bi-posi · 2 years
I love everything about you, darling.
You’re perfect for me.
And waking up to the idea you’re still here with me is fantastic.
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bi-posi · 3 years
As someone who uses the terms bi and pan to describe myself (I'm bi-greyromantic and pansexual, specifically) I really love your blog. You have great vibes, you're just so positive and nice. Thank you for that!
Ayy, glad you're enjoying it. We're going to work on bringing content back to the blog soon, we're just busy, everyone involved-as some mods are gone now- have other projects but we will make more content for it. You're also free to submit content too.
- Jaybird
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bi-posi · 3 years
I didn't even know how much hatred there was towards pan people from a vocal bi minority... Here I am, identifying as bi and pan and liking both equally and going "Hi fellow pans, hi fellow bis, I love you all", and meanwhile there's hatred and some people are trying to wage a war and, like, WHY? I'm so confused. I'm SO confused.
It extends to any m-spec label that isn’t Bisexual and it was started by people who misread the bi manifesto and assume that it’s the end all be all of biseuxal history- it’s a fringe part of the USA- and also in the manifesto it talks about how bisexual isn’t the only term and how people will label bisexual in their own way. It’s a fluid sexuality.
That being said, exclusionists of any form aren’t rare and honestly I’m not surprised, I just don’t want them anywhere near me honestly.
- Mod Asmo
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bi-posi · 3 years
thank you for this blog. i used to be more open about being omnisexual but a lot of people have started proudly calling themselves panphobes and stuff and it makes it really hard because even if i don't follow them a lot of my mutuals do and its super uncomfortable. nobody seems to take it seriously and it feels super stressful because i feel like lots of them don't accept me. so thanks for making this positivity blog, it's nice to have a place where bi people, pan people & other microlabels are all accepted and celebrated
Well anon. I’m omnisexual myself and I can say that they’re pricks and have a chat with your mutuals. Don’t interact with people that make you uncomfortable, and use the block button liberally.
You shouldn’t have to feel unsafe because you ID as Omni, they’re dumbasses and don’t deserve you.
- Mod Asmo
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bi-posi · 3 years
hey I just wanted to thank you for being a bi-positivity blog that doesn't hate pan people, it really means so much to me and I hate that blogs like this are so rare
Well it’s because we’re smart enough to know infighting is stupid and it would be stupid since one of our mods is pan himself. I think that would cause serious problems.
- Mod Asmo
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bi-posi · 3 years
bi x pan = power couple
Bi X Pan X Ply X Omni = Power Polycule
But yes, you are absolutely right.
- Mod Asmo
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bi-posi · 3 years
hey i just want to let you know i love your blog! even though i realized i was bi when i was 13, i still struggle with some internalized biphobia and some insecurity towards being multi, and your posts make me so much better! thank you and i hope you're all having a great day/evening!
Thank you. I’ll make sure the other mods see this. This blog was essentially made for the same reasons you mention, with one of the mods having felt insecure about their own identity and also wanting representation for bisexuals that wasn’t just m/m and w/w attractions. 
I’m glad to hear you find comfort in this blog.
- Mod Asmo
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bi-posi · 3 years
Hey I know this blog might not be active so not sure if you’ll see it but I’m non-binary and I’m just genuinely relieved to find a blog that isn’t forcing me to gender myself. Just things like w/w and nb/w lately seems to mean do cis people view me as women and a relief to find a queer blog that doesn’t make me gender myself. So thank you and sorry for rambling
I'm happy to hear that. In fact, I'm very happy to know something I personally love from the blog helped other people. Particularly since I'm nonbinary myself and so gendering posts can be uncomfortable at times when my gender isn't stagnant. Also, never apologize for expressing how happy you are that you feel represented.
- Mod Asmo
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bi-posi · 4 years
Hey guys just reminding you bout the amazon wishlists carrd I made, cause I’m sure people could use some help in these tryin times, n wanna bring special attention to the first one on [this list] as we know him and he’s really havin a time lately n could use the help. -Raz
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bi-posi · 4 years
Hello! I am Identity, I’m apart of an OSDD-1b system. We recently had our grandfather pass away and it hit us hard. We’re also transmasculine, and mentally disabled, so we’re not capable of having a job. We didn’t qualify for Canada’s one time disability payment and we’re not sure if we can file our taxes.
The post died, but um, we could really use the new computer, unfortunately we do not have the means to save up for it, since we are struggling financially.
We had to use our money to get food and other things when the Artic front went through Alberta, and so we really need to start over again.
We’re at 30/800 currently.
Our Ko-Fi is DrakonNightengale
You can get commissions from Drakon (writing) or Leviathan (art).
Leviathan’s works are on his blog @waterxkingsxlament
Um we’ll be taking any form of commissions.
It would be appreciated if you donated, but if you can’t, could you reblog this post so we can get some assistance.
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bi-posi · 4 years
Nb people are so perfect. So radiant. The power they possess by simply existing, and continuing to exist. They deserve so much love
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bi-posi · 4 years
I love girls so much! Tall girls, short girls, femme girls and butch girls, fat girls, skinny girls, disabled girls, trans girls, nonbinary girls, girls of colour!!! So many wonderful perfect girls! I want to give them all so many kisses!
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bi-posi · 4 years
Thank you for being so open to everyone! I'm kinda tired of being alienated sometimes, so thank you!
We’re happy you feel that way!
- Mod Jay
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bi-posi · 4 years
What do you think about Abrosexual people? I'm abrosexual and a lot of people don't really include my sexuality so I never really know what people think of it or if they'll accept me.
Well... We’re dedicated to Multi-Spectrum Attraction, and looking up Abrosexual it seems to be more Aspec or fluid attraction. This was made for people who fall on the multi-spectrum, EX Bi, Pan, Omni, Ply, etc. So I mean if you fall on the MSpec then the blog was made with the intentions of including ya. But I can’t give you a “yes this blog accepts you” as I have no idea how your Abrosexuality works, and you could be mono. 
Which, feel free to still interact with our content, just realize with was made for people who struggled with their sexuality that would be interpreted as M/F or considered straight, while they were still LGBTQ+.
None of the mods exactly like being asked these types of questions as it invites discourse though and it also puts us on the spot. Like particularly, I have no idea if you mean, “do you accept my sexuality in general” or “do you accept my sexuality as inherently apart of MSpec” or “do you want me not to interact because of my sexuality”.
We have a partnership with @a-spec-community-issues so in regards to that, we are very accepting of those orientations. We’re also very Trans and Nonbinary inclusive.
But I have no idea how you intended the question to come off and I’m unsure of how to respond since you’re on Anon and I have no idea who you are.
- Mod Jay
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bi-posi · 4 years
Since you have more of a reach here's a friendly reminder that you're all valid. Whether you identify as bi, pan, poly, omni, all, none or some of the above, if you're arospec, aspec, or allo, if your experience with attraction and relationships is different from that of most people, if you're monoam or polyam or something else, whatever your orientation and experience, you're valid and no one gets to dictate your identity. 💕
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bi-posi · 4 years
What does m-spec mean
Multi-Spectrum or Multiple Attractions Spectrum.
Which is Pansexual, Omnisexual, Polysexual and Bisexual (or romantic if your ace).
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bi-posi · 4 years
ALRIGHT since it was a smashing success. 
Low income Amazon wishlist Carrd. 
This is a Carrd created to link low income people’s amazon wishlists. These wishlists are all checked by me. You can find all the info regarding how to apply and etc on the Carrd itself. Please please spread this around if you can! This carrd includes an emergency tab for people who need instant help / necessessities. I will be pinning this Carrd on my blog and boosting it occasionally. I’m gonna using some of my clout for good here folks. 
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