badmojo619 · 4 months
Finally finished something worth sharing! Portions of 3 separate cross stitches of Bo Burnham. True labor of love. It's taken me forever because my hands are a mess lately. All that's left is to find the perfect spot on the wall to put him up!
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badmojo619 · 10 months
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One year ago today I was working on my first Bo doll- Sexting. It feels like yesterday and a million years ago all at once. I *think* I'm currently working on my 9th Bo, with at least 5 more on deck, I think? Not counting if he shows up at the grammys (low key hope he and Phoebe both go, I'd love to make them as a set!) or if I decide to make Ski Mask Bo and Jerrod. I go back and forth between super proud of my work and mortified at my obsession. But hey, if it makes me happy and isn't hurting anyone, that's good, right? RIGHT?! Lmao
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badmojo619 · 10 months
Almost finished with the last piece of a big order- I present you with Glenn Danzig. As always using Crafty Is Cool (Allison Hoffman) Amigurume patterns. Freehand drew the logo belt buckle on felt, not attached yet. He needs a mouth and some eyebrows, then he's heading to his new home Wednesday morning. Then one more doll order to go out before the holidays, and I can work on gifts for my family members. I need new hands!
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badmojo619 · 11 months
Current WIP. Bo from the 2021 emmys. I think he's coming out well so far! I think I see Ski Mask Bo and Jerrod Carmichael in my future as a set as well. Gotta get some hair on this man!
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badmojo619 · 1 year
I like this reframe, as someone who grew up the younger sibling of the Golden Child in my family. I was repeatedly told I wasn't living up to my potential, which I held back from doing in fear that it still wouldn't be enough. I'm nearly 50 and still trying to revel in what I can do well and trying to enjoy the ride.
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badmojo619 · 1 year
First look at my next doll! It is also NOT Bo Burnham. Darn friends wanting other people, lmao. This will eventually be Glenn Danzig. For now you'll just have to take my word for it.
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badmojo619 · 1 year
An an 'artist' (I struggle with this term, I consider myself a crafter primarily, although the more I create the more artist-y I feel) I am my very worst critic. I'm a perfectionist, especially when someone is paying me for my work. I know nothing is ever perfect and errors make everything unique, but honestly I think I'm coming very close with this doll. I love challenging myself to finagle a way to recreate details. I am super proud of how Asuka is coming out. She needs ears (oopsie!) And her little red things on her head, and I think she'll be finished then. As always, grateful for Allison Hoffman and her patterns which are the canvas I use for my own creations.
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badmojo619 · 1 year
We're plugging along! My brain is already spinning the details around, how Im going to do the eyes, the hair, the other finishing touches. Too bad my hands and eyes move so much slower. She's getting there, though! One arm down, one to go, then she gets wired and assembled. Hoping to finish in another week. Meanwhile I still love this book Amigurume Make Cute Crochet People by Allison Hoffman. She rocks my yarny world!
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badmojo619 · 1 year
Feels very weird to be crocheting NOT BO. Working on an order for a friend, Xmas gifts for her kids. Boba tea cat, which still needs facial details and boba added. Asuka Langley from Neon Genesis Evangelion, and after these, Glenn Danzig. I'm super excited to work on him. As with everything else, it all comes down to the details, which are my favorite/the bane of my existence lol
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badmojo619 · 1 year
I framed him up! He's ready to hang on my wall! He's not perfect but he's mine!
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badmojo619 · 1 year
So my hands were too achy to crochet today, so did I rest? HELL NO. I decided to finish my Bo's eye cross stitch, and hurt my hands AND my eyes. I lost a needle (found it though) AND a pair of scissors (still MIA) while sitting still in one place. Now THAT'S talent. Now I just have to paint the hoop I'm hanging it in, then find a spot on the wall to hang him. I'm so pleased with this. Is it perfect? Nope. But it served its purpose of letting me practice cross stitch again before the whole design goes on a t shirt. That's going to take forEVER.
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badmojo619 · 1 year
So happy with how he came out! This is one of my favorite dolls to make, the onesie kills me lol. And of course he isnt complete without his plush blanket to sit on. He's off to his new home tomorrow!
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badmojo619 · 1 year
So I'm working on Narwhal Bo some more today, hoping to get it at least almost finished (due to using a different yarn for this one, my notes for the hood didn't come out large enough, so back to square one on that. ) my new crochet supervisor is asleep on the job, which is honestly a good thing, and my second supervisor showed up late and was all up in my shit. Sigh lol. And as always, I have Bo on the TV, cheering me along.
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badmojo619 · 1 year
Entering a busy crochet season! Thankful for all the orders I have to fill. Working up another Narwhal Onesie Bo from White Woman's Instagram. This is one of my favorites. He looks so damn goofy with no arms or hair lol
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badmojo619 · 1 year
Some selfish crafting going on around here. Working on a small cross stitch to hang on my wall. Bo's eye fron The Future. The whole piece will be stitched on to a t shirt when I get up the nerve/time, but it's been a long while since I've cross stitched so I decided to practice.
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badmojo619 · 1 year
Hey if anyone has noticed I've not done any crocheting lately, may I present the reasons? Meet Charlie (brown and white) and Biscuit. They're adorable but FEISTY. Lol
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badmojo619 · 1 year
I absolutely love all the art this man inspires!!
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Bo burhnam >:0 i love the way he came out I'm planning to do more stuff like this in the future
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