bixyaps 3 months
One of my best mates posted like a sobriety post thing on tiktok (she is not sober but she's sober from a specific substance that basically ruined her life for like 2 months) and the comments r all filled w "I'm so proud of you ml 馃┒" "you're doing so well! <3" "always here for you xx" which is all well and good, love that she has a good support system, except she fucking doesn't. None of those people in that comment section were there for her at ALL when she was using. They were actively harassing her, encouraging other people to harass her, stealing her belongings bc they it was 'okay' bc she's a 'bitch' for what she was doing, etc etc. Every single person in those comments was either making her feel so unsafe at school that she had to sit in the office at breaks, or supporting and validating people who were. I understand not wanting to be around someone who's using but they turned into BULLIES the second it wasn't convenient to love someone. Not to be that person but I was one of the ONLY PEOPLE who was genuinely there for her, and almost every single other person w/o fail who supported her would be doing it in private and validating people who were being cruel just because they didn't wanna be ostracised the same way she was. I was the only fucking real friend she had, who wld defend her, go out of my way to make her feel loved and supported and safe even when it was unsafe for me to do so, and now it's convenient to love her again, everyone is soo proud of her and allllways there if she needs to talk. No you're not. You have never been there for her. Not when it hasn't been easy. If your love is conditional, that's fine, no one is faulting you for that. But I'm so fucking sick of people pretending it's not. When in the past 12 months you were calling her a deadbeat, a druggie, worthless, selfish, a slut, whatever the fuck else you were calling her. Making her cry making her wanna end her life, because of how cruel you were being. To someone who was BARELY a teenager falling victim to predatory dealers and terrible circumstances making her use stronger substances than she usually would. Yous can all suck an entire bag of dicks. My comment was the only one she responded to on that post and honestly, damn fucking right.
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bixyaps 4 months
Genuinely think I might be a terrible person bc I say things like "yeah I hate it when you (do this thing that doesn't reaaally affect me or anyone) I think you do it badly and you don't really respect the craft". And then five seconds later I'll add "but also how I feel about you is literally not your problem at all and you can do whatever you want forever. Don't listen to the haters. Do literally whatever you want that brings you joy thats punk as hell" and I think about that and I'm like 馃槯 I could've just apologised aye. But also like I'm not sorry for having my opinions !!! And you shouldn't be sorry you're doing something I have a negative opinion of !!!! Like literally just do whatever you want forever and I'll talk my shit but you do not have to listennnennnn !!! But maybe that's a cop out of being a good friend idk.
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bixyaps 5 months
Fuck fuck fuck I read an article ab how itsv and atsv have together made like a billion dollars at the box office (not exaggeration that's what it said,,,) and this might (depending on how well btsv is received) mean Marvels gnna wanna make more animated movies,,,,,,, OHMYGOODNESS !!!! I think Spider-Verse is truly special bc it was like, the first of what it did (arguably),, BUT but it looks the way it does bc it was specifically animated with a comic book in mind and I assume that means we can take that premise/technology and apply it to other mediums and make more cool visually distinct animated movies using the same sort of technology !!!!!! Like we saw w that puss in boots movie that was sooo good bc it kind of looked like Spider-Verse but it was so obviously set in a fantasy land/storybook moreso than a comic book,,,,, if Marvel can get its shit together (it won't 馃檨) it will use some critical thinking and use the technology and techniques used in Spider-Verse in new and creative ways and !!!!!! This is a massive win !!!!!!!!!! Bc idk ab y'all I got so attached to Spider-Verse at first bc of how fucking astonishingly beautiful it was and HOW GOOD the animation is (like I didn't even really properly have any idea what the fuck was actually going on until like watch three i just REALLY liked the art) and so if we get more movies w this sort of animation (but DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT, I would hope..) I think that wld be really really cool and we shld totally go in that direction I feel and I'm very very very very very excited about the idea we might be going in that direction !!!!!! More good movies !!!! More beautiful movies !!!!!!!!!!!! If you make a bad movie and animate it beautifully I probably won't even notice it's bad until like the third watch bc I'll be too distracted by how beautiful it is and by then I've already watched it three times !!!!!! More beautiful movies please !!!!! More beautiful movies that r all visually distinct though we all know what happened last time we 3D animated a movie and everyone else wanted to do it exactly the same way and get exactly the same 3D animation money
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bixyaps 5 months
Burr's character is the epitome of female rage...Burr was so female rage.....etc etc no no no NO !! you are WRONG !!!! just because YOU personally as a woman relate to Burr doesn't mean there's anything feminine about his rage do you understand what female rage IS !!!! female rage is quiet and sad like when Eliza burned her husbands letters !!!! female rage is born from love and a need to protect like when Angelica got all mad for her sister !!!!! they are RIGHT THERE !!!! Burr was relatable and all and you probably feel like his experiences resonate w your womanhood bc he was denied positions of power and watched his frienemy (for NEED of a better word...ykwim) get everything he ever wanted and he wasn't chosen buy Hamilton even when the choice was between him and someone he (Hamilton) disagrees with fundamentally on basically every level and is not just rivals with, but actively opposed to. THOSE are what makes Burrs experiences resonate sm with womanhood, but you have to understand ALL OF THESE THINGS WERE A DIRECT RESULT OF HIS ACTIONS. he was denied positions of power bc he refused to prove why he wld make good use of them Hamilton got everything he wanted bc he PUT IN THE WORK Hamilton picked Jefferson bc Burr gave him absolutely nothing to fucking work with. then he had the NERVE to get angry, angry enough to KILL THE MAN, over the direst consequences of his actions, because he felt entitled to power. there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING feminine about his anger i dont CARE if you relate to him I relate to him too !!!!!! but I beg you to research the terms you use just a little bit and LEARN WHAT THEY MEAN before using them based on vibes cuz fuck I'm so sick of this. Angelica and Eliza are RIGHT THERE to point to as examples of female rage, especially their deleted songs which honestly add sm to their character (I wld get mad bc one dimensional female character syndrome but ALL the deleted songs have SO MUCH character in them so yk the musical is already three hours long),,,,,, STOP calling Burr's anger feminine please it was violent and unjustified and there's literally no reason to compare it to female rage. have some media literacy please xx
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bixyaps 5 months
Gnna chill outside for like 15 minutes tho I don't want my stepma getting all grumpy 馃檨
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bixyaps 5 months
Nvm y'all I'm good 馃馃
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bixyaps 5 months
This bitch knows we been smoking I'm fucking cooked 馃槶
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bixyaps 5 months
"I don't wanna be mean, but your car...is more like......a woman's car. But I still like your car!" TO THE GIGGITY GUY ???????? TRANA. ICON
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bixyaps 5 months
Family guy js really racist y'all 馃檨馃檨
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bixyaps 5 months
Pr is sewie his kid ,.??????? Ummm idk
Why are they all fucking tje babies....um idk
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bixyaps 5 months
OH it's there....not roomate he 6m he lives w his family but his buddies
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bixyaps 5 months
Why is h talking ab his babysitter fucking his kid 馃檨馃檨馃檨馃檨馃檨馃檨 what da heckers
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bixyaps 5 months
Fucl y'all family guy is so alarming
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bixyaps 5 months
Had another cone......
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bixyaps 5 months
I had a dream my music teacher told Miles G Morales himself he was kinda girly....it started out js a dream I left my boots in his classroom (i have dreams I leave my shoes places and have to go get them all the time it's a common theme), and I was js lookin for my shoes, lookin for my shoes, so far everyone in this dream is a real person who really goes to my school, standard stuff, anyway I get my shoes and everyone else leaves them classroom and I'm there lacing up my boots. And then my music teacher walks in and is like what the fuck r yous doing here, and I'm like oh dont mind me I'm js doing my laces,,,,, and then 42 Miles has appeared in the front of the classroom ??? And he was like I'm also looking for my shoes (???? No one has ever joined me in this dream endeavour before) and my music teacher was like oh what do they look like ??? And Miles was like oh hmmm, they're Jordans, kinda pink,,, and my teacher was like, "yknow you're kinda girly? I mean, if you didn't exude your Masculine Energy, you'd be kinda girly. I imagine if you played baseball you'd be one of those fielders who'd like....*mimes catching a ball but for some reason runs his hand up his waist and his crotch in the process*" (don't mind me if that doesn't make sense I don't fw baseball). And Miles was just like ????? What the fuck okay then, if you say so, can you help me find my shoes or not
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bixyaps 5 months
I actually miss him so fucking bad it's insane...it's been months, probably longer depending on how elaborately he lied to me, fuck,,, I genuinely think ab this man every day I miss him SO BAD, I can't js fucking shoot him a text now goddamn,, even if I thought it'd go over well it'd have to be through his mates account,,, aaaurghhhh :((( I can't fucking do this I promised to find him in the next life I can't wait that long !!! I wanna text him and tell him I started learning bass I wanna know how he's doing if his friends r still dickheads how he's doing in school !!! Fuck !!!!!! I miss him so bad mygoodnessgracious
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bixyaps 5 months
Have y'all seen that one video of that girl giving her blue collar bf a facial....the one where she wipes his face w five like separate cotton pads and they all come back, like, soot black ? Bc his face was so dirty ? Bc he's a blue collar worker ? Anyway I saw it. And like,, yeah,,, wash your face dude. That's gross. But me personally my first thought was fuck, I'm glad his partner is happy to do that for him,,, that's really sweet,, whatever job he's doing to get him so dirty is probably exhausting and stressful and I'm glad he gets relaxing time !! If it were me I'd need him to shower bc he probably smells bad but that's why it's not me. And anyway, I opened the comments, and I didn't even scroll down and I saw "why is it allowed on the bed",,, "I put mine in the shower",, "why doesn't it know basic hygiene", (not exactly that but yk),,, etc etc....all these comments straight up dehumanising this poor man who probably just spent 6-10 hours doing hard manual labour ? Bc why ? Bc he's dirty ? Yeah, blue collar workers get dirty. They have to. It's part of their job. And while i agree, he cld probably take a shower, change into some comfy clean clothes, but not everyone has the energy/motivation/time/wtv to do that ??? These are the same people who are all oh good job I'm so proud of you ml keep going <33 when a 15 year old girl brushes her teeth for the first time in three weeks (not a bad thing),, but the second a *dramatic gasp* MAN isn't practising perfect personal hygiene, he becomes an it, a thing, an object ? A pet ? This is pissing me off, can we let men be dirty please, he probably just spent nine hours in the heat doing strenuous fucking labour w a bunch of people he doesn't like, let him be pampered by his girlfriend who clearly likes pampering him !!! Fuck !!! Stop dehumanising men !!! He's not an it just because he didn't wash his face before getting in bed !!!
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