birbwithlove · 4 years
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birbwithlove · 4 years
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birbwithlove · 4 years
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he’s insane for this, he really is....
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birbwithlove · 4 years
i love that whenever wei wuxian gets accused of a crime his default defense is “i didnt do it because if i did i would have a done a better job”
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birbwithlove · 4 years
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I think it's common knowledge that we all find feral Yiling Patriarch Wei Wuxian extremely sexy... but, like, respectfully.
Please do not repost folks!
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birbwithlove · 4 years
A complete mistake that didn’t even show up until I was on mobile 🤪
wen ning is BIG sexy bro idc idc dont ever excuse yourself over that fine man
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Thank you for the support!
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birbwithlove · 4 years
#i feel seen #sometimes i forget how sexy he is and then i see a gifset and I'm like Hot Dog #chi zi asks
on twt i follow @/hourlywenning and every time i see a gif set of him like...... absolutely launching someone into the dirt i’m like sir  👀 please  👀 also  👀 manhandle  👀 me  👀 like  👀 that  👀 👀 👀
wen ning is BIG sexy bro idc idc dont ever excuse yourself over that fine man
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Thank you for the support!
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birbwithlove · 4 years
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The same cliff…
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birbwithlove · 4 years
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birbwithlove · 4 years
oh to be an ambiguously gendered little personification of winter in a roman mosaic
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birbwithlove · 4 years
PPP - Why don't you want be happy?
Huang JinJing starting to realise Jiang Cheng has feelings other than Anger and Love For Jin Ling
@birbwithlove so sorry I've let you starve for ppp content. This has a short second part I'll publish maybe this weekend
“Sect Leader Jiang, Sect Leader Huang, welcome, welcome. The old farmer smiled as he bowed low. He noticed the children beside them. “Oh, you brought A-Xian, and little A-Ling, hello children, have you eaten?”
The Huang Sect children greeted the old man brightly. He gave laughed and handed them both a candy, suggesting he had not been as surprised to see the children as he had acted. He led the little group past the old farmhouse to the stables.
“The puppies are mostly weened now, they’ll soon be ready for adoption.” He said as they approached the building.
When they arrived, the pack of puppies rushed over in a yipping mass of round bellies and wagging tails. They rushed around the adults’ legs, jumping up to vie for attention, before swarming over the squealing children.
Jiang Cheng kneeled down, and was quickly swarmed by the group. Chuckling softly, Huang JinJing watched as the scary Sandu Sengshou spoke in a soft voice to each puppy (which they had avoided naming so as not to get attached). Each dog tried desperately to lick inside his mouth, but even with numbers on their side, Jiang Cheng managed to avoid this terrible fate. They did manage to lick every other part of him though and it baffled her that he wasn’t disgusted by this. From his face, he looked charmed.
Eventually the children took the puppies out to play in the farmer’s yard. All except one, a golden potbellied thing, who curled up in Jiang Cheng’s lap and looked up at him with adoration. The feeling was clearly mutual.
“We could keep one, you know.”
She hadn’t suggested it since they’d first brought the puppies, but seeing how every visit she watched her otherwise surly and cantankerous husband turn into a soft fool, she thought it might be nice to have the cause permanently around their shared residence.
The familiar frown came back to his face.
“I already said no.”
“But why? You clearly love dogs, Jin Ling has Fairy, why not have one too?”
“Dogs aren’t allowed at Lotus Pier”
“But you could change that, you’re Sect Leader.”
“I said no!”
The puppy was now jumping anxiously between the two of them, trying to understand why they were barking at each other. The frown had now completely settled on to Jiang Cheng’s face.
“Why are you being so stubborn? The puppies make you happy, keep one!”
“Why do you care if I’m happy?”
The words stung. She’d long since dropped the open animosity of those early weeks of the marriage, and she’d actively tried to get along with him since the soup incident. She had thought they were even possibly getting along, as well as two people trapped in a loveless marriage could. But if he wasn’t going to acknowledge her efforts, and go so far as to actively make himself miserable, then why should she be bothered with him?
“Fine. If you choose to be unhappy, I won’t stop you.” She stormed out the barn without so much as a second glance back.
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birbwithlove · 4 years
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MDZS Tropes [7/?]: Nie Mingjue
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birbwithlove · 4 years
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@mdzsnet event, day 2: favourite scene(s)
↳  wei wuxian’s death scene (ep 1/ep 33)
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birbwithlove · 4 years
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im risking my laptop exploding to draw buff wwx i hope yall appreciate it
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birbwithlove · 4 years
I think another thing I’m irritated about in regards to The Untamed is how it treats demonic cultivation and how that has seeped into how a lot of the fandom views it.
i previously mentioned a rant about it so now here it comes
The Untamed can’t have anything morally grey at all because of censorship. So demonic cultivation is Evil and used mainly by the bad guys. Wei Wuxian using it was a “bad thing” but necessary as he had nothing else.
(this, of course, means the climax where Jiang Cheng gives Wei Wuxian Chenqing back very very awkward because…wait, that’s his spiritual tool for demonic cultivation??? and there is everything else as well sigh)
In the novel however, demonic cultivation is actually treated similar to how most cultivation is treated in xianxia novels. Which is interesting considering how xianxia novels work.
Let’s put the simple explanation of xianxia novels out; they are the high fantasy version of wuxia. It means “immortal hero” basically and is about cultivators ascending in power and kicking a lot of ass. Usually monsters but the usual tropes of wuxia still apply so fighting evil humans is par for the course too, especially if we are talking someone who falls under A Pupil Of Mine Until He Turned Evil.
I have mentioned it in another post I did, but Mo Dao Zu Shi is a deconstruction of xianxia novels. Barely any tropes are played straight in regards to the narrative. So when you read the novel, keep that in mind. Do a little research into xianxia it’s honestly very interesting!
Cultivation is hard. It is tricky and dangerous because you have to regulate your qi. There are stages of formation and doing anything slightly wrong risks a qi deviation. You know, how Nie Mingjue dies? That is a risk to all cultivators in xianxia novels. This is a well known trope and understanding of xianxia and wuxia novels. That’s why in the Guanyin Temple Jiang Cheng has to sit down after being wounded and focus; the wound interfered with his qi and if he was not careful it would end up worse. This is an assumption made in the writing; that the reader will understand it because MDZS is written for an audience who a) is interested in a danmei novel and b) in particular xianxia novels. Which are popular in China! It’s the counterpart of European Fantasy basically, wuxia and xianxia the more new little brother to the former.
With that understanding, demonic cultivation is at first treated as a short cut dark arts because you don’t need to do core formation to have the power. And the formation of a core is hard and doesn’t always work out to you being super powerful because of various factors. However, the risks are implied to be the same in the end. Wei Wuxian cautions people about it, but does not actually say people shouldn’t practise it, outside of refusing disciples (though they went there thinking he was “evil Yiling Patriarch” so can’t blame him for that). In fact, spiritual tools made with demonic cultivation are common (Spirit-Lure Flags, Compasses of Evil) use and Wei Wuxian is studying it a lot before he dies.
The main problem with demonic cultivation isn’t that it is evil. It is the fact it is new. This is an entirely new path that Wei Wuxian pulled out of his ass within three months in the Burial Mounds. He was tossed into hell and scrambled together a working version of manipulation of demonic cultivation. And then he focused his efforts on using it for war and in particular as a means to provide a lot of fodder fierce corpses to screw over the Wen Sect.
This is a messy, taped together path and thus why Wei Wuxian was still studying things by the end of his first life. Because there is a lot left to learn. Unlike with normal cultivation which has a long, broad history to it, Wei Wuxian is the singular inventor and builder of this path.
The single plank road in the dark. The dark here is more what is “unknown” not what is evil. Even Xue Yang does things different than Wei Wuxian; for all Jin Ling (who by the way we aren’t actually meant to see as correct in regards to his accusations against Wei Wuxian, especially after you have already read it and have more context on what really happened and how much Jiang Cheng lied to him) accuses Wei Wuxian of being behind living corpses, Wei Wuxian didn’t do that. He didn’t do those experiments. Xue Yang did.
What experiments he did is up for grabs but there were a lot of papers left behind by him if we go by the mess in his cave as shown twice. The Compasses of Evil came at that point. He was still working on them before the end.
Likely he was working on night-hunt suitable demonic cultivation. Before he was, as I said, working on the means to make it useful for war times. Which certainly increased the idea of it being scary and “evil” since the most useful thing he had to work with was fierce corpses.
The real problem with demonic cultivators who try to follow Wei Wuxian? Incomplete notes and working off a bad assumption that no one really brings up directly in the novel but is hinted at throughout in regards to how Wei Wuxian thinks back to what he was doing there with his experiments in the Burial Mounds when he was protecting the Wen Remnants.
Demonic cultivation is an unfinished cultivation path. And that is where the real danger lies; not everything has been discovered or experimented with by the time Wei Wuxian died. He is the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation yes.
But his work was unfinished when he first died.
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birbwithlove · 4 years
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“Since you want it so much, come and take it by your own ability.”
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birbwithlove · 4 years
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“The most disrespected person in America is the black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the black woman. The most neglected person in America is the black woman.”
-Malcolm X (1962)
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