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I'm having a dream.
It's you and me.
The sun is shining brightly through the window despite those curtains.
It's a Sunday morning and I'm still sleeping. You're sitting next to me on this bed covering me, blocking the sun rays.
You look at me smiling as if I'm the most beautiful creature that you can call 'yours'. I slowly open my eyes and you plant kisses all over me, tickling me a bit and waking me up to workout with you. I finally wake up as you pick me up in your strong arms.
You keep telling me to become fit and look like one of those models on magazines. And I keep saying how I'm very close to it.
You cooked my favorite breakfast and I'm devouring it after we've worked out. We clean our house together and then go for a walk alongside the beach. You're holding my hands, and it feels like I have butterflies in my stomach. It's been years being with you, but this spark of love still remains between us. It always feels like you held my hand for the first time.
Now we're walking in the sun, my hair's getting frizzy and all over my face from this salty winds. You wipe off the hair on my face with your magical fingers, and you suddenly kiss me out of absolutely nowhere. I'm left flustered, loved and shy then. I've seen every inch of your bare body and so have you, but something feels lovely about such kisses.
As we walk after having lunch I made by the sea side, we see the sun setting into the ocean. We're laughing and talking all the way through, without even noticing that there exist people apart from us that exist.
It's evening now...
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Even though the end is visible, even though it's going to collapse soon. A house made of cards, we're like idiots. Even though it's a vain dream, stay like this a little more.
House of cards, BTS.
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You've been hurt and you've been used.
You never cry dear , and you're so confused.
Broken and shattered beautifully in every way.
Misery surrounds you, and you know it'll stay.
You've loved them and never got it back.
They don't deserve you, nothing that you lack.
Humans are complex and they're foolish.
They don't appreciate you till they lose you.
So, Let's make a deal tonight.
From now on, all of you body and time is mine.
I'll take away your pain, won't cost you a dime.
Because I am the devil, and I'm great.
A deal with me, nothing more to state.
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The look of love
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My love, she's walking towards me and I look at her, I can't stop looking at her. No metaphors can do justice to her beauty. But I'll try. There are so many stars shining but she's the bright full moon glowing in the dark winter sky. I feel warm and happy when I see her. Poetic pun- 'I love her to the moon and back'.
She's the one I want to see when I wake up and open my eyes. Her presence make my day brighter and better. Her dark brown eyes twinkle when she looks at me. Her long straight ebony hair, I run my fingers through them, how so soft? She has the body of a Greek goddess, soul of an angel. Her caramel skin radiates energy that I could die for happily.
I read my poetry to her and I a smile through the corners of her mouth. I wonder how cringey my words may sound, but what shall I do? It's her, who has made me like this. Yes, she's my muse.
She's my goddess. I don't need to go to churches or temples, I just worship her. Divine feminine beauty makes me feel loved and bliss. She's like the woman every man wants, but not everyone gets. I'm lucky, too lucky.
I love her, and now she's standing infront of me as I hold her in my embrace. I look at her and realize that I don't need to think of any more metaphors.
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There was this day in the summer of 2021 when I decided that I won't stop myself anymore. I'll do all the crazy and even normal stuff I've ever wanted to.
2021 was the year of my many firsts. It was special. No, it'll always be special. I went out at 5 in the morning to watch the sunrise with an almost stranger. I was always scared of dogs, but I decided to conquer that and played with one. I found someone special whom I wasn't even looking for. I went out of my comfort zone many a times. I traveled more and I started studying more. I did some things I could never imagine were possible.
I realized the importance on working on myself and making me better and I did. My goals and aspirations wont be far. I still am trying to be better every single day. I am LIVING my life now, not just existing.
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I want to be a powerful man
Why does everyone think women are fragile?
Someday I'll be THE MAN
people will respect me and worship me
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Sometimes (1)
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Sometimes I look up at the ceiling in my dark room, sleeping on my bed. I wonder if I even deserve to be loved by you. Aren't you too perfect for me?
I'm too broken and shaken for you. I wonder if you know that.
Sometimes when I'm with my friends and you're there a bit far, I turn to see you, you're eyes are fixated just on me, like I'm a golden tulip in a garden full of beautiful flowers. I feel wanted and needed at that moment, you're smiling at me as if you heard a child's cute laughter. You're looking at me, like I'm a blue dense lake in the middle of a desert in peak summer.
Sometimes we are best friends, we laugh, cry, fight and bond as if we've spent the last ten winters and summers together, as if I fell from your cycle when you were trying to teach me how to ride it. As if I was there consoling you when you were a little kid, who got hurt. It feels like I've known you since forever.
Sometimes we are passionate lovers, our bodies and souls have complex maps but now we know each and every street, buildings, parks and turns. We don't need any GPS to navigate through each other. I'm all yours and you're all mine and together we're the greatest.
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Till the end?
I wanted to travel the world with you, but a few extra kilometers to pick me up bother you.
I wanted to see the stars with you, but you're sleepy even before they come out properly.
I wanted to talk to you like best friends do, but I slowly feel I can't.
I wanted someone who understood me, but you don't.
I made promises to be there for you till the end of time, but you never did the same and that's okay.
You say you love me, I hear it less, but maybe those words aren't true either I guess.
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Your midas touch and the Chevy door, November flush and you flannel cure.
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“Maybe one day we’ll find that place, where you and I could be together and we’ll catch our dreams within the waves of change. So hear me, you are not alone.”
— R.M. Drake
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How many days do I have to exchange for photographs?
How many nights do I have to trade for your memories?
On that winter night, when you were by my side 
Your eyes were glittering, and I was you pride
Could I ever live those days again?
I wonder till when I would be in pain?
I walk past these streets where we used to hangout
Are you gonna be back again?
I’m always gonna be in doubt...
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At night, I still get blurry visions of you
Faint memories and distant laughs
And how we talked for hours endlessly
We were so lost in each other
But we found ourselves there too
I told myself, maybe this is what they call love.
You slowly drifted away from me
Or maybe like sand, I grabbed you too tightly
You slipped away from my grip and flew afar
I couldn't recognize you anymore,
Even when you were right infront of my eyes.
You were indeed a handful of sand.
Now you're a bittersweet memory to me,
Maybe you were just a fever, that made me high
High in love, madness and obsession
You infected me with you sweet words
But now, I'm all well and recovered from you
The worst and the best high I've ever gotten
I told myself yet again,
maybe this is what they call love...
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In another universe the sky is always pink and I didn't give up on you and in another that night of September 2019 doesn't end. In another universe i am a jellyfish and in another i am an ocean and we still love eachother as if it's the only thing we do right.
In another universe i don't need to hide your photograph in my wallet and in another my love isn't labelled as an obsession. In another universe i hold the moon in my hands and let the moonlight peek out through my fingers and in another it doesn't take me 2 years to forget the smell of your perfume.
In another universe you are surprised to see your paintings in my room and in another we live together in a small cottage by the ocean. In another universe i don't carry the weight of these unsent letters on my shoulders and in another i am not hard to love.
In another universe sunflowers bloom at night and in another you shed a few tears while reading this.
In another universe i have stopped yearning for you and in another we meet in the middle of our school playground at the age of six while chasing after the same butterfly.
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Maybe we got lost in translation, maybe I asked for too much. Maybe this thing was a masterpiece , so you tore it all up.
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Don’t be in such a rush to figure everything out. Embrace the unknown and let your life surprise you.
Unknown (via quotemadness)
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I wanted to learn everything. So I could be anything.
Anna Delvey
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Serenity in Calamity
 I want to know the deepest parts of you The tales you’ve swallowed deep down in yourself Stories you’re too scared to tell others What made you jump with happiness when you were 5? And what nightmares do you get now that you’re 18? The things that keep on bothering you How are you so calm and serene when your entire life Has always been filled with calamities How the waves that violently came near your shore But the sand castles you made diligently Still remain standing bold and beautiful I want to learn you and feel you So, tell me everything, honey Because I’m like the box which belongs to you I will store everything in me And you could throw the key you hold  In those vigorous ocean waves in front of you.
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