blogwriter · 3 years
Advantages of outsourcing app development!
1. Cost efficient: Outsourcing your mobile app development can significantly reduce your overall costs. It would not only lead to significant savings on overhead, but it will also help you save money on resources and infrastructure.
2. Increased efficiency: Everything you need to create a high-quality mobile app is available from a proficient mobile app development company in India. They have everything they need to provide high-quality work, including a dedicated development team and cutting-edge equipment. If that isn't enough, they also provide manual and automated app evaluation options to ensure the quality of the app. As a result, when hiring an outsourcing team, ensure that you get the best mobile app.
3. Constant assistance and customer support: The development of an app does not signify the end of your project. This is just the commencement. As an outcome, even after the app development project is completed, your outsourcing company will continue to provide you with customer service and support.They will handle everything from bug fixing to marketing and launching your mobile app in India.
4. Secure app: Aside from developing a mobile app, it is also critical to protect it. These applications, particularly if they are corporate apps, are vulnerable to attacks, which could result in the loss of confidential information. This is where an outsourcing mobility service provider firm could really help.They do indeed have a strong security system, and therefore their legal documentation and non-disclosure agreements are also pretty good.
5. Better team management: As previously stated, outsourcing firms have cutting-edge infrastructure. Workflow management systems, for example, enable work to be completed on time and within budget.As a consequence, they can manage their team effectively and provide you with a good sense of business technology.
To know more about how to outsource app development give our blog outsourcing application development a read!
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blogwriter · 3 years
Choosing your technology for your future needs and minimizing the harm is very crucial. It let's you set your objective target via a wider perspective that has all the aspects covered and seen. As Web app development services is the the prophecy of the future, the technology or programming language is a prophecy has it as well.
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blogwriter · 3 years
A proficient mobile app development company can recommend the best mobile app solution if you want to create a mobile app for your business. Any business, whether a start-up or a large corporation, must now have mobile applications.
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blogwriter · 3 years
Give my blog post a read that i have written upon recent trends of UX/UI Design.
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blogwriter · 3 years
Website layouts are significant part of a website. Website layouts decide whether website will succeed among the market or not. To know about various suitable layouts give my blog a read.
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blogwriter · 3 years
10 Latest UX/UI Design Trends That You Should Know in 2021!
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In this high-paced digitalized environment, UI/UX trends are ever-changing. This change is the only constant thing in this design world. This may sound like a cliche, but it's true. Users all around the world visit hundreds of websites every day, and if you want to draw their attention, you need to be extra creative with your website design. For web designers, staying up to date and relevant to the latest UX/UI Design trends is necessary for survival in the industry.
To see what we mean,
Check Out The 10 Latest UX/UI Design Trends Coming In 2021
1. Minimalism
Minimalism is already taking over 2021 and comes among the latest UI trends going to set its ground. Every time, while browsing the website, we come across many advertisements; there are constant notifications and alerts. Also, the user gets to interact with many interfaces loaded with information. 
To avoid such a heavy burden, the designers keep finding new ways to make simpler graphic elements. The best example of minimalism is Hair & Body Care brand Ray; they created an elegant and simple web design following this trend. 
2. Simplified UX design
If you are working with a reputed web designing company in India, you will get to know that designers are now focused on creating simple interfaces so that the user does not need to perform any extra action. One of the latest UX trends is simplified registration, for example; if the user wants to log in to the Marketplace account, he/she just needs to enter the phone number. Password is no longer the requirement.
Recently,  Apple has followed this UX trend to make the custom button for avoiding extra registration steps. With the click of this button, the users can choose whether they want their website to see the email or not.
3. Voice user interface
Voice user interface has become the latest UX trend with its widespread adoption. With the VUI(voice user interface) term, it is pretty clear that the design does not need to be visual to work well. 
VUI is an internal interface that has to do more with the data synthesis and context rather than the design. Designers all around the world are trying to keep up with the latest trend to share an incredible User experience by providing them with a voice interface.
For example, Google translator; helps to translate a word or sentence into another language. A user can simply click on the button, start recording the voice, and it will translate your speech into your preferred language. 
4. Glass Morphism
In the previous year, neo-morphism was widely used by web designers. It represents the amalgamation of two common approaches for creating the user interface. In 2021, web designers are going to practice glass-morphism.
Now, gradients are becoming lighter, but getting much more complex. The thing is that previously, web designers preferred to use only two or three colours in the line of the gradient. But now, this colour count can be increased up to 10, and overlay can also be used. 
These gradients offer temperamental outbursts because of their colourfulness. This is the reason why many designers prefer to use them. The SaaS company Stripe has successfully implemented this popular UI Trend on their website where you can see the blurred background with multiple colours. 
5. Unique 2D illustrations
Illustrations are always on the top as they were last year. Although, they are less generic now. Nowadays, web designers like to experiment with unusual proportions, angles, and storylines. They prefer to use bright, muted, or vice-versa pistol colours to create fancy illustrations for the biggest stir than ever. Companies like Magnet Co know how to give a distinctive look to the website with these unique illustrations, and you can do the same for yours. 
6. Mobile-first approach
Most of the search queries are made using smartphone devices. People prefer to use their phone to find the restaurant for dinner, book movie tickets, Magnet book cab, browse travel marketplaces for trips and so on. Thus, a website needs to look good on the desktop version as well as the smartphone version. This is the reason why the mobile-first approach has become one of the popular UI/UX trends to share a better customer experience. An application like Dorsia has implemented this latest trend in its travel application. 
7. Icons
An icon works as the most efficient tool for having visual communication with the users. Simple minimalistic icons are considered to be the powerful UX trend because of their ability to convey meaning using fewer words. Most businesses especially emphasize icons. While designing a website, you must choose small icons of same size and dimension for the same family. This will help you to display the skill level and let you focus on the website integrity. 
You can find this latest UI trend on the Vegan Badun Adventures website
8. Prioritising Accessibility
This year is all focused on accessibility prioritisation. Accessibility is a practice to create digital services accessible to users with special needs, impairments, and disabilities. Here, the target is the users who need a little more attention than others like the users with hearing impairment, dyslexia, all the old age users. In 2021, many business brands may perform an accessibility audit to ensure that their digital services are serving all the users well.
9. Typography
If you are a web designer, you probably know how important it is to go for the right font for a product, website, or application. This is the reason by experiments with fonts has become a remarkable UI/UX trend in the market. Now, the designers prefer to use typography to highlight the important features of the website and convey the right information to the customer.
10. Air Gesture Control
Air Gesture Control is another latest UI/UX going to dominate the web industry this year. This trend plays a significant role in improving the User experience. With multiple gesture control mechanisms, few movements in the air will make things work on your smartphone device. 
Isn't that amazing?
This Is It! 
These are some latest UI/UX trends that are going to dominate the world in 2021. Make sure that you follow all the trends while designing a website to reach out to millions of targeted customers out there.
To know more, you can consult a leading UI design company near you and they will surely help you with the same!
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Many people believe that all cross-platform frameworks are the same and that choosing one over the other for app development must be based on personal preference. However, making this decision is not as simple as it sounds.
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