Psst. Howdy, fellas. Just found your blog and was wondering if I should wait for there to be a post on how to join, or just be so bold as to ask for the method of initiation NOW...
Ahh not at all! It’s in our sidebar but it juuuust occurred to me it might be hard to see that on mobile! I should make a separate post.... anyways here’s copy/posted from that page! Hope it’s okay I publish this so others can see!
Send me an ask here, tell me a little bit about your character.
When you get the go-ahead, make a NEW TUMBLR BLOG with a new email and everything, and make the blog reflect your character! What would they blog about? What would their theme look like?
Send a new ask from that blog here and I’ll get you added to the party list!
Follow the other blogs in the group! Make friends! Have fun!
I’ll edit this later with information about a skype or discord or telegram group for out of character shenanigans!
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@ prospective and current players
what would be the best platform for setting up an ooc group chat, if people are interested?
skype, discord, telegram, something im not familiar with yet?
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Welcome Pāg, Naïkiir, and Casper!
Pāg [Half elf/dryad, necrobotanist wizard] - @onlybyhappenstance
Naïkiir [Awakened leopard, bard] - @nightflowerkitty
Casper [Angel, beastmaster] - @holyhamster
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are we doing fantasy tumblr on our magic computers, or are we doing fantasy blogging on our magic parchments of sending-and-receiving-information? kind of the same but theres theoretical differences in terminology and user interface
Good question lol! 
Fantasy magic tumblr on fantasy computers! 
i like to imagine pag has a fantasy kindle fire or equivalent that they use
lots of handwavium going on in this here rp
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☆DnD RP Group☆
This is NOT a DnD campaign!
While I am your Dungeon Master, I won’t be crafting /too many/ monsters, obstacles, or challenges for you (though I won’t rule them out entirely…)!
The purpose of this RP group is like… a lobby. Where all your characters are waiting in between missions, campaigns, and adventures. What they do in their downtime.
What would your character blog about? My bard likes psychedelic art and uses copious amounts of surfer slang. My wizard likes trees and medical history. Follow blogs they’d follow! Post what they’d post!
If you need some examples of the kinds of blogs I’m talking about, look HERE or HERE! (Both are two of my old, now deactive, rp blogs,,)
Mostly, have fun, make new friends, and who knows, you might find a party to join someday!
☆ How to Join  ☆
☆ The Party  ☆
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