beurgreatestself · 8 months
Book shop
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Johnny took you to the little bookstore you were rambling about all week, and you were so excited to pick out some books you've been meaning to buy. Plus, the little bookstore created such a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere, that you couldn't help but be enticed by the beauty.
"Pick whatever you want." Johnny said nonchalantly. "I’ll pay." Your eyes widen at him, in shock that he was so cool about this.
"It's fine I can pa-" He gently cupped your jaw as your eyes met. "Let me pay, please."
"Really? Are you sure?" your eyebrows furrowed in response.
"Y/n," Johnny started, bending to whisper in your ear. "I am paying and that's final."
Your heart fluttered at the heat of his body so close to yours. You didn't think Johnny noticed the peak in your heart rate, but you knew he could tell when you looked up to find him smirking.
"So, I'm going to go get coffee," he gave you a gentle kiss on the top of your head before eyeing the bookshelves. "Have fun book shopping, my love. I'll be back in 10."
"Maybe in 20?" You smiled innocently at Johnny.
"Buy as many books even hardcover books as you want," Johnny laughed, knowing how much you loved the hardcover books.
"I will be back in 30." Johnny smiled and headed towards the coffee shop.
Johnny left you surrounded by the enchanting aroma of books and the soft rustling of pages being turned by other people in the shop. The bookstore held an undeniable charm, its narrow aisles filled with shelves stacked from floor to ceiling with books of every genre imaginable.
You began pursuing the shelves, running your fingers along the spines of various books, each one a potential treasure waiting to be discovered. As you explore the aisles, you start to stock books in your hands.
You found yourself drawn to a section of your favourite literature, you picked up a beautifully bound hardcover edition of your favourite book. Questioning if you should buy another version of it or not.
As you continued your research, you stumbled across a few other books you were hesitant to buy, and Johnny´s encouragement gave you the courage you needed.
When you turned into the next aisle, you heard "I see you've been busy." Johnny teased you with coffee in hand and a big smile across his face.
Johnny placed both cups on the empty shelf and walked towards you to pick up the books in your arms, he carefully took them "Are you sure these are all the books you wanted?"
I looked at him and smiled "I think so."
While Johnny headed to the checkout with all the books I had chosen, I took both cups from the shelf and headed after him.
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beurgreatestself · 8 months
is it bad that i dont feel the same towards you anymore?
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beurgreatestself · 3 years
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on the rocks (Seo Eunkwang x Reader) | 18+
Title: on the rocks
Word Count: 2, 175
Summary: Eunkwang comes home after a stressful day at work and [Y/N] helps him unwind.
Warning/s: Smut.
Wattpad Link: on the rocks (Seo Eunkwang x Reader) | 18+
Song Inspiration: "on the rocks" by OSTER Project
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Eunkwang parked his car in front of his house. It was a hectic day. There was paperwork to fill out, meetings to attend, and there were also the public appearances he had to do to keep up his image.
He got out of the car and the crisp cool air of the night hit him. He breathed a sigh of relief that the day was over but he was already dreading the next day where he would go through all that again.
Eunkwang looked towards the house, the warm color of the lights gave him a comforting feeling. He was home. At last.
He walked towards the door and was a little disappointed when he didn't see her welcome him home when he stepped inside the house.
"Huh, I wonder where she is." Eunkwang muttered as he closed the door from behind him and observed his surroundings, trying to figure out where his wife was.
From the corner of his eye, he saw a blue sticky note on the wall just beside the stairs.
Taking it off the wall he read the scrawled writing that he recognizes as his wife's handwriting.
"I'm waiting for you upstairs," It said and Eunkwang smiled since it's a common practice for them to leave notes for each other.
He placed the note in his pocket and went upstairs, knocking on the door of their bedroom before he entered.
The dimly lit room took him by surprise at first, there were small candles on the bedside tables and on the small coffee table at the foot of the bed. Placed there were a bucket of ice, a bottle of whiskey, and a lone glass.
As his eyes wandered over to the bed, he saw his wife sitting on it. She was wearing a red dress that reached a few inches just above her knees and it had thin red straps that rested on her shoulders. Her left hand held a thick book that lowered down when she saw him come into view and it was here that he saw the cleavage of her dress went deeper than what he was used to seeing her wear.
Eunkwang stood there speechless for a moment. He didn't know what was happening. Was there a special occasion? Did he forget? He could feel the panic rise in his chest at the thought of a forgotten anniversary.
"Eunkwang-ie?" [Y/N], his wife, placed the book on her side of the counter just a few inches away from her glass of whiskey on the rocks. She walked over to him and touched his cheek. "Are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine." He smiled and took her hand to place kisses on it. "Did I forget something though? What's the occasion?"
"There's no occasion," [Y/N] giggled at the feel of his lips on her skin. "I just felt like it would be nice to unwind for a while."
"Oh, is that so?" Eunkwang stopped kissing her hand and he took off his coat before he hung it on a peg. "The room looks beautiful, my dear."
"Thank you, dear." She smiled and she invited him to sit on the bed. "You must be tired. Here, let me help you relax."
[Y/N] took the briefcase from his hand and placed it on his desk, she then placed some ice on the empty glass and poured some whiskey into it before she gave it to her husband.
"Thank you," Eunkwang smiled and he took a small sip.
"Would you like a massage?" She asked as she hopped on the bed to sit behind him.
He nodded his head and her gentle hands started to massage his shoulders. Meanwhile, Eunkwang undid the knot of his tie and proceeded to open a few buttons of his shirt. He relaxed under her touch as she hit each spot perfectly to which he would utter a moan of satisfaction. She would softly giggle in response as she kept on working.
"How was work?" [Y/N] asked as she finished up.
"Tiring but worth it." He smiled. "To be honest, I've been dreading the next few days since it's become pretty stressful."
"Oh, yikes." She uttered. "I'm sure you can do it, Eunkwang-ie! I believe in you! But is there anything I can do to help?"
"You've already done plenty."
"Oh, please, Eunkwang." [Y/N] giggled. "This is kinda like the bare minimum."
"Not to me it isn't," He placed the glass on the coffee table. "Whenever I leave the office and remember that I'm coming home to you, you fill me with so much happiness and I feel like I can take on whatever challenges life will throw at me. That's more than I could ever ask for."
Eunkwang turned around to face her and he gave her a soft smile.
"Only you could ever do that to me." He kneeled in front of her and the back of her hand caressed his cheek as they stared into each other's eyes.
"Well then," [Y/N] whispered with a smile as she slowly leaned closer to him. "Welcome home, Eunkwang."
She could feel his hands on her waist as they sealed the gap. They could still taste the sweetness of the whiskey in their mouths as their soft kisses began to go faster and deeper than the last.
Her hands tangled themselves on his hair, slightly tugging every now and again as he pulled her closer to him so that he could savor every bit of her.
Eunkwang laid down on the bed, pulling [Y/N] along with him as they both parted to breathe. He looked up at her, mouth slightly agape as she took deep breaths. She was straddled on top of him and as his hands stroked her thighs, Eunkwang noticed that there were slits on the sides of her dress that reached up to her waist. He could spy the thin strap of what seems to be her underwear as he moved the fine red fabric of the skirt aside.
[Y/N]'s soft sighs prompted him to look up at her again and he saw her tilt her head back with her eyes closed, mouth slightly open as she gasped heavily under his touch.
Eunkwang could feel his face heat up at the sight, he pulled on the thin red string and lowered it down enough for his hand to fit so that he could pleasure her.
[Y/N] could feel the warmth of his hand from underneath her and the slow gesture of his fingers made her let out a low groan.
Her fingers hovered over his shirt and she undid each of the buttons, she leaned down to give him a quick kiss before she began kissing the area of his neck and shoulder. Eunkwang let out a moan as he could feel her lips sucking and biting on his skin, the feel of her breath on his bare skin sent chills down his spine as she trailed kisses down to his chest then to his abdomen and finally stopping just above his waist where his belt kept his pants in place.
They both locked eyes for a moment, watching as they took deep breaths and taking in each other's dishevelled appearance but also wanting to see themselves at their limit.
[Y/N]'s fingers unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants before she pulled them down.
Eunkwang chuckled at her displeased expression and the whine that slipped out of her mouth when he took out his fingers from underneath her so that she could fully slide off his pants and boxers. Before [Y/N] returned to her position, he slid down her thin red underwear and threw it aside.
He placed his hands firmly on her waist as she slowly grinded down on him. Eunkwang let out a groan as he felt the tightness inside of her while [Y/N] let out a loud moan as she felt the momentary pain turn into bliss.
The slow rocking of their bodies got faster and faster until they felt the strong urge to release.
"Eunkwang," she moaned as she reached her limit, one of his hands stroking the side of her waist in response as if saying it's alright.
[Y/N] let out a loud cry as she rode out her high and it didn't take long for Eunkwang to follow soon after.
They stared at each other as they struggled to catch their breaths, drinking in the sight of their heaving appearance. Their lips stretched into a proud smile at the sight of their handiwork.
Eunkwang propped himself up to give her soft kisses on her face, to which she would giggle at in response. 
"Careful," He whispered as he helped [Y/N] get up from her position. She winced as she slowly lifted herself up with his assistance, his hands placed securely at her waist.
"Thank you," [Y/N] breathed out as she sat on his lap, only for Eunkwang to smother her with kisses.
"Would you allow me to return the favor, my dear?" He asked as he pulled away to look into her eyes.
"Might I remind you that you have work tomorrow," She tapped his nose and laughed.
"The night is still young." Eunkwang just smiled in return.
"Please," He took her hand and gave a series of kisses that slowly went up to her arm and then to her shoulder.
"Alright," [Y/N] laughed. "If you insist, Director Seo."
Eunkwang's face lit up and he chuckled at the mention of his title, he pulled her closer to him and kissed her with such fervor.
Her hands cupped his cheeks before they rested on his shoulders. His fingers fumbled with the ends of her dress and he gave a soft tug as a signal to take it off.
They pulled away and he took off the red dress from her body. Their foreheads touched and he rubbed his thumb on her cheek as she smiled.
Eunkwang gently laid her on the bed, he shrugged off the dress shirt that still clung to his skin and he started to kiss her. Starting from her lips, slowly moving down to her neck where he would bite and suck some places that he knew would give her pleasure.
[Y/N] moaned loudly at the sensation, the way his teeth would sink into her skin made her flinch but the satisfaction it brought surpassed the pain.
His fingers trailed up to her chest as the warmth of his hand massaged one of her breasts. Eunkwang's breathing tickled her skin as he moved downwards to suck on one of her nipples. He heard her give a cry as he softly nibbled her chest.
His fingers started to push itself from underneath her, starting off slow and gaining speed after a while. Eunkwang smiles to himself as he feels her legs squeeze together with his hand stuck in between. He felt [Y/N]'s fingers tugging at his hair as she writhed under what he was putting her through.
The whimper that rolled out of her tongue as he took his fingers out made him look up at her. Eunkwang watched as her chest rose and fell while she stared at him through half lidded eyes. He stared back at her longingly as he placed a hand on her cheek. Eunkwang lowered his head a bit to place a kiss on her forehead, he felt his hand in hers and the soft touch of her lips made him smile.
He gently spread open her legs before he pushed himself inside her, making him groan.
[Y/N]'s legs wrapped themselves around his torso before Eunkwang slowly started to move. The friction gave each other a feeling of bliss and it quickly built up as he pounded inside her.
"Ah, Eunkwang," She tightly clutched the sheets beside her as she felt herself reach her peak, repeatedly whispering his name at each strike.
"[Y/N]," He groaned as he heard her loudly moan his name. Eunkwang felt himself reach his high, his hands gripping her waist as he felt himself climax.
Breathing heavily, their eyes met and they stared at each other in silence for a while. He reached over to cup her face and he placed a soft kiss on her forehead before he went to kiss her lips. She hummed in response with a smile.
Eunkwang gently laid down her legs and [Y/N] whimpered when she felt the warmth inside her disappear. He chuckled at her as he covered each other with the blanket.
"Thank you for tonight, my dear." Eunkwang whispered to her as he wrapped his arms around her.
"Thank you for tonight too, dear." [Y/N] smiled and gave him a soft kiss. "I love you."
"I love you too." He replied as he kissed the top of her head.
She leaned her head on his chest as he rested his chin on the top of her head. Exhausted, they both drifted to sleep.
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The End
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beurgreatestself · 3 years
Dream Project Pt. 3 {title in progress}
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
A/N: Hola everyone, here is part 3 but not yet proof-read. I hope you will like it nevertheless…
Word Count: 2.7K
Liviana drove herself to office due to the driver’s message early in the morning that says he will be late because of an emergency. Upon arriving the buildings parking lot, instead of her driver, it was her assistant who was waiting with a worried look.
“Why the long face baby boy?” This is the thought that has been running through Liv’s mind when she saw her assistant, and this made her laugh. It took a while for her to compose herself so with a long face, she just remarks as she exits the car, “Why the sad face Jer?”
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beurgreatestself · 3 years
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Parkinson's Law | the reason I spent 8+ hours working on a 550 word article
"Work expands to fill the time allotted to it." This well-known productivity adage brings attention to the fact that, without a deadline or timeframe, you can spend hours working on a task that could realistically be completed in just one.
This is why time-blocking is actually really effective: by limiting the time you will dedicate to a task, you are facing an artificial deadline.
Have you tried this method before?
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beurgreatestself · 3 years
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i don't believe in motivation.
i've read Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins and he mentioned something about the 40% rule.
when you think that you're doing your best and you can't push yourself no more, you're only at your 40%. the truth is, we don't usually live up to our potential because our mind is soooo inclined towards the path with the least resistance. he thought me how to have the willpower to wake up early and grind. (yup! the numbers listed in my bujo)
also, i hope you loved my froggie! i know i do :D (frogs always look like they're smiling, literally melts my heart all the time) i hope you have a good week ahead!
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beurgreatestself · 3 years
Can you recommend some essays about speech or language?
Here are a few essays and articles about language use (off the top of my head). I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do!
How Words Fail by Cathy Park Hong
Politics and the English Language by George Orwell
Of Strangeness That Wakes Us by Ilya Kaminsky
The Meanings of a Word by Gloria Naylor
Mother Tongue by Yoojin Grace Wuertz
Borrowing a Simile by Walt Whitman
Word Order by Lewis H. Lapham
Four Essays by Mikhail Bakhtin
Nature: Chapter IV Language by Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Strange Persistence of First Languages by Julie Sedivy
What Do You Lose When You Lose Your Language? by Joshua Fishman
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beurgreatestself · 3 years
Yay at last a link!!! Gigolo everyone... have fun!
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I wish there were more Adrien Brody x reader fics haha
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beurgreatestself · 3 years
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Dream Project Pt. 2 {title in progress}
Part 1   | Part 2
A/N: Hello guys! Here is. the second part of the story I have been working on. My friend @w-h-i-t-e-mochi had read this already and she commented that it might feel a bit dragging. So, Im sorry about that but I just tried to emphasise on how Jayceon Stone acts as her assistant. This is not yet proof read tho so, sorry again. But I came to realisation on how Lee Da Hee would make a great Liviana and to be paired with Lee Jun Ho as Jayceon. Therefore, if you want, they can be your character reference. 
Word Count: 2,300
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Before Liviana got to her office, she was greeted by her employees with good mornings, and she greeted them all back with a smile and nod of acknowledgement. Once she arrived at her office, she was welcomed with the young man once again with a smile on his face. “Good morning Liv, I hope you had a goodnight sleep and your first schedule for today is supposedly with the Finance Department of the entertainment, but it seems like you should prioritise the meeting with your potential investor, Mr. Stone.”
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beurgreatestself · 3 years
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Check it out guys!
Dream Project {title in progress}
A/N: The whole premise is actually based on a dream of mine but the details are somewhat based on my life. So please do enjoy! This would be in parts because I think it will be easier to read that way. 
Synopsis: A young female CEO, Liviana Voss mistaken his pending business partner who is the CEO of a global entertainment company, Jayceon Stone as her assistant.
Genre: Fluffyy to the max
Note: Not yet proofread but I thoroughly thought about the names.
Word Count: 3,340
“Wow, right on time!” Liviana greeted the young man who entered her office. “Thank you so much for accepting and signing off to be my personal assistant, Mr. Schone. I really appreciate it! Because as you can see, I am a mess and a day without some help is very impossible in my case.” She says in a continuous manner as if not taking chance to take a breath, then checked her watch for the time. 
She continued talking without waiting for the man in front of her to reply. “I still have a lot of things in my plate so I really won’t have time to talk to you but no worries! I had checked your CV, portfolio, and recorded interview; what can I say? I am impressed with everything I saw in there! I love how you answered all the questions in your interview on point as if your mind is a perfect match for me. Especially by how open you are on being gay, I can already sense from your interview on how creative you are going to be as part of this company. So please do not be afraid to tell me about your ideas with the projects I am working on. I hope it is okay to say but honestly, I did not expect your fashion style to be this masculine and I am digging it! I love how it shows command. Anyways-” 
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beurgreatestself · 3 years
If that's the case, I think I already failed.
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0 notes
beurgreatestself · 3 years
"...they will teach me is more to prevent failure than to gain success, for what is success other than a state of mind?"
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beurgreatestself · 3 years
I.feel.like.im.gonna.fail fck
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beurgreatestself · 3 years
I'm fckin scared with my academic standing in my uni rn I feel like I am failing I wanna escape help
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beurgreatestself · 4 years
why am i full of doubt, so there is always second guesses
never trusted my initial choice then leaves me heartbroken 
surroundings believes me more than i do towards myself
the harsh reality, i never accept who i am truly in this place
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beurgreatestself · 4 years
To the dreams in my control, all i wish is to stay.
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beurgreatestself · 4 years
Into the void there is something I want to avoid
That is this longing anxiety in my heart finally took me apart
So for I wish to say my last words, "I already gave up ages ago"
Here is my last wish: don't ask me if I am alive because I am already gone
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