bespokeyoga · 11 years
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Bespoke Yoga: Yoga
In celebration of Ganesha Chaturthi.  
photo via: Martika from WeHeartIt
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bespokeyoga · 11 years
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NCR: Health & Beauty > yoga asana. 
Warrior II: (sanskrit name) Virabhadrasana II 
According to Hindu mythology (specifically theMahabharata), there was a certain Lord Shiva who loved the daughter, Sati, of his enemy, Daksha. Daksha refused to accept Shiva, even when Shiva and Sati were married. This animosity between Sati’s father and husband upset her so greatly that she killed herself.
            Distraught by his wife’s death, myth tells that Shiva created the fiercest warrior from a bead of sweat on his forehead. This warrior’s name was Virabhadra, and Shiva set him out to destroy those who had caused the death of his beloved Sati.
In Dr. Svoboda’s dynamic book The Greatness of Saturn, he describes Virabhadra as looking “like a flaming fire, having many heads and many eyes, and tens of thousands of arms and legs. The embodiment of concentrated might…”
The fiery power of Virabhadra takes form in three different Warrior poses, this being the second. So, each time you perform Virabhadrasana I, II or III, think of the mighty conqueror from which your posture gets its name. Feel that and try to embody it. 
source:  http://www.cnyhealingarts.com/
Benefits: This is a great pose to ease sciatica, flat feet, strengthening the back and ease lower back pain, stretching out the shoulders and chest. It also increases stamina which is needed when you’re restoring your body on holiday as well as working your daily routine.
KK: loves the heat this pose creates and the strength of the posture.
SK: loves the concentration required of this posture and the focus it brings. It’s also a great posture to check in to see where you’re at with you’re physical alignment.
Kristin wears tank top by Spiritual Gangster, shorts by Club Monaco. Bracelet from Lavish & Squalor.
shot on location at Grand Hyatt Kauai
by: Sima
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bespokeyoga · 12 years
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Bespoke Yoga: Yogue
Adho Mukha Vrksasana (handstand):
Watching any child pop up into a handstand and jump back down on any playground, you are likely to see a broad grin: the benefits of a playful handstand is immediately obvious to a child. Whether done as play, in gymnastics or a yoga practice, handstands invert the body and help reverse the adverse effects of gravity.
Stimulates Endocrine System
Handstands are considered elevations in the yoga system because the head is lower than the heart in the final pose. Handstand, or Adho Mukha Vrkasana, helps to stimulate the entire endocrine system, according to Pam Werner of Sun and Moon Yoga Studio in Fairfax, Virginia. Once the body is turned upside down with the feet at the top and head closest to the ground, blood is moved to the head. This stimulates the pituitary gland in the head, which helps the set point for a healthy weight. The inversion brings blood to the thyroid glands to help regulate the production of T3 and T4, which also affects metabolism. Handstand brings blood to the adrenal glands to help reduce production of cortisol, the "stress hormone" that is released when we are on a deadline or moving through heavy traffic. Unchecked, some people experience adrenal exhaustion if they are not able to quiet this normal response to stressful situations.
Builds Upper Body Strength
Handstands requires upper body strength and this will build the large muscles used to sustain it, according to B.K.S. Iyengar, the venerable founder of Iyengar yoga practiced worldwide. These include the pectoralis major of the chest, the front of the shoulders, anterior deltoids and the back of the shoulders, posterior deltoids. You also build muscular strength of the large muscles of the back: latissimus and trapezius.
Helps Relieve Minor Depression
Handstands are a well-known remedy in yoga circles as a mood-elevator and can help reduce minor depression, according to "Yoga Journal." By bringing blood to the head, you often can relieve a minor headache, improve digestion and elimination. The reason is gravity is bringing blood --- and oxygen to the head, which is normally upright and slung forward to some degree that can create minor neck strain. During handstands, the small and large intestine are also inverted and the action of the inversion can help relieve irregularity by moving their contents. The inversion also puts pressure on the illeocecal valve, which can help prompt detoxification.
photo by: Steven Meisel.
article from www.livestrong.com
photo contributed by: Darian Wong/Wayward Wanderer
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bespokeyoga · 12 years
Bespoke Yoga: Travel (India)
“Out of its squalor and human decay, its eruptions of butchery, India produced so many people of grace and beauty, ruled by elaborate courtesy. Producing too much life, it denied the value of life; yet it permitted a unique human development to so many. Nowhere were people so heightened, rounded and individualistic; nowhere did they offer themselves so fully and with such assurance. To know Indians was to take a delight in people as people; every encounter was an adventure. I did not want India to sink [out of my memory]; the mere thought was painful.”  ~ V.S. Naipul (An Area of Darkness)
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bespokeyoga · 12 years
Bespoke Yoga: Style
The Gentle Gentleman's Service
"And though it is much to be a nobleman, it is more to be a gentleman." ~ Anthony Trollope
Bespoke Yoga offers a service tailored towards the Gents, aptly named 'The Gentle Gentleman's Service'. It is a makeover and grooming service for anyone looking to take their aesthetic pursuits from 'lad' to 'man'.  This comes from my nearly life long love affair with all things English. So why would the English Gentleman be exempt from this? Well, they aren't! 
There is something about the proper styling and attention to detail of the English Gentleman that I adore. He is someone I want to befriend, have drinks with, go to the cinema with, ride in a London taxi with, book a weekend away with, host a dinner party with... I could go on and on... but you get the picture. And truth be told, I have had the pleasure of doing all these things and much more with a very English Gentleman. 
However I don't think this should be something sequestered for the English alone. Any man anywhere can cultivate culture through his clothing. To me, it's artistry in motion. There is something about having a wardrobe that works for you that I make mean to be... "Gentleman". This is a lovely, quirky, creative and tongue in cheek video that captures so well the history behind London's Bespoke history and how it has withstood the test of time and is still very much  a Gentle Gentleman's Service.
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bespokeyoga · 12 years
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Bespoke Yoga: Yoga
Ingredients for a life well lived
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bespokeyoga · 12 years
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Bespoke Yoga: Yoga
The Western minds vs. The Eastern Mind.
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bespokeyoga · 12 years
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Bespoke Yoga: Love | Yoga | Style | Travel
It's August 1st already! Where do you live? What are your plans? I'm always surprised by how quickly time passes. Generally and in my life specifically. August is my birthday month. It tends to mean more to me on a level of "resolutions" than New Year's Eve. I'm making some big changes. They have already begun actually. One of them is to share more about me. I receive a lot of emails asking me personal questions so I will either share more about who I am here or start a personal blog. Although the thought of yet another blog governed by me is daunting in itself. Either way... there will be more transparency and that will be my online yoga. Unity. 
What do you resolve to change in August? Many of us are in the height of summer. Depending on where we live. The sun is always a great source to energize and move closer to a way of living and loving that is better suited to our overall health. I hope August is a magical month for all of you. I know I'm going to do the work to make it so for me.
x Sima
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bespokeyoga · 12 years
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Bespoke Yoga: Style
In honor of Bastille Day, which is always celebrated on July 14th... I am offering my most recent style inspiration: French Style.
I've been doing this for about six months now, for myself and my clients. It was prompted by how paired down and chic French women always appear to be. I took a project that had me travelling extensively and very frequently. My solution: get a uniform. Tough tidings for a bohemian gypsy like myself who can pack a large suitcase with accessories such as belts, bags, bangles and books alone...
The French Revolution is still in the preliminary stages in my own wardrobe. But here are some stylish women who inspire me to no end to get rid of my cluttered closet. Enjoy!
x Sima
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bespokeyoga · 12 years
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Bespoke Yoga: Yoga
Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. ~ Vaclav Havel
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bespokeyoga · 12 years
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Bespoke Yoga: Love, Yoga, Style, Travel
Two revolutionary cultural icons celebrate birthdays today.
Frida Kahlo: July 6, 1907
"I never paint dreams or nightmares, I paint my own reality."
Tenzi Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama: July 6, 1935
"The purpose of our lives is to be happy."
Happy Birthday to both for past & present contributions.
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bespokeyoga · 12 years
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Bespoke Yoga: Love Yoga Style Travel. 
Bespoke Yoga has been on the road for nearly 3 months.
The experience was intrepid and intense. I look forward to sharing some of my discoveries. Thank you for continuing to stop by even when no one was home.
x Sima
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bespokeyoga · 12 years
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Bespoke Yoga: Yoga
Some inspiration to control your sugar cravings.
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bespokeyoga · 13 years
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Bespoke Yoga: Yogue (Yoga + Style)
Christy Turlington in Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
Padma = Lotus
Benefits (via Yoga Journal)
Calms the brain
Stimulates the pelvis, spine, abdomen, and bladder
Stretches the ankles and knees
Eases menstrual discomfort and sciatica
Consistent practice of this pose until late into pregnancy is said to help ease childbirth.
Traditional texts say that Padmasana destroys all disease and awakens kundalini.
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bespokeyoga · 13 years
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Bespoke Yoga: Love (Stories)
It's clear to me now that I have been moving towards you and you towards me for a long time. Though neither of us was aware of the other before we met, there was a kind of mindless certainty humming blithely along beneath our ignorance that ensured we would come together. Like two solitary birds flying the great prairies by celestial reckoning, all of these years and lifetimes we have been moving towards one another" 
(from The Bridges of Madison County)
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bespokeyoga · 13 years
Bespoke Yoga: Walk Unafraid
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bespokeyoga · 13 years
Bespoke Yoga: Yogue Karl talks to Karl
I could go on and on and on about Karl Lagerfeld. But instead I'll let Karl Lagerfeld go on and on and on about Karl Lagerfeld. 
Your yoga teachers are everywhere. All you have to do is be willing to learn.
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