bcyloving 3 years
i love photopea!! i use that for all of my graphics since i got rid of photoshop but i don鈥檛 think they support gif making?? if i can鈥檛 find a gif making alternative, i鈥檒l definitely use photopea to make static icons. <3
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bcyloving 3 years
it's a sin has got me wanting to buy photoshop again just so i can gif nathaniel curtis & omari douglas.
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bcyloving 3 years
why do i want to rp my conan gray against a sugar daddy muse with a luke evans fc so badly ?? i think it might be the welsh accent rip. if anyone has a gay luke evans muse && doesn't mind rping against a trans male muse... please *grabby hands*
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bcyloving 3 years
idk what to do with my copy of heartstopper & nick & charlie. like... i spent money on them & i haven't even read heartstopper but i don't wanna sell them b/c i haven't got the energy to put them up for sale. i could give nick & charlie to a library since i read that once so it's technically used & it was only something like 拢10 when i bought it.
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bcyloving 3 years
i'm opening my discord rp!! it'll be a casual, chat based rp similar to twitter with the option to para 1x1, & we'll be having a weekly dnd style session. there'll be events where you can take part in prompts (if you want) & earn points that'll help you throughout the weekly campaign. there's also a gossip channel which you can post in anonymously.
it'll follow a group of people being sent on a roadtrip to explore paranormal & spooky things. each week we can take it in turns choosing what their next threat is (victorian poltergeist, werewolf, mothman, etc.) & play it out from there.
romance & mature themes are welcome & is easily fit into the rping style as the rp is 90% casual & not heavily plot based.
only opening this up to maybe four or six other people rn but may open up for more as things get going. if you're interested in joining but don't have a muse in mind, message me for the discord link as there will be a channel searching for various connections & a channel for muse ideas!!
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bcyloving 3 years
hi bo can i ask what page did you use to get the font on your mobile bio looking like that?
hi!! if you mean adding the bold & links, i went into my blog settings on desktop, went into my theme & edited the description there (& added the html tags).
if you mean the coloured/gradient text on my mobile muse page, i used something like this.
thank you for the message!! 馃挋
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bcyloving 3 years
okay so i think i'm gonna make a small (~6 other ppl) closed roadtrip rpg but idk where to host it: discord or twt. it'll be about a group of ppl invited on an 'adventure of a lifetime' investigating the paranormal as a sort of docuseries & they'll come face to face with some spooky stuff & the way they handle it will be in a sort of dnd style (rolling dice & such) but also it'll mostly be pretty casual.
like 6/7 days of the week it's casual then on one day we play out a dnd style scene.
i think it'll work for both discord & twt & i think twt would be more fun (& it's easier to chat ic) but... discord has the ability to have multiple different chats.
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bcyloving 3 years
imagine making a friend in the rpc, jumping from rp to rp w/ them & feeling completely comfortable when joining new groups b/c you already know someone there. 馃ズ
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bcyloving 3 years
okay so i made the conan gray muse !! i'm not sure if i'm going to use him for a rpg or for indie but you can check him out on his twitter or his carrd. for indie, i'd prefer it to take place on twitter & maybe building a little world for them with other muns (i.e. a closed rpg) & i have a couple of ideas along with shipping plots & stuff.
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bcyloving 3 years
hey regarding your trans post, i am trans myself (ftm), and i don鈥檛 see any issue using cis fcs for trans charas. people don鈥檛 have issues with cis fcs for non binary charas, so there shouldn鈥檛 be a double standard bc non binary people are not cis either. there aren鈥檛 a whole lot of trans fcs to pick from either & i鈥檓 uncomfy using a random person on insta. i think people barring the usage of cis fcs for trans charas just makes me feel like they don鈥檛 actually want trans muses at their rps lol
you really managed to put my thoughts into words!! like it's one thing to encourage ppl to use trans fcs but to say that trans muses must have a trans fc feels rather unwelcoming. there's a lot of questions that go through my mind: why are you limiting the creativity of the muns (since there aren't a ton of options & the options that are around are often in their 20s or 30s)? why are you othering trans ppl? why is there an exception for nb muses? if someone came into your rp with a cis muse that has a trans fc, would you say they had to choose a cis fc? doesn't that enforce the view that trans ppl aren't their gender? if you would allow a cis muse with a trans fc, does that boost your diversity points? they're not a trans character so technically speaking your rp still isn't trans friendly, esp. if you're still enforcing the 'no trans muses w/ cis fcs' rule.
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bcyloving 3 years
Just play a trans fc weirdo
as a trans man myself, i'm always using trans fcs (i.e. casil mcarthur for my muse bryn) for my trans characters. idk why i can't use a cis male fc -- they're both male. lmao what's the obsession with the rpc constantly trying to separate cis male & trans male muses & fcs?? i understand the need for diversity but it feels a little bit othering imo we're not casting a tv show or movie where the actor needs a level of understanding of the experience & to say it's 'cis-sexist' to use cis fcs for trans muses is kinda like saying trans men can't pass or must have some sort of telling feature.
this isn't an attack on you or your message btw, i'm just saying. conan gray fits how i imagine this character to look & i can't find another fc that's trans & fits. so why must i choose a trans fc when rp is meant to be for fun & escapism??
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bcyloving 3 years
as a trans man just go for it honestly like the issue is divided as hell and nobody is ever going to come to a conclusion for that discourse so as long as ur not hurting anyone idt it's a real issue
yeah, i've found a lot of trans ppl don't seem to care?? i mean, i'm a trans man too so maybe i'm biased & i'm always playing trans fcs for my trans characters but imo it's fine as long as you're not erasing their gender (i.e. using a cis female fc for a trans man, using a cis male fc for a trans woman, etc.). i rarely play cis characters but i love conan so ??? idk why i can't just use him for a trans character.
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bcyloving 3 years
i wanna play a trans male conan gray in a twitter rp so badly but i know how the rpc feels about cis fcs playing trans muses 馃槶
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bcyloving 3 years
reminder that this blog, while not politically focused, supports BLM. bootlickers and racists aren鈥檛 welcome here, and never will be.
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bcyloving 3 years
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bcyloving 3 years
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bcyloving 3 years
i would say v3hqs is a really good group for beginners, very welcoming & inclusive!
sorry it's v3hq* :P
omg it sounds so cool!! i'll definitely keep it in mind, i'm just a lil intimidated by the fact that it's based on danganronpa & i've never seen/played it.
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