(October 25th, 2022, accurate again)
(December 4th, 2021, still accurate)
hi, I'm suddenly thirsting for 90s brian molko again, send me requests if you want to...in case the fandom is still somewhat alive here.
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believe it or not, but I'm actually working on it now.
so... how about flirting with brian since the beggining as a joke but suddenly brian can't take it anymore and he just kisses you
ah, this is perfect, love that one!! 💖🥺
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Are you still taking requests for brian ?? Sorry if it's not that way, have a good day !!
hhmmmmm. send me request, maybe I'll like it so much I'm going to write it. ✨
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miss u and ur posts! i come back to read something whenever i need a little bit of comfort, hope u r doing ok honey <3 sending love x
aw I'm so happy to hear that omg 🥰😭 thank you!!!
I'm doing great, just jumping from one fandom to the other, you know? one day I'm totally into placebo and the next I'm into spiderman again after watching the new movie in cinemas...and then I don't feel like creating stories about that once specific thing and suddenly have zero motivation to write anything at all. 😅
thanks for checking in on me tho, hope u doing okay too. 💖
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okay I think I lost my spark again, am v sorry but thank you for your support and love, maybe the spark will return someday~
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oh totally understandable, i was worried that maybe something happened to you... i'm glad you're okay! you're the sweetest soul and deserves nothing but the best 🤍
agsgdhhdgffgh omg no, you're the sweetest!! 🥺
chrismas holidays start at the end of next week, maybe I'll be motivated to write again when I don't have to work for like 2 to 3 weeks haha~
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hey love, how are you? i haven't seen you posting something so i got a little worried, really hope you're doing fine 🥺 hope you spend such a beautiful christmas in the way you feel most comfortable to, sending you the biggest hug, take care! 🤍
hey 😊👋 don't worry, I just didn't feel like writing lately! I'm good tho 🐼
thank you that's v sweet of you!! 🥺🧁 I wish you a wonderful holiday season as well!! *hugs* 💖🌟🎄☃️
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so... how about flirting with brian since the beggining as a joke but suddenly brian can't take it anymore and he just kisses you
ah, this is perfect, love that one!! 💖🥺
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I love when you're reading a story and you get this sense of "oh the writer enjoyed this". Like, as a distinct thing from writing that feels self-indulgent on the writer's part. Sometimes it's just like... they were having the BEST time writing this and it shows
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ok so i'm gonna do my request... how do you feel about writing of falling in love with brian when he was young but for life complications things didn't work out but later to find him years later with him being more mature and and realize that he really is the love of your life? sorry if that's too much 😭
yesss will do!! that sounds like it could actually happen in life, haha :') thank you for requesting something 💖💖💖
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Brian Molko imagine
Version 1, in which Brian hates Christmas.
"You know what? Go have a great time, but don't you believe I'll join." You considered it a good idea to ask Brian what his plans for Christmas were and offered him to spend this time together. Now you shut your mouth, regretting what you had said. You were well aware that the holidays only reminded him of his family, his deeply religious parents who wanted him to become someone he was definitely not.
"I couldn't care less about the 24th, much less the 25th", he grunted. "Why'd you even ask? Don't you usually spend the holidays with your family?" "Well...I..."
Brian was pissed off already, it wouldn't make much sense to explain to him that you wouldn't be able to fly back home this winter due to money problems. To tell the truth, you didn't care that much about Christmas per se, only the idea of spending it all alone in your small apartment seemed like a miserable option.
"Nevermind. Let's not talk about it anymore."
Brian rolled his eyes. "I don't know what you expected, (Y/N)." "Me neither", you said with a sigh. "I love being with you, but I'm not gonna have a jolly, festive time", he added. "I'll probably just...I don't know. I'll be out, trying to find a place where no one even thinks about Christmas."
It broke your heart every time you saw your boyfriend like that. He could be the sweetest, most charming and caring person in the world, but also there was this dark side to him you got to see from time to time. Of course you would have loved to spend a few romantic days with him, enjoying the festive lights and snow falling from the sky, but things were different with Brian. You couldn't bring yourself to tell him you would stay here. He hated Christmas, no matter where he was...or who he was with. You imagined he'd spend his time in some sketchy place, a bar or something like that, and you didn't want to feel responsible for him, although it was a harsh thing to say. If he decided to drown his problems in alcohol, cigarettes, or worse, it was on him. You had to learn the hard way that you couldn't "fix" him - you either took him the way he was...or not. If Brian didn't show you every day how hard he tried to better himself, you would have given up on this relationship already. On a special occasion like Christmas, which was supposed to be a chance to reunite with your family, you couldn't blame him for not even trying to get his shit together though. Christmas was like a reminder of everything he did not have, rubbing it in his face how his own parents were unable to accept him the way he was.
Right now you and your boyfriend stood outside for a while, he needed to have a smoke and you had joined him to touch on the Christmas topic. It was late in the evening already. Brian, his bandmates Stefan and Steve and you were out but you decided to head home now. After having this...unpleasant discussion with your significant other you longed for some alone time.
"You're going home already?", he asked, blinking in surprise. A simple nod was all you gave in response. He tilted his head. "Are you mad at me now?" "No, I just want to be alone a bit", you said truthfully. "Well...give me a kiss before you leave then, if you're not upset with me?", he asked. With a small smile you pecked his lips and turned around to leave but Brian grabbed your arm to pull you closer and into a passionate kiss whilst gently pushing you against the wall behind you. You melted into the kiss, enjoying the way he pressed his body against yours, keeping one knee between your thighs. He let go of your lips and started placing soft kisses on your neck. A quiet moan escaped your mouth.
Only when a group of people went outside to have a smoke, Brian pulled back quickly, still standing close to you, hands on your hips. You wouldn't take your eyes off of each other, breathing heavily. You opened your mouth to ask him what just happened, he breathed: "I...I just had to make sure you don't forget why you love me before you go." "That's...exceptionally unlikely now", you whispered. Brian bit bis bottom lip. "How am I supposed to stay here when I might as well come with you and..." "No", you cut him short. "Don't make me beg", he mouthed. "I really want some time alone", you said, pushing away his hands and taking a few steps towards the sidewalk. "Just because you make me horny doesn't mean I changed my...mind..." You went quiet when your eyes wandered down to his crotch. With a grin on your face you stated: "Seems like you got a little too excited." "Honestly, how could I not?", Brian talked back, a smug smirk on his face.
By now the people standing outside picked up what you were talking about. They did not even try to hide their curiosity as they bluntly stared at you. Reality caught up with you and you felt a bit embarrassed about how you openly made out with your boyfriend...the sexual tenstion slowly subsided with this realization.
Brian seemed to notice the change in mood, not giving a damn about anyone else around for a single second though, he only had eyes for you.
"Well, like I said...I'll go home now", you decided after a moment of silence. Brian did not try and hold you back this time. Now that the excitement was fading, you remembered the unpleasant conversation you've had before and how you would spend Christmas all alone.
"Can I come over later?" Brian asked, uncertainty resonating in his voice. You nodded. "I'll be asleep when you come home."
The eerie glow of a white sky woke you up. It was snowing heavily. Today was December the 24th and you wished for Christmas to be over already. When you rolled to the other side of the bed you were met with a slumbering Brian. You couldn't help but smile at this peaceful sight. You had not even noticed him slipping into bed with you and wondered when he had come in. Although you did not live together you had exchanged each other's keys a few months ago since you could not decide wether you wanted to be at his place or yours.
"You look so beautiful in the cold light of morning", Brian whispered, only a second after opening his eyes. "Hey", you murmured. He yawned and snuggled up to you, you gave him a kiss. The two of you spent the morning in bed, talking about nonrelevant stuff, until Brian asked you how long you could still spend time together before you had to leave. You opened your mouth, but no words came out. "(Y/N)?" You cleared your throat. "I...I don't know." "How so?"
You gnawed on your bottom lip. Although you originally wanted to keep it a secret, you decided it'd be the better and more mature way to tell him what was going on. You haven't done anything wrong after all...well, except for not telling him the truth right away. He would have found out sooner or later anyways and suddenly the idea of lying to him seemed ridiculous.
"I don't have a ticket. I can't fly to my family this Christmas", you confessed. Brian frowned and sat up in bed. "What are you talking about?" "I don't have the money to buy a ticket. I don't know. I just felt...I...I know how you feel about this time of the year and..." You stopped talking. "Why didn't you tell me?" "I didn't want you to feel like you have to spend Christmas with me", you explained, looking away. Brian groaned in annoyance. "So, what was your plan? Sitting here all alone, feeling miserable? Is that why you acted so distant yesterday and left me standing there?" You sighed. "Yeah, I guess. Maybe I didn't want to be around you when you're like...that. You know what I mean." Brian considered for a moment, then his features softened. "Did I actually make you believe I'd rather be miserable in some sketchy bar during the Holidays than to spend them with you?" "Yeah. That was kinda what you said." He scratched the back of his neck. "I thought you wanted to forgo your family reunion for me and I didn't want you to have a bunch of uneventful days instead of a festive and homely feast with the people you love. If you had told me from the start that you're staying here, things would have looked completely different." "But...I didn't want to conceit myself to be the reason you can be happy during Christmas or something. And I didn't want to feel like I was somehow responsible for it either." "You're not. It's not your job to heal me or whatever, (Y/N). That's a far cry from saying that I wouldn't be happy to have you here though. Spending these days with you is a million times better than lingering in some divey place alone, even if I'm not going to celebrate Christmas Eve or whatever." "I thought you wanted to do anything you can to avoid this whole happening. I can't make you forget that", you countered. He laid down nex to you again to clasp you in his arms. "Listen", he whispered, " You actually can make me forget certain things. I'd love to stay with you, as long as we can pretend that it's a day like any other...and maybe hide from the world for a while. Are you willing to give me a chance?" He placed a kiss on your hair. "I mean...that's still better than being all alone, right?"
The more you thought about Brian's idea of spending the next few days in intimate togetherness as if the world didn't exist, the more you liked it. The way he talked to you and his way of looking at things sounded so convincing and reassuring after all...
"You know...let's give your idea a chance", you eventually agreed, earning a loving kiss from your boyfriend. You didn't need any festivities, all you wanted was to feel safe and sound...with whom else if not the person you loved the most in the world?
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i've readed all of your brian molko's imagines and god 😩 i haven't felt this butterflies in YEARS, you're truly amazing! are you still accepting requests by the way?
Hi sweetie, thank you so much, it means a lot to me!! 🥺 I'm glad my stories bring others joy (not only myself haha) <3 sure thing, you can still request something!! :)
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saw your post about christmas with brian and i agree, i'm not sure if his 90's version would've enjoyed christmas... maybe you can write about a more adult and mature brian, realizing about how gorgeous that date is :(
that's what I was thinking tbh. I'm sure he feels different about it nowadays. maybe I will write something...👀
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Maybe I should write a christmas imagine about Brian Molko...? :)
Any ideas? I'm not sure, but I feel like Brian isn't someone to enjoy Christmas (at least not back in the 90s)...
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It's only been few months now since a special someone had entered your world...Brian Molko. He was a famous singer and you've heard about his band already, on TV and in the radio, before you met him for the first time at a bar where Placebo celebrated the release of their second album. The two of you hit if off so well and it didn't take long until Brian asked you out. He turned out to be a witty, honest and flirty guy who would say things right out in the open and was a lot of fun to be around so you were eager to see him again after your first date. Brian appreciated your warmhearted, caring nature as well as your authenticity and your sense of humor. It was hardly surprising you started dating each other regularly after that.
Although you got to know him quite well by now, there was something you were looking specifically looking forward to...tonight you would see him on stage for the first time.
At this moment you stood at the barrier, first row, in front of the small stage Placebo would perform on tonight. The set was built, their fans were ready to cheer for them. You could hardly wait to look up to your...lover? You weren't quite sure how to refer to Brian yet, but it felt as if the affection you had towards him grew with every kiss and every conversation you shared.
The background music stopped abruptly and the crowd started screaming as Placebo entered the stage. You let yourself get carried away by the excited people around you and put up your arms to applaud enthusiastically, with the biggest smile on your face. Brian looked so beautiful, it took away your breath for a second. He seemed like a completely different person up there, but in a good way. He radiated such a wild, raw energy and...a sort of lasciviousness.
They opened their set with "Nancy Boy", everyone freaked out as soon as they recognized the first chord. You couldn't take your eyes off of Brian. Watching him play and sing and act like a rockstar turned you on, there was no denying that. You knew you weren't the only person in the audience feeling that way and the fact that you, only you, were the person he was interested in made you feel absolutely amazing.
Placebo were bursting with energy and continued their playlist with "Every You, Every Me", "Bruise Pristine" and "Scared of Girls", setting the whole venue on fire. Brian and you locked eyes a few times, he was obviously happy to see you enjoy the show and winked at you while singing "Where I kissed her on her thigh". The way he publicly flirted with you got you all flustered. You feared the fans around you would act jealous but they were all giddy with excitement whenever Brian interacted with fans in general, no matter if it applied to them or not. None of them had a single clue that you were truly special to their beloved singer.
All of the sudden the band got quiet and the whole room was immerged in rays of soft, blue light. When they striked up "Burger Queen" everyone was cheering like crazy, but after a short moment the crowd got quiet, listenting with rapt attention. The excitement and thrill that intoxicated your senses before was nothing compared to the warmth and devotion you felt deep in your heart now. It seemed as if it was only Brian and you in this room. He did a fantastic, soulful performance. His voice was filled with so much pain and sadness, as if he was pouring out his heart, at the same time it sounded so beautiful and calming. As you watched him play the song you had only one thing on your mind...it was a single thought, and a feeling at the same time. It came out of nowhere and even though you had never felt...it before, you knew what was going on.
Even as they continued their concert with "You don't care about us", these intense emotions that just overtook you wouldn't leave. You glanced up at Brian. When he returned your look a bright smile appeared on your face and a pleasant warmth spread in you. You felt it with every fibre of the heart; In the blink of an eye you had fallen in love with Brian.
Placebo finished their set with "Pure Morning" and eventually waved their goodbyes to their fans. Hastily you made your way backstage, running into Brian who had just gotten off the stage.
"(Y/N!)", he exclaimed, clasping you in his sweaty arms. "Did you like the show?" "Are you kidding me? I absolutely loved it, Brian, that was fucking amazing! What the hell!" "Right? I felt it. Totally felt it. It was fantastic", he laughed, beaming with joy. "I'm so glad to have you here, (Y/N), and to share this with you. I fucking love you."
Even with all the noise coming from the room, still crowded with excited fans, and the background music playing, it felt as if time stood still for a moment and you only heard a ringing in your ear.
Brian let go of you, searching for eye contact with you. He opened his mouth, but no words came out.
"You do?", you whispered, hardly audible. The two of you simply stared at each other, trying to read each other's minds before saying anything wrong. Did he mean it? Did he? Or did he say it ouf of sheer joy without meaning it?
"I...I mean...why else would I say it then?", he eventually admitted, more or less confident. He looked at you, concern written all over his face. "Say something. Please?" "When I saw you play Burger Queen...I knew it. I felt it, too", you breathed. "Say it", Brian demanded, coming a little closer and putting a finger under your chin to make you look him in the eyes. "I wanna hear it, baby." "I love you, Brian. I love you", you pledged, overwhelmed with joy. Your confession was followed by a passionate kiss, your beloved Brian placed his hands on your hips to pull you even closer to his body and the two of you simply forgot the world around you.
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Hi :D can you write about what it feels like to fall in love with Brian Molko? I appreciate it! Your blog is amazing!
Hi, dear anon! :) I will gladly do so, thanks for requesting something!!
I wish I knew what it feels like
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masterlist for my Brian Molko imagines
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Spending a summer night with Brian Molko
Being Placebo's visual artist
Missing your boyfriend Brian Molko when he's on tour
Being set up with Brian Molko for a blind date
Brian Molko needing a place to stay for the night
Doing Brian Molko's makeup before a show
Becoming closer with Brian Molko after a gig
Being there for your boyfriend Brian Molko
Falling in love with Brian Molko
Spending Christmas with Brian Molko
Bonus: A New Year's Eve Fanfiction about Brian Molko
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