Patient || Open
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➜Full name: Natalya Ivanova
➜Age: 21
➜Faceclaim: Amber Heard
➜Diagnosed Disorder:  Anorexia Nervosa
➜Admission type: Unknown
Life in russia had been hard enough for Natalya, She lived alone with her dad and three sisters, for her mother had passed away when she was little. Having Natalya, being the older sister, also take the role of a Mother. Although she liked to take care of her younger sisters, she hated to live with the sad excuse of a father they had. The fourty-something male would spend all the money he earned on drugs and alcohol, not caring that his daughters were starving to death. Natalya couldn’t take that anymore, and as soon as she found herself strong enough, she began working as a prostitute to give her sisters the roof they deserved and the food they needed so desperately. A few years passed and Natalya was already used to sell her body to have her sisters happy and healthy, but she didn’t know a wealthy costumer would cause so much trouble; The male wanted Natalya, he wanted to keep her as his slave, but Natalya was clever enough and called his wife to let her know what her husband was doing after work. The old man, furious, separated Nat from her family and sent her across the sea to lock her up in a psychiatric hospital as punishment, where the girl will find out, not only that she suffers from an eating disorder, but also that her stay at the facility will last a long five years.
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Patient || Taken || OC
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➜Full name: Landon Freist
➜Age: 17 
➜Face claim: Tom Felton 
➜Diagnosed disorder: schizophrenia
➜Admission type: Court Order
Landon grew up in a normal family. He had a little sister and an older brother. His older Brother had Anxiety his littler sister was normal. His mother was a doctor, his father a firefighter. On a snowy day his father responded to a call and never came home. Landon was close to his father and every day and night he'd wait for his father to come home. His mother worried about him and sent him to a therapist. After a few years of that his mother thought he was better so she took him away fro the therapist. When Landon was five he had a friend, Adam. No one could see or hear Adam, only Landon, so his parents thought he'd grow out of it but when Landon turned ten and still had his friend Adam they knew something was wrong. On the playground Landon would sit by himself, doing nothing but talking. People thought he was talking to himself, of course he wasn't. He would've been talking to and friend. A friend that wasn't there.  When Landon would do something wrong he'd blame Adam. "Adam did it" Was his excuse for everything. That excuse worked for a while, until Landon murdered someone,saying Adam told him to or Adam did it.
Landon sat under a tree talking to himself, or so people thought. He was talking to Liz. Liz was one of his imaginary friends. She was a girl with pretty blonde hair. She wore a long blue gown. Landon told her she was a princess because she looked like one to him.  Landon never had real friends because no one wanted to be friends with the teenager who still had imaginary friends. He liked Liz and Alex better. Liz was about fifteen and Alex was about twenty. Alex was a nice guy. He had shaggy black hair and lots of tattoos. Landon's mother thought that Landon maybe came up with these people because his best friend, who died a few years back, looked like 'Alex' and 'Liz' looked like Landon's crush. Of course 'Alex' could be a bad influence but he taught Landon some good life lessons. 
Landon sat under the same tree for hours that day. He loved it there. He could talk to Liz and Alex with out his sister making fun of him and he could watch the people and animals pass by. Sometimes he'd see kids from school and they'd laugh at him but he didn't care. Once they'd laugh at him Adam would come around and tell him to hurt them. Landon didn't like Adam. He had bright red hair and lots of scars. Plus he carried a gun and wore a tux and dark glasses. Landon tried ignoring the boy with red hair but it never worked. Landon would end up punching anyone that bullied him. He didn't want to but Adam would threaten to hurt his family and Landon couldn't let him
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I have an Oc made up but i can't attach a gif. ...
thats fine just send us the gif
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How about helping to spread the word of our group so that we can try and get a few more people to join? 
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Is this rp active?
it's new, we still need a few more people for this rp to be completely active, but at the moment, I'd say so :) 
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Are you needing more male or female characters? I've an idea for making an OC Pyromaniac using either Willa Holland or submitting an application for your Security guard, if he's not taken.
at the moment, anything is welcome really! you can even make two characters if you wanted to, that would be amazing :)
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Patient || Open
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➜Full Name: Jonah Kjellberg
➜Age: 20
➜Faceclaim: Max Thieriot
➜Diagnosed Disorder: Multiple personality disorder
➜Admission type: Transfer.
Jonah grew up in an all boys orphanage after being abandoned at the hospital on the day he was born. After several attempts to get him adopted, Jonah soon saw a pattern developing and eventually gave up hope of ever having a stable home to call his own. That was the least of his worries though; one of the older members of staff had grown a liking to the young boy, after being transfered from a different hospital, Jason Parker, quickly honed in on the 5 year old Jonah. What occured over the following years was so traumatic that through fear, and self loathing, Jonah began to develop a coping method that would land him being admitted into an insane asylum
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Patient || Open
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➜Full Name: Noelle Smith
➜Age: 17
➜Faceclaim: Emily Browning
➜Diagnosed Disorder: Major depressive disorder - Self-harm
➜Admission type: Personal
 When Noelle was 13, her parent's went through a very messy divorce. Not only were they fighting for who gained what property, they also fought for who was to gain soul custody of their only daughter. In the end, Noelle's mother won. A no win situation as far as Noelle was concerned, having being extremely close to both her parents. During the battle, Noelle found herself withdrawing from everything and everyone. She began to close herself off to friends at school, perferring to spend her time alone in the library, studying. Anything to keep her mind of the affairs that were going on at home. Eventually, her self inforced solitude began to take more of a dangerous turn. The young girl began self harming to try and alleviate the suffocating darkness that consumed her. The fact that all her friends had turned their backs at her made the darkness within her become everything she was. Her parents' relation went from bad to worse, Noelle was no longer spending time with her father and that only made things worse; She didn't have anyone, her life seemed meaningless and she couldn't find a reason to continue living it. Her mother would spend days and nights working, which made her and her daughter's relation almost non-existent.  By the time Noelle reached 16, the inside of her forearms and upper thighs were scattered with scars and once her mother noticed her daughter's behavior, she thought it best to lock her up in a psychiatric hospital.
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Patient || Open
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➜Full Name: Xavier Masters
➜Age: 22
➜Faceclaim: Steven R McQueen
➜Diagnosed Disorder: Addictive personality disorder
➜Admission type: Court Order
It started out with means to keep himself awake so he could study for a test's, this led to his body growing accustomed to the caffine supliments, he was in need to search out other ways. Narcotics became his way, but funding such an addiction was difficult. After abusing all his funds, he began to steal  in order to sell the items. Even after he'd gained the money he needed to pay for his drug addiction, he found himself hording the items that he'd stolen, acumilating more and more. By the time Xavier reached his early twenties, his addiction took on a more sexual nature, but unfortunately, various escapades involving multiple partners, professionals and a string of meaningless one time partners, Xavier could never find himself satisfied until a night out in an exclusive club saw his eyes opened to the world of BDSM. Xavier had finally found a way to gain complete sexual satisfaction via sexual domination and submission. Depending on his mood or what kind of day he'd had prior, all depended on whether he would be the submissive or the dominator. An innocent thing, you might think, but when he took his addiction away from the club and exacted it upon an innocent and unsuspecting female he'd picked up in a night club one night, he found himself locked away on charges of assult and rape.
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Patient || Taken
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➜Full Name: Frances Jeanne Brewington
➜Age: 18
➜Faceclaim: Kaya Scodelario
➜Diagnosed Disorder: Dependant personality disorder - night terrors
➜Admission type: Psychiatric
 The night of the fire was a terrifying and a life destroying moment for Frances. All her life her father had been her soul care giver, her only means of emotional support. Her mother walked out on them when she was only a young child, leaving her with the notion that people leave, no matter who they are. This lead her to become closer to her father, so close to the point where she would have panic attacks whenever he was gone too long. It began to affect her schooling, she had no social life due to the fear that he would go to work one day and never come back. Unfortunately, one night, her greatest fear came true. The fire had been started accidentaly at first glance, in the gas station where her father had been working nights, but further investigation saw that it had in fact been started intentionally. The person involved was a local boy who'd been charged with manslaughter. Frances found herself totally abandoned after her father's death. Her anger grew at and with it, so did her night terrors. They began to get so bad that she would find whatever way's she could to keep herself awake. 
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Doctor || Open
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➜Full Name: Leon Evander Hawthorne
➜Age: 36
➜Faceclaim: Tom Hiddleston
➜Occupation: Medical Doctor/Chaperone
➜Hiring type: Professional
Ever since Leon was little, he always made sure that everyone else got the best of the best before even worrying about himself. That thinking stayed until this very day, Leon is the kindest man you'll ever met, he'll make you feel loved and cared whether you want it or not, He's probably the best doctor Bethlam has ever had. Although Leon is nice and sweet, there's also a dark side of him; His love for children. He hides it very well and would actually get in a serious relationship with an adult to not get caught, let's hope this side remains hidden during his stay at Bethlam.
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