baldrad · 5 years
How to lose allies in two easy steps...
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and the same straights say that gays shouldn’t be allowed to have kids
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baldrad · 6 years
so... this is pretty misleading. He was a part of a government project for planting trees and whatnot. After 5 years the project was done and he decided to stay back to tend for them. So he has not been doing this on his own because he “ saw the devastation” 
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baldrad · 7 years
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baldrad · 7 years
Recent Struggles and Realizations.
I am not going to put anything here just going to break it and if you want to read you can click
So I got tested and I have extremely low testosterone. A normal level is between 400-500 but mine is at 29. 
I have struggled my whole life with who I am. With my weight, voice, height. Everything about me. I can honestly say I don’t have a single thing that I like about myself. It is a daily struggle. I harbor a deep hatred for myself. Not that I am a bad person but that I hate everything that is me. 
I was in a car accident a while back. I thought I was going to die. I lost control on a highway 6 hours away from home in the middle of the night. I didn’t think about my regrets, I didn’t think about anything I thought I would. I just thought about how much of a screw up, a let down a mess up I was. How I let everyone down. 
I feel lost. I feel cluttered and disorganized but don’t have the energy to figure out how to fix anything. My energy just goes to keeping everything together day to day. Supporting my Fiancee and myself. Keeping the house clean and food on the table. 
My Fiancee is on disability. Not one that is going to ever get better. Sometimes it is hard because I come home from work and I don’t want to be responsible. I want to just curl up in bed and do nothing but I can’t. I have to power through it. I often don’t have the energy to talk about what is going on with me, with what I am thinking or feeling. So I automatically go straight to I am fine, everything is fine. 
When there is an argument it is just easier to say I am wrong sorry I will do better than even try to talk about it. 
I wonder when she is going to realize she could do better than me.
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baldrad · 8 years
Confused. Like, you say fuck capitalism but that is how they were able to do that ? 
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FUCK CAPITALISM! This didn’t cost tax payers anything. You don’t need to be a governing body with a police force to do decent things.
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baldrad · 8 years
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Imperial Coronation
After the glorious victory of Tash-Murkon champion Kelon Darklight and his three retainers in the YC118 Amarr Succession Trials, the Amarr Empire is poised to crown a new leader.
With the Imperial Guard in military parade formation and the entire Amarr Navy on standby across the Empire for such a historic and auspicious event, the Golden Fleet will mark the formal ascension of Catiz I to her rightful seat on the Golden Throne of Holy Amarr.
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baldrad · 8 years
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If I was to say to you, forget your plans this weekend, how about we sit in the front seat of a nasa shuttle and break atmosphere together at 3g’s?
Like for a flight to the moon
Reblog for a flight to Mars
See you on Friday
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baldrad · 8 years
most of these are false... ffs check snopes before you post
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5 days into Pokémon GO
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baldrad · 8 years
This is what it looks like when you finger Kesha
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baldrad · 8 years
Yea but it should have been caught. I guess that would require proof reading
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kotaku back at it again
top-quality writing as always
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baldrad · 8 years
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baldrad · 8 years
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Bamblebee’ escape pod - Dmitry Popov
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baldrad · 8 years
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baldrad · 8 years
Hey everyone!
I am newly engaged and currently planning my wedding with my fiance Bekah. I couldn’t think of anyone I would rather be with if I tried. 
The only problem is, weddings are expensive. This is a once in a lifetime event for us and I want it to be absolutely perfect for her. I don’t want to be forced to cut corners to be able to afford it. 
This is why I am coming to you. I have started a gofundme campaign to help fund our dream wedding.
We hope to be able to have our wedding on the beach and have a beach house as our honeymoon. 
Any little bit will help and if you can’t, if you could share this, it would mean the world to us.
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baldrad · 8 years
Hey everyone!
I am newly engaged and currently planning my wedding with my fiance Bekah. I couldn’t think of anyone I would rather be with if I tried. 
The only problem is, weddings are expensive. This is a once in a lifetime event for us and I want it to be absolutely perfect for her. I don’t want to be forced to cut corners to be able to afford it. 
This is why I am coming to you. I have started a gofundme campaign to help fund our dream wedding.
We hope to be able to have our wedding on the beach and have a beach house as our honeymoon. 
Any little bit will help and if you can’t, if you could share this, it would mean the world to us.
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baldrad · 8 years
wasn’t the whole premise of sword art online that you died IRL ? 
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baldrad · 8 years
Malice in the Palace
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