fluckingfeathers · 3 years
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corpsehusband-simp · 3 years
Texting you’re best friend “You’re Pretty”
Request: Hey there, simp here. I was hoping you could give me a misfits imagine with that one TikTok trend. Where you text your best friend (or friend) that they're pretty and see what their reaction is.... Please? I saw this yesterday and I wanted to see it done with the misfits lmao. (Have a great day btw)
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy! I had fun making these. Also sorrry if you wanted me to write these out I just figured it would be more fun to do it this way. This also may be a little out of character for some of them but listen man I tried my best 😂
You sat up in your bed with an idea fresh in your mind. You had been scrolling on TikTok and saw the trend of people texting their best friend that they are pretty, well lucky for you, you had 6 best friends to try this on.
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paranormalchemistry · 3 years
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Hi I’ve been gone for like over half a year, but I’m coming back to say that Matt & Sans Undertale have the same vibe but different energies. I’ll be uploading more misfits content within the upcoming week so stay tuned friends.
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ur-fav-alien · 4 years
This was something I’m twt but cuz I’m a pussy i didn’t want to post it on there so I’m doing it here. The tweet was asking the misfits fandom (the gamers not the show) how they felt on irl shipping and that got me thinking since in the past I used to irl ship (Shane and Ryan from buzzfeed unsolved, I no longer really ship them)
I think that if you understand you aren’t shipping real people rather their yt personalities/personas and the youtubers are fine with it I think it’s fine. If you take it too far like putting their personal lives into your fanfic, threaten them, telling them how you think they should fuck, make ONLY smut fanfic, etc, etc then yeah you shouldn’t ship irl but if you keep it cute and nice then everything’s gonna be fine.
An example that I can think of is Dream and George, they are okay with you guys shipping them and from what I’ve seen of fanart you guys aren’t making fanart of the irl dream or the irl George rather their personas. As soon as they say they are uncomfortable with the shipping you stop but if your being respectful and not sexualizing them I think it’s fine. Also I suggest keeping the shipping to yourself and what I mean is don’t tag them in your fanart or fanfic of the irl ship even if they don’t care if you ship them rather just do @/ then tag them so people still know that it’s those two people.
So just a TL:DR if you are irl shipping please just be respectful and don’t sexualize them and when the two people your shipping say they are uncomfortable stop shipping them (I.e. swagger and fitz said that shipping makes them uncomfortable especially ‘x reader’ shipping so respect that and leave them out of your ships) and always ALWAYS ship their personas not the actual *real* people (I.e. Dream and George or possibly CaptainSparklez and Syndicate from what I believe). That’s my opinion and if you disagree with it then uhh.... I guess tell me? Idk bro just like tell me what you think I gues akdnakmddk
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overly-obsessed1021 · 5 years
You know what I fucking love about the misfits? Even though they’re scuffed as fuck, high and drunk all the time, and make some questionable decisions, at the end of the fucking day you can just tell they’re looking out for each other. In vlogs you can see swagger brushing back Masons hair. You can see that Mason and Cam have a fucking hand shake. They were concerned enough to be watching Mason and Jay (two full grown fucking adults) from halfway around the world while they were struggling in L.A. Cam has run with Matt and Toby’s love of cars multiple times on the podcast, even with his clear disinterest of them, and didnt just tolerate the conversation but added it to the best he could. They accepted Toby so fully when they came out that it makes me ache inside because I would give anything to know I would get the same reaction if I ever came out as bi (which is considerably less drastic).
Yeah they’re scuffed, but they’re watching out for each other and it’s clear in the way they act. It’s good to know people like that fucking exist. Good on them for proving good people still fucking exist. The world fucking needs it.
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azurekatart · 4 years
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Oi look at these cunts
Who tf they think they are
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angelssunlight · 5 years
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suckleonmyzuckle · 5 years
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He screams - I screams
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fluckingfeathers · 3 years
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corpsehusband-simp · 3 years
Send me misfits requests please!!!
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ms-starry-blog · 5 years
What's up guys mind if I drop this bad boy here?
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paranormalchemistry · 4 years
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Have yall seen my husband lately like damn 🥺🥺💙
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daddyize · 5 years
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xdmiki · 5 years
When you tryna flex with the boys
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azurekatart · 4 years
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Oi forgot to post Matt
He’s been slightly redesigned since I drew this btw
Handwriting is still shit so:
Inotorious Matt merc au
-Close friends with swagger
-Kinda an asshole
Too lazy to really care about tags rn uwu
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lucpai · 5 years
I wish I had more of a voice in the misfits fandom but I'm only a casual fan so it sucks trying to get traction on stuff
but seriously why is nobody in the fandom calling out the people who fetishize Toby? why is nobody calling out the people who draw the boys sexually and physically abusing eachother? these are REAL people and that's just something you can't do, it's disgusting. People are letting these artists have a platform and I think it's pretty wrong nobody is talking about this. are people ok with the abuse art? do you guys think it's "hawt yaoiz xD!!!" if so?
anyways I'm mainly pissed that these artists intentionally keep their fucked up art on Tumblr where they know the boys won't see it and then they go on other platforms and act sweet and innocent and these people get COMMISSIONED by the misfits. I can't stand looking at their stuff and seeing them proudly display art by people who draw this shit of them behind their backs.
I'm grateful that this is only a handful of artists out of the fandom, if that, but they're some of the most popular which makes me feel sick. Also the people who know what is and isn't acceptable when it comes to drawing them have my whole heart, especially the artists who draw Toby respectfully.
I'd also like to state that I don't want artists who draw this stuff attacked or witch hunted, I just want them to acknowledge that these are real people and that means things of them should have extra boundaries and that they should stop.
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