Sex should be cherished. I’ve spent my whole life getting in where I fit in. I had to realize that I should be more selective with who I’m sharing my body with. I’ve been having sex with girls I have no interest in simply because of how they look. I may care for them a lil but they don’t really care for me. Nothing baats sex with the person you love.
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You gotta change your thoughts. You have to really want to feel better... and this is science.
I was such a depressed child.
A depressed ass teen. A fucked up depressed young adult. When does this shit end yo
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Thank the Lord
Honestly I must say that being single only made me understand why I don’t have time for dating. Females these days are extremely toxic. I thought as long as I just keep the relationship strictly sex things would go smoothly but I was wrong. These hoes (I say hoes because I’ve been smashing hoes) are no good for me. They having terrible attitudes, no faith whatsoever, hygiene is mediocre, dumb as a box of rocks, and lastly but not last lol they are mad disrespectful, deceitful liars . I’m totally fed up with dating I think I’m just gonna stay committed to myself for a long time I don’t need any distractions for as long as I’m here in the space that I’m currently in. I can always count on God to teach me a lesson but sometimes I just begin wondering why I have to go through these lil situations. No longer chasing love. All I need is some money God will provide the rest.
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Too smooth!
Everyone hop on the Isreal Adesanya hype train right now. CHOO CHOOO
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It never fails when you find something/ someone that makes you happy the opposition will try to spoil it for you. All this year my name has been the loudest of all things and it sickens me how “friends” will allow such nonsense. I’m under fire in all directions right now and all I want is a breakthrough. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel but it’s a fact that life can be a b*tch at any moment. I’ve been slipping on my dedication to the Lord and I really gotta get back on. My father is still here with me and I can never fail. I just want to be happy, I’m blessed but It’s work that needs to be done. God please take over my mind, body, and spirit right now. Whatever happens I will accept but I hope my desires align with your will for my sake. Thank you Jesus.
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All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.
2 Timothy 3:16
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Gwinnett Co
I believe that Gwinnett County is the place for me to be now. I’ve been spending a lot of time in this area lately. I find it peaceful and it seems like they have their own lil thing going on outside the perimeter. I’m getting closer each and everyday as my vision gets clearer with my place here. I plan to just play my part and nothing more. I gotta stay grounded in Christ and continue to let God lead the way. I’m able to accomplish anything because of who I am. My father will never leave nor forsake me and he is good on his promises. All I have to do is ask and have faith in Jesus Christ to receive his peace. My father is the ruler of the universe who sees me as perfection. There is nothing I can do to lose his love, for he is full of mercy. I hope to be as God-like as I can possibly be but only to glorify his holy name. Thank you Jesus
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Sometimes you have to remind yourself who you are.
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Manipulating Spirits
All I ever ask for is for nice genuine love. I don’t like for my emotions to be toyed with. As men we are expected to be a unfazed by the hardships during a relationship but, I’m tired of it. My woman should make my life better, and she should be my peace. When I come to her she shouldn’t make me insecure, low, or out of place. It’s only a certain amount of disrespect a man can take before things become abusive and I’m not going down that road again. I’m going through a lot of emotional pain, financial struggles, and career changes... The last thing I need is a woman pointing out my flaws especially if I’m obviously working on all of these areas. I’m 23 years old with the odds stacked against me, I’m not even supposed to be worried about a spouse right now! However women are one of my favorite things on this Earth. It’s nice to have a companion but I’m not desperate. I’m not with the emotional rollercoasters, abuse, or manipulation. I’ve been dealing with this for too long just to hop back into the same thing, this is why it’s easy for me to distance myself from someone. I deserve someone who respects me and I will be rewarded. I don’t know when or where but I know myself and I know who sent me here. I’m not settling for the old, I’m now only accepting the new.
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STRIDE not Strive
It’s about time I began living for me and not feeling accountable for someone else! Doing the things I enjoy has been such a relief for me. Lately I’ve been in a lil pickle of a situation. I’d lost my sense of personal identity over the years while running in circles due to my anxiety. I’d convinced myself that I had no time for liesure or fun activities. I neglected my health, family, dream and so on; simply for the sake of my career choice. I had to get back grounded in myself and what I believed in. I’m not so satisfied with a lower life anymore. I know I deserve to enjoy my health, family, and dreams. It’s just gonna take a bit more dedication to myself. I have to ask myself “what do you want?” more often because I’m at the point where I can’t answer that question sometimes. It’s not my priority to see that others find their way, that’s the Lords job, I’m only here to be a vessel in which he resides. Whatever my purpose is to live as a Christian man is I’ll follow. It’s very important that I don’t get ahead of my self.
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So it’s almost time for the shoot. I wanted to get my hair braided for my first video but I realized that’s just another excuse so it’s go time... at 11:30 I’m going to do a lil note taking to guide me through my presentation. I’m so excited and nervous but I realize that I have a lot to lose and more to gain so I’m on no matter what. Now I’m about to find me a dope lil outfit for later on tonight. Then heading to the business center.
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My first shoot
Shooting my first video For YouTube you guys. I’m so excited to share and motivate others with my lifestyle. I think it will be surprising for those who know me and hopefully everyone will learn a thing or two. Although this will be an educational video about the benefits of combat sports I’d be lying to say that this journey is going to help others more than it helps me. I am progressing in my journey at staying in shape, but I know that it’s a lot more work to be done, people to meet, places to go. I think this will take me to the next level at meeting people who will help and guide me through this. So the shoot will be on Saturday and the video will be finished and uploaded within a week. I’m so proud to make this announcement but I have a lot of focusing to do so once again I love everyone who’s watching and I hope to see you soon. Much love everyone 😘
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Bool, Balm, Bollected
One thing I want to master is the art of controlling my emotions. When things get tough keeping it cool will exalt me over any situation. I’m used to panicking when I’m in trouble, which leads me to making terrible decisions. Worrying reduces your tostesterone levels, and also promotes belly fat. I’ve casted all of my worries on Jesus Christ. So instead of worrying I challenge myself to do something that’s going to help me. Not something like smoking, eating,or drinking, which are unhealthy habits that could ruin me, but something along the lines of going for a jog or working out. I’m blessed to have a renewed mindset, thank you father for your grace. The Lord is so good to me you guys. He gives me chance after chance and only sees me as pure through the blood of Jesus Christ. I glorify the Lords name because he loves us no matter what. I know that my life got outta hand because of my sinful nature, but my life is so complete because I have a father who will provide for me forever and always until the end of time. I love God Thank You Jesus for finishing my struggle, absolutely the greatest of all time.
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Ever since middle school I’ve had visions of opening a music production studio. For years I’ve attempted to gather all of my equipment so that when I’m able to purchase the venue, I’ll be able to get to work ASAP. Lately God has been giving me visions of a recreation center, not only to house my music but also as a stomping ground for youth activities, fitness training, and anything the space can be used for. I feel like my life has purpose but like always, I have no clue how these things are going to happen. The only thing I have carrying me through this is my faith in Gods word. I know the Lord will bless us. Now it just time to stay grounded whole he piece it all together.
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I need understanding
I don’t understand when some people are so focused on shining in their 20’s. Although I’ve been in that mindset before, I never understood why I used to feel this way. At this moment I feel that right now I’m laying my ground work for my posterity. What I’m doing now is the blueprint for my future. I’m finding my pace while learning what I actually like, instead of trying to appeal to something. I will be able to make my mark on the community while living out my dreams. This time is really crucial so it’s important that I’m focused on the right things. Instead of aiming to look rich or successful, I’ve realize that my position is actually in the dirt. I’m planted in my 20’s, rooting into the ground, so that I will become a fruitful person. I will lead the youth into living a healthy lifestyle full of creativity and love. I will show them positive ways to overcome whatever situation they’re in. I will increase the opportunities to as many people the Lord send my way. I’m so ready to see what God has in store but most of all I’m excited to see how this will impact the world.
Thank you Jesus
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So much focus... I see my progression already. Feel like I ain’t even trying. 🤣
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