bitchcakegreen · 1 day
This was one of my favorite looks for Charlotte all season.
She’s Aphrodite to Pen and Colin’s Eros and Psyche
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like uhhhhhh girl you just got married
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bitchcakegreen · 2 days
"Don't use Libby because it costs libraries too much, pirate instead" is such a weird, anti-patron, anti-author take that somehow manages to also be anti-library, in my professional librarian-ass opinion.
It's well documented that pirating books negatively affects authors directly* in a way that pirating movies or TV shows doesn't affect actors or writers, so I will likely always be anti-book piracy unless there's absolutely, positively no other option (i.e. the book simply doesn't exist outside of online archives at all, or in a particular language).
Also, yeah, Libby and Hoopla licenses are really expensive, but libraries buy them SO THAT PATRONS CAN USE THEM. If you're gonna be pissed at anybody about this shitty state of affairs, be pissed at publishing companies and continue to use Libby or Hoopla at your library so we can continue to justify having it to our funding bodies.
One of the best ways to support your library having services you like is to USE THOSE SERVICES. Yes, even if they are expensive.
*Yes, this is a blog post, but it's a blog post filled with links to news articles. If you can click one link, you can click another.
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bitchcakegreen · 2 days
more bridgerton meme
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i know y'all get me and are also a hell of a lot more hilarious/clever than me
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bitchcakegreen · 2 days
It would have involved Colin on his knees enjoying his favorite hobby…eating…right there in the alley.
If I had been the one writing the alley scene, it would have gone on longer and there would have been some ripped bodices and torn breeches.
It would be more feral.
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bitchcakegreen · 2 days
I am a slut for many things... All of those things being horny Colin Bridgerton
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Bonus: Breathless, can just about talk Colin Bridgerton
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bitchcakegreen · 3 days
I think we need a remake of I Married A Witch (which became the basis for the movie Bewitched) starring Nicola and Luke
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bitchcakegreen · 3 days
So I’m pretty sure Nicola said something to Luke that made him giggle like this and they kept it in because it just worked so well for the scene.
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3.02 - 3.08
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bitchcakegreen · 3 days
Some of that Benedict threesome action could have been trimmed so we could have had a longer scene in the alley.
I love BiKingBen but give me a break 🤣
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I swear Benedict was in that threesome for 12+ hours for how many damn times they cut to it.
Drama intensifies ------ cut away to Benedict swallowing Tilly's tongue
Another dramatic moment ----- cut away to Benedict swapping spit with Paul
Like be for real Bridgerton editors and writers. We didn't need more of the threesome, we needed more Polin aftercare near the end of episode 8.
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bitchcakegreen · 4 days
If I had been the one writing the alley scene, it would have gone on longer and there would have been some ripped bodices and torn breeches.
It would be more feral.
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bitchcakegreen · 4 days
Ok, real quick, speaking as a librarian, you absolutely cannot despair about the adult literacy crisis and shame adults for reading fiction books you do not personally care for or think are "challenging" at the same time. It doesn't work with kids, and it doesn't work with adults.
Here's how to increase someone's reading level:
1) Let them read whatever they choose without shame or judgment. Maybe get them talking about it using open-ended, non-leading questions to encourage critical thinking and comprehension.
2) Let them get bored after a while and seek out different books.
3) Repeat.
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bitchcakegreen · 5 days
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This little moment before the big scene gutted me. Because this is how she responds to him telling her he loves her...even after the carriage, the proposal, meeting his family, him reading mama Featherington the riot act and showing her the house he's got for them ...she still has to ask him if he's sure he loves her.
Because that's a trauma response to a lifetime of being belittled, overlooked, craving a moment of appreciation and constantly being told, by your own mother no less, that you should settle or stay single because you're not likely to make a love match.
That even when true love announces itself openly, loudly and proudly, you can't believe you're at the receiving end of it 🥺🥺🥺
#you deserve true love Pen
#f*** mama Featherington
#get that D girl
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bitchcakegreen · 5 days
Thank you Nicola Coughlan for that scene. To finally see someone with the same body type as me in a scene of love like that, was moving and important. Bridgerton
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bitchcakegreen · 6 days
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Let’s chat about this for a moment. Many are blaming this on Netflix splitting the season like that did, meaning that only half of the season falls within the Emmy selection time frame. But that’s only part of a bigger issue. While Netflix did somewhat prevent anyone from the show being nominated for Emmys because of the split, there is also a huge bias against romance properties.
What I mean is no one was going to get nominated for writing, acting or directing anyway. Costumes and makeup might have been, but not the three categories mention. Hollywood and the guilds don’t think romance is a viable genre and they tend to look their noses down on it. Same with the superhero projects. I remember the absolute shock when Elizabeth Olsen received a nom for her performance in WandaVision. A much deserved nom because her performance was so layered and intense.
But with romance, it’s always been the genre that people ridicule and belittle - usually while consuming it like rabid dogs - it’s not “art” and therefore not “worthy”
Which is a damn shame. Bridgerton has become a phenomena, especially this season, and instead of focusing all the hardwork the day and crew put in providing a nuisanced, layered and lush show for people, they ignore it as fluff.
There is a bias against Netflix when it comes to awards. The studio system and the powers that be don’t appreciate Netflix or Amazon Prime, despite both being a huge force in filmmaking. I remember when a Netflix documentary was nominated, and won, an Oscar. People were livid. That opened the door for more respectful viewing but the noms are still slow to come.
I think several folks should be nominated for Emmys from Bridgerton, for wigs and costumes alone, but sadly it’s not to be this season. Maybe in the future the Emmy guild will yank that big old stick out of their collective asses about romance.
One can hope.
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bitchcakegreen · 7 days
I’ve got the photo on my page if anyone wants to see it.
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In context to this:
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bitchcakegreen · 7 days
Possible Polin spoilers below the cut.
I don’t know if it’s real but here we go.
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bitchcakegreen · 7 days
So we all understand the scene showing the Mondrich’s separate bedrooms “that’s the way things are done” is just setting up Colin and Pen sleeping in the same room, right?
Cue Colin on the couch with his little teacup all sad boy moment in the trailer…Bridgerton
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bitchcakegreen · 7 days
Let’s talk about the line “until he knows the real you, he can not possibly love you”
There’s a lot to unpack in that line because to a certain extent Eloise is talking about herself and not just Colin.
Colin does know the real Penelope. He’s the only one who truly does, maybe her lady’s mad Rae can be added to that list, but it’s really only Colin who does.
Eloise never truly knew Pen, despite their closeness and friendship prior to the LW reveal. Eloise didn’t really listen to Pen when she said she did want marriage. Eloise is and was a good friend and person, she just is a tunnel-vision focused person.
Colin, while not knowing Pen is Whistledown, does in fact know her, all of her to be more precise. That’s where the love comes from. For Eloise to not see that is pretty telling.
Eloise is somewhat shocked by realizing Pen has had feelings for her brother for a long time. This is also interesting. If Eloise had truly been paying attention she would have noticed from the jump. But again, Eloise has always been focused elsewhere. Also she’s angry because she might now believe that Pen used Eloise to get to Colin. But that again leads to Eloise having tunnel vision and not truly knowing Pen.
Don’t get me wrong. I love Eloise and I love her arc, I just need her to chill out for a movement.
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