blkaiyo · 6 years
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blkaiyo · 6 years
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         ooc wahh, embarking on another trip today at 3AM! I’ll be drafting replies to try to post’em before bed.
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blkaiyo · 6 years
Send “BEEP” for a random text from my muse.5. an excited text
[ to Amy Foster ] Hey, I thought of you today![ to Amy Foster ]Someone's litter of Lillipup was rolling in a flowerbed. I'll send a pic!
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blkaiyo · 6 years
Send “BEEP” for a random text from my muse.26. a hyper text
[ to Calem ] HAHAHA[ to Calem ]I JUST WENT ON 4 GOGOAT RIDES HEY are you around???
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blkaiyo · 6 years
b e e p
Send “BEEP” for a random text from my muse.11. a confession via text
[ to Ingo ] Hugh and I were walking around in B2 2 days ago, and we wanted to see if any of your mechanical rooms were unlocked for fun. We weren't going to go in! Just a peek! I'm the one who pulled that one doorknob off, I'm so SO sorry. I'm willing to pay for a repair. Hugh is sorry too.
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blkaiyo · 6 years
beep beep mothalover
Send “BEEP” for a random text from my muse.16. a helpful text
[ to Green Oak ] If you just... rotate your smirk a bit, you'd have a more charming smile!
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blkaiyo · 6 years
ripped like a wet paper towel
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         “ Oooh╍ ! Stuff it! ”
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blkaiyo · 6 years
Send “BEEP” for a random text from my muse.9. a concerned text
[ to Barry > Hugh ] Where did you go? Weren’t you gonna wait by the ATM?[ to Barry > Hugh ]I was told not to let you loose without at least 2 bottles of water come back
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blkaiyo · 6 years
hey nate i heard ur a nerd
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         come @ me scrublord, im ripped
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blkaiyo · 6 years
beep beep
Send “BEEP” for a random text from my muse.2. a sad text
[ to Ingo ] Taking the subway can feel pretty lonesome sometimes? It's different than moving with Pokemon. I wonder what it's like to ride it everyday. I much prefer you and your brother's! Do you ever feel lonely there?
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blkaiyo · 6 years
Send “BEEP” for a random text from my muse.27. a weird text
[ to Champion Cynthia holy heck ] Are you standing at an intersection right now? Haha-- heart shaped shades, restocking on iced tea?[ to Champion Cynthia holy heck ]Nevermind sorry, that wasnt you. Please ignore that.
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blkaiyo · 6 years
I’ll randomly generate a number between 1-29 for one of the following:
A funny text
A sad text
A scared text
A late night text
An excited text
A taunting text
An angry text
A frustrated text
A concerned text
A loving text
A confession via text
An accidental text
A wrong number text
A text that wasn’t sent
A text for help
A helpful text
A comforting text
A drunk text
A bad idea text
A rude text
A long text
A one word text
A text asking for advice
A final text
A flirty text
A hyper text
A weird text
A sarcastic text
A heartbreaking text
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blkaiyo · 6 years
Checked in at the city’s Pokemon Center for the night... not even the exhilarating saga of pure gossip Nate was a little too invested in could deny the damning cravings that roomed with him.
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Too many “eat fresh” jokes. What a fan-base.
553 ₽ 00:47 Connected to Bulk-UP wi-fi.
Nate scrunches his face at the latest reply, which is practically a swoon for such an enigmatic pair of brothers. The number of contributing comments is frankly a disappointing few, and this inconclusive spiraling clips him with a need to undertake the investigation. A hand gingerly rubbing his eyes, visualizing the Battle Subway train isn’t particularly difficult as he recalls his tight grip on the overhead grab handles of the car. ( Anchored. ) Heat radiates off his fuming cup of instant ramen, and Nate remembers flinching when Zoroark’s claws shredded sparks. ( Was it really that tight of a space? ) @ingoverned was tough— victorious actually; and Nate was oddly satisfied despite this loss. A veteran trainer...? his hair was indeed gray.              Brown, reminiscent eyes reverting to a gaze of idle reading, he reckons the latest guess of age 40 is reasonable. Skinny, with jaded charm. Nate blows once, twice on his first bite of noodles when the convenience store sings its signature jingle.
The man in question’s timely entrance leaves Nate sputtering.
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blkaiyo · 6 years
kantosbest replied to your post:          ooc me tryna figure out what th HECk my...
i.kym-cdn.com/photos/… “nate likes to do it with his [squints] butt”
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         “ ... filthy! ”
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blkaiyo · 6 years
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         ooc me tryna figure out what th HECk my handwritten drafts say
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blkaiyo · 6 years
         ooc hi, itsa me, jimiiiiieeeey
3rd yr of school was HArd but studying abroad for a month was fun. I’ve really been missing pkmn rp, so pls hc/thread with me friends! hope my writing isn’t too rustyyy,y,y,y,,...
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blkaiyo · 6 years
johto. summer.
         When Nate looks up from the greening water, he expects to see the hunched shape of his great-grandmother shuffling away from the table with a tray of tea. Reconsidering his surroundings, he notes himself overly reminiscent and feels no disappointment as he’s served a cold brew by a stranger on a tiny, old-school yakatabune. See... he didn’t particularly like the way great-gran smelled. He takes a deep breath, then hums with the exhale.
Too bad Ecruteak smells like her anyways.
The large pond whelms the senses with antique earthiness, and the residing Magikarp are longer and shinier here. (Nate retaliates against a fish with an obnoxious face of his own; they’re mobbing and gaping at the surface, and Nate isn’t a hint red at the thought of someone watching him.) The gardens of this region are an entirely different realm to his metropolitan way of life. Needs more salt is a recurring theme. The food, the air, the people. Don’t get him wrong; the spirituality and discipline of this town shaped some of the kindest folks he’d die protecting, but it’s so bizarre. Their care feels undeserving with no pinpointable reason behind that unlikely (unNately) sentiment.
Nate sweeps the panoramic view accented by red lanterns, eventually fixing his gaze on a new customer - who is being advised to wait ten minutes.
Put at a table for four, surely it’s no coup to offer one of the seat cushions across from him.
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         “ The second best seat is up for grabs. ”
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