bangtanfanfichub · 6 years
BTS Scenarios - Finding Out You Can Sing
The sound stopped him in his tracks as he walked by the kitchen. You were idly singing along to a song that played over the television in the next room. Not really trying your hardest as you put away the dishes from the dinner you and Jin had earlier. Jin stood in the doorway, a look of shock on his face as his listened to your voice follow the melody sweetly. You turned and were greeted by Jin’s smiling face as he exclaimed excitedly, “jagi! Why didn’t you tell me that you could sing?!” You could feel your face turning red at his words. He grabbed your hand and pulled you toward the other room. “Come on, let’s go sing together!”
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“Y/N, do you think you can help me with something for a moment?” You heard Yoongi’s voice calling you from the doorway of his studio. You climbed to your feet, confused as to what the Genius Min would need help with from you in the studio. When you walked in, he looked up at you from his chair. “You read music, right?” You nodded. “Great! So, I have to send this track over to this singer I’m producing for, but I need a female voice to record how it’s supposed to sound.”
Your face flushed. “Oh, but Yoongi, I’m not a very good singer.”
He shrugged. “That’s OK. This is just so she can hear the melody. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Do you mind helping out?” You shook your head quickly. Yoongi led you into his studio, placing the headphones over your ears and explaining how it was going to go. He went back into the mixing booth and started up the track. You began to sing the lyrics in front of you nervously, but out of the corner of your eye, you could see Yoongi’s jaw drop. You gained a bit more confidence at that reaction and sang like you do when you’re alone in your apartment. As soon as the song finished, Yoongi turned on his mic to say, “don’t ever say that you’re not a good singer again, y/n. That was incredible!”
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It was just supposed to be a quiet night out with friends, but you should’ve known the drill. Anytime you hung out with Hobi, it ended up being somewhat wild. After a few rounds of drinks and a very rambunctious and fun dinner, you all ended up in a karaoke club. You sat and watched as all of your friends went up and sang songs, some of them stumbling over their words as the alcohol had made their words slur. Hoseok did the most songs, adding a silly dance with each tune to make you laugh. “Ah, jagiya! Why don’t you come up here and sing a song for us?” He exclaimed, using the mic to wave you up away from the couch.
Everyone turned to you, offering you words of encouragement, but you shook your head at your boyfriend. “You know the only time I sing is in the shower!”
Hobi wouldn’t take no for an answer in this case. He ran over to you, grabbing your hands in his and pulling you to your feet. “Come on, baby! I’ll do one with you if it makes you feel better!” You groaned, but nodded, quickly choosing a song you and Hoseok both knew. When it started, you raised the mic and started to sing, stomach in knots at the fact that you were singing in public, but then you heard Hoseok cheer beside you, “yes! That’s my girl!” You both started singing together; Hobi hyping you up to your crowd of friends. When the song finished, everyone clapped for you while you hid your face. Hoseok moved your hands away from your face and gave you a big kiss. “Don’t hide! That was amazing! I’m so lucky to have such a talented girlfriend!”
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You were never as forgetful as you had been lately. In the middle of editing your latest video for YouTube, you received a phone call and left the video up on your computer. You were finally going to start posting covers on your channel instead of just makeup tips and silly vlogs, but you were nervous about it. Singing was always a secret passion of yours. Not even your boyfriend, Namjoon, knew about it. Out of all the videos you had made an posted over the years of being a YouTuber, this one scared you the most. Namjoon came over while you were on the phone and asked, “hey, can I use your computer to print something out?” You nodded, continuing your conversation and forgetting completely about the video that was still queued up on your computer. Namjoon walked over to the desktop and wiggled the mouse so the screen would turn on. As soon as he typed in your password, the video popped up. Normally, Namjoon wouldn’t snoop around and watch your videos without your permission. He had come to respect that this was your art and that you didn’t just wanted him watching anything without your knowledge, but the title caught his eye. “Cover Song - One Last Time by Ariana Grande” He clicked play and soon your voice singing the song filled up the room and spilled over into the room where you were talking. Your blood froze in your veins. You had never hurried a person off the phone so quickly and you almost broke you neck running over to where Namjoon sat with the biggest grin on his face.
You smacked the pause button and whined, “Namjoon! Why would you do that?! You know you need my permission to watch my videos before I post them!” Your face was hot and you felt tears coming to your eyes.
But Namjoon just chuckled warmly and said, “I’m so sorry, y/n, but wow! Your voice is incredible! How come you never told me you could do this before?” You shrugged, shyly as he pulled you onto his lap and kissed your jaw. “Ah, my talented little songbird! This video will get millions of views. Just you wait and see!”
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Long road trips were hardly ever any fun - especially when you had to be the one to drive, but in this case, you didn’t mind it so much. You were coming back from visiting your family and introducing them to your new boyfriend, Jimin and it was quite a good weekend. Your family loved Jimin and you got to spend some well deserved alone time with him without the members or crew members interrupting you. But Jimin was exhausted. Right before going on the trip with you, he had just finished performing show after show and promoting the group’s new album. Then he went straight to your place and was back on the road. He sat beside you, headphones in and eyes closed. Normally, you would encourage your passengers to stay awake so you could stay awake, but you knew how hard Jimin worked and you weren’t about to take away any form of rest he could get. You’d just have to keep yourself awake in other ways.
All of a sudden, you heard Jimin’s song, “Lie” come on your Spotify. You had always loved this song. The way he sang it, the way he performed it. Honestly, it was what drew you to him in the first place. You didn’t realize it, but you were idly singing along. Your voice soft at first, but as the chorus approached, you could feel your passion building. Soon, you were practically screaming without realizing it. “Caught in a lie!” You were so entranced by the road, the song, and the thoughts of your gorgeous boyfriend performing it that you didn’t notice Jimin was wide awake and staring at you until he placed a hand on your shoulder.
You jumped and looked over at him. “Jimin! Oh, you scared me!” He stared at you with innocent eyes and you blushed. “You’ve been awake this whole time?” He nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “How much did you hear?”
He started to laugh. “Y/N, you have such a beautiful voice! But try to keep it down a little? I need my rest!” You nodded, sheepishly, muttering an apology. Jimin settled back against the seat again and said, “When we get back home, you’ll have to give me a full performance, ok?”
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You were an actor for a long time, but nobody really knew you could sing. Not even your costars who had spent many days with you on set. And certainly not your most famous costar, Taehyung, who was known all throughout South Korea for his sultry voice. He intimidated you greatly when it came to singing. So, when the host of the show you were both on asked everyone if anyone aside from Taehyung could sing, you kept your mouth shut.
“Ah, is no one going to answer?” The host exclaimed as you and the rest of your costars stayed silent. “Y/N, I thought there was a video somewhere of you singing!” Your face fell at those words. You’d completely forgotten about how you and your friends would make videos of you singing popular songs and post them online. You could feel Taehyung turn in his seat to look at you as the audience started to applaud. “Can we play the video?” The host asked one of the producers. 
Suddenly, your face graced the screen behind you and you could hear your voice singing along to a song on the radio. You covered your face with your hands hating the way your voice sounded. After the video ended, everyone was applauding again, even your costars and Taehyung turned to you. “I didn’t know that you could sing like that! Why didn’t you tell me?”
The host smiled wide at you both. “Do I see a duet in the future? The famous V and y/n singing a song together?”
Taehyung looked at you and you looked at him. He shrugged and said, “I’d be willing to do it if she was as well! I think we’d sound good together!”
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You didn’t always listen to music when you studied. It was a habit you were starting to develop, however. For some reason, it made you feel more focused. Today, however, your Spotify was beginning to betray you. Playing songs that kept making you wanna stop and sing along. You knew you had a big test coming up, so you switched to a more relaxing playlist that you were hoping would keep your attention on your work. It didn’t help. The first song to come on was, “Butterfly” by BTS. Even though you’d heard all of their songs a million times while they rehearsed around you, you still would catch yourself singing one or two of them. This one was your favorite, though. Hearing your boyfriend, Jungkook’s voice coming through the speakers always made you sing along. You loved his voice and really wanted to sing with him in real life, but you were too afraid to make him look bad. You didn’t have half the talent he had and were certain he wouldn’t want you to join him in song anyways. You sang along at the top of your lungs, swaying to the music with your eyes closed until you heard a voice behind you joining in. You swiveled your chair around to see Jungkook standing in the doorway singing along with you and the song and smiling. You stopped singing immediately, turning the song off. You forgot he was coming over that day to help you study for your test. 
Jungkook laughed. “Jagiya, why didn’t you tell me you could sing? We sound really good together!” 
You groaned. “No... I just bring you down, Jungkook!”
He walked over and kissed the top of your head. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re a great singer! We can sing more together later, but first - let’s tackle this test and make sure you pass it, ok?”
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bangtanfanfichub · 6 years
BTS Scenarios - NSFW Alphabet
Inspired by this post.
A is for Aphrodisiac (What entices them to make a move)
Your smile is what draws him toward you. Something about the way you carry yourself is infectious. It’s like everyone in the room wants to get to know you whenever they see you smile. Or at least that’s the way Jin sees you. He is drawn to the warm energy that you give off when you’re around him.
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Yoongi -
He’s attracted to your attitude. How you seem so confident and together. Like you’ve got it all figured it. Who cares if you don’t? In his mind, he just sees you as someone who knows what they want and knows how to get it and he hopes that he is what you want.
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Hoseok -
He’s drawn in by your eyes. One quick look and Hoseok can’t seem to get you off his mind. When you look into his eyes, it’s like he sees the whole world and that just makes him want to get to know you better.
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Namjoon -
He can’t deny it - he was looking at your ass the first day he saw you. You walked by him and his eyes followed you right out the door. He just couldn’t stop imagining how it would feel resting in his hands and he was dying to find out.
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Jimin -
He has a thing for your breasts. He tried so hard not to look at them (or at least not to make it obvious that he was looking at them), but his eyes couldn’t help but wander down to your cleavage as you were talking to him.
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Taehyung -
From the moment he felt your hips pressed against his, he was hooked. Dancing at a party, grinding up against the boy. He could barely control himself right there on the dance floor. He knew he was addicted to that sensation and he wouldn’t be satisfied until he got to feel it all the time.
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Jungkook -
This boy has a thing for your legs. Shorts or a short skirt, every time you walk into the room and he sees those beautiful legs, he’s dying to touch them. To feel them wrapped around his waist. He can’t get enough of your legs.
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bangtanfanfichub · 7 years
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© BLOOMING SUGA | Do not edit.
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bangtanfanfichub · 7 years
Hey, so on my non-fan fiction BTS blog, I’m doing a giveaway in honor of their anniversary! Just a heads up!
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OK, so I’ve never done one of these before, but since the boy’s anniversary is coming up in less than a month, I figured, why not! So, I’m doing a giveaway in honor of BTS and their awesomeness with just a few cool things I’ve found that I’ll purchase for you and mail to you!
“What do I have to do to get these wonderful things?”
Only two things, honestly! I just have a few simple things I’ll be looking for!
You absolutely MUST be following me in order to be entered into this giveaway and I WILL be checking. (No giveaway blogs cuz I’d prefer it if actual fans had an opportunity to win)
Reblogs only. Likes won’t count. You can reblog as many times as you feel you need to. I’ll be using a random number generator to pick the winners.
“Wait, did you say ‘winners?’“
I most certainly did! Since this is my first giveaway I’m doing, I’m going to be picking three people to choose whatever item they please from the (crappy, sorry) images above (most of this stuff, I’ve bought for myself, so I know it’s good quality).
The breakdown goes as follows:
3rd place: Three items from the choices above.
2nd place: Four items from the choices above.
1st place: Five items from the choices above and my undying love (just kidding about that last one… or not, it’s up to you.)
“Cool! So, what are our choices?”
There’s eight items for you to choose from, but you can only get one of each. The items include - in order of appearance above:
A BTS Galaxy print backpack
A t-shirt in your size (it may not be the exact same t-shirt as pictured, but I can get you whatever you like)*
A sweater in your size*
Lomo cards (they’re like baseball cards, but with BTS’ face on them!)*
BTS Army bracelet
BTS necklace*
BTS ring*
or a BTS wall scroll
The ones with the asterisks beside them means that I can get you one for whatever member you’d like to represent.
“So, how long is the giveaway?”
The giveaway ends on the 9th of June, 2017 at midnight Eastern Standard time. I’ll pick the winners on the 10th of June and contact them on the 12th, their anniversary. Why is it gonna take so long? I have to work on the 11th…
Also, this is open to international ARMYs as well, so feel free to reblog regardless of location.
Good luck!
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bangtanfanfichub · 7 years
Apologies for this blog being dead lately. All the mods have been busy with life, but we’re all slowly getting back into it!
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bangtanfanfichub · 7 years
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bangtanfanfichub · 7 years
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bangtanfanfichub · 7 years
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© 309% | Editing allowed, must credit and do not crop logo.
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bangtanfanfichub · 7 years
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© 309% | Editing allowed, must credit and do not crop logo.
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bangtanfanfichub · 7 years
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jhope + i need u era for anon
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bangtanfanfichub · 7 years
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★ 원 마운트:One Mountain‏ | Do not edit.
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bangtanfanfichub · 7 years
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bangtanfanfichub · 7 years
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© LOVE #TRUE | Do not edit.
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bangtanfanfichub · 7 years
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170317 kcon mexico by major scale。 thank you! ◇ please do not edit, and take out with credit。
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bangtanfanfichub · 7 years
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170317 kcon mexico by major scale。 thank you! ◇ please do not edit, and take out with credit。
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bangtanfanfichub · 7 years
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bangtanfanfichub · 7 years
BTS has gone to at least 18 foreign countries to perform and they always try to speak even just a few sentences in the language of those countries. That’s at least 15 different languages. And if you still complain they don’t care about international fans after all of this, that’s another level of being assholes.
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