bold-lettered-blog · 4 years
things i imagined
kyungsoo/sehun, pg-13, 8000+ words
sehun is really proud of having more than two lines (and kyungsoo is too)
(sorting through my old computer, i found this gem i started way back in 2015, after the promotions of ‘love me right’. i don’t write fics anymore, which is kind of sad and somehow inevitable given the very different life i’m living right now, but it was so heartwarming to reminisce about all the beautiful times i spent loving sesoo and writing and this fandom... i thought i’d share it with you. so here it goes, in all it’s raw, unfinished, un-proof read glory, a draft from something that could have been a whole novel. at the end, there’s a long note i wrote to myself how the story would turn out)
The manager hyungs tell him the exact same thing that Baekhyun's been saying all along. "I feel it, I feel it sooo deep in my heart that you're going to slay the next comeback. You're going to have more than two lines, you'll see," is what Baekhyun said, but it left Sehun feeling nothing else but a bitter aftertaste in his mouth. He is perfectly aware of his incapabilities of singing, and he has so much to improve both dancing and rapping wise, he knows that, yet the cold fact that he has pretty much nothing to work with makes him grim and gloomy.
That is why, on a sunny Thursday morning, when all the members are gathered in one of the practice rooms with Jongin dancing to himself in one of the corners, he lacks the feeling of any kind of excitement. The lyrics are about to be handed to them - some of the parts he's heard, mostly Yixing's, when he was singing in the shower, but he has no idea what's about to come right to him. Maybe Baekhyun's right, and he's going to have more than 6 seconds to prove his talent, but that seems too beautiful to be true. God, Sehun, get yourself together, he thinks. Jongdae pokes him in the waist then, staring into his soul like he's looking at his only child. Oh, Sehun often forgets that his face is like a mirror to anything that's going on in his head.
"Why so down?" Jongdae says to him, his frizzly poodle hair crowning his head almost perfectly. Sehun sometimes feels jealous, because Jongdae is one of the very best vocalists in SM, even if he's not as smooth as Kyungsoo.
Kyungsoo. Well, if Sehun could be anyone for a day he sure would be Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo the brave, the manly, the one with the silky voice. He would sing like an angel and more. He would be smiley, and nice, and very delicate and soft. Because – and Kyungsoo would hit him if he heard that – this is what Kyungsoo is. And Sehun wants that, even if just a little bit, to feel that kind of power in his voice, to feel small and cute and down to earth at the same time. 
Sometimes Sehun forgets Kyungsoo is human. He is, after all, but Sehun likes to think that Kyungsoo is an alien, because only an alien could be so inhumanly impeccable all the time.
Chanyeol would oppose to that, surely, but Chanyeol is not someone Kyungsoo would want near 24/7. Who Kyungsoo wants near is Jongin, and Minseok, and Joonmyeon. He wants near Jongdae and Yixing and sometimes Baekhyun and very rarely Chanyeol. But he does not want Sehun, and the thought cuts down right to his core where it hurts the most to leave him bleeding out all cold and lonely. 
I'm horrible, Sehun thinks, to view hyung's distance that way when obviously he has reasons, but Sehun can't help himself. Can't help himself now when Tao is gone to LA and Lu Han is in China. The distance is too much, yet feels nowhere as far as Kyungsoo is to him.
"And Sehun," the manager says, and Sehun snaps out of his reverie. He takes his paper and bows. From the corner of his eyes he sees Kyungsoo smiling, bright, but it's not aimed at Sehun. Never at him.
Baekhyun was right - as much as Sehun didn't believe it, he got a whole of two more lines to work with, and Chanyeol comes up congratulating him grinning, patting the small of his back.
"You've worked hard for this," Baekhyun says, and Sehun feels grateful, and strong, and invincible. Almost like Kyungsoo.
Jongin laughs at him, then, saying he needs to improve his english even more, but Sehun pays no attention to him. All he cares about is the plus two lines he got and this brilliant opportunity to show himself and everyone else how great he actually is.
After practice and reading through the lines to the new song and mini album, 'Love Me Right', Sehun stays back at the washroom. He dismisses Junmyeon with a slight wave of the hand when Junmyeon tries to coerce him back to the dorms.
"I'm good hyung, don't worry," Sehun says to him when Junmyeon looks too adamant about staying in with him. "Just need a bit of fresh air."
"Alright," Junmyeon says hesitantly and slowly turns to leave. His face is all soft lines and little curves. He is beautiful and sings just right, and-- god, there it goes again, the awful feeling of not being enough screwing a hole right to the middle of Sehun's heart.
There are times that you feel not quite comfortable in your body, Sehun knows, and he's been through those days, months, even years, but still, the defeating sense of being worthless stings five times more than anything. Being worthless means being unwanted, and even though Sehun is familiar with the feeling, he hasn't been exposed to that kind of emotion in a long time. 
It hurts. There is no physical pain, but it hurts just as much as having your throat cut right open. It itches. Lingers. Then you bleed out. 
I'm pathetic – is what he thinks next. The water from the faucet has been running for a good ten minutes now. He sinks his hands under it, watches the drops falling apart somewhere between his knuckles. It's akin to the way he feels his own heart breaking right now. 
He hears the door clicking open, and someone steps in. Sehun almost spins around to say something not so very nice, but when he registers Kyungsoo standing by the entrance, his back plastered to the closed door, he looses all his words. 
Looking at Kyungsoo now is almost as bad as having his heart laying around in tiny little pieces. Kyungsoo the brave, the great, the smooth voiced, the awesome. He really is awesome, and also so far away. It makes Sehun feel a hundred times worse.
He splashes his face with cold water, his fingertips going numb pretty fast. Oh, how he wishes his feelings could go numb just as simple as that. He turns off the faucet, stares at himself in the mirror. Kyungsoo is still there, with his back to the door. He hasn't moved an inch. It makes Sehun feel bad for him, because Sehun hasn't been particularly nice. He turns to say something, something cheerful, something that would make him feel empty inside, like, "I'm alright. I was just feeling hot," or, "I'm feeling okay." All of them would be a lie.
"I'm proud of you, Sehun-ah."
Kyungsoo says that. Just when Sehun thinks about a truth to tell that would not be as judging or hurting, Kyungsoo simply says that. Smoothly. Sincerely. Like he has his whole heart behind it.
"There is no need to pity me, hyung," Sehun says, and it's true, although it doesn't entirely feels right on the tounge. Sehun isn't the type to make a big fuss, he's just loud and sometimes overhyped and childish, but he's never the one to start a fight. The simple thought of having a quarrel with someone makes him nauseous throughout his body.
"Why would I pity you," Kyungsoo takes a step forward. There is only about a meter between them but it feels like a whole ocean. "When you are so talented? I only pity your limited opportunities."
Sehun goes quiet after that, just stares at the little bow above Kyungsoo's lips. He has a pretty mouth, and a pretty voice, with a pretty face. A pretty, petite body. Nice muscles. Sehun has none of that, and something self-destructive tries to tentatively climb its way up his throat. Sehun tones it down with a shallow smile, but the way Kyungsoo leans towards him indicates that Sehun doesn't have to hide anything from him. 
He doesn't realise how long they stand there, wordlessly, Kyungsoo boring holes into his soul with his eyes. Sehun would feel self-conscious if it wasn't for the fact that he's practically empty inside.
"Um, alright," Sehun speaks up after what feels like an eternity. He starts for the door, to where Kyungsoo is standing. His back isn't pushed against the frame anymore, but Sehun still senses his presence there when he goes to click the door open. "Let's go back to the dorm."
Kyungsoo just stands there, staring at him. Sehun stills his hand on the doorknob. Kyungsoo looks majestic, even while shifting his weight from one leg to another. The eeriness of Kyungsoo's being makes him kind of calm, but doesn't fill in the empty cracks in his soul. 
Sehun then suddenly realises; this is the way Kyungsoo gives comfort. Sehun knows Kyungsoo isn't really good with words, because he has his feelings too complicated to say out loud. Kyungsoo shows affection with body language and slight brushes on the arm, the fingers, the knees. Kyungsoo is good at praising but never comforting. Kyungsoo is not an alien. Kyungsoo is a boy with dark eyebrows and a rich dip above his lips that Sehun will never have.
Kyungsoo reaches out to him. The moment his hand spills out wide on Sehun's back is the moment when the empty space inside him slowly starts to fuel up with untamed longing, the kind that you cannot foresee or outrun. It's just a feeling there, at the back of your heart, pulsing all vibrant and bright until it dies out in your throat. 
Sehun reminds himself it's Kyungsoo. His bandmate. Ex-roommate. Brother. Friend. Someone Sehun could never... 
He doesn't finish the thought. He doesn't dare to. Instead, he shies away from the touch. 
Kyungsoo isn't taken aback. Kyungsoo doesn't usually have his reactions excessive - he is always collected, meanwhile Sehun is falling apart. 
"Okay," Kyungsoo says, waits until Sehun opens the door and emerges. As Sehun watches him walking afore, the longing kicks back with full force. 
When did he become so infatuated? Kyungsoo has been there with him pretty much from the very beginning, the trainee days when Sehun was almost the same height as him, when they were still little kids with only dreams in their pockets. Kyungsoo knows every aspect of him, but Sehun doesn't know half of Kyungsoo's heart. How did Kyungsoo make him so defenseless? 
Maybe he was whipped from the start. Maybe it was when Kyungsoo walked in with his arms fasted close to his side, glasses high up on his nose. Maybe it was years later, around debut, when Kyungsoo first let Sehun really into the hall of his heart, but never opened more rooms for him. Or maybe, just maybe – it was the way Kyungsoo's hands stilled over his back mere fifteen minutes ago.
Sleep doesn't come easy that evening. He still remembers the warmth of Kyungsoo's palm on his back, the longing that the touch awoke - the fact that this simple genuine act of kindness affects him so much keeps him twisting and turning throughout the night. 
Junmyeon is fast asleep on the other side of the room. There is not much light, only a faint blue ray of moon shines in through the cracks of the blinds and paints Junmyeon's hair grey on end. Sehun takes the image in, thinks, if Junmyeon were to stay with him in the washroom, would have he felt the same longing that washed over him without warning? Would Junmyeon's touch on his back make him feel not as empty as much? 
Maybe it's just about his attachment to his hyungs – after all, they've been through so much, ups and downs, awards, tears, angriness – that he feels this connected. They are close. All of them.
So why does a touch of Kyungsoo make him this needy? Years ago, this touch would have meant nothing – or, at least, nothing that it means now. It would mean "I'm here for you", or, "There's no need to be sad". It wouldn't mean "I want you so much".
He shivers at that thought. He doesn't really want Kyungsoo, does he? Yes, Kyungsoo is small, and kind, and soft, but Kyungsoo is Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo is his bandmate. Ex-roommate. Brother. Friend. Someone Sehun could never... 
There's this thought again, scratching the back of his mind all tireless. It leaves Sehun unarmed and a sudden tiredness washes over him, the weight of the world pressing his eyelids closed. These confusing feelings are draining him of energy and if he doesn't sleep now, yesterday's dance practice will hurt like hell. 
He wills himself to sleep at half past three, staring at Junmyeon's hair painted all various greys. 
Promotions for Love Me Right are cut short - it's mostly because of individual schedules and the remaining stops of their Asian concert tour. Sehun doesn't really have anything to do - one photoshoot here, an other there, but mainly, there's nothing in his line up.
"They ain't no giving you schedules because they don't want to," Jongdae says to him one particular night out with the beagle-line. "It's because the company has a lot of controversies going on."
Sehun rolls his eyes at that. He wishes Jongdae could stop defending this shitty regime SM built up. He doesn't tell him how SM cut short Super Junior's promotions as well, doesn't argue him about f(x) being neglected, or SHINee unpaid, even though he would like to oppose. 
Jongdae is not the right person to have a quarrell with. He is bold and loud, words sprouting out his mouth like fire yet inside he's mellow and delicate. It's all contradictions; Jongdae sees only good, but his words are sharp, even if his heart is made out of butterflies and fine china.
"Um, let's not talk about this," Baekhyun says, but Sehun has enough of not communicating about their problems. This is the exact thing that happened when Kris, then Lu Han and Tao left, it's the same thing that is happening now. Sehun has enough of not talking. He wants to, but doesn't quite know how when all his members want to talk about is patbingsu, and the thought eats him away. He's long lost his appetite, but Chanyeol is still shoving fat dumplings down his throat.
By the time the patbingsu arrives, Sehun collects his courage enough to say, "I think we need to speak more often. About... Our... Problems."
He feels three pairs of eyes boring holes right into him, but doesn't dare to look up. He knows what they'll look like anyways; having their mouth open, paralysed, a dumb expression gracing all of their faces. Sehun knows talking isn't one of his characteristics per se, but there are things that need to be said. Even if it hurts. 
He wonders if Kyungsoo felt exactly like this, the other day back in the washroom when he had his narrow little back pushed against the door. He wonders if Kyungsoo struggled to say those words out, just like Sehun was struggling right now, if he had the same whirlwind of thoughts creeping to the back of his head. He wonders if it's anything more than it already is; if it was something Kyungsoo had on his mind all day long, and the thought spreads a warm tingling sensation throughout his chest. 
"Well... Let's talk then," Jongdae says. He has ice cream running down his chin, and for a split moment Sehun wants to reach out and wipe it away, wants to see if touching Jongdae feels the same as swiping a hand down Kyungsoo's arm.
"Yeah, let's talk," says Chanyeol, nodding, "It's true we haven't really had a conversation about... things."
Sehun tries to speak, tries to say something relevant, something meaningful, but every jumbled word of his gets stuck halfway between two mouthfuls of shaved ice. This is an opportunity to open up, as if he wasn't open enough, and now, goddamn, there's no sound coming out of his mouth. He thinks, why am I being like this, when he was the one to start up this conversation and they could talk for real this time, and, god, there is nothing he can say.
Baekhyun notices he's struggling. Baekhyun, on regular, notices a lot of things; he's observing, everything and everyone to the point where he realises individual gestures of feelings. He especially notices Sehun, lately, and it makes Sehun feel safe, like he has someone to lean on when the day is hard and heavy, the two of them sitting quietly at the back of the van, not really talking but still, Baekhyun's caresses are speaking to him. A light stroke on the hand means, "you are not alone," and two fingers circulating Sehun's wrist says, "you can tell me anything". Baekhyun can communicate well with both words and body, and that is something Sehun lacks. Too. Sehun lacks a lot of things. A strange feeling floods him all blue to his toes and he shoves the patbingsu away.
"Sehun-ah, we know it's been hard on you," Baekhyun says then, not looking at Sehun but watching his abandoned patbingsu instead. "The other members leaving does not mean we will leave you too."
Damn, Baekhyun observed Sehun too much. The cold truth of his feelings being said out loud by somebody else feels like a rock hard punch to the stomach. His hands are shaking, so he hides them under the table, never really looking Baekhyun in the eye.
"Is that why you're so down lately, Sehun-ah? I noticed you shying away the other day after practice. We're here for you, you know?" Jongdae says. His voice is smooth and rich like honey. It's another punch right to Sehun's core.
"Yes," Sehun says. He could tell them about Kyungsoo, and Kyungsoo's hand, and his narrow petite back, but chooses not to. They do not need to know that. 
"Don't be sad, Sehun-ah. Smile instead," is all Chanyeol says. It's unlikely of him, to talk this little, but Sehun knows the three ex-members leaving has made all of them sad in different ways. 
"I'm not sad anymore," says Sehun, and for the first time that night, he smiles. It's a real smile, and it comes forceless and easy, even though the feeling of blue still stings at his sides.
The car ride back is happy, Baekhyun and Jongdae singing along to crappy songs on the radio and Chanyeol beatboxing for them, but inside the dorm, locked in his room, Sehun cannot find his peace.
Sehun catches himself wondering too much lately – wondering about his worth, abilities, opportunities, chances he had missed, chances he had taken. Thinks about the times when training for being a part of an SM boyband was enough for him, when feeling like he belongs was his only desire. Remembers the the long afternoons spent in various practice rooms with boys just like him, scrawny kids who haven’t grown into their own skin yet, didn’t even know how to. All they knew was what they wanted – being stars, dancers, singers, maybe a bit of all three. But did they know what they needed? 
Junmyeon groans in his sleep across the room. Sehun looks in his general direction, but doesn’t see much – just stares into black nothingness, but imagines Junmyeon fast asleep with his knees drawn close to his chest, his hair crowning his head like a halo on his five hundred thousand won pillow. Wonders if sleep came to Junmyeon easy this night, if he dreams in colour, about things he wants to do, about things he loves. 
Wonders if Kyungsoo wonders as much as he does on sleepless nights when his bones and muscles are dense from too much dancing, stomach too full from after-practice dinner. Wonders, what if Kyungsoo is only nice to him out of pity, even though he said he doesn’t pity him; what if Kyungsoo is not particularly kind just to him, if he’s nice to anyone else, anyone other than Sehun, only he didn’t notice it, and the thought itself sends an ugly, deep, coiling feeling to his guts. He turns, away from Joonmyeon’s direction, stares at the plain greyness of the cold wall.
When he finally falls asleep, there’s a strange sense of guilt etched under his skin. It still stings in the morning.
The filming of Pure Love begins in June, summer heat too scolding hot to bear. Kyungsoo goes swinging between their concert tour and shooting, with very limited time on his hands to spend some quality “alone-ness” in the dorm. The absence of Kyungsoo’s being makes Sehun put his head under cold water, seeking a kind of strange comfort in anything he can find; an evening out with Jongdae, an afternoon spent with Jongin and his dogs, a brunch shared with Joonmyeon, but none of them truly makes him feel any better. The past few months of indescribable, unpredicted heartbreak and gloominess spent in agony and wondering about that particular day at the practice room cannot just go away with few laughters. Not even with a true, hearty one, one that Sehun tries to entertain throughout June, when Kyungsoo is away most of the time. 
The TV is on with Chanyeol’s face in the jungle on it when Kyungsoo comes home late at night, on a Sunday almost-morning. Sehun is somewhere between letting his eyes closing in shut and forcing them open, but the minute Kyungsoo steps in the living room, he’s wide awake. Every nestle Kyungsoo makes sounds ten times louder now with everyone gone to their respective rooms, only Sehun lounging around on the couch at this ungodly hour. Tomorrow they have practice for their concert, and Joonmyeon has been alarming him of it throughout the evening, but sleep hasn’t again come easy to Sehun this week, leaving him switching through channels all restless. 
Kyungsoo’s tired, is the first thing Sehun notices. He puts his keys on the hanger swiftly, but the next moment he comes stumbling across the room, one thing Kyungsoo rarely does. Clumsiness is not an adjective of many to describe Kyungsoo, Sehun knows, and when Kyungsoo hits the pillow next to him, Sehun doesn’t think twice about circling his hands around his waist. 
“Rough day?” Sehun asks, voice low, calm. Chanyeol’s face flashes on the screen.
“Just long,” Kyungsoo answers. “Had a lot of scenes today.”
His body has a sheen of sweet summer sweat all over it. Sehun collects them with his thumb as he swipes it over in circles on the back of Kyungsoo’s hand. “Maybe you should skip practice tomorrow.”
Kyungsoo’s eyes are fixed on the TV screen but his gaze is unfocused. Sehun wonders if he only sees colours and abstract shapes. “No, I’ll go,” Kyungsoo says, in return, a few heartbeats later. The sweat on Kyungsoo’s hand is slowly starting to dry, and Sehun stops drawing loops on his palm.
“Maybe you should go to sleep then,” is what Sehun says next. Kyungsoo looks down at their hands, almost intertwined. When Sehun starts to circle his thumb around Kyungsoo’s palm again, Kyungsoo stretches his fingers for Sehun’s to meet in the middle. It almost burns, the faint touch of Kyungsoo’s skin on Sehun’s, but it’s soft, almost like a feather. Almost like it isn’t there. 
It’s a pure movement, lacking any kind of ulterior motive or menace, needing no response. Yet still, the undeniable force of wanting to put their hands together strikes Sehun with dispatch, something he cannot foresee, something that is impossible to outrun. 
But want and incidence does not necessarily align. Kyungsoo’s hand is gone. He stands, starts for the bathroom. Sehun looks at him from across, the light in the hallway illuminating Kyungsoo’s sun-kissed skin that practically glows under white-ish led lights, and Sehun can’t help but think about ways to let Kyungsoo know that he wants his hand over his a little longer, a little more. By the door, Kyungsoo says, face slightly turned back to look at Sehun, “You should go to sleep too.”
“Okay, hyung,” Sehun says, but dwells there for a moment or two. Maybe Kyungsoo is just a really good friend with really beautiful skin, and a majestic voice, and deep brown eyes. 
Sehun can’t really pinpoint out what brings him to follow Kyungsoo into the bathroom – need… want? –, yet he’s there, arm slightly pushing against the doorframe in a try-hard nonchalant way. Kyungsoo is too tired to take notice of him or even acknowledge his presence with a mere humm as he takes off his shirt.
Suddenly there’s not enough air for Sehun to breathe in, the walls turning in on him too soon, too fast. Kyungsoo is just standing there, right by the shower as he waits for the water to cool down, and with a facile move, one blink of an eye, he’s in, completely naked.
It’s not like they haven’t seen each other naked before. In fact, Sehun has seen the entire band in their natural state, especially Baekhyun, who doesn’t care about what anyone thinks. Oh, how Sehun wishes he was anything like Baekhyun. But he’s not. Instead, he’s standing in the bathroom, Kyungsoo about an arm and a full ocean away, in all of his naked sun-kissed wet glory, and he feels like a fool. How did he get here, exactly, again?
The shower stall opens. Cold air gushes all over Sehun’s body. “Are you getting in or not?” Kyungsoo says. Like it’s nothing.
Maybe it really is nothing. Maybe they’re really just nothing, and this moment of vulnerability as Sehun stands there, wordlessly taking his clothes off, is barely just a dream of feverish thoughts. 
The water is cool enough to keep Sehun standing on both of his feet. Kyungsoo puts shower gel on a sponge, traces his skin with it over and over again. Sehun watches him, without a sound, because he doesn’t know what else to do. To be clear, he doesn’t know anything, not even lately. All he knows is Kyungsoo’s skin is beautiful and glowing and tan. He’s nothing like Sehun. 
Kyungsoo turns to him then, offers him the sponge. It’s still wet and soapy, and Sehun can practically smell his own desperation over the scent of coconut shower gel. He finds himself mulling about the muscles on Kyungsoo’s back as he turns, reaching up for shampoo, the muscles that he has never seen before. How long has this been happening? How did Sehun not notice? And why does the simple thought of Kyungsoo being close to him send him into overdrive?
By the time he’s soaped himself up, Kyungsoo is out, a baby blue towel fastened low around his waist. Sehun has little to no time to comprehend the deficit of Kyungsoo’s body heat. Everything is happening so quick, like a sketchy dream, in a non-linear realm of disjointed occurrents. Sehun feels like he’s out of his body and mind, and Kyungsoo’s gone again, only a few patches of water left of him on the bathroom floor. 
Sehun knows something is changing. Or, as Baekhyun says on a lovely, mildly hot August summer evening out on the roof of their apartment, stuffing their faces with ordered bulgoggi, “something has already been changed”.
“What do you mean?” Sehun says, mouth full of spicy rice cake. He very well knows what Baekhyun means, but it’s too soon to admit that. He’d rather play blind, like he’s been playing for who knows how long.
“You very well know what I mean,” Baekhyun says, pointedly. Sehun hates how he sees through a lot of things. Even more now, when he sees right through him. “Kyungsoo. And you. Or should I put it this way; your feelings for Kyungsoo?”
Sehun is compelled, at first, to say something opposing like “What, no,” or “Haha, you’re kidding me,” but nothing comes to his mind. It’s only blank, his heart, with a little vibrato at the base of his lungs and at the top of his stomach, sizzling with little heat and a nervous trembling. Somehow the half full bowl of bulgoggi seems disgusting right now, but he has no strength to push it away. An after-image of the practice room door and Kyungsoo’s tiny back pushed against it comes to him, accompanied by a ghost of Kyungsoo’s fingers against his flashes right before his eyes, clear, unabashed, unchanged. Then there’s the feeling: the feeling of not being good enough and being too much, too loud, too forgettable makes his heart sink, just a little, right where his stomach is pulsing with unkindness. Baekhyun sees right through him, but when has he ever not? 
Baekhyun reaches out, takes the bulgoggi of Sehun’s hands, puts it on the ground. The sky is simmering in blues both pale and deep dark, underlined with a kind of warmness of the setting sun, painted in low oranges and yellows at the bottom. It’s only after he’s sitting fast and close next to Sehun, his hands around his shoulder when he says, “You’ve been out of focus lately… If you want to talk about it, I’m here.”
The closeness of Baekhyun is not unpleasant, but it’s nothing compared to Kyungsoo’s body heat hitting Sehun in the chest warm and kind and fast. Sehun feels like choking up, because, even if he tries not to, somehow he grew too fond of Kyungsoo and his many talents; his voice, his cooking, his body…
If Sehun could shout right now he would, he would let out a shriek so sharp it would almost represent his bleeding heart. Baekhyun senses his discomfort, so he pulls him closer, so close Sehun’s head fits under his perfect little chin. Baekhyun is as easy to hug as he is easy to love, something Sehun can’t identify with. An ugly bubble of jealousy boils up inside him, and now he’s full of colours, all sad blues and yellows of envy. 
If he doesn’t speak now he’s going to burst, so he does what he has to do; at least this he knows, so he says, quietly, “Why does everything have to be so confusing and hard?”
Baekhyun’s hands are still around him, holding him in place so Sehun doesn’t completely fall apart. Sehun appreciates Baekhyun’s sensible nature, but somehow thinks nothing, not even Baekhyun’s emphatic solacement could ever take away these blues.
“That’s just life,” Baekhyun’s voice is soft. “It happens to everyone, every now and then.”
Sehun breaks away from Baekhyun to look him in the eye. “Does everyone feel this worthless as I do?”
“Having ups and downs sometimes is human,” Baekhyun responds. There’s a chill breeze swiping past them the moment these words roll off his tongue and Sehun feels helpless. “Not being able to comprehend our worth is human. Hell, some people never get to know their real worth. Having someone you like, and maybe falling in love with them, and maybe loving them unconditionally and getting nothing in return is human. Loving someone of… the same sex is okay. Even if your parents say otherwise. Even if society says otherwise. And I hope you know, Oh Sehun, that I love you. And I want the best for you. And I also want you to know that having complicated feelings is okay. Everybody has. Everybody has to, at some point in their life, face hardships. But we will pull you through. We are almost brothers, remember?”
A moment of silence passes between them. Sehun is trying to make sense out of Baekhyun’s words, even though Baekhyun has been clear from the very start. Damn, Baekhyun is really good at unfolding the deepest, darkest pits of Sehun’s irregularly beating heart, but Sehun does not yet know what Baekhyun’s words mean to him. Is he really– in love? With Kyungsoo hyung? Kyungsoo hyung, who cooks for him at midnight, who accompanies him to movies no other wants to watch with him; Kyungsoo hyung, who not only has a voice, but has the looks, the strength, the passion, the heart? Kyungsoo doesn’t usually have his heart out on his sleeves, at least, not like Sehun has his right now, laid out bare and raw in front of Baekhyun to touch. Because Baekhyun, out of all people, is now seeing it; the rush of sadness that escapes Sehun in form of tears, hot and wet down the side of his cheeks. He’s crying, in relief or grief, in realisation or deny he doesn’t know; all he knows is he’s crying, on the goddamn roof, his bulgoggi growing cold on the ground, with Baekhyun’s arms around him in a consoling manner. 
There are times when Sehun is too lost, too deep in his thoughts to listen to anything that’s said to him. But this time he does, he really, truly listens, but Baekhyun’s words he cannot comprehend – yet. So he just cries, soundless, his broad shoulders shaking as he tries to wipe away tears that had been trying to break out ever since on that unfaithful day at the practice room.
“Good,” says Baekhyun, hand coming up to Sehun’s nape to linger a little bit. “We, I think, need to embrace sadness as well as we embrace happiness. Cry it out, Sehun-ah.”
So he cries and cries.
They say, after the rain comes the sun, and for Sehun it might just happen. The experience shared with Baekhyun on the roof with cold bulgoggi and mildly dark-yellow setting Sun and a lot of crying made Sehun feel ten times lighter in the chest. In some strange way, letting his emotions out in form of tears provided as a moderate temporary solution for an aching heart, even if Sehun was always sceptical of this form of pain-relief: he usually laughed away his tears with either too much dance or too many food, but this time around, crying his tiny heart out served him good, leaving him feeling a lot fresher in the morning. Not even the burnt toast Joonmyeon made him as a lame excuse of a breakfast took away his smile as he sat at the table, poking Jongin in the ribs with his index finger till Jongin had enough, pushing at him in revenge, and when it’s time for dance practice later, at around ten o’clock, nothing seems to make him feel down.
Until Kyungsoo appears. Because he does, he dares to show up in a slick black training suit, his hair a muzzled nest on the top of his head, with all of his brownish glowing skin, and Sehun suddenly feels a stone drop in his stomach, deep and low and hurting. 
The uneasy feeling stays throughout dance practice. However hard he tries, he just simply can’t bear to look away from Kyungsoo’s reflection in the mirror, and the longing that has been keeping him up at night for the past several months makes him unable to coherently rehearse his lines, leaving him feeling all kind of different blues again. 
Practice lets out at three in the afternoon, and everybody is up for lunch. Sehun doesn’t really have an appetite right now, seeing as how well Kyungsoo gets along with either Chanyeol or Jongin or Joonmyeon. Sehun sticks with Jongdae, sits close to him in the booth at their favourite diner with Kyungsoo across him.
Jongdae tells him bad jokes as Sehun watches Kyungsoo’s hand slide along Jongin’s shoulder, laughing at a very funny thing Chanyeol just said. Sehun couldn’t care less, he thinks, and turns back to Jongdae to feign a smile at another bad joke of his, the kind that only Baekhyun appreciates, but damn, halfway along the tenth shaggy dog story Baekhyun tells Jongdae, Sehun’s attention wanders back to the other side of the table. Apparently he cares, and wonders if Kyungsoo cares about him too the way he does about him. Wonders if that night in the shower meant the same to him as it did to Sehun. Oh wait, he doesn’t even know what it meant, or if it means anything at all. Questions he cannot yet answer flood his mind and the lightness he felt in the morning now seems so far away, even farther than Kyungsoo feels a few feet away to his upper right, laughing in a kind of joy Sehun can’t possibly share. 
Above a table full of food and light chatter on both sides, Sehun still ponders, thinks about the times when his feelings were left unchanged and discerning happenings in life seemed easy and quick. Now, all he has is a depot of amphigoric thoughts and a confused heart and Kyungsoo is still sitting over at the table in his pretty tracksuit and pretty face and Sehun can’t think about anything else. 
Somewhere between a bite of galbi and yet another fart joke from Baekhyun, Sehun’s fingertips start to tickle on end. Kyungsoo has reached over the table for a side dish, but missed and took Sehun’s hand instead. Sehun’s mouth goes dry as sand as Kyungsoo smiles at his own foolishness, and gives a light pat on Sehun’s hand before reaching over for kimchi. The chopsticks in Sehun’s hand are starting to slide off, and Sehun decides to collect himself. He won’t let the knot in his stomach stop him from eating all this delicious food, so he starts stuffing his face with various meats, korean barbeque first and foremost. Yixing laughs at him, says, “Sehun-ah, you’ll choke on your food, eat slowly,” but what Yixing doesn’t understand is, if Sehun stops forcing huge bites down his throat, he might as well suffocate from the knot in it. 
“Sehun-ah has been working very hard lately,” Kyungsoo says. “He needs to eat well.”
“True that, but he’s eating like a machine,” says Baekhyun, puts a hand over Sehun’s shoulders mid-bite. “Sehun-ah, you’ve been showing us your many talents this past comeback, you shouldn’t kill yourself with too much barbeque. Right, Kyungsoo?” 
It’s a huge bite that gets stuck in his throat and makes Sehun gag, Sehun would like to think, not Baekhyun’s rather smart remark to Kyungsoo. Baekhyun just smirks at him and Sehun thinks he wants to put his hands over his neck and just simply squeeze him to death, but that would be inappropriate in a diner Joonmyeon loves. And Sehun loves Joonmyeon, so he wouldn’t dare to make all of them get banned from here, so he sticks for killing Baekhyun mentally, maybe later on the roof of their dorm. 
“Told ya you would suffocate considering the amount of unchewed meat you shoved down your face,” Jongdae laughs and Chanyeol snickers with him, clapping his hands together. 
“Thanks for the reminder, hyung,” Sehun says in reply. Kyungsoo is just smiling at him, warm, kind, a heart-shaped smile Sehun could never erase from his memories, because the imprint would be always there. This, he determines, would he like to remember later, and not Jongdae’s unfunny jokes.
Staying in means wearing no clothes whatsoever while the others are out at their favourite bowling place. Sehun likes to call it ‘Hours’ with a capital H, indicating that it’s his very own, very special time he gets to spend by himself and himself only. Sometimes he likes to go out with the band, just to see the wrinkles of worry dissolve from Joonmyeon’s otherwise wrinkless face. They would go out and play games, mainly bowling, with Jongdae shouting over both Baekhyun’s and Chanyeol’s voice as Yixing sits behind them, snickering about something Joonmyeon just said to the others that has no effect on the shouting whatsoever. Jongin would lounge in one of the seats, popcorn all over his shirt, his hands, his mouth. And Kyungsoo – Kyungsoo would stand beside them, hands crossed on his chest, lips stretching far out into a wide smile at the others. Sehun does not know if he’s ready for yet another emotionally tumultuous day with either the Beagle-line or Kyungsoo, so he chooses to stay in, telling Minseok that it’s only because of tiredness. 
Partly it’s true. He’s genuinely tired from all the photoshoots and commercials and concerts and music programs, but he’s also tired from a completely different aspect, something he only could ever share briefly with Baekhyun. Good old Baekhyun… if only he could lift the weight off Sehun’s chest so Sehun could breathe properly again and not with restrain or guilt or pain or tears. 
Sehun doesn’t know how long he can stand this—this feeling, this sense of overwhelming thoughts, the feeling of not being good enough, of not being good of anything, of not being… Of not being enough. Simply. Truly. At all. Not for the band. Not for his parents. Not for the world. Not for Kyungsoo.
Is there a way to wipe my head clear of these thoughts?, he thinks to himself as he rolls over in bed to his other side. Or is he stuck in this blue nothingness forever with little to nothing to hold onto; not a single joy in life. Even food doesn’t taste the same as back then, back when he experienced happiness with the same intensity as he experiences these blue days of fog and self-loathing and question marks inside his head. There is, a possible way out, of course, is what he thinks the next minute, but the sadness comes back, kicking the front door to his heart open and leaving it torn into pieces without any kind of consolation; is that how it’s going to be always? For eternity? How does a person feel so low about themselves for this long – for months, not only a few weeks, but months, long months, on end and on  end an on end. Without stopping. No rest to the sad heart. No rest to the sad mind, either. 
He sits up straight, stares out the window. Summer is ending soon, trees that have been blossoming in green slowly turning into a harsh palette of browns and oranges. Everything around Sehun changes, but Sehun’s confusing feelings stay the same, the same as ever. Undiscernible. Hurting. As if someone took a knife and put it between Sehun’s ribs right through his skin and meat to the middle of his heart and left it bleeding. Nothing changes there. 
Maybe it’s really all just tiredness. Work has been cruel, to be honest, this past year, especially on his body. He knows he’s losing weight. And he also knows it’s not the main reason.
It’s… and it’s hard to even think to himself, let alone to say it out loud, it’s because of Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo the beautiful, brave, the amazing, the muscular, the toned, the one with The Lips. The Voice. With everything  Sehun doesn’t have. But what Sehun doesn’t especially have is, and what he’ll never could possess has nothing to do with how Kyungsoo looks. Or how Kyungsoo sings. Because those things can be changed; those things can be learned. What can’t be learned is how to have someone who’s heart is not reserved for you. Who’s not thinking of you the same way as you think of them. Who can’t, no matter how hard he tries, reciprocate those feelings for you. Because a person is a person; and not a thing to learn, or to change. A person has a mind of their own. And Sehun can’t possibly have that. Can’t have Kyungsoo when Kyungsoo doesn’t want him. 
He glances outside then. There’s a tree, a single tree in the street, right at the front of their apartment block. Birds usually sit there and chirp all day long if the weather is nice enough. The sun is shining today, but there are no birds on the tree. Not one. It makes Sehun feel even worse, as if the simple knowing that today he is alone because he’s unable to engage in normal human contact on any levels wasn’t enough. 
Maybe if he stared at the tree enough, some birds would come fly there and sit and chirp. But Sehun is no magician; he can’t make things go the way he wants. He can’t cast spells. 
The front door is unlocked. Sehun hears it clicking open. He takes a look at the clock; it’s only half past six. The guys usually come home around one a.m., slightly drunk, irritably loud. It’s still too early for that. 
He cranes his neck to take a peak through the open door – he’s almost scared how fast he recognises the footsteps coming in through the hall. Sehun just simply cannot know it by the sounds. Kyungsoo sticks his head in then, leans against the frame of the door. “Hey. Joonmyeon said you’d be home.”
“I am,” is what Sehun answers. He doesn’t know what else to say.
“Didn’t want to leave you all alone here, by yourself,” Kyungsoo says, closes the door behind him. It closes obnoxiously loud. “Can I sit with you?”
“Sure,” Sehun says, trying really hard to sound nonchalant, or at least not as wrecked as he feels. Kyungsoo sits next to him, clothed thighs slightly brushing up against Sehun’s naked ones. Sehun is now awfully aware of his own nakedness; he only has his super high gymshorts on, the bright blue one that Chanyeol always mocks him for having. He suddenly realises he feels exposed and it makes him shrink away from Kyungsoo, if even only by a few millimetres. Some sort of awkward silence takes a seat in between them, the kind that makes you fidget restlessly. Sehun often doesn’t know what to say; neither does Kyungsoo – but even in that aspect, there’s a gap between them; a gap in which Sehun is on one end, being the one who doesn’t know what to say – and Kyungsoo on the other, who knows what to, yet doesn’t know how. Sehun wishes he’d know what to, but wouldn’t be able to say – even in that way Kyungsoo is someone he looks up to. It’s hard. It’s hard to know your flaws and live with them, especially if those flaws are what restrain you from living your life to the fullest. And Sehun always wants the best. Always wants things he doesn’t have. What he cannot have.
“Sehun-ah, don’t frown this much,” Kyungsoo says then, makes Sehun whip his head towards him. Kyungsoo is dressed in full black, and he looks sleek, breathtaking even. How Sehun wishes he could peel away the black layers and reach beneath Kyungsoo’s skin to take a grip at his heart the same way Kyungsoo is squeezing Sehun’s right now. How he wishes he could do that, but he can’t, and shouldn’t, because Kyungsoo is his friend, brother, bandmate, ex-roommate… everything and nothing to him all at once. 
Kyungsoo too, is looking at him right now, all deep brown eyes and dark eyebrows knocking together in a questionable way, like he’s thinking too hard about something. 
“What?”  Sehun asks. It comes out weak and breathless. He pulls his knees up higher on the bed so he can lay a hand around them, as if hiding from Kyungsoo, even though he very well knows he can’t. 
“Wow, I just,” Kyungsoo says, looking down and away, pushing a hand through his hair. It’s cut short and even, laying perfectly onto his sun-kissed bronze skin on the sides. “I just realised something. Something I shouldn’t exactly be feeling… and yet…”
Deep breath and exhale. All the things Sehun thought he wanted to say are completely gone. In fact, all of his thoughts are far away. He says, with struggle, “What did you just realise, hyung?”
There’s a drop of sweat rolling down Kyungsoo’s nape, straight from his hairline disappearing into his loose black t-shirt. Summer has come to an end, as had Sehun’s thoughts just moments ago, and here he is now, following the trail Kyungsoo’s sweat makes all the way down his neck. It’s tempting to reach out and collect it with his fingers, brushing away the wetness and leaving traces of a tender touch on Kyungsoo’s skin.
“Something I don’t exactly understand… Nor am sure about,” Kyungsoo says. There is no trembling in his voice, no hesitance. He’s saying it like it’s a fact, like it’s easy to talk about such things, when Sehun perfectly knows it’s not Kyungsoo’s best feature. “And I’m not exactly sure about how could this thing… my realisation… affect you.”
Sehun’s heart beats like crazy. “Well… if you just told me, hyung… Maybe we could see the outcome.”
Kyungsoo turns quiet awhile. His hand rests on his thighs. Not quite sure how to continue, Sehun takes a glance at Kyungsoo, head hanging low as if he doesn’t dare to really look at him. All he sees is just a soft nervous tremble that radiates off Kyungsoo now, and it makes Sehun uneasy, equally nervous. He knows this something that could either break them or mend them together, but he doesn’t know how to say it out loud. 
He wants to say something, or do something, maybe just a nudge of a knee or a slight touch of an index finger -- but before he knows, the moment is gone, and Kyungsoo is on the other side of the room, gingerly clasping at the doorframe.
“I’m... I’m sorry Sehun-ah. Forget it. I am just tired.”
And with that, he’s out the door, leaving Sehun with all this inner turmoil and indecisiveness alone. He looks at his hands. The sweat has gone cold on his palms.
Weeks pass with promotions and dance practices and interviews, but all he thinks about is the last month - Kyungsoo has been very nice to him lately, and that is something Sehun can’t quite put his finger on. Not like Kyungsoo isn’t nice on a daily basis; he is a man with a great sense of politeness and good manners, characteristics that resolve in everybody loving Kyungsoo. What is there not to love? Sehun likes to think he is just as polite as Kyungsoo is, but who is he trying to fool? The only thing they truly share is their quietness – nothing else. Sehun is nothing like Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo is nothing like Sehun, and Sehun wonders if that palpable difference between them could dissolve one day.
[sehun keeps wondering about kyungsoo; the days go just like that. this is the era of “its ok its love” and sehun’s feelings for kyungsoo deepens as time goes farther. kyungsoo gets more affectionate towards sehun while sehun wonders if that is all that is; two good friends, holding hands sometimes and being affectionate with each other but every time kyungsoo puts his hands on his waist his heart beats faster, harder, irregular. sehun knows somethings’ changing, and he keeps wondering about his worth, about his abilities or lack thereof. kyungsoo is always there for him to assure him of his worth, to make him feel not so empty inside. sehun starts to wonder about what you want and what you have; if the two can align. can you get what you want, or you should get what you need? whats the difference between want and need? what if we could never get what we truly want or need? we cant have everything sehun knows, but he keeps wanting kyungsoo until the very day that he realises he really, really, really does want it. he doesn’t know how he wants kyungsoo, all he knows is kyungsoo’s presence makes him feel tingly and good and happy. meanwhile sehun realises kyungsoo is just as defenseless and self concious as he is, and they develop a very close friendship, a friendship that’s not yet enough for sehun. one time, around the promotions of another winter lovesong exo puts out regularly, on a slightly drunken night of winning a music program, sehun kisses kyungsoo and they start an affair of purely physical love. sehun is in too deep, even when he knows he wants emotional love as well as physical. kyungsoo is affectionate to him but he is affectionate to the other members as well which leaves sehun all sad, and begins to wonder about wanting and having. whats the endgame I don’t know yet, but I know the last words will be this: when he leaves, he leaves the door open.
ok so the physical side of love continues until sehun cant take it anymore; after wondering about months and months of what this means to him, he goes to ask kyungsoo about it. kyungsoo is surprisingly calm during the talk, explaining to sehun that he too, as sehun could notice, wants the affectionate closeness but not the emotions; hes not in love with sehun nor will he ever be; he doesn’t want anything more than there is. sehun is, at first, devastated, but later realises that that’s how life is; you truly can’t always get you what you want. after he accepted the fact that kyungsoo doesn’t want anything else, he feels thankful for kyungsoo of showing him so many things; of teaching him to love himself through the physical and emotional acts; to teaching him the difference between need and want indirectly. once sehun realises all these things, they stay good and close friends, although the memories of being more than that but not quite anything still mars sehun’s mind. a year later in a café he meets a boy with auburn hair, someone who he can connect with. in the end, sehun is happy and in love and is secure with himself, continuing his time with exo and being best friends with kyungsoo. a bittersweet ending!]
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bold-lettered-blog · 8 years
I'm so so so glad to know that you'll be continuing on the sesoo domestic au!! It's my favourite series so far :) is it too much to ask how it all started, like how they met, fell in love, and proposed? I'm looking forward to your updates!!
hey anon!!! yes i would love to continue the series, but i’m not sure when i’ll be able to post updates. a prequel to the stories (aka how they fell in love and got together) is already outlined in my head, so that will happen for sure, even if i’m not exactly sure when. thank you for supporting this little story!!! 
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bold-lettered-blog · 8 years
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my fav part of this is the two guys holding hands emoji
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bold-lettered-blog · 8 years
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did this really happen,?.!,?,,…..
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bold-lettered-blog · 8 years
ok but if i said on a previous post that 2015 has been a hell of a ride for sesoo then what does that make 2016???????
seriously like it’s so wild
i mean just look at it i dont even kno where to begin
honestlyyy how cute are they, going out eating all the time, watching movies together (which, tbh have happened all the time even before), and this jeju trip!!! I mean how how did this happen so fast!!!! i dont even have time to comprehend all these stuff
let’s just take a look at recent events bc starting everything from the beginning of 2016 would take me a year to write this SO
more under the cut
even tho sesoo has been sailing from pre-debut days, they’ve been upping their game even harder this summer
for example THIS (x) so cute so pure
ALSO (x) mentioning his favourite hyung as the only one he can tell things to like pls stop it hurts
also THIS (x) PARTICULAR EVENT where i’m just like???? HELo you’re in a concert your own concert TOUR and like??????????????? NO but pls continue
AND this (x) this day was all about them (x) i’m screaming but like which day is  n o t about them like c’mon also THIS (x) me too, sehun, me too
AND THE BOWLING thing how could i forget?????????????????????
(x) (x) PLS and sorry i can’t find the gifs in my likes but you kno what i’m talking about!!! i mean look at them i”m a mess i’m kinda weeping right now (x) 
(x) also dinner date
(x) also beach date
and now... fcuking jeju........ i just.................... having a very personal, very own, very nice holiday just for them two, eating food and walking around and paragliding (x) (x) i.,....,,... ca...nt........
and i don’t know if this (x) is from jeju........ but..... i’m.....there are tears in my eyes
seriously liek how could anyone ever sleep on this beautiful ship like ever because....... here you go you have receipts and this is just the previous few weeks, not even from pre-debut or recent years
they just make me so happy and warm and i hope they have a good time together i love them i seriously cant
pls take me away from the internet
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bold-lettered-blog · 8 years
about sesoo rising . . . it's kinda funny how people treat sesoo like it's a newborn ship when in reality sesoo's been here from the very start, from even before debuting and has slowly evolved into this beautiful blooming relationship and seemingly people only realised the potential in them now that all kai ships are 'over' (which is just outright stupid - jongin dating someone that is not of exo doesn't mean you can't ship him however you like) and it kind of rubs me the wrong way. a member dating someone else doesn't mean your feelings for a ship is invalid! it doesn't mean that kaisoo/chankai/sekai/kaibaek/etcetc can't exist in an alternative universe of yours, and that what all these ships has done together was untrue. what's true is what you believe to be true - and not the other way around. ALSO sesoo showcasing more interaction with each other doesn't mean they're new - it only means people never cared enough to watch and see.
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bold-lettered-blog · 9 years
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just imagine them walking down the streets just like this, lost in each other, never stopping smiling
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bold-lettered-blog · 9 years
damn okay let’s talk about this particular event that happened on the very first day of march 2016
here is it
here is it in an other angle
more under the cut
like i just can’t believe how caring sehun is towards his hyung, his very precious kyungsoo hyung because even in the middle of a press event or whatever he dared to run to the middle of the stage in shitty clothing just to surprise kyungsoo and show his support to him, i mean how cute is that??? and even got matching pink flowers for the pure love movie’s cast pink clothes?? LIKE?? OH SEHUN PLS
notice how kyungsoo keeps looking back at where sehun disappeared? he was like omg wheres my prince charming and then the next second oops i have an event to carry on hehe play it cool
nah but seriously i bet kyungsoo would have love to run after him backstage and hit sehun’s head bc how dare he ruin this very special event of his but then also he would give him a big warm hug like “SEHUN-AH YOU’RE STUPID BUT I LOVE YOU” because he really does love sehun and sehun loves him back just as much. and i believe if it were to be an other member to go and support kyungsoo on this event, kyungsoo would have been happy all the same, but not as surprised and happy as he was because of sehun. bc sehun is his cute baby and baby really stepped up his game this and the previous year of whipping kyungsoo around his finger LIKE DUDE. he even said he’ll reject you rejecting his love like what did you expect?
but honestly i really think if it were another member maybe joonmyeon or jongin or even baekhyun kyungsoo’d be just as happy bc yay members, but sehun owns an extra special, extra warm spot in kyungsoo’s heart. 
no but really kyungsoo was so cheerful and happy afterwards, sehun really really surprised him. i bet kyungsoo wasn’t even dreaming of having any of the members supporting him on this event but then there’s oh sehun and his stupid pink flowers and stupid smiley face and AHHHH
and sehun was smiling all the way and even told the fans to be quiet because he really did want this surprise to be a surprise and it came out all good and i bet kyungsoo hugged and kissed him to death after this
ok enough this rant shouldn’t have happened at all peace out world 
no but really look at them
ok bye
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bold-lettered-blog · 9 years
OH MY GOD I HAVE FINALLY FOUND IT. People underestimate Hunsoo that I'm not even able to find a blog only dedicated to said pairing (except hunsoo fanfics and fyhunsoo but I doubt they are still active). BUT HERE YOU ARE MY HERO, I have to admit I stumbled across this a bit (a lot) too late and man, I'm glad I did. I read all the drabbles and the series of domestic!sesoo and basically everything sesoo involved and I'm so happy. So, a prompt? OKAY LETS DO THIS. Jealous Sehun?? BD No? Okay.
Omg!!!! Im so sorry i just realised that this message has been sitting in my inbox for a while, i'm so sorry for not replying!!! Jealous Sehun is my fav thing yaaaas i definitely be writing something based on that for you!!! Watch out!!! Thanks for leaving a message tho ilu
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bold-lettered-blog · 9 years
let me rant a little bit about sesoo because well obviously they are my fav match of a pair and the greatest inspiration to write
more under the cut because i can’t stop myself
2015 have been a hell of a ride so far for sesoo like
sehun suddenly developed an even deeper admiration to kyungsoo like he was really really into him even before but now he just can’t shut up about him nor can he stop putting his hands on him
ok lets just take a look at a few examples 
(x) this ivy club interview is hilarious bc kyungsoo just freezes while speaking @2:36 and jongin, sehun and chen are quick to the rescue and sehun even puts his hand on kyungsoo’s back encouragingly and is thrilled to help his hyung but then jongin is reaching out for ksoo and the minute his fingers touch kyungsoo’s arm sehun makes a face and then side-eyes jongin i can’t breathe it’s  h i l a r i o u s
(x) hope you remember this because i certainly do like hyung’s in my heart okkkkk
(x) (@3:03) i bet no one forgot the naver starcast this year when sehun practically confessed his love to all the members and voiced his unrequited love for his very special tiny hyung kyungsoo... now lets just take a moment to look at ksoo’s face when sehun says his name. his face blooms into such a beautiful smile the very minute sehun says “kyungsoo hyung” and it warms the deepest pits of my heart hELP also 
(x) THIS at 44:46 when sehun reads his rolling paper he honestly seems hurt and i can’t help but feel so sad for him like he continuously looks up to kyungsoo as his hyung and really does love him and i can sense his longing all the way from korea (so pls ksoo love this noodle back) BONUS after sehun says he’ll think about whether or not to stop talking to kyungsoo, ksoo immediately defends himself by saying that chanyeol and baekhyun should be quiet too and when sehun restarts reading his rolling paper kyungsoo looks all the way back to sehun and then he’s so awkward while playing with his rolling paper like!!! just kiss sehun better will you
(x) this sukira video might be my favourite of all times so when it’s ksoo’s turn to answer different questions, throughout the whole segment till sehun gets to ask a question he’s like so focused on ksoo like it literally burns my eyelids to look at him it’s so intense also when he aks who ksoo wants to go backpacking w/ he’s soooooo anticipating to hear his own name it’s ridiculous reaLLY SEHUN you’re so whipped and when ksoo answers xiumin without thinking sehun looks to tense again and tries everything to make kyungsoo say his name (from @1:05:38) and the best thing about this is how jongin points out how hard sehun is anticipates and then sehun gets to hear his name and BAM! the tense look on his face is gone and he’s smiling it’s SO Cute let me roll down a hill to hell
basically sehun is just so happy if his dearest do kyungsoo hyung notices him and talks to him
aaand this recent (x) event made me like wow bc 
sehun is really really thirsty for kyungsoo’s love and they are so cute like reallyyyyyyyy “when d.o sings he’s really wonderful” ikr sehun ik and then he goes and thinks ‘well that sounded so wrong yet so right’ so he says “but only when he sings” like c’mooon
also i can’t skip past the way sehun is pacing all around @2:11 when ksoo says he would choose jongin like he cannot contain himself he’s going to burst. he really wants to say something but then he doesn’t and ugh 
sorry not sorry for this rant but i suddenly got flood with feels so
long live sesoo thx bye
33 notes · View notes
bold-lettered-blog · 9 years
a little violence
kyungsoo/sehun, nc-17, 3515 words
kyungsoo’s kinda ruthless, and sehun complies.
(read here)
7 notes · View notes
bold-lettered-blog · 10 years
now on livejournal
bold-lettered is now on livejournal, as well, for a better reading experience! 
i'll keep posting updates and drabbles here, but fics over 2,500 words will be stored on lj. 
the first part of the domestic!sesoo series is already available on lj, the other parts will be moved as well (along with the upcoming additions)!
to visit the boldlettered community, click here <3
thank you for your time and support, have a nice day <3
0 notes
bold-lettered-blog · 10 years
Great story. *Feels* Will you make a side story for Jongin and Chanyeol
ah hi anon yes yes i do want to write a side story for chankai (tbh i already planned it out… kinda), and i hope to post it soon. thank you for the feedback
0 notes
bold-lettered-blog · 10 years
where there is me (there is you)
kyungsoo/sehun, a bit of chanyeol/kai, nc-17 at the end but pg-13 overall, 4285 words
part four; domestic!sesoo au (but can be read as a stand-alone)
sehun falls sick and kyungsoo just wants to take care of him (and maybe sehun wants something too)
((a/n: i'm planning on adding two more installments to this au because i grew to love this mini series and i don't think i could let it go just yet... also lots and lots of thank you to all who have read and liked my posts and even followed this tiny blog! i really really appreciate it! i love you /hugs))
If Sehun is up too early, there's something wrong, Kyungsoo knows it. It happened once last week and thrice this Saturday morning and something's definitely not okay because Kyungsoo even heard some dull coughing coming from the bathroom the day before.
He tells himself he's not worried; there's nothing to worry about because, apparently, Sehun is a grown up (and married) man, and can take care of himself (even if he forgets to pay the bills from time to time, and then Kyungsoo screams and shrieks and throws his favourite kitchen supplies at him but at the end of the day, Sehun is the first to say he's sorry, and then Kyungsoo says, I'm sorry, too, I just want to kill you sometimes, and well, who's a grown up now?), yet Kyungsoo feels this urgent need to ask him if he's okay and to wrap his arms around him and stroke his hair until he falls asleep on his lap.
This morning, Sehun is up early again, rolling over in bed without laying a kiss to the side of Kyungsoo's face. He shuffles out of the room and Kyungsoo again hears some faint coughing and Sehun blowing his nose and growling about having to get to work. The problem is, it's Sunday, and Kyungsoo is almost a hundred and one percent sure Sehun doesn't have to go to work.
"Darling," Kyungsoo calls, and when Sehun doesn't answer, he gets out of bed and crawls after him to the kitchen. Sehun stands by the coffee machine with scattered used tissues around him and Kyungsoo really has to push himself not to make a disgusted face before he says, "Darling, it's half past six in the morning," Sehun grumbles something under his stuffy nose at this, "And a Sunday."
"Oh," Sehun croaks out, pouring some coffee into his cup and coughing.
"Besides," Kyungsoo says, "You're sick, so even if it was Monday, you shouldn't be going to work."
"Nah, I'm not sick," Sehun says, but evidently, he is. Kyungsoo comes up to him to rest his head on his shoulder, just breathing his scent in mixed with coffee and sweat, and says, "Well, sorry to break this to you, but you are." Sehun shrugs away from him, still not looking into his eyes.
"Nah. I'm going back to bed," he says and leaves Kyungsoo there with his used tissues laying around the counter and Kyungsoo crings. This little shit.
The next time they see each other that day Sehun looks like he's on his death, eyes blurry and nose red and Kyungsoo really just wants to cuddle him in their softest blankets, but Sehun objects, "I'm a big boy. I'm not sick. My nose is just running because you keep saying it," and Kyungsoo doesn't understand why he's being like this, but Sehun lets him leave his hand over his shoulder when they settle down to watch Modern Family on TV, so Kyungsoo got that going for him, which is nice.
"You should at least take some medicine," Kyungsoo says once a break comes around, "We have some in the cupboard for cold, and I always could make you some ginseng tea. It's good for health."
"Don't wanna," says Sehun, voice so flat Kyungsoo cringes at it.
"You sound sick."
"Just leave me be."
"Hyung," Sehun sighs, closing his eyes. "I'm a grown up. I'm okay. No need to worry."
"I just don't want you to get sick too just worrying over me being sick. It's nothing serious." Sehun sends him a shallow smile after, but that can't seem to calm Kyungsoo down no matter what.
It turns out it's not really just a "nothing serious" cold, because Monday morning, when Kyungsoo turns to kick the alarm clock under the bed and then rolls over to Sehun to wake him up, Sehun's skin is so hot and flushed that all the worries Kyungsoo had the day before hits him like a sudden thunder. "You have fever," he says and tries not to panic about where he put the thermometer.
Sehun manages out, "It's okay," and coughs so hard Kyungsoo can almost feel the pain in his own lungs. "Let me just-"
"You're not going anywhere. I'm making you tea and getting you medicine. You're not leaving this bed until I say so," and for the first time, Sehun actually does as he says.
When he comes back, Sehun is already sweating. Kyungsoo places his plate full of medicine and tea and croissants next to Sehun and says, "I need to go to work. Eat all of this, please, take the medicines, and measure your fever every three hours. I left the window open, but if it turns too cold in here, close it. I'll get back at seven," and as he stands up, he traces his hand down Sehun's arm. It's comforting, and Sehun grabs his hand before he could pull it away.
"Thank you," Sehun says, small smile hiding in the corners of his mouth. "Don't worry too much at work, okay, husband?"
Kyungsoo says, "Okay, husband," and can't stop smiling on his way out.
By the time he gets home, Sehun is fast asleep on the couch in a rather incredible-looking posture Kyungsoo is forthright amazed of. Making sure he makes as small noise as possible, he fits himself to Sehun's back and doesn't even think of medicines as he falls asleep, the soft thudding of Sehun's heart lulling him away from this world.
Next morning there's a cramp in his shoulders, and Kyungsoo demands Sehun massaging it out because he's the source of his everyday problems mostly and Kyungsoo wouldn't have his shoulder hurt so much if Sehun could sleep in normal positions, possibly, and Sehun just swats him away and cries, "I'm sick, hyung! You massage me!"
"You said you were not sick on Sunday!"
"Guess what, I lied! I just didn't want you to worry. Because I love you. Don't you love me? If so, why would you want me to give you a massage when clearly I'm the sick one here and not you? Hey! Hyung! Don't leave me hereee!"
"Ugh, shut up. I'm leaving. To work. Because I'm not a whining brat like you, and someone has to pay the bills."
"But," Sehun starts but Kyungsoo is already slipping into his shoes. "Can I at least get a kiss?"
"No, you're sick," Kyungsoo says and pretends it's not what he really wants to do.
"And on my cheek?"
Kyungsoo sighs, and curses at himself inwardly because how on earth could he resist someone as cute as sick Sehun, and bends down to lend a kiss on Sehun's forehead.
"Now on my lips."
"No! You're going to get me sick, too!"
"But I don't want you to go."
"If you'd paid the bills last month and I wouldn't have had to flip out about the check we got after, I'd say I'll skip this day just for you, but you didn't, so I'm going now."
Sehun huffs at this, watching Kyungsoo rolling his scarf around his neck and opening the door. "I hate you, by the way," he says.
"I hate you, too. Have a nice day," Kyungsoo says, and when he looks back over his shoulder, Sehun is smiling.
And really, that is all that matters.
Two days into Sehun blaming not doing any chores around the house on his flu and lounging on the couch like a pig in dirty underwear playing GTA 5 ("Soo, you just can't imagine how good this game is," Sehun had said when they strolled past the video game area of the supermarket a few weeks ago, dragging Kyungsoo over to look and shove the game into his face. "We need to buy it!" Kyungsoo now regrets giving in then), Kyungsoo comes home to Sehun shivering, laid out on the couch like a big, smelly sloth.
"You're home," Sehun croaks, unattractive, yet the faint tint of pink on his cheeks is so cute Kyungsoo can't stop himself from leaning over and putting a sloppy kiss on Sehun's forehead. "Wow, you never do that."
"What?" Kyungsoo asks, putting the groceries he bought on the counter. "Come home?"
"No, silly," and Sehun smiles. His voice is still hoarse but at least he's not coughing anymore. "Kiss me without asking."
Kyungsoo looks at him from under his bangs. "That's not true. If I never kissed you, why am I your husband?"
"Well, I don't even know," Sehun says, standing up and smoothing his crinkled (and dirty) underwear out on his thighs. "Maybe because you cook so well."
"If I didn't, we would starve," Kyungsoo says, rolling his eyes. "Did you take your medicine?"
"Didn't wanna," Sehun says, coming up to the counter and taking a seat on the other side, facing Kyungsoo. "But I still took them, because I knew you would've killed me if I didn't."
"It's just a flu, darling."
"It's not just a flu," Kyungsoo says as he leans over to wash his hands in the sink. There's fresh meat laid out on the counter and Sehun's mouth is already watering just by the sight of it. "You're sick, and I don't want to see you like that."
"Aw, stop being so cute. My heart can't take it."
"I'm not cute!" Kyungsoo declares, and emphasises it with a huge strike across the meat.
Sehun just smiles and murmurs, so soft Kyungsoo barely manages to catch it, "You still are," and it warms the pits of his heart, because Sehun is being really sweet like this. Two years passed ("Two! I can't believe it," Chanyeol said the night before their second wedding anniversary as he helped Kyungsoo go through booking a fancy hotel room and a table for two. "You both are so old now." "What? You're the oldest!" "Doesn't matter."), two whole years, and Sehun still can bribe him around his fingers with such a simple statement like that.
"You know," Sehun begins as they're settling down around the table after dinner's ready, "I think we should upgrade our relationship."
Kyungsoo stops mid-bite, looks at Sehun with eyes so huge Sehun has no other choice than laugh at it. "What do you mean?"
"I mean we should--"
The bell to the front door rings. Kyungsoo watches Sehun's face twist into a disappointed frown as he scrambles up to let anyone in who's just decided to visit, ignoring his calls of, "Just leave it! Don't open it! I had something important to say! Hyunggg!"
It's Jongin, by the door, kicking it open with one foot and balancing a stall of beer in his hands. "Good evening sunshine," he says, slipping off his shoes and leaving them scattered around the carpet running up to the hall.
Kyungsoo frowns, "Don't leave your shoes here!", but Jongin's already in, putting the basket down by the leg of the table.
"What are you doing?" Sehun asks and tries to force his face into angry lines.
"Uh, excuse me Mr Grumpy, but it's Friday evening," Jongin says and doesn't bother to wait for an invitation to sit down. "And every Friday evening we drink beer and play cards and fool Kyungsoo into letting me sleep on the couch after because I'm so wasted."
Kyungsoo's face softens as he wriggles himself next to Sehun. "I completely forgot about it. Sorry, Jongin." From the corner of his eyes, he sees Sehun frowning, but chooses to ignore it. "I just made samgyeopsal, do you want some?"
"Nah, I'm good," Jongin says, already popping a bottle of beer open. "What's up with you, anyway?" The question is obviously directed at Sehun.
"Nothing," Sehun answers, "Just sick. Of you."
"Ha ha, very funny. Kyungsoo, do something with your pet."
"Shut up. He's having the flu."
"That's not an excuse for being an asshole."
Sehun feigns gasping in shock. "Well fuck me sideways but I recall you storming into my house and leaving your shoes down the hallway while I was trying to have a heart-to-heart with--"
Kyungsoo stares at him. "What? We were having a heart-to-heart?"
Jongin says, very intelligently, "Uh oh. Am I interrupting something? Trouble in paradise?"
"What?" Sehun squeaks, "No! I was just--"
"Are you breaking up with me?" Kyungsoo asks, face falling.
"No! Ugh, Kim Jongin!"
"What? It's not my fault you're so bad at communicating!"
"I didn't-- goddammit, just leave it. Hand me a beer. I can't stand this."
As Jongin's tossing a beer over to Sehun, Kyungsoo sends a look his way, desperate, but doesn't push it. If it was really something serious, Sehun would have said that already, so there's really nothing to worry about (not at least while Sehun is draped over his lap on the couch, beer dangling in his hand and laughing about something Jongin just said).
"Where's Chanyeol, by the way?" Kyungsoo asks as Jongin opens his fifth beer. Jongin glances at him, sheepishly, and says, "He's out. On a date."
"Fucking finally," Sehun sighs and yelps when Kyungsoo dips a finger into his side. "Ow, what? I thought he were going to be forever single."
"He's just slow," Jongin says, and something flickers in his eyes Kyungsoo can't quite put his finger on. "You remember Baekhyun? Well, it's him."
"He's dating Baekhyun? Byun Baekhyun? The opera singer guy from college?"
"Yeah," Jongin says, and Kyungsoo can't skim past how he plays a finger around the hem of his shirt. He seems like... uh, no, Kyungsoo must not put his nose into this. He considers saying something, and it's already on his tongue when he decides against it, saying instead, "Well, uh, how about playing Monopoly?"
"Like old grannies?" Sehun snickers.
"I'm in," Jongin says, instantly sitting closer.
"Because you're a granny," Sehun points out.
"Like you're not!"
It ends with them playing a game of who can drink more during pretending to play Monopoly, with Jongin getting tipsy fast.
"You could sleep here, you know," Kyungsoo tells him as he supports him towards the door after Jongin continuously falling asleep over his finished beer bottles. "Without bribing me or anything."
"I'm good, I'll catch a taxi," Jongin mumbles. "I'm more sleepy than wasted anyway."
"Just sleep here," Kyungsoo says. Sehun snorts from across the livingroom. "I don't mind."
"Nah, Sehun was grumpy enough when I arrived."
Kyungsoo worries his lips as Jongin starts putting his shoes back on, steadying himself with one hand on the doorframe, and suddenly remembers Jongin's face from before, how he talked about Byun Baekhyun and maybe Kyungsoo should just--
"Hey, Jongin," he says, but the next part is considerably lower, "about Chanyeol... do you like him?"
Jongin just stares at him, after that. His eyes are not really pained, but aren't empty either, filling with something close to hopelessness that Kyungsoo just wants to erase quick. "It doesn't matter, I guess," he says then.
"It does matter," Kyungsoo beings, and then Sehun's shouting something like, "Just shove him out the door!" but Kyungsoo dismisses him with a hand. "I think you should tell him."
"No," Jongin says. His hand is already on the lock. "It will pass."
"I don't think it's that simple."
"It is," Jongin says, smiling. It's fake, the smile, but the hug he gives Kyungsoo after is kind and tender. "Thank you. I'll figure it out."
"I'll call you."
"Okay. Bye, Mr Dickhead!"
"Get out already," Sehun says, waits until the door is shut. "What's wrong with him?"
"I think he's in love," Kyungsoo says, walking up to him and making room for himself on the couch by pushing Sehun to the edge.
"With whom?"
"Could you be any more dense? With Chanyeol, duh."
"Oh," Sehun says, after a moment. "Well... I'm not saying I expected it, but it's not a surprise either. Wow, now I feel like an asshole for being such a prick with him."
"You are."
"Hey," Sehun says, bumping into Kyungsoo with his feet but smiling nonetheless. "Uh, look, the thing I wanted to say is--"
"Are you sure you're not breaking up with me?"
"No! Kyungsoo! How could you say that!"
"I don't know! I can't read minds!"
"Why don't you listen to me first?"
"Why don't you just say it to my face?"
"Why are you so insufferable?"
"Why are you being dumb?"
"I'm not," Sehun says, leaning away like he's been burned. "I don't even want to tell you anymore."
"Alright, then don't. You're sleeping on the couch."
"But... darling! Hey! Don't leave me here!"
It's a week later when (after Sehun being catered for a whole of six days and finally going back to work on Monday) Kyungsoo notices something strange about Sehun. He can't quite wrap his head around it, because it's not a major change, it's just that one day he comes home from work and the whole house smells of Domestos and detergent. Two things Kyungsoo would bet his life on Sehun didn't even know where are stored, yet there he is, selecting Kyungsoo's socks from his boxers in the washroom. His hair is tied back on the top of his head and he looks funny just standing there, eyes fixated hard on a neon green sock that apparently does not have a matching pair anywhere near the laundry basket.
"What are you doing?" Kyungsoo asks, out of sheer shock and delight and there's a proud thump to his heart that he taps against the doorside.
"I'm-," Sehun begins, then realises the ridiculousness of his state of being now and reconsiders, thinking, what am I exactly doing? "Selecting socks? To wash?"
"You never do that," Kyungsoo points out. And maybe thinks, finally, after being together for seven years, married for two years for fucks sake, Sehun's starting to learn things. "So why?"
"I don't know," Sehun says, and puts the last basket of dark underwear into the washing machine, "I guess I just wanted to help."
To which Kyungsoo answers, "Uh," rather smart. He doesn't know anything else to say; it's not something he's used to, because aside that one really beautiful evening when Sehun made kimchi spaghetti just to get that horrid pink wedding suit of his, he's never really done anything like this before. "Thanks? I guess."
"You're welcome," Sehun says, coming up to him to press a light kiss against Kyungsoo's cheek. Kyungsoo tenses almost immediately - all these years, and still, this sudden closeness sends shivers down his spine - then lets go, hands darting out to cup Sehun's face and draw him in for a kiss on lips this time. It lingers, the tingling sensation of contact for several seconds even after it's over and Kyungsoo's out in the kitchen fishing out last night's dinner of the fridge.
"How was your day?" He asks Sehun once they're settled at the table, and as Sehun talks about one of his colleague's dog going missing and how the whole office went searching for it and how Sehun wanted to punch someone instead, all Kyungsoo thinks about is the way Sehun stood there, in the washroom, laundry in hand, and his heart tightens because still, it's unbelievable that they're together, married and happy and Kyungsoo is just really greatful, even if Sehun is dumb and refrains from saying things right to his face. So he listens to Sehun's ramblings about paperwork and hiss boss bitching and Tao not picking up the phone and never forgets to smile.
"Hey," Sehun says, then he's leaning right into him, letting a kiss linger near Kyungsoo's upper lip. "You had some food there."
"Thanks," says Kyungsoo and smiles. "Oh right! Almost forgot it! Chanyeol and Baekhyun are officially dating now. Can you imagine?"
"Ouch. Poor Jongin," Sehun says, and looks Kyungsoo in the eye. "He didn't tell him, did he?"
Kyungsoo sighs, "No, he said it's not in his place to take Chanyeol's happiness away."
"Good old Jongin. He's always putting everyone before himself."
"Wow. I think it's the first time in years I heard you talk about him in such a praising manner."
"Whatever. He's still a fucker."
"No, he's not. He's a Jongin."
"Oh, right."
They sit in silence, after, Kyungsoo tossing his tea around. There's something nagging the back of his mind, and can't seem to get rid of it even when Sehun goes and trips his way over the DVD player (and Kyungsoo's heart).
"Sehun," Kyungsoo starts as a movie begins to play on the screen, Sehun curling his hand over his nape. "There was something... Something you wanted to tell me. Last week. What was it?"
"Oh," Sehun says, not tearing his eyes away from the film, "I'll tell you later."
"What? Why can't you tell me now?"
"Shh. Let's just watch the film."
Kyungsoo turns away, suddenly heart weighing a thousand more pounds than it's supposed to.
He starts to suspect something when he realises the movie is about a small family and a dog.
It is a sunny Friday afternoon next when Kyungsoo comes home to freshly baked goods standing on the table, cookie dough smeared on Sehun's face that he eagerly tries to erase with a washcloth fastened to his cheek. Kyungsoo's just surprised first, then gets suspicious because he knows one thing for sure that Sehun absolutely does not do anything 'just because' yet his ulterior motive to this sudden occurrence is still unknown and it triggers something inside Kyungsoo.
"Sehun, seriously, what is this all about?"
Sehun is just smiling, says, "It's just a little something I made for you," but Kyungsoo can't really believe him.
"I know that shit eater smile," he says, and snatches a cookie fast that's still hot and burns the tip of his tongue. "Come on, tell me, what do you want?"
"Why must there be always a reason for doing things?" Sehun wonders out loud.
"Just, really, tell me! You obviously want something!"
"Okay," Sehun says, shoulders sagging all defeated before he scoots over to where Kyungsoo is sitting and takes his hand in his hands. "Do Kyungsoo."
"Oh my god," Kyungsoo says, and maybe hyperventilates, because, god, it sounds too serious. "Just tell me."
"I really love you," Sehun says, letting a smile play on his lips. Kyungsoo's palms start to sweat, and he wants to take his hand away because it's embarrassing, but Sehun holds him steady enough not to let him slip through his fingers. "I've loved you since kindergarten--"
Kyungsoo rolls his eyes. "Not kindergarten again."
"Hey, let me finish. So I've loved you since kindergarten and I love you just the same as on our wedding day, and I've been thinking, quite long and hard that we could... just... adopt a dog? Or buy a dog? Or a cat, for all I care. Or a rabbit."
"What? Is that it? A pet."
"Yes," Sehun says, seemingly proud that now he's finally said that.
"I thought you were proposing to me for the second time. Or just simply breaking up with me."
"I would never! So, what do you think?"
"I think..."
"Consider the fact that I've been helping around the house a lot these days!"
"I knew it," Kyungsoo grins, "I just knew it! You did all that for this!"
"Well, yes," Sehun says, suddenly all reserved. He dips his face until Kyungsoo can't see it anymore. "And for you. Because. I, uh. I'm really thankful."
Kyungsoo does not know what to say. It's rare for Sehun to be this vocally expressive about his feelings, and when he is, Kyungsoo doesn't know how to react. He's just happy, honestly, and he whispers it into Sehun's skin as he plasters his lips against his jaw to suck at it, fingers running up his thigh to grab at his hip and pulling him closer until they're pressed together close. Sehun kisses him, mouth full of flour and chocolate with a faint aftertaste of raw pasta and Kyungsoo basks in this, the glory that is Oh Sehun, skipping one hand down Sehun's shirt and pushing at his trousers.
Sehun breaks away, quick, just to smirk at Kyungsoo and let him work his fly down and lay him back against the floor, back flat and knees bent as Kyungsoo moves over him. He grinds himself down and thinks about the way Sehun stuttered just before and kisses him some more, leaving marks down along his collarbone because he's his, and there's just no other way than loving each other, Sehun fitting his palm around Kyungsoo's groin in a hurry, because fuck, they just haven't made love in a while and he really wants this, for the rest of his life.
"I love you," he breathes, once they're free from clothes and Sehun's skin's on full display before him. Goosebumps start to raise and he sticks down a hand to rub at Sehun's cock, holding it in place as Sehun whispers back, "I love you too."
It's so sappy Kyungsoo could cry but settles for sucking a hickey into Sehun's hip instead, Sehun moaning about it after when they're seated into each other, Kyungsoo bucking his navel up to fuck into Sehun hard. "Fuck, I didn't know you wanted a dog this bad."
Sehun laughs, but never stops rocking down into him, and says, eyes shining, "So we're having a dog? It's gonna be our baby."
"Our baby?" Kyungsoo asks, holding Sehun's legs apart. He's glad Sehun is this pliable, especially under his touch, because it makes everything easier when it comes to sex.
"Lovemaking," Sehun says, breathless, while Kyungsoo puts a finger into his mouth to suck at it. "We're making love."
"Yes," Kyungsoo says, and when he comes, he feels it, the words, 'thank you', etched deep under his skin.
("So you went and got yourself a dog, huh," Jongin says over the phone. He sounds distracted, like he's talking to someone else, but Kyungsoo pays no attention to that.
"Yes. It's a poodle. I can't believe Sehun chose a poodle out of all these dogs."
"Hey, poodles are awesome!" Jongin exclaims, and then there's a loud yelp ringing in Kyungsoo's ears.
"What happened?"
"Uh, just almost burned myself."
"I'm making dinner?"
"What? For who? Are you having a date over?"
"Yes," Jongin says and Kyungsoo hears the smirk out of his voice.
"Who is it?"
"Guess who."
"Is it... Chanyeol? So he's not with Baekhyun anymore?"
"And you confessed?"
"Wouldn't call it confessing... but... that's a whole another story."
"Alright. Uh oh, I will just, call you back later. Oh my god, Sehun, my flowers! Don't let the dog eat them! (There's a faint voice screaming in the background: "She's not 'the dog'! She's our baby!") Oh my goodness. Good bye, Jongin.")
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bold-lettered-blog · 10 years
do the who wakes up the other with kisses, who cooks for who etc thing with hunsoo please ;o;
sure thing, more under the cut
who wakes the other one up with kisses
it’s not unusual for sehun to nestle himself close up against kyungsoo and lie his softest butterfly kisses along his jaw and the pulse on his neck, hand briefly brushing away the hair that’s stuck between the juncture of kyugsoo’s ear and scalp. sometimes, he even would sneak a kiss near kyungsoo’s navel just to watch him wriggle away unconsciously. other times (which happen less than sehun would want them to), it’s kyungsoo who curls his fingers into his hair and leave his kisses there, slowly breathing all of sehun’s scent in, the musk, the slight afterglow of last night’s sex, the sweetness that sehun himself is; and pulls away quick after that, just so sehun wouldn’t notice, because hell no kyungsoo is not one of that kind of so called romantic guys (but sehun still senses all of it, even if he remains unmoving after - thinking, hoping, that kyungsoo would kiss the top of his head again just once).
who cooks for who
"what are we eating today, hyung?""uh""will you cook for me?""uh""i’m hungry""you’re a brat that’s what you are""am not. i love you""… ok what do you want to eat"
who is the morning person/night person
"geez, you’re still up?" kyungsoo mumbles as he teeters into the bedroom. it’s been a bitch of a day at work and all he wants to do is flung himself into bed still dressed. frowning in the darkness, the only dim source of light is sehun’s mobile screen. kyungsoo loosens his tie around his neck and sighs, "are you looking at miranda kerr’s instagram again?"
"no," sehun says, and closes miranda kerr’s instagram quick on his phone. "tao just messaged me. about stuff."
"at half past midnight? what stuff?"
"important stuff." kyungsoo is already draped diagonal over the bed by then. he humms, then says, "important miranda kerr stuff?"
"no," sehun says, and waits until kyungsoo falls asleep (which takes about half a minute) and goes back to scrolling through miranda kerr’s instagram pictures. for about three more hours.
who is the romantic one
"annyeong," is what sehun says when kyungsoo steps in their apartment. there’s a dull light coming in from the kitchen, otherwise it’s so dark kyungsoo has to reach out and grab onto sehun for support.
"what is this?" kyungsoo asks. he would lie if he said he’s not thrilled just a tiny tiny bit - it’s their anniversary, after all, and even though kyungsoo hates romantic things ("and cuddling?" sehun asks. "we cuddle all the time, what do you say about that?" "it’s different," kyungsoo answers, but seriously, it’s not), he truly appreciates the effort sehun has seemingly put in decorating the hallway with cut out cardbox hearts (and dripping red paint down the floor).
he’s almost awed. and delighted. and kind of thankful, even if the candles kyungsoo remembers sehun bought last week are standing way too close to the edge of the curtain. there’s a big heart made out of blood red rose petals right in the middle on the floor, and about a hundred other roses scattered all over the cupboard, the chairs, hanging from the curtains, stuck to the windows, the floor, even kyungsoo’s favourite kitchen supplies (later, when all is done, kyungsoo will kill sehun for that), but nothing beats the giantic ‘my heart is yours’ label hung up the ceiling.
kyungsoo is thrilled. almost. he cringes, “so cheesy, ugh,” and sehun answers, “whyyy? i tried so hard! i love you THIS much!” and kyungsoo just shakes his head, albeit unable to ease the warmth pooling in his stomach.
"okay, thanks," he says, and tries to look like he actually means it (which he does, really. it’s just that sometimes it’s not evident on his face.)
"that’s it?" sehun sounds kind of butthurt so kyungsoo opts to circle his arms around him tight and kiss the side of his face lovingly in return. "that’s all you have to say?"
"happy anniversary."
"pfft. you too."
who is the top when it comes to sex
sunday morning is quiet and still, early sunshine skipping through the windows and leaving a patch of light along sehun’s ribs as he grinds, a bit harder, up into kyungsoo’s crotch. making love in the morning is lazy and slow, and sehun feels kind of like a sloth as he lets kyungsoo lay him down on his back and work down his way towards his briefs. he doesn’t tease, not now, but he’s not quick either, simply sliding his hand under sehun’s boxers and pumping his erection once, twice, before pulling the material off.
"you’re so hard," kyungsoo whispers, but doesn’t waste a minute to roll his thumb over the head and squeeze. "why so excited for me?"
"why do you think," sehun moans back. at times like these they’re kind of domestic, and sehun could cry at that if kyungsoo wasn’t sucking his dick now while some rays of morning sun spills in through the curtain-cracks and colours kyungsoo’s skin a light yellow at the side of his face.
kyungsoo just humms, and lets sehun’s cock go with an obscene pop. “do you want to top today?”
"nah, too lazy," sehun says, lacing his hands over his nape and leaning back on the cushion behind him.
"you’re always lazy," says kyungsoo and rolls his eyes. sehun rolls his eyes back at him.
"i did the laundry yesterday!"
"does that mean anything?"
"yes, it does. argh, just suck me off and let me sleep until noon."
they end up with sehun laying back down and kyungsoo fucking him all tardy and slack, sehun putting a sloppy kiss across his mouth when they finish.
"next time don’t be so lazy and fuck me for real," kyungsoo says.
"ok," and sehun’s already off sleeping.
who would lead in ballroom dancing
"you’re supposed to be a dancer, how can you be so bad at this?"
"what do you mean bad? you keep stepping on my feet every ten seconds!"
"i don’t know how to do this! where did you get the idea anyway."
"it’s cute," sehun says, grinning, leading kyungsoo all around their livingroom, spinning through doors and bumping into the couch and some chairs later.
"it’s not cute," kyungsoo says when they’re dizzy enough to let go of each other and collapse on the floor. "it’s horrid."
 who is the more cuddly one
when sehun comes home from dance practice, kyungsoo’s already home. it’s unusual - kyungsoo doesn’t often happen to come home earlier then sehun, and sehun’s somewhat glad, because if kyungsoo’s home early, he must’ve made sehun something delicious in reward of working his ass off all day.
"i’m home," he announces, as if it weren’t obvious already when he shut the door with a bang when he came in.
"thank heavens," kyungsoo says, sarcastic. there’s some pasta boiling on the stow before him.
"you’re making spaghetti? i’m so happy," sehun says as he comes up behind kyungsoo and curls his arms around him. "yehet."
"stop saying that, it’s so annoying."
"who cares, i’m so happy. and hungry. i could eat that raw pasta right now."
"don’t cuddle me, i can’t move."
"but i had such a hard day," sehun pouts, leaning even more in, laying all his weight on kyungsoo. "i need my dose of cuddles."
"okay, just shut up."
 who is the one to most likely pick the movie they watch
"how about fifty first dates?"
 who is the one who would pay for dates
"i know it wasn’t your idea to go to the aquarium, but can i ask you why didn’t you bring your wallet?"
sehun just smiles mischievously, swinging on his feet as they wait in line at the entrance. “you’ll see.”
"what do you mean you’ll see?"
and then kyungsoo sees him, the bright bleach blonde hair, the black sunglasses, the small form. joonmyeon.
"kyungsoo-ya," he says when he reaches them. "so happy to see you!" and pulls kyungsoo in a hug that’s too tight even sehun feels uncomfortable.
"hyung," kyungsoo begins when he sees sehun still smirking from the corners of his eyes. "what are you doing here?"
"what do you mean what? sehunnie invited me! he said you wanted to hang out with me, right?"
"right, hyung," kyungsoo smiles. forced. smiles, still, when they’re all in, having joonmyeon paid for all of their tickets. of course. and smiles more, because sehun is a genius. (and a real asshole.)
who is the one who would initiate a quicky during classes
"you still have classes," kyungsoo says as sehun rips the front door to their apartment open and takes his face in his hands to kiss him square on the mouth. sehun is quick, unbuckling kyungsoo’s belt fast, his own jeans already pooling around his ankles.
"i know," he says, breathless, rolling kyungsoo’s shirt up his torso, but not taking it off completely. "i have about thirteen minutes. now twelve. so, do you want me to fuck you for real finally, or not?"
kyungsoo smirks.
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bold-lettered-blog · 11 years
kyungsoo/sehun, 1427 words
life's about learning, and getting used to things we can't really figure out.
Sehun traces different paths of their lives into Kyungsoo's palm of his hand, it's just the way it is.
Maybe it feels a little different, but Kyungsoo is not moving, not an inch, away from Sehun's touch and that's enough for him to let his muscles drain away the tense in them.
Maybe if he leans in and kisses him, he thinks, nothing would happen. And maybe - he knows he feels it in the air - Kyungsoo would kiss back, hand planted onto Sehun's nape and pulling him in even deeper, fast in love, finger shifting down to pull at collars.
But Kyungsoo's not in love with him. Sehun's not in love with Kyungsoo either - what he's in love with is the idea of being together with someone as different as Kyungsoo is to Sehun. Kyungsoo is nowhere as open as Sehun is, not as disobedient either - Kyungsoo is just Kyungsoo, nothing more and nothing less, all fisted hands by his sides and eyes rounded wide, Kyungsoo is a folk song sang to the moon as the stars shine down bright at him, Kyungsoo is a melody Sehun gets burned under his skin without meaning to. Kyungsoo is not Sehun, and Sehun is not Kyungsoo and this is the single most attractive thing that keeps Sehun from slouching away, always pushing then pulling back. Kyungsoo is a magnet on legs. If he were to walk into a crowded room right now, every head would turn. Not because he's so special on the outside. Not because he's tall, or board, or bold like Sehun is; but because he's exactly not that, and Sehun drowns in this weird helpless feeling. If Sehun were to be singing right now, he'd sing folk songs he doesn't even know about, would sing his heart out just to be Kyungsoo for a stolen moment, a second that flies away as fast as Kyungsoo's defense breaks and a smile blooms to completion on his face.
Maybe Kyungsoo is special. Maybe Kyungsoo's not just a folk song but a symphony, a grand piano Sehun can't quite play well. This is why, each time the lights go out and everything's put to rest, it's Sehun who can't catch sleep in the darkness. He stays up thinking about ways to peel Kyungsoo's shield away from his heart, to get the melody right, to learn things he'd never really care about. Kyungsoo is, in fact, a puzzle torn away diligently, and maybe Sehun is here to piece him back together if the right time comes.
There's never a right time. Kyungsoo stays fastened to Jongin's side, never letting Sehun close enough, and Sehun stays by Tao, or Chanyeol, or Lu Han, or Minseok, and it's supposed to stay the way it is. Yet sometimes, it's Sehun who can't help himself, and goes and trips his way past Kyungsoo's walls of defense, and makes Kyungsoo cook him dinner at eleven pm, never being sorry for waking the other up just because of that.
Kyungsoo is always angry. And confused, Sehun guesses, because sometimes he's reaching out, other times he's pulling away, leaving unsaid words to dwell between them as Sehun eats the remains of kimchi spaghetti. Sehun looks at him then, and thinks, "wow, I don't even know what to say," or, "wow I just want to touch him," but it will always remain unsaid, repressed, never said out loud. Kyungsoo looks right back at him, and suddenly everything's slower than before, every little flick of Kyungsoo's body playing in slow motion. Sehun fights the urge to reach out and just let his hand linger over Kyungsoo's narrow shoulderblades. And maybe thinks, if awkwardness was ever this peaceful I'd like to be forever awkward, because with Kyungsoo even awkward silences are bearable.
But life doesn't stop, not even for a few minutes. Kyungsoo takes Sehun's emptied plate and places it in the dishwasher. Sehun thinks of something - a question. It's easy. Just a few words. Nothing can go because of asking that, right?
"Hyung. If you were me, and I were you, would you-- do you think it would be the same as it is?"
Kyungsoo doesn't quite look him in the eye. "What do you mean?"
"I mean," Sehun starts, and licks his lips and thinks about taking it all back, but it's late, too late for that. "I mean, if you were me, and I were you, would I still feel this hopeless around you? Would I feel the same, would I want to solve you?" Would I love you? He does not say that. Kyungsoo's eyes are already wide enough.
"If you were me..." Kyungsoo begins. His knuckles are turned white fisted in his own shirt. "If I were you..."
"Would I be special? Would you be special? Would we..."
"If you were me," Kyungsoo says, taking a step closer. And another. They're close now, cuddled in by the dim light coming from the hallway, almost as close as Kyungsoo lets Jongin lie near him on the couch. "I would be fascinated over your face all the same."
"You mean your own face," Sehun says. Kyungsoo's smiling. Sehun lets that in, the warmth of his smile to wrench a piece of him out right now. Kyungsoo is a folk song. Kyungsoo is a grand piano, and Sehun's just starting to learn how to play it. "I would still be as helpless as of now."
"You mean you would like your face nonetheless," says Kyungsoo. He's close yet not close enough.
"I would, yes," Sehun says. If he wanted to, he could stretch his hand out and run a finger over Kyungsoo's wrist easily. He does. Kyungsoo seems like he wants to pull away, but doesn't. One step forward. Maybe Sehun's a clarinet, and Kyungsoo doesn't know either how to play him.
Kyungsoo is nothing like Sehun, but Sehun just wants to lean in and kiss Kyungsoo all the same. Maybe this is the right time. Maybe Sehun's singing a folk song right now, and gets all the words right.
His fingers are finally over Kyungsoo's wrist. He still doesn't pull away.
And then -- there's something, just a little something brothering the back of Sehun's brain until he thinks of it, and, unsure, but still, says it. "If we were to be ordinary people right now... would you let me kiss you?"
"We're ordinary people," Kyungsoo says. Sehun's mouth goes dry. Maybe Kyungsoo's mouth feels like a desert just like his. Maybe the feeling's mutual, maybe Sehun's not just imagining things.
Maybe if he leans in-- he already is, and Kyungsoo lets him get so close he feels his breath on his face, so close if he let his hand wander, he could grab at Kyungsoo's heart.
It's a press of skin on skin, the kiss. And maybe Sehun's surprised, because Kyungsoo's wrist is gone from under his touch, and his hands are on either side of his face and Kyungsoo pulls him in closer, and closer, and even closer, until they're mending together and Sehun's palm finds its place atop of Kyungsoo's small round shoulders.
They kiss, soundless, in the half lamp light casted over their faces. Kyungsoo is a grand piano, yes, that is being played. Kyungsoo is a folk song, fists, kisses that taste like toothpaste and Kyungsoo, something Sehun never experienced before. Kyungsoo kisses like he has the time stopped. Kyungsoo breathes labored and slow, and Sehun loves it and inhales the smell of him in deep enough that he'll remember it clearly in the morning.
When it ends, Kyungsoo doesn't pull away immediately. He stays, near Sehun, but his hands fall away from his face. It's okay, Sehun thinks, Kyungsoo's a folk song after all. Abrupt ends- that is all he is, but not really. He's special.
Sehun smiles. He's giddy. Kyungsoo almost smacks him, but draws back. Always draws back. Sehun wants him to stay. Instead he says, "If I were you... I would always want to remember this."
He turns to leave, but still hears Kyungsoo whispering, "I would. I would always."
Kyungsoo's not in love with him. Sehun's not in love with Kyungsoo either - what he's in love with is the idea of their lips put together. Kyungsoo is nothing what Sehun is. In the end, Kyungsoo is still a folk song sang to the moon as the stars shine down bright at him, still a melody Sehun needs to figure out on dark nights when sleep refuses to come. Kyungsoo is a grand piano, and now Sehun's learning how to play it. Sometime from now, he's not exactly sure when - he'll get all the notes right.
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bold-lettered-blog · 11 years
this is the way our heart is breaking
anyone/anyone (exo), au, pg, angst, 400 words
no specific pairing assigned (but i was alternating between yixing/sehun or baekhyun/chen or joonmyun/chen)
I kiss your chapped lips and you sigh all your worries into me, and I take them, fold them into little stars I later place on top of the counter where we make love, your fingertips pressed deep into my scalp and chest, like you want to rip out the last remains of my heart with all the force you have shielded beneath your skin.
We kiss and I think maybe this is the last one we'll share because as the clock hands turn, just like that, you too turn away from me.
Something shifts, in the darkness, as I lean into you for comfort and you place your rigid hands onto me and I feel like you're nothing more than pure lifeless meat on strings, your touch so cold it's as if I could have been burnt by it.
You are falling apart. You need to be fixed yet you say there's nothing wrong when evidently there is.
The saddest thing is, I watch you fall apart, silently, when at five o'clock you tumble out of bed and I hear you cry over the news on the tv, when we walk down the street and everything is bright but your eyes are so dark I could get lost in them.
And then back at home, that little apartment where we have so many memories faded into the walls along dust and years of hard working printed into the cushions, you finally turn to me. You turn to me and I still can't understand, but I slowly-
I try. You slip my worn dress shirt down my arms and never forget to scrape your nails against my pulsing hot meat. You know where you fit; you fit into me, like puzzle pieces put together and I silently let a tear roll down the side of my face when you're not looking. This - I remember the times when we did this and your hands didn't feel burning cold, when in your eyes were not only my reflection, but endless lines of never said out confessions, and love, so much love.
We're losing it.
Maybe I'm the one who needs to be fixed, maybe I need to chase my worries away about you, maybe you're not falling in love.
You're falling into a hole you can't climb out of and my arms are not strong enough to pull you up.
You're falling and I'm falling with you too.
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