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larian really said "we've buffed cazador and you can now frame astarion for murder. fuck that gay elf."
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I love how bad Astarion is with his cover story. You meet him and he's like "I'm a magistrate" then he stealths, disarms a trap, double dashes and backstabs a goblin all while giggling about spilling blood and you're just like hm yeah that's the legal system for you
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Some more sketchessssss
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hiiiii for astarion/halsin, “How I wish you could see yourself as I see you.”
It will be different, he supposes, now that they’re in the city. Here, he has options for feeding, options beyond his companions and their enemies, not that he expects they’ll lack for enemies in Baldur’s Gate. He’s never properly hunted here—hunted for himself, that is, looking for sustenance instead of just victims—and the prospect is… considerably more daunting than he would have expected. But he can do it, and he will do it. No more begging for favors.
Except that first night, camping in Rivington, as the evening draws on and he’s considering his options (cart oxen, livery horses, stray dogs, anyone who tries to rob me…) after the others have finished their evening meal, Halsin approaches him. 
“Will you be coming to eat later?” he asks, as if it were a perfectly normal question, one elf to another: are you going to drink my blood this evening, friend?
“Oh, don’t worry about me,” Astarion says, running his fingers through his hair. He hasn’t decided what to wear yet; he ought to dress down slightly if he’s going to try for the livestock, but if he dresses up he’s got a better shot at attracting bandits. One sounds terribly smelly, but the other admittedly makes a bigger mess. “Now that we’re not somewhere actively blighted by shadows, I should be able to find my own meals.” 
Halsin’s big brow furrows. “You intend to go hunting?”
“Not like that,” Astarion says, more defensively than he intends. “Wyll would stake me through the heart and Karlach would be disappointed, and I don’t know which would be worse. Although if I were to be set upon by incautious footpads, I think I could hardly be blamed if…” He trails off suggestively, looking at his nails. You see? I can handle myself.
“I know,” Halsin says. “But there is no need, if you do not wish to. I’m still here.” 
Still here. Yes, he is, isn’t he. Halsin first offered Astarion his blood in the Underdark, where he reasoned hunting alone in territory full of bulettes and hook horrors was needlessly risky. Then, in the Shadow-Cursed Land, there’d been nothing wild living. Even as distracted as he’d been, trying to unravel the curse, undo the mistakes of his past and all that, he’d remembered to offer Astarion his blood. He’s gotten very used to the man, big and… natural as he is. But now… 
Now, perhaps he feels at loose ends and just wants to be helpful. Halsin scarcely knows what to do with himself in a city, any more than Astarion knew what to do with himself in a swamp. 
“Thank you, darling, but I’m quite capable of taking care of myself.”
“I have never doubted it, Astarion.” Halsin rarely speaks with anything less than absolute conviction, something to do with being so big, all that bass rumbling in his chest. It’s one of his most annoying attributes. And he’s just standing there, looking at Astarion with something far too close to pity for his taste, and the worst part is, the gods-awfullest thing, is that something in Astarion doesn’t want him to stop. 
So of course he ruins it. “Then why are you looking at me like that?” 
Halsin looks down and away, then back. “Forgive me. I was only thinking…” 
“How I wish you could see yourself as I see you.” Halsin takes a step towards him, right here, in the middle of camp… where anyone could see them… talking. They’re just talking. Gods, what is wrong with him? “You move with a predator’s grace, and it is beautiful. But you need not be a predator, if you do not wish it.”
“Cazador didn’t give me much choice, I’m afraid.” 
Halsin nods, so gods-damned thoughtful. Finally, he says, “I will be at my tent, if you change your mind. I will be awake for a while yet.” He looks to turn away, then looks back, directly into Astarion’s eyes. “And I would be glad of your company.”
Astarion watches him go, trying to shut away whatever feeling this is, like a live animal escaped into his chest, skittering and nervous. When the druid is gone, he cannot help but glance towards his stupid, useless mirror. Nothing there, as always.
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A young Wizard’s best friend.
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The "You have ruined me" Durgetash but with a twist.
Gortash ruined Durge for Bhaal, making them desire something over than death and destruction, making them want something (someone) for themselves. Making them lower their defences around him and inevitably providing Orin an opening to strike (I'm a firm believer Orin shifted into Gortash to get close to Durge).
And Durge ruined Gortash for Bane, making him...dare I say a little bit soft, making him wish to SHARE power and not hoard it all in his steely grasp. Making Gotrash seek an alliance, wanting an equal. Wanting the things for himself, things what contradict what Bane tells him he should seek or want.
In the end they both are worse by that, but in the unexpected way.
Neither Gortash nor Durge are what their gods want them to be. They're traitors, if merely in thoughts, of their goals, their paths, what they were meant to be.
In the end The Absolute plot falls because mortals do what they always do: act by their own will, compromising carefully constructed plan of the gods.
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Waaait, an oathbreaker paladin standing at the steps to their temple of their former God, unable to enter? What if they left their God because they had no choice, one of my characters was a paladin of Tyr but justice and law wasn't going to save her family so she got revenge on her own by breaking the law and destroying her enemies and thus broke her oath, and didnt look back.. but standing on the steps she feels lost again. Oh my heart.
"you cannot enter the house of god" "god is not here" well I can't be normal about that. specially not when thinking about an oathbreaker paladin. specially when thinking about bg3 characters abandoned by their gods.
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I got the blog name bhaal-is-life on my other side blog, bidding starts at 1000 gold pieces.
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Baldur’s Gate 3 Edit - Typa Girl
A fun little edit i put together of ALL the primary companions of Baldur's Gate 3, set to Typa Girl by Black Pink. Yes its kpop but its in English so check it out even if it isn't your thing. Trust me, if fits. This video includes romance and ending spoilers for all of them so lookout.
Listen to the lyrics, I made sure they all fit whoever is on screen at the time ;]
Tik tok took this down because of the audio so I am putting it here, so take a look, I'm proud of this one. :)
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A young Wizard’s best friend.
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"We wanted this to feel like Gale and their partner were really merging into one, new, perfectly harmonious being." inspired by [x]
atticus // rumi // frida kahlo // sikhumbuzo bongumenzi thabede // lu yun // hélène cixous // sylvia plath
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Help i blacked out for a week and now there's a 60k word fic on my laptop what the fuck happened
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Its so good, finally some good fucking food amirite. No spoilers but I dove into the wiki after finishing the game and there is so much that wasn't in the game. But on the flip side there was so much New content created for BG3 to make the city feel alive so we saw so much omg I love it i love fantasy cities
my main motivation for trying to rush through act 1 (which i THOUGHT ended at the goblin camp celebration but I am sensing I am wrong) is to rush through act 2 and get to act 3. Not for the plot tbh. Mostly for the good fucking Lore about Baldur's Gate because I have so many questions (which admittedly could be answered by deep diving into the forgotten realms wiki but I am waiting for AFTER act3). I just want to learn more about the city's political make up, the merchant area, how the city is set up, the political factions. Is it a city-state like Kirkwall? Is it something else? What are Baldur's Gate biggest trading partners? It's demographic??? I got a master's in public policy PLEASE i want to know this informationnnn
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Reblogs appreciated so more folks see this!
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I assumed the orb was a ball of that dark magic in his chest, like actually in there. And the tattoo was a mark of where it entered his body. Seeing it up close in these pictures shows that it burned itself into his flesh when it went into him.
silly little thing about gale that I noticed when going through my screenshots
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so I think most people have been under the impression that gale's orb is like a tattoo, it's there but only as a mark on his skin. but as you can see here it's more like an actual scar on his skin
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LOOK. LOOK AT THE LIGHTING. see how the light reflects along the edges of the orb, like it might along scar tissue? the orb isn't just a mark on his skin, it's physically burned into it. It has edges and grooves that reflect light the way veins would.
also you can see it better here (dont ask about the outfit. please) but there's a purple bruise in the center of the orb. maybe to show how it puts a pressure on him? or just to subtly show how much more painful it is than what gale's letting on?
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I love the attention to detail that went into crafting each of these characters. most people would be content with just a tattoo, but larian made sure that if you look closely, the orb has so much more to it than just a marking. i love this game lol
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He killed her
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