blackcoast88 · 6 years
Continued on from the soulmate timer AU. How do you think Aubrey would react that Chloe's soulmate is her student?
mmhh let’s see! 
here are part1, part2 and part3! enjoy!
“A student?! Really, Chloe??”
Chloe didn’t have to answer (not in words, anyways) for Aubrey to know that her assumption had been right, that the tiny girl who had interrupted their conversation was the redhead’s soulmate. It had been pretty obvious to begin with, but the pain written all over her friend’s face was all the confirmation she needed.
“Bree, I…”
“No, Chloe! She’s a student! She’s probably barely legal!” Aubrey didn’t mean to be angry. She didn’t mean to forget about the emotional aspect of this situation, like she did so often. She didn’t want to seem mean, she really just wanted to help her friend who was looking at her so desperately now.
“I didn’t ask for this to happen! It’s not my faul-”
“I get that! But there’s obviously something going on between the two of you and you can’t possibly think that banging a stud-”
There was that word again. Banging. Everyone in her classroom had thrown it around as soon as they had all found out, as soon as both of their timers had gone off. She was able to tolerate it when it escaped the mouths of immature teenagers. But it hurt when Aubrey said it. Made it sound like this was some kind of game she was playing. Made it sound like she was some kind of predator wanting to seduce her student.
No one, not even for a second, considered that maybe Chloe didn’t want to ‘bang’ Beca. That maybe she knew how illegal it was to do anything like that with a student and that maybe she wasn’t too keen on losing her job.
And neither did anyone consider the part where they were soulmates, meant to be together. Chloe didn’t think she had any control over her feelings, no matter what kind of feelings those were. Holding back, in whatever way, was going to be hard.
“No, Aubrey! Can you fucking listen to me for a second?!” Chloe had enough of this. She didn’t need someone to chastise her for things she already knew were wrong, for things she wasn’t even considering doing. She needed her friend to be there fot her. The tears now starting to well in her eyes just emphasized that.
“Chloe, I…” Aubrey’s voice was a lot more calm now and the redhead appreciated that. But still, it was her turn to finally speak without anyone assuming things about her that weren’t even true.
“No! Let me talk. Beca is a student, I’m well aware of that. And you know me, ‘Bree, don’t you? Am I the kind of person to go against the law? Am I the kind of person that uses someone who’s much younger than I am? I’m not and we both know that! But you also know that I have waited for my soulmate my entire life. You know I’m the kind of person who believes in love and fate and all that crap. You know how much this means to me. I’m not a person to go against the law, no. But you’re with your soulmate. You know how much you craved her from the moment you knew who she was. It’s not that different for me and I feel horrible because of it. It’s wrong. But do you have any idea how torturous it is to know that you’re supposed to be with someone but at the same time you aren’t even allowed to look at them in any other than a professional way? Do you know how-”
Chloe was sobbing at this point, unable to keep talking. What had started as stray tears slowly making their way down Chloe’s rosy cheeks and her voice cracking softly had turned into the redhead crying out loud in Aubrey’s arms.
She liked to think that none of this was a big deal, that she could handle it. But she couldn’t. She needed Beca. She couldn’t have her. And it was breaking her heart.
“I’m so sorry Chlo…I shouldn’t have freaked out like that,” Aubrey whispered softly as she held Chloe tighter against her chest, trying to calm her friend down. “I can’t even begin to imagine what that must feel like…I was just trying to stop you from doing things you’ll regret later on…”
“I know. I know that, ‘Bree. But would I really regret it? There has to be a reason we’re meant to be together, right?”
“Yeah, Chlo. But maybe you’ll just have to wait.”
Teaching the next day was especially hard for Chloe, after having spent all night talking to her best friend, going deeper than she would have wanted to. Going deeper than she had thought necessary. Though she had to admit she was feeling better now. Better about herself, not about Beca. The girl and why the universe wanted them to be together in the first place was still a mystery to her and seeing her sit in this class, trying so desperately not to look at her, was breaking her heart.
She wanted Beca. Maybe she simply wanted her because she knew that she should, she wasn’t sure. They were meant to be together, obviously. And still she decided not to go for it. Not that she had another choice.
Knowing that she’d be with her one day was enough. One day they’d be able to share their lives and just be happy, they’d just have to wait. It was too early, still. She didn’t want this relationship to start off in a wrong way. Not the one with her soulmate, no. Tom had been something else. But this, this she wanted to do right.
That’s what Beca deserved. Even though the longing looks Chloe knew were following her all day meant that the girl probably thought otherwise. And she couldn’t blame her.
It was hard to keep all of those things in mind when Beca stood in front of her a few hours later, in an other than that completely empty room with no one else around. Just the two of them. All of the things she had preached all day where out of the window as soon as her blue eyes met Beca’s.
“You said we could talk today, right?” Beca bit her lip. She was nervous. “Oh and I’m, I’m sorry for interrupting you yesterday, I just…”
Chlke took her hand. Mistake number one.
“It’s okay, Beca. You don’t need to apologize, okay?”
Beca nodded softly, not letting go of Chloe’s hand. Squeezing it instead. She was even more confused than the redhead, but this felt right and neither one of them could deny it.
“So, the thing I wanted to talk about yesterday…”
“Right.” Chloe motioned for Beca to go ahead.
“You looked sad these past few days. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay, figure out what’s going on…”
“Oh Beca,” Chloe chuckled softly, taking Beca’s other hand as well. Mistake number two. The girl cared about her so much already and she wanted to die knowing that what they were doing just in this moment would already be considered inappropriate. “You don’t have to worry about me.”
“Your eyes were red, your hair was messy, I obviously have to worry-”
“Thanks for pointing that out,” Chloe laughed, shaking her head in amusement. The girl had no filter and she liked it more than she should.
“Oh no! I didn’t mean it like that! I just-” Beca was panicking now, not having meant to insult her teacher in any way. She didn’t care about those things anyways, thought she was still the most beautiful woman she had ever laid eyes on, even with red eyes and messy hair.
“It was a joke, relax.” The way Chloe was squeezing her hands again, the way she smiled at her, made Beca calm down immediately, and yet there was one thing she couldn’t get out of her mind.
One rumor, to be more precise.
And she just had to know. If she wanted it or not, she was trapped in this situation now and though she wanted just that, she needed to figure out what was going on. Looking back on it, she should’ve gone at it in a more sensitive way, perhaps. But then again, that had never been her strong suit.
“Do you have a husband?” It was out before Beca could even reconsider asking it.
And then Chloe was looking at her with wide eyes, a confused and perhaps scared expression written all over her face. As if she was asking herself how Beca could possibly know. She looked like she was going to try to justify herself, then. It hurt Beca in more than one way.
Beca was out of the room before Chloe could finish, the way she had said her name enough for her to know that the rumors were true.
And Chloe didn’t go after her.
Mistake number three.
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blackcoast88 · 7 years
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blackcoast88 · 7 years
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blackcoast88 · 7 years
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blackcoast88 · 7 years
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blackcoast88 · 8 years
Someone asked me the other day if I was gay, and I didn't know what to say because I couldn't give them a straight answer or keep a straight face...
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blackcoast88 · 8 years
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Chloe filming Beca through their relationship...
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blackcoast88 · 8 years
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One more exam to go!!!
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blackcoast88 · 8 years
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PITCH PERFECT AU: In which Beca and Chloe are dating and Chloe’s wanting more attention from her girlfriend so she corners her in the shower.
Chloe: You should kiss me.
Beca: Dude...
Chloe: The offer lasts for 5 seconds.
Beca: ...
Chloe: 5, 4, 3, 2 - 
Beca: Find...God, so demanding.
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blackcoast88 · 8 years
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If I ever find someone and we look at each other like this... I can guarantee you, I won't ever let them go.
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blackcoast88 · 8 years
For a moment, I actually allowed myself to care for you again. I allowed myself to thinking about you, not as the monster that once broke my heart but as the girl I fell in love with. I let myself be vulnerable to my own thoughts and emotions…and now I feel like I’m broken all over again.
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blackcoast88 · 8 years
I mean I've heard of it but I never really knew what it was lmao I'm down to try it though
Awesome, Nandos it is! However I don’t make it a habit to go out to dinner with anonymous people. You know, stranger danger. For all I know you could be a serial killer :’D. You might not even be on the same continent as me...so dinner would be really expensive. So what country are you from?
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blackcoast88 · 8 years
What in the world is Nandos?
You don’t know what Nandos is?!?!?! That’s crazy...it’s a restaurant that sells the best chicken and hot sauce. I can’t believe you haven’t heard of it. Do you live under a rock?!?
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blackcoast88 · 8 years
One day you're going to wake up and realise that you should have tried. You're going to realise that I was worth fighting for. And you're going to regret ever letting me go
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blackcoast88 · 8 years
Shoot alright, when and where?
Hummm, whenever...I don’t think I could turn down a good meal any time. I must say though, I'm a Nando’s type of girl, although I wouldn't be opposed to a Chinese every once in a while.
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blackcoast88 · 8 years
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Pitch Perfect AU (Part Three)
Beca can’t understand why the famous Chloe Beale would come to Barden.
(Part One)
(Part Two)
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blackcoast88 · 8 years
Be the beca to my chloe?
You’ll have to take me to dinner first ;)
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