becomingadamjames · 5 years
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let there be new art posts, 5 months later edition, ft. dysphoria
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becomingadamjames · 5 years
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becomingadamjames · 5 years
whats up with tucutes insulting you and then promptly blocking you so you cant even reply
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becomingadamjames · 5 years
not being born with a penis..
is really hard :
-i just want to be able to feel something in my pants where the emptiness lies
-i want to be able to pee standing up and not be afraid of going into bathrooms
-i want to be able to TOUCH myself and feel natural and comfortable
-i want to be able to have SEX and not want to cry or be so angry that I am so uncomfortable
Somedays i sit here and i think… I really cannot wrap my head around why I wasn’t born with a penis when I physically and mentally know I am supposed to have one.
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becomingadamjames · 5 years
Hey, real quick rant:
Don’t be mean to people who ask questions.
I hate it when i see someone asking ‘so wait, if a trans woman like women, is she gay or straight?’ and suddenly a dozen people jump on their ass for being ignorant or transphobic or whatnot- when all they had to do was answer the question. All you had to is go ‘She’s gay!’, and the person would go ‘oh, cool!’ and now they know. They just had a positive interaction with trans folks. 
But if you belittle them, now they’ve learned they’re punished for asking. They’re punished for wanting to know, for wanting to learn, and for coming directly to the people who live that life instead of just going to google. And they come away not having learned anything except that those people were dicks to them.
Everyone is clueless at some point. When I was 10, I was homophobic. I was a kid, raised around homophobic parents in a homophobic country. But one day i decided hey, i want to learn, and i found some gay friends and I asked them some questions.
Do you think i’d be here; if they had told me that i was an ignorant fuck, that i should pull my head out of my ass, that I shouldn’t have asked those things?
It was thanks to them that I learned and grew as a person, because even though i was a stupid homophobic kid with some admittedly stupid questions, they answered them, because everybody starts clueless.
It doesnt matter how young or old or who they are either- everyone starts somewhere. And lord knows, I’ve had some people ask me some stupid questions. My government teacher came to me yesterday and asked me that exact question i mentioned above, and I answered it. He’s a 40-something year old dude. He’s trying to learn.
My little brother is 9, and asked me once if being gay meant that I wanted to kiss every girl i met. Was it a stupid question by my standards? yes. Did I answer it like it was any other normal question? Also yes.
Insulting people who are trying to learn is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever encountered. It can literally mean the difference between someone becoming part of the community or trying to take us down. We judge that; we control how we educate. 
Do yourself a favor and educate. Everyone starts somewhere, and it’s our job to help them along, not tear them down.
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becomingadamjames · 5 years
For people who describe themselves as “too cute” they sure are pretty violent and hateful.
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becomingadamjames · 5 years
Dear Trans Men
You are handsome.
You are amazing.
You are special.
You are loved.
You are admired.
You are important.
Do not let anyone convince you otherwise. You all are amazing. 
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becomingadamjames · 5 years
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becomingadamjames · 5 years
it’s really upsetting knowing i’ll never have a cis guys teenage experience, or childhood memories, or anything for that matter.
it fuckin blows
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becomingadamjames · 5 years
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1 week post op today!!
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becomingadamjames · 5 years
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
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becomingadamjames · 5 years
love you sm💜💜
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So my best friend finally got Top Surgery and I’m so mf proud of him!!! He worked his ass off to raise money just to get here~ like Adam if you ever doubt yourself for anything, don’t. You made here. You did it. You achieved this! There is nothing you can’t do! 🖤
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becomingadamjames · 5 years
today is trans day of fuck
shit fuck damn
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becomingadamjames · 6 years
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On March 25th, 2019, at 7:30 in the morning, I had peri-areolar top surgery with Dr. Daniel Medalie in Cleveland, Ohio. I cannot recommend this surgeon enough. He and his team made feel comfortable and were extremely supportive. I was very nervous at the beginning but Dr. Medalie helped calm me down.
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becomingadamjames · 6 years
Things they don’t tell you about top surgery
- Talk to the surgeon about the size you want your new areolas/nipples (don’t be afraid to ask)
- Numbness. No one talks about this for guys who are about to have surgery. You’re going to be numb all in your chest area, especially where the incisions were. They cut nerves as they pass along your chest, and it can take up to a year to regenerate those nerves. Still, feels super foreign for the first two weeks
- Make your bed into a pillow chair, body pillow, two on each side, and two for your head. 
- Sleep alone. I tried to sleep with my girlfriend and it was miserable. You really do need the entire bed for yourself
- Go on Groupon, & get yourself a 10 foot lightning cable iPhone charger, BEST THING EVER, can reach from wherever you are
- Don’t take a week off from work, take two. You will regret the one week, and love the extra time
- When they say “don’t move too much, even after the first week”. LISTEN. I moved way too much and got so sore super quickly. 
- Drink lots of water & eat if your taking the pain medication, otherwise your stomach feels super funky.
- Get stool softeners, & don’t be afraid to take those babies. Don’t wait a week to poop. you’ll surely regret it. 
- The drains are scary & they may hurt while draining or rewrapping your dressings, but once they come out, the second they do, its no more pain, its crazy. 
i hope this helps someone, because i wish i knew all of this when i was having mine a month ago. Looking back its like everyone forgets all the real negatives, its a great experience, & i healed very well & quick compared to most, but the first few days are crazy. They hurt, suck but it gets better. 
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becomingadamjames · 6 years
THIS is why all of you transtrenders are hurting actual trans people !!!! PLEASE listen to this.
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becomingadamjames · 6 years
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me walking out of the clinic after getting top surgery as my doctor is pleading with me to stop
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