bloodandfire-thgrp · 10 years
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Belonging to one of the most important positions within the Resistance, being part of the Intelligence requires cunning, being a strategist, as well as having the ability to improvise in given situations. Venturing out into public should not be a problem and you should be able to keep a façade on, successfully, to obtain useful information for the Resistance. Absolute trust is a must and only those with this will only be sent out to gather intelligence. For more information, please click here.
If you have ever heard of the expression "wallflower", you probably know that it doesn't just apply to the plant, but also to people. And Lorcan has always been just that: a wallflower. While his schoolmates were busy being bullies, or working out towards their goals of volunteering for the Games, or to one day become a Peacekeeper, Lorcan was always sat quietly in a corner. he was observing people, getting familiar with the ways of man, how they acted, how they talked, and how their faces betrayed their lies. And so he quickly developed a sense for people. Who they were, what their lives were like, what they lied about. His entire childhood, he was sitting in the shadows, always watching and learning. He was hardly even noticed by anyone, but Lorcan didn't mind at all. He loved the silence, he loved the quiet, and being able to observe. Which is also a lot of the reason why he is so cherished in the Resistance, in the intelligence sector. And when questioning someone, he is always there, in the shadows, studying people's facial expressions, to see through their lies and bring light to the truths that they told.
The reason why Lorcan decided to leave District Two, ad join the Resistance, is simple. He discovered that the President of panem, the man that everyone in District Two adored, was not at all the man he claimed to be. His father was the Mayor in District Two, and so, when Lorcan was at home, he overheard many conversations between President Snow and his father. Normally they spoke of boring things, politics and the likes, but one night when he was only eighteen years old he heard something else. Something terrible. Snow was threatening his father, saying that if he didn't do as he was told, the Reaping would be fixed so that Lorcan would be chosen. His father still didn't agree, as cruel as he was. Adding to that, he heard words that he would never forget, and they were spoken by Snow. "Any and all traces of hope must be destroyed. Even if I have to kill every child in Panem, I will succeed."
In his fear for his own life, Lorcan slipped back into the shadows, and left his house in the middle of the night. And somehow, he made his way to the Capitol. For one year he searched for the rebels, and finally, one day, he found them. After just a month of being a trainee, he was promoted to work in the intelligence sector, where he is treasured as a rebel. And unlike through his childhood, he has made a lot of friends, who adore and appreciate him, despite the fact that he is shy and quiet. If anything, Lorcan is a great listener, he is kind, and such a person will fin friends easily in the Resistance.
Ivory Lascius, his friend
Face claim: Max Thieriot
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bloodandfire-thgrp · 10 years
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Military technology is the development and collection of equipment, vehicles, structures and communication systems that are designed for use in warfare. It also measlavenns maintaining the system within the base. But most of your time is spent developing hacking software and breaking into the Capitol’s mainstream media, to not only keep one step ahead but also to use as an advantage, to use against Snow when the time comes. For more information, please click here.
Beaufort is one of the quieter rebels, probably one not everybody knows and not a lot of people in the resistance have noticed. He likes to stay on his own and shut other people out, just do his work and go home afterwards. He is one of those working in the technology department, a spot he earned himself due to his slight knowledge he got in his District, and because he isn't much of a fighter. Never has been, and probably never will be. He has learned some combat skills among the other rebels, but not enough to be good in the front row of the foot soldiers. Beaufort himself really doesn't mind. Some of the other rebels frown upon him, but Beaufort just ignores that. After all, he isn't here to make people like him. 
Beaufort grew up in District Six with his parents and his twin sister. For as long as he can remember, he had his sister by his side, and whenever he wasn’t there, he felt incomplete. The girl wasn’t only a nearly exact copy of his DNA but also his best friend. She knew everything about Beaufort and could always tell what was on his mind, and it was the same the other way round. Their parents supported the bond of their children the best they could outside of the hard work they had to do in District Six, work Beaufort and his sister joined in when they turned twelve. At the same time their father started teaching them some useful combat skills. Beaufort was always the stronger one, while his sister was quicker. No combat skills in the world could have saved them from what happened the year they turned fifteen though. It was late at night and they were hurrying home from the local bakery when they ran into two peacekeeper, who had a few too many drinks they realised soon enough. Their words were slurred, and while one of them locked Beaufort up in a tight grip, a mischievous laugh leaving his lips, and so he watched in horror how the other peacekeeper undressed his sister in the shadows of the road, pressed her up against a wall and raped her. He tried everything to stop them, but he seemed to be nothing but a fly that the way stronger peacekeepers could swap away with their hands. Nobody reacted to his and his sister’s screaming either, and so he sank to his knees next to the mess that was his sister, helpless and desperate.
From that day on, Beaufort’s hatred for the Capitol built steadily. It was their father that finally told him to go to the Capitol to join a rebellion, equally as hurt by seeing them destroy one of his children as Beaufort was. He took off with his sister a year after the incident, and it took him some persuasion to get into the rebellion. While he nowadays spends his time working, his sister sits at home drowning more and more in her misery, and she probably is only still alive because Beaufort keeps her alive. 
Face claim: Gaspard Ulliel
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bloodandfire-thgrp · 10 years
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As a trainee in the Resistance, you are not yet decided on what field you wish to work in. You will train within all aspects; fighting skills, strategy, weapons training. After training for a while, and after careful evaluation, a position in the Resistance will be chosen for you, according to level of strength, physicality, astuteness from your training. You will be able to ask to be considered for a position which will be taken into consideration. For more information, please click here.
Ivory has always had the intense want and need for attention, to be in the centre of everything that is happening to be noticed and adored. And so, she is loud, rowdy, and easily gets herself into fights. And for the most part, those fights are with other females. It can be about something as simple as thinking she is the prettier one, the smartest or the most interesting. Not only does her massive ego get her into fights, but in turn it has turned her into what most people would call ‘a slut’. There really isn’t a single person, male or female, that Ivory wouldn’t try her luck with. And the limits to which she will go to achieve her goal are pretty much non-existent. Whether she gets undressed, kisses someone out of the blue, or she sneaks into someone’s house, she will do what it takes to get her way. But in the core of it all, there is one simple answer to why she acts this way; overcompensation.
Ivory was an orphan child, and grew up in an orphanage until the day she turned eighteen. There were so many kids there, always fighting for attention and love, and eventually, Ivory learned how to get it. By being loud and noisy, her caretakers would always give her the attention she craved, even if they were only shouting at her to keep quiet. And at school, she was constantly picked on, which resulted in her current behaviour of sleeping around. It is the only way that she feels noticed or heard. When a girl tells her that she’s beautiful, or a guy says he wants to sleep with her. One would think that someone as selfish as Ivory would be too self-absorbed  to join the Resistance, but when she came to the Capitol while she was still eighteen, she was determined to join the Resistance. As egotistic as she is, she was still standing in the crowd on Reaping days, waiting for her name to be called, and that has always been wrong to her. Being a Trainee is torture though, as she desperately wants to be a Foot Soldier, but she is still treated like a child. But Ivory will prove her wort, even if it is the last thing she ever does.
Lorcan Combe, her friend
Face claim: Jessica Parker Kennedy
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bloodandfire-thgrp · 10 years
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Follow Aliss Noren!
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bloodandfire-thgrp · 10 years
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Congratulations, Meg!  You have been accepted for the part of Aliss Noren, tribute of District Twelve. Please refer to this guide and make your account within the next twenty-four hours.
Admin note: Fantastic para sample, Meg. I really felt like I was back in the Districts. So sorry for taking so long in your acceptance!
OOC Info
Your name: Meg Age [16+]: 17 Timezone: GMT How active will you be? [8/10] (College ew.)
Character Name: Aliss Noren Face-claim: Shay Mitchell
Writing Sample: 
Aliss walked through the Seam, away from the home and toward the merchant area. She had earned a little extra money through pity today, seen as it was the day before the Reaping and she had nobody to comfort her. She passed a group of miners heading to work and a pang of grief hit her, would life be better if her father were still alive? Would she have had a better chance in life, or would she still be washing clothes for little money?
The shop windows were full of clothes, breads and meats. How could anyone afford all this? The answer was most people can’t. Aliss turned right and headed into the tailor to treat herself to a new dress for tomorrow. She’d been saving her money for a month now to pay for a new dress, you never know when you might be broadcasted on national television. Inside the store there were numerous other girls her age, their piercing blue eyes scanning the pale cotton dresses. Ali’s eyes latched onto a pale blue day dress, standing out against the warm, creamy tones. She weaved her way through the other girls and took a closer look at the dress; not to fancy and just the right price. She took the dress to the woman behind the counter and, within a minute, the dress was bought and Aliss was out the door.
Relieved to feel the cool air on her face, Aliss walks swiftly back through the busy street and towards the Seam. As she neared a large warehouse-like building, the smell of stew and liqueur filled the already polluted air. The Hob. At first the strong smells had made her woozy and sick, but now all it does is bring back memories of her and her father strolling through the small stalls in the evening. Shaking her head, Aliss continued reluctantly toward the home secretly hoping that, maybe, she could be reaped into the Hunger Games, win and live in one of those big houses in Victors’ Village without the screaming children and strict carers. She’s not used to being by herself anyway.
Anything else: [Removed]
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bloodandfire-thgrp · 10 years
Is this rp active? :)
Unfortunately, not so much at the moment. All three admins are incredibly busy with real life stuff at the moment, so we’re all struggling to put our all into this role play.
(If this is the girl who sent in Aliss app, I’m about to accept it, SO sorry for the long wait!)
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bloodandfire-thgrp · 10 years
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Foot soldiers are exactly as they sound. In this position you will be the front lines of the Resistance. During an attack, you will be in the group of rebels that go in first. In order to be a foot soldier you need agility, speed, strength and have a quick and clever mind. Unlike other positions, when in action, you won’t have the time to plot and plan what move you are going to do next; it will all have to be on instinct. You will train in any and every aspect of fighting, but will specialise in one thing in particular, so as to get an advantage. For more information, please click here.
When Briar was only fifteen years old, she fell in love. And the boy her heart belonged to completely, felt every single bit as passionately about her. Eugene was older, eighteen years old, but Briar, being very mature for her age, was the perfect girl for him. They spoke of the future, about getting married and having children, and dreamed of the great, big house they would get once they were both grown up. And for a year, everything was perfect. They worked together every single day, laughed, and simple enjoyed their lives together. Until Reaping Day came around once more. A twelve year old girl was reaped, and Briar gave a sigh of relief. Until a familiar name was called. No, it wasn't Eugene. It was his younger brother. As panic settled in her body, mixed with a touch of relief, all of her nightmares came true. Eugene volunteered in his brother's place. In those short moments that they got to share before he left, Briar spoke only a few words. She told him that she was pregnant.
As charming as he was, and as much as he tried winning the Capitol over, nothing was good enough to save him. Eugene was drowned in a river when there were only three tributes left standing. And that same day, when he died, as did their child. Despite Briars young age, she understood that something needed to be done, and at sixteen, she left home to go to the Capitol in search of the Resistance. She did not find it until she was eighteen, and by that point, hatred and grief had built up so very intensely inside her, that she had grown to be hard, cynical. Very unlike the little girl she had once been. Any guy that approaches her, she won't give the time of day, and more often than not, she will mouth off at those who are slacking in their job. Briar is fast, lean and strong, and has continuously proved her worth as a Foot Soldier, and as a fighter, and has quickly become one of the best soldiers in the unit. As for love? Briar doesn't believe in it, not anymore. Any couple, or people being cute and flirty, she will frown upon them. Her heart has turned cynical, and she doubts anyone will ever be able to soften her.
None specified
Face claim: Odette Yustman
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bloodandfire-thgrp · 10 years
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Military technology is the development and collection of equipment, vehicles, structures and communication systems that are designed for use in warfare. It also measlavenns maintaining the system within the base. But most of your time is spent developing hacking software and breaking into the Capitol’s mainstream media, to not only keep one step ahead but also to use as an advantage, to use against Snow when the time comes. For more information, please click here.
If you have ever heard the expression 'cocky shit', there's your simplest explanation of who Magnus Rivendell is. From the moment he was born, he had been worshipped and adored, this because, before him, his parents had five girls. He was treated like royalty, like the ground beneath his feet was holy, like every word that came out of his mouth was spoken by a poet. And through his entire life, all the adoration and praise has gone right to his head. The entire home district treated him like a prince, and in turn, he became quite popular with the ladies. There isn't a thing he can do wrong. Or at least so he thought, until the moment he angered a Peacekeeper in the town square, and he was made a fool of when he was stripped naked, tied to a pole, and whipped for everyone to see. One of his sisters came to his rescue, and as punishment for interrupting, she was shot on the spot. That was the moment when Magnus, bloodied and naked, decided that he needed to fight back.
Joining the Resistance was easy enough, and he did so at the age of twenty one. Magus traveled to the Capitol alone, leaving his parents and his remaining four sisters in District Five, and had every intention of changing the world. From the second he started out thought, as a trainee, he found that all his supposed skills in combat, and with a gun, had all been lies. He was useless, weak, and had not a clue what he was doing. Yet he keeps on bragging, talking himself up, wanting and needing that same adoration that he got back home, but continuously he is torn down by his peers, made fun of for acting like he's the best, when he is really only mediocre, at best. This, despite how it gets on his nerves, inspires him to do better, to be the very best, which makes him a great asset in the Resistance. And with his combat skills being poor, he is most certainly an asset to the Technology department. The cockiness and desire to be the best brings out both the best and the worst in him, though all he wants is to be adored once more.
None specified
Face claim: Max Minghella
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bloodandfire-thgrp · 10 years
I can't decide between Kalliope Swann, Melonie Epsom, Adrian Maul, or Lara Ripley. Which would the mods rather see? Also is a fc change for Melonie allowed if it is Michelle Rodriguez?
Right now, new Peacekeepers would be greatly appreciated, as we don't really have a lot of those in play. Same goes for rebels. And in order to get plot moving, we need more of both :)
- Admin Jo
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bloodandfire-thgrp · 10 years
holland roden fc? :))
As stated on our FC list, under the category Banned FCs, Teen Wolf FCs are not desired in this rp :)
- Admin Jo
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bloodandfire-thgrp · 10 years
is this going through a revamp rn?
BaF is going through a sort of a revamp, yes. The designs are done, but it is still going to take some time to get the plot back on the road. We are getting there though, making lots of progress :)
- Admin Jo
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bloodandfire-thgrp · 10 years
This rp looks really good.
Thank you so much! :D
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bloodandfire-thgrp · 10 years
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As a trainee in the Resistance, you are not yet decided on what field you wish to work in. You will train within all aspects; fighting skills, strategy, weapons training. After training for a while, and after careful evaluation, a position in the Resistance will be chosen for you, according to level of strength, physicality, astuteness from your training. You will be able to ask to be considered for a position which will be taken into consideration. For more information, please click here.
Ever since Silver was born and raised in a small house in District Ten, all she has done is look up to her older brother and follow him around wherever he went. Being nearly 12 years older than her, he was her biggest idol. She loved being picked up and carried around by him, loved watching him read or study or help their parents with the animals. He would read her stories before kissing her good night and always waited for her when she came crawling into his bed late at night when she couldn't sleep. It was safe to say that Silver's older brother was her everything, even if she was only a very young girl when he told her that, no matter what happened, he would always be there for her, always protect and take care for her. Silver trusted his word, and for the first six years of her life, she really couldn't complain. But six years are an awfully short time, and not at all enough time to spend with your older brother. And six years really isn't old enough to understand what is going on when your brother's name is called on the reaping and he is suddenly pulled from your grip by men in white uniforms. All Silver knew was that all of a sudden her brother was gone, and nobody wanted to tell her what was going on. Her mother was crying in the kitchen, and her parents watched an unusual amount of TV, but Silver was never allowed to join them. Instead she spent lonely hours curled up in her bed, begging to the stars for her brother's return.
She never gave up hope, and maybe that was the reason why all of a sudden her brother stood in her room again. Nowadays Silver still remembers how old he looked all of a sudden, way older than he did when he left. But he still smiled and held her the same way, and that's all that mattered. Yet nobody filled her in on what happened, and so little Silver was stuck hearing screaming at night and how her brother's eyes went blank from time to time, how the smallest movement could make him jump or point a knife at her. It took years before she understood that her brother had been fighting to his death in an arena and returned after killing several teenagers. Once she knew, she tried her best to make him feel better, but he was already lost. Had probably always been lost ever since he left her. The older she grew, the more her brother lost himself. He drowned his trembling fingers and short temper in painkillers, and turned more and more into nothing but a shell of himself. Silver didn't even care about her own reapings, all that mattered was her brother and his well-being, but no matter what she tried, nothing could make him feel better. Seeing the person she loved most turn into such a wreck set off a hatred in her she soon enough couldn't control anymore. With twenty she decided to join the rebellion she had heard so much about, determined to pay the Capitol back for what they had done to her brother, for turning him into such a shadow of himself. While it was already hard enough to leave her parents behind, it was even harder to leave him. But the last time Silver saw him, he was blissfully sleeping, with painkillers scattered all over the floor next to his bed. It is that picture that keeps her going these days, and turns her into a strong rebel.
None specified
Face claim: Felicity Jones
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bloodandfire-thgrp · 10 years
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Foot soldiers are exactly as they sound. In this position you will be the front lines of the Resistance. During an attack, you will be in the group of rebels that go in first. In order to be a foot soldier you need agility, speed, strength and have a quick and clever mind. Unlike other positions, when in action, you won’t have the time to plot and plan what move you are going to do next; it will all have to be on instinct. You will train in any and every aspect of fighting, but will specialise in one thing in particular, so as to get an advantage. For more information, please click here.
Atlas was born and raised in District Seven next to his three younger sister, an apathetic mother and a hard-working father. It wasn't an easy life, for all Atlas did from the moment he woke up until the second he fell asleep was make sure his sisters were okay and well-fed, and that his mother didn't forget how to breathe while she stared out of the window of their little wooden house into a wood that seemed to darken with every passing day. In all those years, Atlas barely ever got to see his father. The man did his best to get his family through, and that meant chopping trees every single day, every single second, for the rest of his life. It meant that Atlas more or less felt like the father of his sisters. Yet he never once complained. He wasn't used to anything else, and even if it was hard, he loved this life and his family. All he wanted was to see his sisters smile and make them happy, and at the end of the day, he would have done absolutely everything for that. But there are some things not even a guy as strong as Atlas can fight. It surprised him that all of a sudden, from one moment to the next, he was eighteen and had survived the last reaping of his life. To be honest, he had always expected to be reaped, only because that would make everything even worse. But he survived that one day in the year he couldn't control, and went on to accompany his father to the woods to chop trees as well. It was a job he had always known he'd do one day, so he was more or less educated for it already, but the first months were still hard. He gained a lot of strength in those, both physically and mentally, because to him it was a challenge to not be able to watch his sisters' every step.
One year later, the disaster began. It should be the last reaping for the older one of his sisters, and Atlas anxiously waited for it to be over. Only that her name was called, and he watched her go off to the Capitol without returning. It was a blow that hit his family hard and sent his father into a state close to that his mother had been suffering from ever since she had lost Atlas' older brother, a boy he couldn't remember, to the Games as well. Atlas tried his best to keep his family together, but he did a poor job at it. Two years later, his other sister was reaped and killed by a Career in the Games. And another year later the Capitol plucked the last innocent child from the family and swallowed it hole. Atlas couldn't believe any of it. It seemed like the worst nightmare possible, and all he wanted to do was wake up. But he never woke up. His mother drowned in her depressions and died shortly after his youngest sister did, and all Atlas had left was his father who once again threw himself into work. 
Atlas never woke up, and that was probably the worst thing about it all. The pain was too much to handle, and he turned from the caring older brother into a bitter man hardly anybody dared approach. He channeled his hatred and pain into his work like his father, but it didn't help. All he could think about 24/7 was how unfair all of this was, and how much the Capitol deserved to suffer for what they had done to his family. Seeing as he didn't have anything left, Atlas made the choice to join the rebellion over night. Unable to confront his father, he left a note and started his way to the Capitol beneath the moon and the stars. It was a long and exhausting journey, but once he arrived in the Capitol and was accepted into the rows of the resistance, it was all worth it. And ever since, Atlas has been lusting for blood, wanting nothing more than to bring the Capitol down.
None specified
Face claim: Charlie Hunnam
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bloodandfire-thgrp · 10 years
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As a medic in the Resistance, you will work both in the field, and also in the base, treating whatever injuries might come to the rebels both during training and in action. You will need to be effective, quick and know exactly what to do in stressed situations, all to better the odds of the rebels as they fight for the cause. You will need basic battle training, in order to protect yourself if a situation where your life is threatened. For more information, please click here.
For as long as Kalliope can remember, she has held needle and thread in her fingers, sewing dresses and suits for Capitol people until her fingers bled and her shoulders ached. When she returned home she took care of her little sister after her mother left the family when Kalliope turned eighteen, for a reason she doesn't know and probably would never understand either, for she hates her mother with all she has for leaving her with the task to tell her little sister her mother would be back soon every second morning. Kalliope turned into her mother over night, and worked even harder to make life for her little sister even more bearable. Her father was at home with her all day, but he was a man marked from his past. Working as a doctor for the Capitol, he put together the tributes coming out of the arena as victors, and apparently his rather weak mind could only take patching so many bodies that would be signed for the rest of their lives even if the eyes can't see it. At some point he went crazy and was sent back home. He was still capable of living and taking care of Kalliope's little sister to some degree, but many things set him off and had him freak out without any real reason. 
As much as Kalliope hated that, she couldn't blame him. She pitied him for what he had to go through, just like she pitied all those tributes in the games who had to be taken care of by doctors like him. There was one thing Kalliope knew for sure though: neither her nor her father would be able to lose her sister. And while she was already out of the greedy fingers of the reaping, her sister was only getting close to her twelth birthday. It was then during a night shift at the factory that Kalliope heard a couple of women whispering about a resistance in the Capitol and about their sons wanting to sneak out there that night. Kalliope knew she had to go with them, but obviously had no skills to offer them. So for her, there was only one chance: make herself valuable to one of the boys. She started flirting with him like crazy and actually had him in her hands way quicker than she thought she would. Somehow, along the way, she fell in love with him as well, and so wasn't only glad for her sister when he offered her to go with them to the Capitol, but also for the fact that she didn't want to lose him. The journey wasn't an easy one though, it was actually more than dangerous, and they were attacked by peacekeepers halfway there. Her father, who she of course didn't leave behind, was hurt - not so badly that he couldn't survive it, but badly enough to slow them down - and to get her boyfriend kill. It happened so fast Kalliope barely noticed or understood it, and only when they had settled down in the Capitol it all came crashing down on her. Anger mixed with pain, and grew into even bigger desperation to become a part of the resistance. It took Kalliope some convincing until she was accepted, and now she is working harder than ever before in her life to deem herself worthy and get some justice.
None specified
Face claim: Jaime Chung
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bloodandfire-thgrp · 10 years
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Belonging to one of the most important positions within the Resistance, being part of the Intelligence requires cunning, being a strategist, as well as having the ability to improvise in given situations. Venturing out into public should not be a problem and you should be able to keep a façade on, successfully, to obtain useful information for the Resistance. Absolute trust is a must and only those with this will only be sent out to gather intelligence. For more information, please click here.
Compared to most rebels in the resistance, Garric's life growing up in District Five has been more or less uneventful and definitely bearable. He grew up with loving parents who never forgot about him no matter how much they had to work. Him, and to that his closest friends, were spared by the reapings and always watched faces they knew, but quickly could forget about as well. Garric could surely be called a lucky boy, and his parents always told him so to make sure he would never forget what world he lived in, and just how lucky he had been all those years. When Garric turned eighteen and was about to be send to the District's fabrics, a group of peacekeepers turned up at his doorstep and asked him to accompany them to the train leading him straight into the Capitol so that he could pick up his work there. The story of the smartest children in the District being sent to the Capitol once they came off age had always sounded like a myth to Garric, otherwise he probably wouldn't have shown his intelligence so openly in class. But he had, and the thing is: You don't say no to the Capitol's orders. Especially not when you love your parents and there's a group of very threatening peacekeeper's standing on your door step. So Garric packed a few things that meant the world to him and left, knowing it was very likely that he would never see his parents again.
Garric was led right into the heart of the Capitol, and then straight into the training center once he had rushed through a short education on the Capitol's technique they needed him to use. To sum it up in a few words, Garric should make sure the power in both the training center and the arena would never falter, additionally to a few minor, uglier jobs. At first he thought it couldn't be all that bad, but Garric quickly enough learned better. Mistakes were an impossibility. His colleagues who made mistakes just vanished from their places, something that stressed him once he understood what it meant. Garric was always on edge, always wary, always suspicious and careful. Being one of those who sent mutations and other awful inventions of the gamemakers of innocent tributes didn't leave him unharmed, in fact there was a time he rarely ever slept, always feeling guilty and hating himself. The emotions and stress built up inside of him, and he was probably about to make a mistake and get killed, when he met a young girl in a bar one night while drowning in alcohol who whispered venomous stories into his ear about a resistance and all the good he could do once he had yelled his job and thoughts about it through the bar - not exactly a smart move, but inevitable in his drunk state. But not even the fact that he was drunk kept Garric from agreeing to join the resistance that very moment. Of course it was more than dangerous to vanish from the face of the earth, so ever since he joined the resistance Garric has been living in the shadows, hiding from the Capitol and curious eyes. But all the good he has done with his knowledge of the training center and the arena makes up for a million days spent hiding.
None specified
Face claim: Lee Pace
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bloodandfire-thgrp · 10 years
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Growing up in District 12 of course is not like living in the safe confines of the Capitol itself, but Jaimie could never really complain about it. Living in the wealthier part of District 12 thanks to his mother being the only good tailor in the District and his father helping out in the bakery next door meant that hunger wasn’t a problem for him. And thanks to his older brothers, fear wasn’t either. From his first breath on, everyone around Jaimie made sure he didn’t have to realise what horrors were going on in the world around him, and they succeeded quite well. Once in school, Jaimie didn’t really understand why most of the other children were so hungry, scared and bitter all the time whereas he was thirsty for knowledge and as innocent as a fresh white blouse. While other children tried to help feed their families, Jaimie spent his afternoons in the garden behind his house, building small houses for animals or catching butterflies only to let them free again afterwards. It was, obviously, a calm and wonderful life the boy led, one many other kids in 12 craved madly.
Of course that didn’t mean Jaimie was completely oblivious to the Games and the reapings. They indeed scared him like hell, only that his brothers told him before each reaping that he was safe and didn’t have to worry, because if his name was to be called, they would take his place instead. That didn’t mean he went into the reaping as he walked into school, but it made the whole thing a lot more bearable. What they didn’t manage to make bearable were watching the Games. Jaimie didn’t see a lot of them, too frightened by the bloodshed and the monsters the tributes turned into. Yet he has to admit that he always had a thing for the victors - their strength and lack of fear amazed him and wanted him to be a little more like them. So it shouldn’t be surprising that once victors returned to 12, Jaimie turned into somewhat of a little fanboy and tried everything to get a look or a word from them. As often as he could, he accompanied his father to the bakery, hoping he would catch a glimpse of Peeta Mellark, and brought the clothes his mother finished to the victory houses of both Katniss and Peeta. Be a little more like them, that was Jaimie’s goal. But he never meant to be reaped and go through the games himself. Like every year he walked less fearful than other children into the reaping for the 76th Hunger Games. And ony as his name was ringing in his ears, he realised that his brothers hadn’t promised him to volunteer for him that day, both being too old for that. So Jaimie finds himself confronted with the biggest horror he can imagine.
Aliss Noren, his tribute partner.
Katniss Everdeen, his female mentor.
Peeta Mellark, his male mentor.
Face claim: Freddie Highmore
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