be-ee · 2 months
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁|Butterfly Kisses
How affectionate are they?
𝜗𝜚 Ft: Scaramouche, and Albedo. Lots of cutie patootie fluff. I will probably do a part 2 once I defeat writers block.
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𝜗𝜚 The Clingy type
Scaramouche isn't one to show affection, understandably so. He's learned over the years that the only thing that'll ever leave him is hurt. Give it a couple years of betrayal and betrayal, and you'll have your scaramouche. Even once you've confirmed your feelings for eachother, affection from scaramouche remains a scarce rarity.However when Scaramouche wants attention, he'll be sure to let you know
His idea of affection is very different from normal humans, which is no surprise. What you didn't expect, is just how touch starved the poor thing is. If he sees you, you may or may not find yourself being hugged or otherwise held in his grip. Not that he'd say he likes your company or anything. Ofcourse, he's not doing it because he's "attached", and certainly not because he's insecure or lonely. He just needs a break from work and you were there, that's all.
He's a bit clingy. He's never done it before so it's new to him, and he's not sure what to make of it. Sometimes when he hugs you, it's just him holding onto you, not saying anything or making a move. In the case of a very tiring day at work, he'll just come home and latch onto you till he falls asleep. Don't tell him this but..these are the times you think he resembles a koala much more than a cat.
𝜗𝜚 The Touchy type
Albedo is not the clingy type, if anything, he seems to keep his distance. Sometimes you find yourself questioning if your relationship is just one sided. Although he's very quick to shut that down. But you can tell by the way he touches you that he's very fond of you. His fingers always linger against your skin, most of the time touching you in one way or another. Like his hands resting on your hips or his foot rubbing against yours. Normally brief, but they're there.
Aside from his little touches, he's very attentive when you two are in public. He's constantly checking up on you and asking if you're okay. Although the most affectionate he ever is in public, is when he's holding you close or his hands are briefly in your hair. However when it's just you two, in the comfort of your own home, Albedo gets just a bit bolder. He'll place his head in your lap as you read and hug your waist from behind as you cook. He's even pulled you into his lap and nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck.
He's ever so gentle, almost as if he's afraid you'll break. Thus until heaven falls and pigs fly, expect to be initiating most of the affection.
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be-ee · 2 months
|“You betrayed me.”
⋆𐙚₊Ft/Tw: Yandere! Scara x Reader, Yandere themes, descriptions of electrocution, swearing
⋆𐙚₊ A/N: Sorry I haven’t been posting lately. School and writers block has been the biggest whiplash to me. I had this laying round in my drafts and thought ‘well, let’s give them something!’ Anyways do with this what you will.
⋆𐙚₊ before you go just an fyi that I have NEVER written yandere before.
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The silence was deafening; the air thick and tense. You wouldn't dare lift your eyes. Not now. "Y/N." A firm voice calls. There's a tinge of love in his words. His words are calm, and patronizingly low considering the situation.He takes a step towards you.
Then another..
And another..
"Y/N. Look at me."
You don't move. "I'm sorry..please" you croak; voice unsteady.You are shaking. This is it. You've fucked up, and this is the end. Tears well in your eyes.You don't think you can do this, not today. The man walks over to you, slowly and deliberately.
"Please..Please. I'm so so sorry" You repeat, breath catching in your throat as you struggle to breathe. Scaramouche hums. You feel him wrap his arms around you. He rests his head on top of yours and whispers into your hair "And you were doing so well too...Was that all fake? Are you sorry for that too?" He asks, tone light, but with an edge to it. You can’t bring yourself to reply.
"Answer me." He barks, pulling back and tilting your chin upwards so he can look you in the eye.
"Y-Yes, I'm sorry" You say, tears beginning to spill from your eyes. He frowns at you. "Are you sorry for plotting to run? For pretending? For being in cahoots with that DAMNED bastard? Or are you sorry for being a liar?" You flinch at his words, and he lets go of your chin. You look down.
“You betrayed me” he laughed. Nearly choking on his own words, as if the prospect of it shocked him. You were just so…kind.
Loving, even.
You were an amazing actor.
Scaramouche tilted his head up; If it weren’t for it being Scaramouche, you might have mistaken the furrow of his eyebrows to be in sadness.
But that’s not possible. Not with the Balladeer.
"I'm sorry.. I-I'm sorry for all of it, please Scaramouche"
He doesn't say anything for a while, but his grip on you loosens. He moves his hands from your shoulders to your hair, stroking it gently. "You're not sorry," He says plainly. "But you will be." He yanks your hair back, and you yelp. Your eyes are wide and full of tears. He has a dark, empty expression. It's as if he is looking through you. He sends waves of electricity throughout you. effectively causing you to shake convulsively; drool dripping from your open mouth.
"Do you have any idea how much pain you caused me..?" He growls, voice cracking as he looks into your eyes. "And for what? For him?" He spits, glaring daggers at the body behind you.
He lets go of your hair, and you slump down, breathing heavily. With tear stained eyes you watch Scaramouche. "You're such a pathetic, lying whore." He says, turning his back to face you. You stare back at the floor, trembling. You feel the urge to apologize again. But you don't.
You don't say a thing.
You're done talking.
"Be grateful I don't kill you right here.." He murmurs, walking towards the door. "but try that again and i'll tear your limbs from your body" He states before slamming the door shut, leaving you alone in the room.
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be-ee · 3 months
Hope you are all well! Be expecting some new updates soon! Also..how do you all feel about yanderes?
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be-ee · 3 months
Hello! Just putting it out there, but I would LOVE some requests! Just something to get my creative juices flowing ☺️ So please don’t be shy, and ask away! Even just normal conversations!
Until then……
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be-ee · 3 months
haha I'm usually too shy for requests but maybe a cute neuvillette fluff??? If that's okay :D
A/N!; Of course! I added a bit more so I do hope you enjoy🫶
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What makes Genshin men fall for you?
𐙚 Ft: Neuvillette, Thoma, and Scaramouche
𐙚 content: Fluff!
𝜗𝜚 Neuvillette falls for your kindness .
Perhaps it’s the tenacity of it. Never flattering or wavering. He watched you often from his position at the fountain as he read. You would smile from your humble flower stall; even when the snobbiest of Fontains nobles would grimace at you. At the end of the day, as you packed up your stall, you would hand him a small bouquet of silk flowers.
“I couldn’t possibly accept this.” He’d protest each time. Each time you would push it into his chest, insisting. “It would only go to waste anyway. Keep it.” Neuvillette Had come across many people in the Courts of Fontain.
All had their own agendas and ulterior motives. But, goodwill was a rarity. The tenderness in your eyes and the way you treated everyone like they were your equals. That was rare. Like a sudden ocean in the desert, or the blooming of a cactus flower. You were a rarity in Fontain. One he didn’t realize he could not do without..
𝜗𝜚 Thoma falls for your bravery.
As one of the guards of the Kamisato Clan, bravery is to be expected. Especially from the personal guard of Lady Ayaka. So yes, you were brave in a sense that you were prepared to draw your sword at any given moment.
That's not what Thoma had meant, though. Your bravery extends beyond your strength.The way you were able to make yourself smile at the end of the day when all you wanted to do was scream.The way you could be so kind to others when they don't deserve it. How, no matter the situation, you managed to put others before yourself. Or boldly speak your mind.
“I’m not sure how you do it” Thoma admits, when it’s just the two of you sitting on the veranda. You had been sipping tea with Ayaka earlier, but she left not long after the sun began to set, leaving the two of you alone. You smiled lightly
"I think of all the people that need my help." You replied, eyes sparkling. "It's just something I've always done."
Thoma smiled, looking down at the cup in his hand; a small flutter danced in his chest. That’s just how you were…and he hopes that never changes
𝜗𝜚 Scaramouche falls for your honesty .
Scaramouche , naturally, craves truth. As a being forged in the light of the Electro Archon, he has seen the truth of this world, the ugliness, the beauty, the love, the hate, all that is beautiful, all that is ugly. But no matter what. He could not find pleasantries in one thing. A being he has come across time and time again, Humans. Lying, traitorous, filth.
However, there's something in your eyes that allows him to believe your words are true. He stupidly believes it when you tell him that you’ll stay. So, he lets you.
Perhaps it’s that particular gleam in your eyes. Or the clearness of your voice; how you seem so sure of yourself. But there is something that tells him that you are telling the truth. That you truly will stay with him forever. So, he foolishly believed your words. He doesn't even think twice about it when you tell him.
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be-ee · 3 months
characters. zhongli diluc kaeya childe neuvillette alhaitham kaveh x gn!reader genre. romantic fluff. an. augh dad | please reblog!! im getting back into writing and reblogs with tags and comments will make me want to write more :D
tries to introduce your daughter to the concept of a tea ceremony with the assistance of madame ping – zhongli absolutely cannot keep a straight face when your daughter spits out the bitter liquid and instead opts for formula. at least she tried it, he laughs, and sits her tucked on his lap after she turns to him and asks for a 抱抱 (bào bào; to hug).
takes your daughter on a walk around the ragnvindr manor. visits from uncle kaeya are a regular sight, and the two brothers take one hand of your daughter's each before setting off. you trail behind them, smiling and taking photographs for memories. halfway through the walk, your daughter makes grabby hands for diluc.
wants to play games with his daughter all day, but cannot – instead, he sneaks her into his office to play while he finishes his paperwork. when the little girl whines to be put on his lap, kaeya puts down everything he's doing to make sure that his little angel is comfortable in his arms. brings her home right after work as well. how cute!
willingly plays dress up with your daughter!!! it's so so so cute. he'll come home, slumped on a couch and snoring – when your daughter climbs all over him like a human jungle gym. unfortunately, she got into your makeup stash, and it's evidence by her little masterpiece all over childe's face. he has to take pictures after, because the little artist said so.
his relationship with the melusines really just screams girl dad, doesn't it? but when the two of you have a biological daughter, his love for her cannot compare to anything else. he gently weaves his fingers through her hair, replicating his own hairstyle, with added braids in it. the little girl squeals with delight, because she looks like daddy.
alhaitham has taken up the duty of having daddy storytime, right before bed. your little girl curls up in his lap, clinging on to the same storybook he has read to her for the past... 40? 45? nights, in a row. alhaitham doesn't even need the storybook at this point, and even ends up creating new characters for the story. your girl loves it.
is the primary source of entertainment for your daughter. she loves how her daddy can be so silly yet so... smart, at the same time. she probably doesn't even know what smart is – she just sees the huge books and papers that daddy brings home every day. but she loves him, because he plays with her and feeds her her favourite snacks.
taglist: @tiredsleep @loptido @raincxtter @chichikoi @ladyadii @soulsanta @sheiiths @genshinparty @eowinthetraveler @moonbyunniee @legitnoi @lemontum @manager-of-the-pudding-bank @starz222 @ilyuu @cherry-colored-petals @mondaymelon @tartaglia-apologist @soleillunne @m1shapanda @aimynx @smokipoki @adeptuscharm @diorlumx (send ask to be added to taglist)
reblogs w/ tags & comments help me lots !!! if you liked this, consider dropping me a follow as well :-)
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be-ee · 3 months
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𐙚 A sugared aroma fills the room…
Ft: Ayato x Fem!Reader
There were VERY few things Ayato had to worry about. Status? He was the head of the Kamisato Clan.
Fame? He was the head of the Kamisato clan.
Money? He was THE HEAD of the KAMISATO CLAN!
The only real problems that came up were with women, but even then he had no reason to be shy around them. He was handsome, he was strong, and his status gave him an edge over everyone else.
So what exactly is going on?
Your arrangement was nothing more than that of convenience. Whilst you played the role of a doting girlfriend, Ayato was shielded from the many inconveniences of blind date arrangements from the clan's elders. He could live his life without the constant nagging, and you got the chance to leech off his family fortune. It was a win-win situation.
So why exactly was this “Win-win” situation becoming so difficult?
Perhaps it was the way you seemed to glow with happiness the moment he entered a room? Or how you rushed to greet him with a smile; clumsily tripping on the hem of your kimono. Or maybe it was the bashful blush that spread across your cheeks when you would lean to kiss his cheek?
Regardless, it was all very distracting.
He would find himself looking out for you as you left for the morning, and the thought of you being gone made him uneasy. You were the last thing on his mind as he drifted to sleep at night.
You were the first thing he thought about as he awoke.
Your smile had become a part of him, and he didn't know what to do.
What was it that he wanted? What did he feel for you?
Ayato let out an exaggerated sigh in his office as he rubbed his temples.Look! He can’t even focus on his work now!
“Ayaka…” Ayato started. The girl sitting in his office lounge looked up from her embroidery.
“I- There is this man I’m acquainted with” He continued “He’s having some trouble with his partner…could you offer me your insight?” Ayaka tilted her head and set her embroidery down onto her lap.
Ayato nodded and continued.
"Well, they have a mutual understanding. Their relationship is beneficial to the both of them, and their partnership works well. But recently, there's been a shift in their dynamic...this man, he has become much more aware of his partner. He finds himself worrying about them, thinking about them constantly...he even looks forward to the time they spend together, and even more so when he can have time with them alone.”
Ayato leaned back into his chair and took a breath.
"It's been driving him crazy. He doesn't know what this means or how to act upon it. So...what would you say this meant?"
Ayaka looked up at her brother with a curious look before she giggled to herself."You can't really be that dense can you brother? That sounds like a classic case of puppy love!"
"P-puppy l-love!?" Ayato stammered.
"You have a crush brother!" Ayaka teased.
"Hah! Nonsense. Like I said, I was just asking for some insight for a friend.”Ayato turned his attention back to his paperwork and his sister, still grinning widely, continued her embroidery.
Puppy love? Ayato thought to himself.Him? How silly. A ghost of a smile gracing his lips at the mere thought of such ludicrousy. He could almost laugh
Ayaka lifted her head to look back at her brother. I guess he doesn't realize how red he is right now… She giggles…
Oh well
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be-ee · 3 months
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Enjoying the last of this white tea from my stash.
Ye Sheng Zi Ya, the Purple Bud.
Love the herbal and elderflower notes. Very fresh but also warm and comforting. 💕🍵🍃
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be-ee · 3 months
Hello my wonderful guest ☺️ I would just like to remind you all that my request ARE open! Feel free to ask for anything(aside from NSFW)
But until a request comes in, which character should I write next?
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be-ee · 3 months
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Cozy Qing Dynasty tea house. Traditional Chinese-Chinese socializing area. Dongguan (東莞), Daojiao (道滘), Jichuan (濟川). The perfect setting for a scene from some Wuxia novel. 
Photo: ©谷雨旅行
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be-ee · 3 months
⁺ ㅤ ₊  ㅤ ⊹ ㅤ . ㅤㅤ ⁺
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⁺ ㅤ ₊  ㅤ pt1 ㅤ . ㅤㅤ ⁺
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be-ee · 4 months
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𐙚 A bitter aroma fills the room
I highly recommend that you read this to the song ‘This is how it feels’ by D4VD
Ft: Scaramouche x Fem!Reader
A/N| I assumed that some of you may be interested in a more bitter blend of tea. So safe to say the is 100% angst. No comfort. And Reader does die in the end.
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Time had never been something Scaramouche ever thought about.
He was essentially immortal.
He had all the time in the world.
Time was never a factor..That was until you joined the equation.
A carefree dancer from liyue, the brightest star that would guide him through the dark. Your time with him was bliss.From watching the sunrise to eating the spiciest dishes liyue had to offer.With you Scaramouche wasn't anything but himself.
Unfortunately Scaramouche forgot to consider how quickly his star would burn out. Throughout the decades, your body slowly aged.Eventually you could no longer dance,confined to a wheelchair from old age.
You were baffled Scaramouche would stay with a wrinkled old lady like you, Scaramouche chuckled as he braided your white hair, joking how he was technically much older than you.
You gave him a smile.
A tired smile.
He smlied back.
He would set his head on your lap and relish in the feeling of your fingers in his hair as you pet him. Regardless of how much time had passed, the warmth of your touch remained the same.
“Scara..” you began. He did’nt look up to face you.
He coudnt.
“Thank you.”
Scaramouche squeezed his eyes shut.
“Of course my love” he manages through broken sobs.
He stayed in your lap,till the warmth of your touch went cold.
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be-ee · 4 months
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𐙚 A sweet aroma fills the room…it seems like the tea hostess has brewed some tea
Ft: Wanderer X Fem!Reader
A/N| Fluff! Why not a sickly sweet tea to start off the blog? Enjoy 🍃
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Wanderer and your relationship was always an odd one.
It seemed like you fought much too often to be friends, but yet always were in each other's presence. It was always something, whether it be you nagging him to take his medicine or complaining about his manners. He always argued back. Of Course he would.Who were you to be saying these things anyway? You were just some nurse Nahida had ordered to bring him meals, yet you made everything your problem. To onlookers at the Academia some would conclude that Wanderer hated you.
“Who said that?”Wanderer spoke as he sat up from his hospital bed. Nahida sat next to him on a small chair, peeling an apple.
"Are you really unaware? Everyone just assumes you hate her. You don't exactly treat her the kindest" Nahida said matter of factly. Wanderer's brows furrowed.
"Well she's a nuisance. All she ever does is meddle. She has no place in my life" Wanderer huffed as he laid back down. Nahida rolled her eyes at her friend's stubbornness.
That’s right…He hates you. He hates you so much to the point he waits for you to visit. So much to the point he stares at the door of his room. So much to the point where you enter the room with his tray of food and that smile you always wear. You nag him about trivial things.
“It’s so nice out! You know the sun won’t kill you, right?”
“What do you spend a day doing here anyway!”
“You're the biggest headache, you know that?”
Yet despite all that nagging, you wore the same infuriatingly bright smile. Yes, He hates you. He could list a number of reasons why… He just can’t seem to think of any at the moment.
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be-ee · 4 months
"Nothing Golden Stays"
Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay.
-Robert Frost
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be-ee · 4 months
“Hmm? You would like to know more about me? Well aren’t you a curious little thing.”
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All About The Tea Hostess
Be-ee lives in a place not visible on maps, and not pinned by trail. Only those who wander in absent mind, ever seem to find her. Though the lack of disturbance is peaceful, after a while it becomes mundane. Lonely, even. With time on her hands and a blossoming interest in tea brewing, Curiosity Tea House was born.
|All are welcome at the Curiosity Tea House. You may feel free to request tea and chat with its hostess. however somethings are strictly banned during your stay at the tea house.|
- Absolutely no nsfw will be brewed in this tea house. I apologize
-I ask that you are polite to anyone you may encounter during your stay at the tea house.
-The tea I brew may not always be to your liking. All I request from you is respect and constructive feedback.
-As this tea house is open to all, any form of discrimination is prohibited.
-This tea house is a safe space, and should be left out of very heated or political debates.
…under construction
Request| Closed
Status| Tired (I’m going to sleep)
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be-ee · 4 months
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It's a cold morning even though it's still summer. I know it will get much warmer during the day... but right now it's a perfect setting for some yancha.
Today I'm brewing Qidan Da Hong Pao (2021) from Lazy Cat Tea.
Last from my stash... will need to order some more before autumn comes in.
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be-ee · 4 months
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scaramouche hates you.
he hates you so much that whenever he looks at you, he can hardly breathe.
he hates that glint in your eye when you look at him, always amused, always piercing — and he hates that challenging smirk on your lips even more, so much that he wants nothing but to wipe if off your face. he could list just about dozens more reasons why he hated you, it was never-ending.
“why do you hate me so much?” you confront him one day, arms crossed, an eyebrow raised. “what did i ever do to you?”
nothing, he confesses. and everything.
“i don't need to explain myself to the likes of you,” he scoffs instead. his entire being thrums. what wouldn't he give to put you in your place right now. alas, he had better things to do, more important places to be.
he turns to leave, but you grasp his wrist tight, and archons — your touch sears.
he snatches his arm back, burnt.
“don't touch me,” he hisses, face flushing with fury, maybe something more. “this isn't worth my time.”
and pathetically, he flees, but the heat from your gaze lingers on the back of his next for ages more.
no, scaramouche didn't hate you. how could he ever hate you? he loathes how he loves you — irrevocably, deliriously, he loves you so ardently and yet — and yet there's no place for that love to go.
so for now, he hides behind the emotion most comfortable, the emotion most natural.
so for now, scaramouche hates you.
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