bitchspot1 · 7 years
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bitchspot1 · 8 years
This is stupid.  Non-believers already have every right to hold office absolutely everywhere.  This was decided by the Supreme Court more than 40 years ago when they tossed out all of the prohibitions as unconstitutional.  None of them are in force.  Stop showing your ignorance and get with the program.
Restore the right of nonbelievers!
Hello there!
I would kindly invite you to support my petition by signing it and if you like the idea of the equality of the citizen, than please support it by posting it in you social media! Thank you! < 3
Link below: https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/Legislators_of_7_US_states_US_government_Restore_the_right_of_nonbelievers_to_hold_office_in_the_US/?abaaaab
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bitchspot1 · 8 years
Russell and the rest of the assholes at AE are like that.  That’s what happens when you’re a member of the regressive left.
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Russell Glasser from the Atheist Experience everyone. Protecting his safe space from the evils of dissenting opinion.
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bitchspot1 · 8 years
Horror Show Sunday: Give the Boy a Hand!
Horror Show Sunday: Give the Boy a Hand! http://wp.me/p1w2AR-3gW #Islam #Muslim #mutilation #hand #stupidty #atheism #atheist
It’s bad enough when religion makes people abuse others, but when it makes them abuse themselves, it’s unforgivable. In Punjab, India, 15-year old Mohammad Anwar mistakenly raised his hand after he misheard a statement by an imam at the village mosque.  Convinced that he had committed blasphemy, instead of just acknowledging his mistake and asking forgiveness, Mohammad did what any good Muslim…
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bitchspot1 · 8 years
Muhammad Was a Pedophile?
Muhammad Was a Pedophile? #Islam #Muslim #Muhammad #pedophile #atheism #atheist #liberal
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This is something I see from atheists all the time and it drives me crazy.  But this is also a problem with the political left across the board as I’ve pointed out in the past and something that, sorry, just makes you look bad. The reality is, at the time that Muhammad was around, marrying children was an accepted course of action.  It was something that everyone did.  It was normal for the…
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bitchspot1 · 8 years
You Think, Therefore You Are?
You Think, Therefore You Are? #Descartes #philosophy #being #AI #computers
I think, therefore I am – René Descartes Lots of people think that’s the end all be all of individual existence, we can know, for an absolute fact, that we actually exist as sentient beings because we are capable of asking the question at all.  But unfortunately, that’s just not the case. Descartes believed that human thought was the ultimate sign that he was a real boy was that he could think…
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bitchspot1 · 8 years
Rant: Why Are Listing Agents So Stupid?
Rant: Why Are Listing Agents So Stupid? #realestate #responsibility #stupidity
For anyone who doesn’t know, my wife and I have been in the process of buying a new house and moving and, as anyone who has ever done it before, you know it’s a hassle.  But the more we’ve looked at listings and tried to find good properties, the more convinced we both are that real estate listing agents are completely morons.  Or they just don’t care and are crappy at their jobs.  Take your…
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bitchspot1 · 8 years
Why Can't Liberals Stop Being Racist?
Why Can't Liberals Stop Being Racist? #liberal #racism #sexism #hypocrisy #SJW
You know, I get so sick of this every single day when liberals are continuously racist and sexist and genderist and all the rest of “ists” that they throw around.  The most recent example is the furor over Scarlett Johanssen being cast in the live action Ghost in the Shell movie by idiot liberals who have no clue why they’re just wrong about the whole thing.  I actually did a video over on my…
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bitchspot1 · 8 years
Terminal Stupidity Burnout
Terminal Stupidity Burnout #stupidity #religion #liberal #SJW #logic #reason #atheist #conservative
Does this ever happen to you?  You spend a considerable amount of time debating religious, political and social issues with the usual band of idiots and after a while, you just can’t take it anymore because you know that ultimately, it’s a pointless exercise.  You know that the people you’re talking to are beyond reason and don’t care what you have to say anyhow, so you start to wonder what the…
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bitchspot1 · 8 years
"I'm Not Happy!"
"I'm Not Happy!" #liberal #libertarian #happiness #immaturity #progressive
I get so sick of hearing that, both from the liberal left and from the libertarians.  They’re just not happy with the way the world is, therefore they think the world needs to change to accommodate their precious little feelings. Bullshit. But these are both fundamentally different questions so they have to be addressed separately.  And because I spend a lot of time beating up on liberals, I’ll…
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bitchspot1 · 8 years
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Liberals need a constant supply of these.
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bitchspot1 · 8 years
Horror Show Sunday: Burn Baby Burn
Horror Show Sunday: Burn Baby Burn #Islam #murder #violence #Muslim #Afghanistan #atheism #atheist
Farkhunda Malikzada almost made it away from the Islamic crowd that sought to murder her, accusing her of burning a Qur’an at a local Muslim shrine.  But even though two police officers in Kabul, Afghanistan, pulled her up onto the roof of a shed, above the heads of the pursuing crowd, she was knocked down again by poles and set upon, murdered by hundreds of Muslim men, many of whom filmed the…
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bitchspot1 · 8 years
Attacking Those Who Don't Use Drugs
Attacking Those Who Don't Use Drugs #drugs #stupidity #immaturity
This one always gives me a chuckle.  Whenever the subject of drug legalization comes up and I say I am not in favor of it, the nutty drug advocates desperately try to find something that I do that they can point at and say “aha!  You’re guilty too!”  They never can, of course, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs, and I’ve even started saying I don’t do religion because that’s an…
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bitchspot1 · 8 years
Why Don't People Understand Philosophical Skepticism?
Why Don't People Understand Philosophical Skepticism? #philosophy #skepticism #religion #atheism #gullibility
It seems like I stumble into a lot of these really bizarre conversations and I suppose I do, but more than weird discussions, I find weird people who honestly don’t have a clue what they’re talking about and apparently, they’re proud of it.  So here we go again with someone who doesn’t know a thing, they just pretend that they do. Philosophical skepticism is a school of thought that, in layman’s…
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bitchspot1 · 8 years
Theists Have Nothing
Theists Have Nothing #religion #evidence #faith #atheism #atheist #intelligence
I’m sure this is something that every atheist who ever takes on religion has seen, but it  still pisses me off every single time it comes up, as it has a couple of times recently.  You know, the theists who say “we have evidence, we’re just not going to show it to you because you’ll refuse to see it!”  This recently happened over on my YouTube channel, where a theist popped into one of my videos,…
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bitchspot1 · 8 years
Horror Show Sunday: Sexual Abuse Cover-Up
Horror Show Sunday: Sexual Abuse Cover-Up #sexabuse #Christianity #religion #rape #atheism #atheist
Are there any of these holy-roller anti-woman fundamentalist assholes who don’t eventually get accused of sexual abuse? This time out, Bill Gothard, founder of Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP), has been accused by ten women of rape, sexual abuse and covering it all up. Gothard’s Christian homeschooling principles have been adopted by many religious families, including the Duggars, who…
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bitchspot1 · 8 years
Are Christians Persecuted in America?
Are Christians Persecuted in America? #religion #Christianity #persecution #maturity #reality #society
This is nothing new, we’ve heard claims from fundamentalist Christians for years that they’re being persecuted, but a new study shows that an increasing number of Christians are adopting this ridiculous view.  According to a Lifeway Research poll, 63% of those polled say that Christians are facing a growing degree of intolerance. Now Lifeway is a specifically evangelical Christian organization so…
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