bloodopal420 · 4 years
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It’s PRIDE MONTH MY FRIENDS #imsogay #itsnotevenfunny #pride #pridemonth #pride🌈 #pride2020🏳️‍🌈 #lesbian https://www.instagram.com/p/CA_JkEFl9zDwu82TCPi6lqaisJs0nrggh81kuw0/?igshid=qoitb4wfuxon
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bloodopal420 · 4 years
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Becoming a Greek statue is a whole mood
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bloodopal420 · 4 years
The yearly 4/20 decision 😂😂
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bloodopal420 · 4 years
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Check it out check it out
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bloodopal420 · 4 years
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You should check out my onlyfans page <3 
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bloodopal420 · 4 years
Quarantine Dab Life
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bloodopal420 · 4 years
Today, I’m 25 years old.
Quarantine has given me time to reflect on how I feel about today. I’ve never been one for birthdays (at least not my own) and although I am not afraid of dying, the idea of getting older is rarely appealing past the age of 21. More than a quarter of the way through my life, I realized that a lot of the core lessons I’m going to learn in my life, I’ve learned already. Now I am going to spend the next 3 quarters of my life growing and sharing the lessons I’ve learned in my life.
Starting now.
Here’s 25 lessons I’ve learned in my 25 years of life.
1. The only person you can change is you. Don’t waste your time trying to “fix” other people. At the end of the day if they want to change, they will.
2. Your thoughts and feelings are valid. You are allowed to and have a right to feel and think the way that you do in any situation. However, this does not mean that everyone has to agree with your thoughts and feelings.
3. No one owes you anything. Not explanations, information, respect, or anything in between. And vice versa. Communication is important but if emotions and situations cause it to be impossible or just that you don’t want to interact anymore, Then so be it. But don’t expect things to go back to how they were if you choose to leave it that way.
4. To get respect you have to give respect. The golden rule applies in most areas of life. If you want people to appreciate, love and respect you, that’s the energy you have to put out.
5. Nothing is permanent. So take pictures, make memories, pick up that phone when your friend calls, go to that party when you’re invited. Don’t let fear keep you from living in the moment
6. You are not a failure for making mistakes. Everyone on the planet makes them, and a few of them are pretty damn successful. The difference between you and them, is letting mistakes defeat them.
7. Passion should always be a priority. You need to make time in your life for your passions and the things that make you happy. Self care is just as important as self-preservation.
8. Money is great, but it’s not as important as happiness. There is nothing wrong with working a job just because it pays well, but if you don’t enjoy it, it tears away at your soul. Set yourself up for financial success, but don’t risk your long term joy in the process.
9. DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY. Yeah you need to pay your bills and act your age (sometimes), but you deserve to be happy! Take the time to listen to your favorite music, go for a walk, dance around in your room, read a good book, whatever makes you feel good.
10. Never let someone else tell you what to do with your life. Other people may have your best interests at heart but at the end of the day, this is your life. You decide what to do with it.
11. Toxic is toxic. It doesn’t matter if they are a stranger on the street yelling slurs or a blood family member that digs into you at Christmas. Relation does not excuse toxicity and abuse. You have every right to separate yourself from the people that hurt you.
12. There is a difference between criticism and hate. There will always be toxic people in the world, but true friends will call you on your shit. Know the difference between someone who loves you but is trying to give you a swift kick in the ass. And someone who kicks you when you’re down.
13. Smile. When you’re sad, mad, happy, confused, try to smile. You never know how much good will come of it. Worst thing is you feel a little better from the endorphins.
14. No one has the right to make you feel less than. You have just as much a right to be on this planet as anyone else. And you have a right to happiness, not existence.
15. There is not right and wrong when it comes to opinions and beliefs. Unless your beliefs are harmful to yourself or others, there shouldn’t be a problem with them.
16. Don’t let fear run your life. Let it guide your life. Take chances and fight your fears head on. There is nothing wrong with falling down as long as you pick yourself up back up.
17. The only person that knows your whole story, is you. Don’t live your life expecting people to automatically know why you are the way you are and expect them to respect and understand it. Instead be open about your problems and allow the people that don’t care or can’t handle it to weed themselves out.
18. Happiness is a choice. You can either wake up every morning and focus on every bad thing that happens or has happened. Or you can look ahead and see opportunities. Choose to be happy in the moments where there is a choice. So when there is no choice, you can truly let everything out.
19. Unplug sometimes. When you are unhappy and overwhelmed, remove the added stress of the barrage of social media. Even just the notifications can cause so much unneeded negativity.
20. It is ok to be alone. And it’s important to be able to be alone sometimes. Learn to reflect without a backboard, instead find healthy outlets to release your thoughts. Meditation is great but you can also do it while working out or doing other individual activities that make you happy.
21. Always share your passions with the world! Not everyone is going to share your love for things, and some people are going to hate them. But you’ll never find compatible people to walk through life with without putting yourself out there. And there are always people out there like you
22. It’s ok to cry. Being sad is part of life. And tears are the bodies way of releasing our emotions in a physical way. It’s necessary and healthy to let out your sad and negative feelings. Just find your safe place and let it out.
23. When it comes to friends, quality over quantity is always key. Try not to spend your energy on “friends” that don’t expend the same amount of energy on you. And communication and respect of values is key.
24. You are never alone in this world. People are out there that understand. You just have to find them.
25. Always remember to take care of yourself. Eat those sweets and foods you love, get out of bed in the morning and watch the sunrise, stay up late watching movies and laughing until you cry, travel when you can, make blanket forts when you can’t, let your inner child out every once in a while. But take showers and pay your bills. That’s important too.
I am finally at a point in my life where I truly see a purpose and reason for life. And I love it. I love the opportunity to wake up every morning to impact other people in a positive way.
Here’s to the next 25 years, happy birthday to me🎂
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bloodopal420 · 4 years
Sometimes I think I’m funny
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bloodopal420 · 4 years
Sometimes I wish that I could read minds,
Just so I could understand why people never truly love me.
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bloodopal420 · 4 years
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How the wonders of the world reflects in the look in her eyes.
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bloodopal420 · 4 years
quarantine emoji ask meme!
because i like ask memes and i, like most people, don’t have a lot going on right now
😊: what makes you happy?
😇: do you believe in guardian angels?
😘: are you in love?
😭: what’s the last thing you cried about?
😡: what makes you angry?
👻: do you believe in ghosts?
👽: do you believe in aliens?
☠️: what’s your biggest fear?
👾: what’s your favorite video game?
👁: what color are your eyes?
🧑‍🔧: what’s your dream job?
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦: do you want to be a parent?
💍: do you want to get married?
🐶: do you have any pets?
🌹: what’s your favorite flower?
🌎: where are you from?
🌤: what’s your favorite type of weather?
🍏: what’s your favorite fruit?
🥕: what’s your favorite vegetable?
🍟: do you like fast food?
🍕: what pizza toppings do you like?
🍦: what’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
🍬: do you like candy?
☕️: coffee or tea?
🍺: do you drink?
🏈: do you like sports?
🏆: tell a story about something you’ve won!
🎟: what was the last concert you went to?
🎬: what’s your favorite movie?
🎤: what’s your favorite song?
🎸: do you play any instruments?
🚗: do you like driving?
🚨: have you ever been arrested?
✈️: what’s the last place you traveled to?
🏝: what 3 things would you bring to a deserted island?
🏫: if you’ve gone to college/university, what did you study? if not, what would you like to study?
⛪️: are you religious?
📱: show your home/lockscreen!
📷: post the last picture in your camera roll!
🚬: do you smoke?
🔮: do you believe in magic?
🛁: showers or baths?
🧸: do you still have any childhood toys?
🎈: when’s your birthday?
📚: what’s your favorite book?
📝: do you like writing?
✉️: do you write a lot of letters?
❤️: what’s something that you love?
💔: what’s something that you hate?
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bloodopal420 · 4 years
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A gorgeous girl, with ocean eye, stares at the world with heart ablaze and soul untamed.
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bloodopal420 · 4 years
Memories of Morning Dabs Past
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bloodopal420 · 4 years
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She Stands in the Rain
Bright and Beautiful in her Softness
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bloodopal420 · 4 years
Insomniac’s Nightmare
Who are you? -- coming to my window late at night, tossing pebbles of unrequited feelings until I lay awake in my bed, remembering every mistake I’ve made since I was 5. Like slamming my mothers hand in the car door when she accidentally pinched my fingers in the automatic window. The beginning of my retaliation against life, constantly in combat against a society that never has cared for my well-being. The community that led me to wrapping my anxieties into a blunt and smoking them away with the last of my sanity. The people who chose to trample along life, tearing away at my pride and my confidence until I stood naked in front of the world, bare and fearful of the judgmental eyes that pierce daggers into my skin. The essence of my soul streaming from the wounds of my indiscretions. Who are you? Reminding me of the scars I have done my best to cover with fake smiles and compromises. I have come to far for you to drag me into an insomniacs nightmare. Who are you? Telling me that I will never deserve love. Digging into my insecurities with talons and hooks, dragging them to the surface so even the mirror screams at me.  Who are you? Without invitation you walk into the halls of my memories and shatter the dreams of my childhood. Dangling hope of returning to the innocence of youth before tossing it into the depths of my own sorrow. I have always feared the darkness at the bottom of my depression, but yet I have never desired so much to find what I have lost. Who are you? Keeping my dreams from me, you have no right. I remember the nights that I saw myself flying into worlds my mind created, now I sit in darkness as I hear the steady tap of those stones against my window. Who are you? Keeping me awake at night.
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bloodopal420 · 4 years
If you think you can keep up, think again ;)
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