
"Why not? Today in the cinema "It 2". I want to watch this!" Matt cried.
But was a little problem. Swagger was afraid of horror movies. He and Fitz were looking at each other. Cam decided to help Swagger and try to convince friends to go elsewhere.
"Could we go somewhere else? We are in the Melbourne, boys!"
Finally Misfits decided to just walk around Melbourne and to take photos. Swagger gave a sigh of relief and said Fitz quiet "thank you".
At they hanged out Swagger tried to relax, but his mind was on Cameron. Usually he didn't think so much about one person, and it bothered the guy a little. Sometimes he want to hug Fitz or just touch him. He blushed at every thought of it, but helmet on his head helped him.
But the worst happened in one of the parks in Melbourne named which Swagger didn't remember.
The boys dispersed in different places divided into a pair of: Matt Mason, Toby and Jay swagger and Cameron. Fitz and Swaggs sat on a bench eating ice cream. Swagger's helmet lay beside them, and his mask was down. Cam often saw Swagger without mask, but at this moment he was especially cute.
But Fitz noticed an ice cream stain on his friend's chin.
"Hey, you got it..." Cam pointed to a spot on his face.
"Here?" Swagger ran a finger over the clean side of his chin.
"No, this side."
Fitz approached his friend and was about to wipe away the ice cream stain when his gaze stoped on Swagger's lips. Both so and froze not knowing that to do. Swagger wanted to kiss friend's lips but he was afraid. After a few long seconds, the guys closed the distance, gently touching lips. First Fitz acted slowly, but helmet boy did the kiss all assertive. He put his hands on Fitz's shoulders. But nothing lasts forever and after a few seconds they estranged from each other.
"Fuck...Fuck!" Swagger's hands were shaking. "Oh my god, I'm...I'm so sorry I'm and idiot. Fuck...I'd better go."
Swagger was about to rise from the bench when Cam took his hand.
"Swagger...Everything is okay. Sorry, I...kissed you? Fuck, this is so stupid, but...I think I love you."
The guys avoided each other's eyes for a while. Both were ashamed. But Swagger sighed and said:
"Me too. We are retards."
Cam smiled happily and hugged his...boyfriend? If you can call them that. Swagger buried his face in Fitz's chest because of the height difference.
"I will never watch horror films with you again! Fuck this!" Swagger was screaming hysterically when the film ended. And this is the third time he's said it.
"You're cute when you're angry," Fitz laughed and hugged his boyfriend. Swaggs still afraid of horror films but he watched it for Fitz.
"Fuck you."
"I love you too."
Thanks for reading! I am pleased that someone noticed this fanfic. Love you♡
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paranormalchemistry · 5 years
Okay... for the Misfits ask thing.... can you do Fitz X Swagger Mafia (ish) au? Where Swagger used to be part of a different mafia group but was horribly mistreated there, and was rescued by the Misfits? But then one night he had a night mare about it and is too afraid to go to anyone about it in fear of getting yelled at or hurt or something? And then Cameron comes in and saves the day and maybe cuddles? (The fic is about the nightmare and events afterwards >\\\
I’m sorry to say but I’m not really comfortable writing anything Mafia AU related. The topics presented in the AU make me uncomfortable for a multitude of reasons, but I do like the idea of Swagger being comforted by a nightmare so while this isn’t Mafia AU at all it is still Cameron comforting Swagger after a nightmare since he magically lives in the house.
It was catching up to him, he didn’t know what was chasing him but it was catching up. He needed to keep going, the snarls of whatever it was echoing in the area. Where even was he?
His lungs banged against his chest, he could the footsteps getting closer, the snarls and growls were growing louder and louder...He felt the claws dig into his back, screaming in pain as he felt the creature loom over him then…
Swagger shot up in his bed, the phantom pain in his back bringing tears to his eyes as he stared down at the wrinkled bed sheets. His breathing was still quick, his grip on the blankets tightening as the room around him was just as dark as the nightmare he just experienced.
Tears started to roll down his eyes, little hiccups leaving his mouth as he started to sob, the existential dread from his dreams catching up to him.
The door to his room creaked open, Swagger feeling himself tense up as the door opened and closed slowly, the person who entered his room sitting on the edge of his bed. A tense silence filled the air until the familiar voice of the Kiwi spoke, “What happened?”
Swagger quickly wiped the tears from his eyes, hoping the other didn’t see them. “Just woke up...how’d you even know I was awake?” He asked the question with a mumble, hoping that the other was just coming in to check up on him and leave.
“...You were screaming, Swagger. And then when I stood outside the door I heard you sobbing...so what happened?” Cameron asked casually, moving from sitting on the edge of the bed to sitting directly next to him in the center of the bed.
Swagger didn’t want to admit what happened. It was stupid in his mind, was just another nightmare to add to the evergrowing list. But here Cameron was...letting him be weak and admit what was wrong. “I had a nightmare...” More tears fell from his eyes, “I had a nightmare.” He said more sternly, admitting to both of them that the nightmare did in fact affect him.
Swagger’s sobs filled the silence of the night, Cameron wrapping his arm around Swagger’s shoulders and pulling him closer, planting a soft kiss against his forehead.
“You should go back to sleep, I’ll be right here if you need me.”
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4orny · 5 years
I’ll post some of my oneshots on here please like if you’d like to see em!!
I have a Wattpad but I’m lazy, so I’ll probably post it on here for validation
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Hello Kenma! could I ask for fanfic (wedding with swaggersouls)?
Hope you did have good day.
Getting Married to Swagger
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Swaggersouls x gender neutral reader Requested by: Anon Genre: Fluff Music: Upbeat Sonic Music to Study to Warnings: Crying, Misfits and everything that comes with them lol Author's Note: Aw anon this is so cute~ -Mod Kenma
The wedding, like most things that involves the Misfits, is a rager
That doesn't mean that it isn't romantic
It wouldn't be too traditional but just enough to make it feel traditional if that makes any sense
Something old, something new, something blue, stuff like that
I don't think it would be in a church but I do think it would be in a fancy banquet
Swagger would probably wear something super snazzy, a 3 piece suit most likely
Or even better, a suit but without the blazer and with a vest
It all depends on how casual the wedding is
The color palette is probably a lot of neutrals with a pop of gold or silver
Maybe even red, but as I said, it all depends on how casual the wedding is
When you walk down the aisle, you bet Swagger would tear up
He'd wipe his tears with a tissue that Toby probably gave him
Swagger looks at you like you're the moon and the stars
You make him so happy and he shows it with tears
The rings are gorgeous
They're very simple bands but with small gems entered inside
And yes, the kiss does get sloppy because come on, it's Swagger
He's the type to pick you up and run down the aisle with you in his arms
Now the after party, it's WILD
There is a lot of smoking and drinking
Think of all the pics and videos from Sneeg's wedding
It's literally that vibe
The two of you do have a first dance but it's rather short
Not that it was rushed, no not at all
The song was just short and sweet, something that means a lot to the two of you
You and Swagger get SLOSHED
Swagger goes around and B R A G S about how he's married to someone as 'sexy' and 'amazing' as you
His words, not mine
After the 'I'm the luckiest person in the world' drunk phase goes away, Swagger is GLUED to your side
He refuses to leave you alone, too busy being in love with you
He looks at you with literal heart eyes while you're chatting with friends
You could literally be throwing up and he would want to kiss you
(Nasty fuck)
At the end of the day, the wedding is probably the most fun party thrown and the most memorable day of your lives
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amazingsam9 · 6 years
A thing I decided to write
The man looked at the small creature, eyes wide and mouth opened slightly. He was in awe at the sight of it. It’s beautiful wings, small body, feeling padding across the soft yellow flower it stood on.
Slowly but carefully, the man picked the flower, startling the butterfly and causing it to fly away. He looked after it, disappointed. He hadn’t meant to scare it.
“Oh, there you are! We’re all looking for you, mate.” A voice called, chuckling slightly. The man quickly dropped the plant and stood up.
“Yeah, it was just fuckin’ boring over there. Fuck that shit.” The man stated, making eye contact with his friend. His friend, Cameron, ran his fingers through his hair and looked down for a moment.
“That’s valid. I just thought I lost ya, ya know?”
The man’s gaze didn’t move from Cameron. He had always thought Cam was attractive. He would never admit this, of course. That would be gay. And even though he wasn’t sure who he was, he could never admit to seeing Cam as anything but a friend. And even then, he wasn’t sure how he felt.
But it didn’t matter.
Not right now.
“Oi Cam! Did ya find Eric yet or do we need to get Mason to help us?”
“It’s okay Jay, I found him.”
“Good. Mason would just get stuck in a tree if he tried to help, anyways.”
Cam looked back at Eric.
“We should probably go back. Come on.” Cam suggested calmly, almost in a whisper, as he placed a hand on Eric’s shoulder for just a moment. Eric looked down, pretending to be very interested in his shoes.
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private room ~ swaggersouls
word count: 2416
request?: no
description: when his girlfriend tags along on a misfits trip, the gang decides to give them a private room for their “private activities”, and they gladly take advantage of that
pairing: swaggersouls x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut (oral/male receiving, fingering, hair pulling, a lil bit of rough sex)
masterlist (one, two)
*also, i use “guys” a lot in this when referring to all the misfits. please know i use that in a gender neutral way in this context
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You were awoken by someone slightly nudging you. You had an awful kink in your neck from being asleep sat up with your head on Swagger’s shoulder. You groaned as you rubbed your paining neck, lifting your head to see where you were.
Swagger was gazing down at you through his ski mask, and you could tell by his eyes that he was smiling at you.
“We’re here,” he said.
“Good,” you groaned. “I wanna go sleep in a real bed.”
It was pitch black outside as the group of you had been driving basically all day. You didn’t even want to look and see what time it really was. You just wanted to get inside and get in bed.
You grabbed your bags and followed the rest of the guys into the Airbnb that they had rented. It was a small place with just a handful of rooms and a pull out couch. The Misfits had packed an air mattress as well so that someone could sleep on the floor. The place was freezing and you immediately went to turn up the heat in every room.
“There’s only two bedrooms,” you announced when you came back to the living room where everyone was gathered. “One is upstairs with an ensuite, the other is down the hall there.”
“I call the ensuite!” Mason announced, quickly trying to collect his bags to rush upstairs.
“No you don’t, idiot,” Fitz said, grabbing hold of his arm before he could move. “We already agreed that was Swagger’s room, remember?”
You looked at the tall man in confusion. “You did?”
“Ryan and I looked at the place online before we got here,” Fitz explained. “We saw that there was that room upstairs and, as a group, we all decided you and Swagger were going to get it so that you two could have some...privacy.”
You could feel your face heating up as you looked over at Swagger. His face was also turning red, but he was trying to act like he wasn’t paying attention to what was being said.
“Bro, that’s no fair,” Mason groaned. “I didn’t know there was an ensuite in that room!”
“It doesn’t matter, mate, you agreed to it,” Tobi pointed out. “There’s a bathroom down here, you can use that one.”
“It won’t be the same cause I’ll be sharing it with you cunts!”
You chuckled and shook your head before grabbing your bag and making your way upstairs, leaving the boys downstairs to argue about who was getting the second bedroom and who would be sleeping in the living room. Swagger followed closely behind, trudging at the same speed you were.
The room was a decent size. It had a queen sized bed, a big closet, and a TV mounted on the wall. The ensuite wasn’t too big, but it had a glass shower, a toilet, and a sink.
“I’m gonna grab a shower to freshen up after that car ride,” he told you. “Want to join me?”
He wiggled his eyebrow suggestively at you, causing you to laugh.
“I’m good. I’m so tired, I think I’m just gonna get in bed.”
“Well that’s lame, but okay.”
You playfully stuck your tongue out at him. He stepped into the ensuite and closed the door behind him. You heard the shower starting to run as you shed yourself of the clothes you had been wearing all day and grabbed one of Swagger’s shirts to go to bed in.
The minute your body hit the bed you felt like you could drift off into a deep sleep for an entire day. As excited as you were to join Swagger and his friends on their latest outing, you did not enjoy the car ride to their destination. They had all been crammed into a van for roughly seven hours. Every time you tried to sleep, either the van would jolt or one of the guys would scream and startle you. It took Swagger noticing your tiredness and snapping at his friends to fuck off for them to finally let you sleep for the last hour and a half of the ride. You were definitely not looking forward the the van ride back, but that was something you’d deal with when it happened.
You snuggled down into the warm bed, ready to drift off to sleep. The sound of the running shower water was enough to lull you to sleep. You frowned to yourself when the water went off, taking the peaceful white noise you were trying to sleep to going with it.
You peaked open one eye as you heard the ensuite door open and your boyfriend stepped out into the room. He had a towel wrapped around his waist, his broad torso and chest on full display. He didn’t notice the way you were eyeing him at first. The feeling between your legs was starting to wake you up.
“Good shower?” you asked.
Swagger discarded his dirty clothes onto the floor before making his way to the bed. “Really good shower. That thing has good water pressure. You really should’ve joined me, you could’ve utilized it.”
“Why would I use the shower head when I have a perfectly good boyfriend who could be fucking me?”
He gave you a look that told you he understood what you were trying to say. He was stood just inches away from you when he undid the towel from around his waist and let it fall to the floor, leaving him completely bare in front of you. Your eyes slowly moved down his chest to the place you wanted the most. You were pleased to see he was already hard.
You rolled onto your stomach and propped yourself up on your elbows near the edge of the bed. You took hold of Swagger’s hand and pulled him closer to you. You wrapped a hand around the base of his cock, pumping it a few times. The gesture caused a few breathy gasps to slip from Swagger’s lips, and when you wrapped your lips around the tip and slowly slid his length into your mouth, you earned yourself a low moan.
You smiled proudly around his cock as you took him as deep as you could. His hand found its way to your hair and tangled it between his fists. He used this to his advantage to slowly bob your head up and down his length. His head lulled back in pleasure as low moans and whimpers escaped from his lips.
“Fuck,” he breathed. “Your lips feel so good around my cock, baby.”
You hummed around his cock, causing his hips to inadvertently buck into your mouth. Drool was starting to drip down your chin and onto the floor next to Swagger’s feet, not that either of you seemed to care too much. His hips were starting to thrust in a much faster, much rougher fashion as held your head in place.
His hips went in a little too fast and hit your gag reflex, causing you to pull away from him to regain your breath. You were about to reach out to him to take him back in your mouth, but he took hold of your wrists and moved you so that you were laying vertically on the bed, still on your stomach with your head on the soft pillows.
“Stay still, princess,” he commanded.
“Yes sir,” you responded.
You felt the bed dip behind you as Swagger knelt behind you. His hands ran up your sides as he shoved his shirt up your body. He slipped two fingers into your panties and ran them through your already soaked folds. You moaned, lowering your head to the pillows to muffle the sound.
“You’re this wet just from sucking my dick, princess?” Swagger asked.
You nodded, your head still buried in the pillows. You felt his hand in your hair again before he roughly pulled so your head was up from the pillow.
“I asked you a question,” he said. His fingers were pressing against your clit and you were dying to feel more from him.
“Yes, sir,” you managed. “Yes, I’m so wet just from sucking your dick. I love to make you feel so good.”
He let your head drop back onto the pillows. You gasped as you felt his two fingers pushing into your wet cunt. He curled them to hit the right spot in you as he started to thrust them in and out of you. Your fingers curled around the pillows under you as you moaned into them. You were trying to muffle the sound of your moans but the pillows were only doing so much.
“Don’t be afraid to be loud,” Swagger said, leaning over you to place kisses along your back.
“B-But the g-guys,” you stuttered.
“Maybe I want them to hear how well I fuck you.”
You opened your mouth to respond but all that came out was another string of moans. Swagger picked up the pace with his fingers and your body soon began to shake in pleasure.
“It feels like you’re getting close, princess,” he said. “Are you going to cum over my fingers?”
You nodded, but then remembered to use your words. “Yes, fuck yes!”
“Let me feel you cum over me.”
You cried out in pleasure as your orgasm ripped through you. You were practically panting into the pillows as your body trembled in pleasure, your walls contracting around Swagger’s fingers. You almost whimpered when he pulled them out of you, missing the contact already.
You looked over your shoulder to see Swagger slipping his fingers into his mouth, cleaning your juices off of them. It was enough to make you feel turned on again already, even if you felt a little sore between your legs.
Swagger grabbed your legs and rolled you over onto his back so you could face him. His cock was red and hard, looking like it was ready to burst at any moment. He took it in his hand and rubbed it against your still clothed heat, feeling your wetness soaking through his panties. You whimpered at the contact, which caused him to smirk a little.
“Let me know if you’re too sore,” he told you. “I can finish over you instead.”
You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling his hips to meet yours. You looked into his eyes as you said, “I want to feel you inside of me.”
His eyes were full of lust as he reached down to literally rip off your panties. You’d be more upset if they weren’t an old pair that you were on the verge of getting read of anyways. That, and his actions were incredibly hot.
He lined himself up at your entrance and pushed in. You gasped, reaching for his arms to grab on to. He laid down on top of you, peppering your neck with kisses and love bites as he started at a slow pace. He was brushing against your clit, making you feel a little overstimulated but also incredibly turned on at the same time. Your fingers dug into his back, leaving angry red lines.
“You feel so good,” he whispered into your ear. “Fuck, I could spend this whole trip up here inside of you. Maybe I’ll tell the guys we aren’t feeling well and lock us up here so I can use you the whole time.”
You whimpered in response. You weren’t against that idea at all.
Swagger lifted his head so he could look at you. You gazed up into his eyes; those beautiful brown eyes you were so in love with. You could get lost in those eyes for a long time.
He lowered his lips onto yours, kissing you passionately as his thrusts began to pick up pace. Your moans filled the room along with the sound of Swagger’s skin slapping against yours. You could feel yourself reaching your high again.
“I’m so close,” Swagger said. “Are you gonna cum for me again, princess?”
“Yes,” you breathed. “Fuck, yes, I’m close too.”
He reached between the two of you and rubbed circles in your clit as his hips continued to ruthlessly thrust into you.
“Cum with me,” he said. “I want to feel you cum around my dick when I shoot my load into you.”
The feeling of him hitting your cervix with every thrust plus his fingers against your clit was overwhelming. Your back arched as you felt yourself tumbling over the edge, stars clouding your vision. Shortly after you hit your second climax, you felt Swagger’s warmth filling you as he groaned in pleasure.
He laid on top of you for a while. You were both panting to catch your breath. Your body felt sore but also so good. You never wanted to leave this position. Maybe you should take Swagger up on that offer to stay in this room the whole trip.
You were reluctant to let him pull away, but you knew he had to eventually. He stood from the bed and made his way back to the ensuite. He returned with a cloth in his hand. You flinched a little as it touched your sore core, but you were grateful he had made it warm so that it wasn’t such a shock when it touched you.
Once he had cleaned the both of you up, he climbed into bed next to you and pulled you into his arms. You rested your head against his chest, the exhaustion from earlier finally coming back.
“I really don’t want to have to face the guys tomorrow,” you mumble.
Swagger chuckled. “Come on, we have this whole floor to ourselves. They’re all the way downstairs, there’s no way they heard anything.”
“You don’t know that. You don’t know how sound carries here.”
He kissed your forehead and ran a hand through your hair. “It’ll be fine, babe. They knew what they sighed up for when they gave us this room. If they didn’t want the threat of hearing us fucking, they shouldn’t have said it was okay for you to come on this trip with us.”
“I guess you’re right.” You let out a yawn and settled against him. “I’m so tired I don’t even think I’ll be awake for whatever you guys have planned tomorrow.”
“I’ll be sure to tell the guys to let you sleep if that’s what you want.”
You closed your eyes and smiled, sheepishly. “Goodnight, Swagger.”
“Goodnight, (Y/N).”
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⚠️Swaggersouls x Reader (Part 1)
Should I continue this?
Note: I call Swagger Eric in this
⚠️⚠️ SMUT ⚠️⚠️
[Y/n] - Your Name
"We sat in a car for 4 hours." Eric groaned. You giggled next to him "God, if [Y/n] wasn't there I probably would've killed myself."
"How did [Y/n] help?" Cameron asked
"They gave me a blowjob." Eric said frowning
"What?!" Jay asked shocked. You nuzzled your nose on Erics hand making him look to you
"Yeah, I was getting pissed off and they offered." He said. "Well they kinda just leaned over and pulled my zipper down-"
"AHH I DON'T WANNA KNOW!" Mason yelled. You smiled and Eric looked to you
"Isn't [Y/n] in a relationship?" Cameron asked
"No, they broke up with them." Eric said. You smiled happily as Eric's hand ran down the side of your face, his thumb ran over your bottom lip as he stared at them. You licked your lips and he pushed his thumb into your mouth, you licked his thumb and he stared at you with lust in his eyes. You looked up him innocently
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yourmomhaha · 5 years
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theneighborlygamer · 5 years
Hilarious video omg
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