bbiancabel · 3 years
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bbiancabel · 3 years
Ver "Vlog in italiano - Imparo l'italiano nella mia vita quotidiana" en YouTube
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bbiancabel · 3 years
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Language Diary
Oggi ho comprato queste candele bellissime 💕 la mia intenzione è accenderle quando ho voglia di ringraziare qualcosa e farlo come un tipo di rituale.
😊Oggi ho acceso una candela per ringraziare la esistenza del mio cane 🐶 anche ho chiesto al mio tarocchi una carta per apprezzare e render grazie l'energia della carta.
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bbiancabel · 3 years
Ver "Come ho imparato italiano da sola? - Italian language learning" en YouTube
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bbiancabel · 3 years
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bbiancabel · 4 years
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Nicholas Hely Hutchinson
Farm on the Healy Pass
Oil on canvas
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bbiancabel · 4 years
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bbiancabel · 4 years
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Ho cominciato a leggere questo libro e sto imparando moltissimo. Parla del cambiamento climatico, un topic che sono stata molto curiosa ultimamente.
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bbiancabel · 4 years
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Roof Gardens in Rome
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bbiancabel · 4 years
"This thing about Italians loving pasta and pizza is a total stereotype"
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bbiancabel · 4 years
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bbiancabel · 4 years
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Language Patterns: Spanish and Portuguese 
Noticing patterns from Spanish -> Portuguese helped me improve really quickly, because I would be able to guess a word in Portuguese based on the patterns I knew and the word I knew in Spanish. 
All words that are similar (no matter what language) may be an exception though, so it’s not always 100% reliable. 
This also helps with trying to figure out pronunciation. The first one that comes to mind is the ñ/nh example. They sound similar except one is with a different accent. 
*Note: In the –les/–is chart, there’s the word, “legais” under Portuguese. It means “legal” but is used frequently as “cool” in Brazil.  Example: Você é muito legal (singular), Vocês são muito legais (plural)
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bbiancabel · 4 years
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How to overcome fear of speaking a language 🙈
1. Analyze the situation and go easy on yourself 🥰 Identify WHY you’re afraid of speaking a language. It could be because you’re too shy or because you don’t know enough vocabulary. If you use the wrong particle, grammar structure or word, what’s the worst that can happen? If people laugh at you, that’s a reflection of them as a person, not you.
2. Prepare vocabulary and phrases in advance ✍🏽 When I was working as a design intern at a Japanese company, I was really scared that I wouldn’t understand anything during meetings and presentations. It helped me a lot to look up words I suspected I might hear during the internship. I built vocabulary lists and example sentences of design-related vocabulary. You can’t find a textbook for every topic, so taking matters into your own hands and creating your own language learning materials boosts your confidence. If you cannot remember or don’t know a word, you can always talk around the word and describe it in another way. If you don’t know the word for “cake” for example, but you know the words “sweet” and “food”, you can say “sweet food” and they might say “cake?” in return.
3. Practice beforehand 💬 Just like practicing a speech for a presentation, you can practice using new words and phrases in a safe environment until you’re ready to use it with a native speaker. This could be talking to yourself, a pet, a chatting partner online, or a tutor. My favorite method is talking to people on voice apps. When I can’t see someone’s face and they can’t see mine, I feel less ashamed of making mistakes.
4. Record yourself 🎥 You’ll hear your mistakes easier and be able to correct them if you need to, but you’ll also gain confidence over time hearing that you aren’t actually as bad as you think you are! You can use sites like Forvo to hear a native pronunciation or ask a native speaker friend you trust to correct you first, if you like.
5. Relax ☺️ Remember not to take language learning too seriously. Your goal is to communicate with others, right? It’s counter-effective to worry about using the right words and grammar each time you try to say something. And it’s always OK if you prefer to do other activities rather than speaking - we all learn languages for different reasons and if you prefer reading books and watching movies, that’s totally fine too 💕 More on my blog and instagram
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bbiancabel · 4 years
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Italian Journal 〰️
Oggi ho lavorato con mio ragazzo in un progetto di un brand di abitudine Messicana 🌿 sono contenta perché ho cominciato a fare la fotografia dopo quasi 4 mesi di non lavorare per il Covid.
Abbiamo trovato un bel posto dove gli artisti stavano seduti dipingendo e disegnando insieme. 💓
Mi sono resa conto che mi piace moltissimo la mia città quando è vuota.
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bbiancabel · 4 years
Italian Linking Words: Connettivi Logici
today I’m learning about italian linking words! These are super useful for stringing together sentences that flow well; I’m still in the very (very!) beginning stages of my italian journey but these are super helpful in the long run!
Linking words are words that connect sentences, parts of sentences, and phrases. They make your text or your speaking feel more stylistically beautiful! e all know it isn’t very pretty to simply put 4 word sentence after 4 word sentence, so these words will definitely upgrade your italian.
Here’s a PNG of all the words I compiled (feel free to download it and use it for your own italian language learning!):
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the first 9 words are the most basic and simple linking words; I got these from this video by Learn Italian with Lucreza on Youtube which was super helpful! She explains the meaning of all the words and gives us example sentences as well (plus it’s all in italian which is great!)
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bbiancabel · 4 years
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bbiancabel · 4 years
me walking around my room talking outloud to myself about my current obsessions and giving my imaginary audience an hours long speech about it
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