batmarereturns · 9 years
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(( Check out this blog, guys!  It’s in English but has Russian translations!  This OC is so cute it could be a super power :3 ))
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She’s just have her own vision of “fighting for justice”  
– Как ты предпочитаешь бороться за СПРАВЕДЛИВОСТЬ?
– Только не в моём городе, детк. 
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batmarereturns · 9 years
If you roll with me, we’ll be taking butt and kicking names! Wait... I mean the other way around!!
((FoReallz:  Oh my goodness!  How could I have missed this amazing creation 2 years ago! Gosh, I feel so bad!  Hey!  If you guys ever answer any questions this blog asks, include Batmare, Riddler, or Robinaloo in one of your updates, or drew a picture of of any of my Batmare characters, tag them as “Batmare” and/or “Robinaloo” so that I could see it! I would love to reblog it! Also, if you drew me a picture and I haven’t re-blogged or liked it, send me a question with a link so that I can see it! I love seeing Batmare, Robinaloo, and Trixie Riddler in various styles, so don’t forget to show me!))
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There’s so many of them….
(Featuring: Hipsterloo, Gamer Scootaloo and Robinaloo, because they were some of my first followers)
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batmarereturns · 9 years
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Not sorry!
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batmarereturns · 9 years
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Robinaloo thinks: Oh no!  If I don’t do what Bad Bloom wants, I fear that she might suspect something about me and Batmare!  Hopefully she won’t get me into too much trouble!
((Check out Bad Bloom! It’s a fun blog!))
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batmarereturns · 9 years
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((Ask box is open until Riddler arc can continue!))
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batmarereturns · 9 years
Excellent! But not until she finishes her homework!  *Vanishes*
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Batpony: we’ll both bring justice to both of our universes. Plus, maybe our Robins can hangout. (Question from batmarereturns)
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batmarereturns · 9 years
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((Old mod here! I’ve been thinking about this Riddler arc recently and I kinda felt sad that I didn’t finish it.  How about we bring this arc to it’s conclusion once and for all, hmm?))
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batmarereturns · 11 years
For those on the other side of the world!
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"So I’ll tell you all the story ‘bout the Joker and the Thief of the night!"  Joker and the Thief - Wolfmother
My sincerest apologies for my rather lengthy absence. University has kicked back in recently, but that does not excuse my lack of updates in the past month. 
I’ve been away on hiatus for a while. I wore out, and I decided to focus my skills elsewhere for a spell. However, I plan on doing the best I can to update more frequently here. So, as my way of apologizing for my absence, enjoy this picture I drew to help me get back into the swing of things.
Hope to answer your questions soon! :3
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batmarereturns · 11 years
I'm kinda curious as to how you come to your decisions on what pony should be what villain. I was having a discussion with a friend on Skype and we came to the realization that Pinkie, for instance, is crazy versatile when it comes to matching her to a Batman villain. Two-Face, Joker, Harley, Riddler, even Zsasz (though that's more Pinkamena than Pinkie).
Honestly, I believe Pinkie Pie is the most Joker-esque character I can imagine. Her basic goal in life is to get others to laugh, the same goal as the Joker. He wants the world to see the funny side to life.
Not to mention, it both took them a really bad day to get to the depths of their insanity. Pinkie was just fortunate enough to have her friends bring her back up again. Joker went down the rabbit hole alone.
There's more to my reasoning, but I feel I shall leave it there. Thanks for the ask, rainbowfreakindash ;)
Image by rayodragon
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batmarereturns · 11 years
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Maybe she needs a little catfight to remind her who she fell in love with.
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batmarereturns · 11 years
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I don't think she's quite ready to talk about Robinaloo just yet. 
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batmarereturns · 11 years
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Another post from the original mod!
Don't worry! My exams are almost over, and then I might finally be able to produce some consistent updates for this blog.
Stay tuned! It won't be long now.
In the mean-time, sending in some asks would be appreciated. The mailbox is fairly quiet. Thank you!
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batmarereturns · 11 years
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Please excuse my absence!
A lot of stuff came up at University, and I temporarily lost access to this account. The mod was too silly to even save the password for this blog somewhere :P
But have faith! Come the 6th of November after 12pm, I will be free of any University burdens! My finals finish then, and I'll be able to update Batmare as frequent as possible until February next year.
So, keep an eye out. Batmare isn't dead yet ;) Thanks for sticking with us!
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batmarereturns · 11 years
Far from it friend, we are still very much alive. Just under new management ;)
Thank you very much for this, Akuma. Your spriting talents serve the Tumblrpon community well.
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The 27th for Tumblr is Batmare for Batmare and Robinaloo (who seem to be gone) and also the Gothamville Sirens since they use the same Batmare. One of the few new gifts for Tumblr. Hopefully next year I can make these gifts all new.
EDIT: I’m going to guess this is the new home for Batmare.
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batmarereturns · 11 years
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Another old post by the original mod.
If you don't hear from me for a while, it's because PS Plus has given me FarCry 3 and well......follow the mod blog for more details :P
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batmarereturns · 11 years
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Fan Art - Batmare 
Thanks Dashkara!
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batmarereturns · 11 years
Ask box has been cleared
"You know how I said that would be my last mod post......"
"I lied!"
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