I'm studying to be an equine massage therapist and I have to be certified on people first. I say that to say, I came across the essential oils and I thought I'd share with you some of their properties from the book I'm studying. Alt text added.
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Here are ways to dispense them:
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This solar eclipse is tapping into the energy of Chiron, known as the wounded healer. Chiron might reveal the ways we’ve been self-sabotaging and what’s needed to mend those wounds. It’s a time to confront what truly challenges us at our core. Aries energy revolves around identity and embracing our individuality. Often, we restrict ourselves for various reasons, but this eclipse nudges us to address our wounds head-on. It’s about summoning the courage to lead with autonomy. While there might be resistance to embracing change, destiny beckons—offering a beautiful opportunity to leave the past behind and stride forward on our own terms. For some, this solar eclipse could feel like an internal tug-of-war, as it’s tough to bid farewell to comfort zones that keep us in familiar territory. What does that uphill battle look like for you? It’s not about following someone else’s playbook; it’s about blending your unique essence with what you need to heal. If running isn’t your thing, why join a running club to get active? Find independence in your healing journey and allow yourself to be impulsively inspired. When you quiet the noise and listen to your inner voice, what propels that change? Can you infuse a bit of playfulness into your actions, embodying the bold Aries spirit as you charge ahead confidently? This solar eclipse encourages self-discovery through personalized action, so trust your own path rather than someone else’s. Here’s the thing: while Aries energy may urge us to dive headfirst into challenges like a ram, we can’t sustain that meteoric pace. Take your time as you reconnect with yourself and heal those wounds. Healing isn’t a linear journey, and greatness isn’t achieved overnight. Expect setbacks and stumbles along the way, but don’t let them deter you. It’s okay to pause and reassess. You’re in control of your actions and decisions, so own your journey and hold yourself accountable.
And remember, for the most accurate horoscope interpretation, check your rising sign first, followed by your sun sign for a more comprehensive understanding.
Here's how it affects each zodiac below:
This eclipse brings a dual energy vibe your way. On one hand, it signals new beginnings and opportunities in your career; you might find yourself finally getting the recognition you deserve. Whether that looks like stepping into a new career path or solidifying your position in your current job, you’re about to bloom. You might receive that long-awaited job offer or unexpectedly find yourself taking on a leadership role.
But here’s the twist: the eclipse is also singing Miley Cyrus’s “Flowers” to you—reminding you that, while it’s great to receive recognition from others, you also have the power to acknowledge your achievements without waiting for someone else’s approval. This is your moment to silence that inner voice of doubt and prove it wrong. What do you want your legacy to be? How can you take active steps towards achieving your goals? Embrace this eclipse as a catalyst for stepping into your greatness and owning your journey.
Get ready for some exciting new adventures because the solar eclipse is calling your name. If you’ve been feeling stuck in a rut lately, this eclipse is about to give you a much-needed jolt of energy. It’s time to shake things up! The universe is giving you the green light to make those plans. The solar eclipse wants you to dive into new experiences that broaden your perspective and shift your view of the world and your place in it.
But here’s the thing: embracing new adventures doesn’t always mean packing your bags and moving to a different country or enrolling in a degree program. It can be as simple as tuning into a new podcast or striking up a conversation with someone who has a different worldview than yours. Seeking out new information and embracing adventure is the key to healing any doubts you may have about yourself or feeling like you’re lacking answers. So, Leo, prepare to embark on a sparkling journey of discovery!
Brace yourself, because this eclipse packs a powerful punch just for you. You might be feeling weighed down lately, like there’s a heaviness lingering in the air. Parts of yourself that you’ve tucked away are now bubbling up to the surface, and it can be unsettling to face those skeletons. But fear not, because you’re being presented with an opportunity to undergo a profound spiritual awakening, nudging your third eye to rouse.
During this time, your views on sex, death, and intimacy are likely to undergo a transformation—but only if you’re willing to confront the wounds associated with these aspects of life. Don’t shy away from what’s inside or ignore the issues weighing heavy on your heart. The more you suppress, the harder it becomes to move forward. It’s crucial to be honest with yourself about changing your approach when it comes to dealing with or avoiding the things in this world that frighten you. Embrace this period of introspection and transformation—it’s all part of your journey toward growth and self-discovery.
today brings fortuitous opportunities as the sign of relationships ushers in fresh connections. The solar eclipse in Aries activates the realm of interpersonal bonds, opening avenues for new relationships to flourish. Whether platonic, romantic, or professional, there’s ample potential to both initiate new connections and strengthen existing ones. However, it’s crucial to address any lingering emotional wounds to establish healthy boundaries and foster genuine connections. Take time to heal and create the necessary space to navigate relationships authentically. One challenge lies in examining how you perceive others’s perceptions of you. While it’s natural to prioritize other people’s experiences, it’s essential to consider how you experience them in return. Do they truly appreciate and accept you for who you are? Embrace this opportune moment to cultivate connections that resonate with your true self. Open yourself to new relationships that align with your authenticity and values.
Bid farewell to any lingering couch potato vibes from the challenging astrological years past, because this eclipse will sweep them away. The swift arrival of the solar eclipse signals a golden opportunity to break free from detrimental habits and routines that may hinder your mastery of your craft. Your focus should turn to your physical well-being and daily routines. Are you following a regimen that truly aligns with your identity and aspirations? This eclipse prompts you to reassess and realign your habits to better serve your goals. While changes may ripple through your professional sphere, they serve as reminders of how you prefer to navigate your work life. Consider this eclipse as the beginning of a personal 21-day challenge, aimed at establishing a new, more fulfilling routine. Whether it’s committing to regular gym sessions or dedicating time each day to personal projects outside the typical 9-5 grind, prioritize activities that nourish your well-being and passion. Remember, every daily choice shapes your overall life. Seize this moment to prioritize self-care and set the stage for a more balanced and fulfilling existence.
Picture this eclipse as the coolest birthday party from your youth, revisited. While you might not wake up to a house festooned with streamers or a backyard bouncy castle, you’ll certainly feel your inner child stirring within you. Amid the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to stifle your whims and desires. But remember, life is an adventure meant to be embraced fully. So, what will enrich your life experience moving forward? Perhaps it’s time to explore a new hobby or allow yourself to be swept away by romance and passion with a new flame. This eclipse serves as a gentle nudge to reconnect with your youthful spirit and playful nature. Even though the wide-eyed wonder of childhood may have faded, you still possess the ability to infuse your life with joy and spontaneity. Embrace the opportunities to rediscover the magic of being alive and let your inner child lead the way.
The solar eclipse is knocking on your door, urging you to reclaim your power. It’s happening right in your sign, giving you the green light to embrace your desires and authentic self. Get ready for a wave of self-discovery, reminding you of your true capabilities and igniting the motivation to pursue what makes you feel whole. Feeling the urge to revamp your wardrobe, indulge in a little retail therapy, or embark on a spontaneous solo adventure? Sounds tempting, doesn’t it?
But here’s the kicker: focus on actions that heal your ego. Sometimes, you might catch yourself doing things just to prove a point. But what if you could let go of that competitive streak and instead cultivate a sense of self-assurance that doesn’t seek validation from others? This eclipse marks a significant shift in your identity and self-perception, so embrace the journey wholeheartedly.
The solar eclipse is nudging you towards fresh starts by closing those chapters you’ve been holding onto tightly. This eclipse season has been stirring up some stressors in our lives, possibly unearthing parts of your past that still exert influence on you. As a fixed earth sign, you crave stability, which can make it challenging to admit when things need to change.
This solar eclipse urges you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace new spiritual and creative practices. It’s about facing your fears and stressors head-on instead of burying them under a pile of artisanal goodies. This eclipse invites you on a spiritual journey, helping you become more aware of how your past self has evolved beyond certain limitations. Dive into healing rituals that allow you to remove distractions and uncover what’s been holding you back. It’s time to let go of the old and embrace the transformative energy of the eclipse.
The solar eclipse brings a burst of social energy, perfect for a social butterfly like you. During this Aries season, you might feel motivated to reassess your social circles and friendships, and the eclipse offers a chance to heal any wounds associated with your societal connections. Sometimes, you might find yourself wearing masks and mirroring others, but this eclipse encourages you to drop the act and embrace your authentic self.
It’s possible that this newfound authenticity might lead to drifting apart from some friendships or feeling like you no longer fit into certain groups—but remember, when one door closes, another opens. You’ve got a natural playfulness that thrives on genuine connections without fear of judgment, so focus on nurturing relationships that allow you to be yourself. Take the initiative and dive into new social circles—there are plenty of fish in the sea waiting to swim with you.
this eclipse will shed light on what’s necessary to manifest your desires. Yes, your financial situation and material world are poised for delightful transformations during this celestial event. However, there’s a crucial caveat to bear in mind—money doesn’t magically appear. It requires acknowledging and valuing your self-worth. Do you genuinely believe you deserve the abundance you seek? While opportunities may present themselves, you must cultivate the inner confidence to seize them. It’s understandable for Pisces to sometimes lean towards melodrama, but now is the time to cast aside doubts and embrace your desires. Let go of the what-ifs and allow yourself to pursue what you want because, without a doubt, you deserve it.
you’ve got an electrifying period ahead. Keep a journal handy, because the experiences and conversations coming your way will shed light on how you interact and exchange information with folks. The solar eclipse may stir up past communication frustrations you’ve faced, or the feeling of being misunderstood. However, it also presents an opportunity to explore fresh avenues for expressing your truth authentically.
brace yourself for a revitalization of energy in your domestic realm with this solar eclipse. It could manifest as a move to a new abode or the initiation of plans for such a change. Alternately, you might feel inspired to spruce up your living space with redecoration or simply prioritize quality time with your loved ones. If you’ve been contemplating expanding your family, now is an auspicious time to do so. This eclipse invites you to nurture and heal any disturbances that disrupt your sense of security at home. You may find yourself engaged in tense conversations or needing to extricate yourself from challenging situations to establish a greater sense of autonomy and stability. Ultimately, take a moment to reflect on what you truly desire and require when you clock out for the day and return to the sanctuary where you lay your head at night. Prioritize creating a space that nourishes your soul and fosters a sense of belonging and tranquility
Source: Wmagazine. com
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good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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booksbeansandcandles · 3 months
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A lucky capybara has given you a blessing! ✨ May it last the whole year and more!
Chibird store | Positive pin club | Instagram
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booksbeansandcandles · 5 months
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booksbeansandcandles · 6 months
people who get excited about stars, moons and sunsets are my kind of people
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booksbeansandcandles · 6 months
How to Write Your Own Spells
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There are lots of ways to create spells, from planning everything to the minutest detail ahead of time to absolutely flying by the seat of your pants in the moment. If you'd like to write your own spells, either for use in your craft or as a creative exercise, here are some suggested steps that I use in my own practice:
1) Determine the intent or goal of your spell. Decide, first and foremost, what you want the spell to do. Refine your goal if necessary and try not to be too nebulous. Your intent tells the spell what it's meant to do. A more focused goal may increase the chances of success.
2) Determine how you want the spell to manifest. Decide how the spell should work and what the result should look like. This is a good time to build in a sign of success, especially for spells that may not work in an obvious or visible way.
3) Determine what or whom the spell will affect. If the spell is to have a target, be it a person or a place or an animal or an object, decide what that should be and how they or it will be represented in the casting.
4) Determine how long the spell is meant to work. If your spell is timebound or has a deadline, decide what that will be. If the spell is meant to work long-term, you may want to check in and refresh it from time to time. (Not every spell will be timebound. Many spells will simply expire when they have fulfilled their purpose or if they are blocked or circumstances are not favorable.)
5) Determine the timing of the spell, if applicable. Not everyone uses celestial or astrological timing for their spells, but if you do, look into the prevailing conditions and decide on an advantageous time for your casting. (Please note that magical timing can only enhance your spell and casting something on the "wrong" day will not necessarily cause it to fail.)
6) Determine what methods and materials you want to use to cast the spell. Decide how you're going to go about performing the casting, whether you're doing a ritual or making a charm or just using energy. If you're going to need a ritual space or physical components, plan that out and make sure it fits with what you want to do.
7) Determine the words, if any, which will empower the spell. If you want to include a prayer or a petition or a song or an incantation with your spell, decide what that should be. This is not strictly necessary and the words need not be spoken aloud. (Rhyming incantations are not required, but if you prefer them that way, you can certainly do so.)
8) Prepare the materials for casting the spell. Get all your necessaries together ahead of time. Make sure you have everything you need, that tools and components are in good and useable condition, prepare your workspace, and make sure everything is within easy reach so you don't have to stop and search for things in the middle of your casting. (And for goodness sake, if you're working with open flame, observe fire safety and tie your hair and sleeves back.)
9) Finalize details and perform the casting. When you're ready to begin, try to eliminate as many possibilities for distraction or interruption as possible. Go over your spell and components one more time, then proceed with casting the spell.
10) Record the particulars for future reference and to determine how well the spell worked. Make a record of the spell, including your goal, how it should manifest, the words and components used, the date of the casting, the casting method and procedure, and how the casting went. If there are any additional details or observations that seem important, include those as well. This will serve as a useful learning tool in the future and will allow you to check your work if the results make themselves known.
It's useful to write spells from time to time if the inspiration strikes you, in order to better understand how they fit together and how they work. Plus it's a fun and creative journaling exercise and recording the spells you cast a great way to measure your progress later on.
For additional tips on writing your own spells and helpful tricks for using timing and available materials to your advantage, check out my podcast, Hex Positive, Eps. 006-007, "Come In For A Spell, pt 1 & 2."
(And if you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
Happy Witching! 🔮✨
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booksbeansandcandles · 6 months
Rose Shield Potion
1 tablespoon rose petals
1 leaf of sage
1 cup boiling water
¼ cup vodka (80-proof or higher)
Cut rose petals into ½” pieces
Cut sage petals into ¼” pieces
Pour into boiling water, stir periodically for 15 minutes.
Add vodka, shake well.
(Recite throughout entire process.)
“With roses and sage I do so set, An air of protection that must be met. With lingering fragrance of petals so small, I charge this potion with each and every call.”
For protection, anoint yourself or another with it on the pulse points and chakras. Trace the frames of your doors and windows. Clockwise and counterclockwise are both acceptable, depending on which direction you associate with protection. This potion may also be put in a spray bottle to clear harmful vibrations from rooms.
This potion can be used in the blessing or anointment of a new altar. To use, place a drop on each corner of the altar, starting at the upper right hand corner. If the altar is a permanent one, you can also put a drop on your altar candle. Place a drop on the edge of the candle, allowing it to roll down the side.
Aspects of potion blended from Rose Shield potions on the Pagan’s Path and the Witch’s Shield.
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booksbeansandcandles · 6 months
The benefits of burning herbs are many but here are a few:
Cleanse negative energy
Add protection to your space
Cleanse your aura
Bring positive energy
Balance the elements of your space
Bring more masculine or feminine energy into your space
Consecrate items or your space
Simply for the delicious aroma!
A few herbs and flowers to use and meaning
Sagebrush: Clear negative energy, soothe headaches, brings air element and feminine energy.
Lavender: Soothing, calming, balancing, brings air element and masculine energy.
Basil: Balancing, joyful, positive energy, brings fire element and masculine energy.
Rosemary: Purify, seal or bond relationships, brings fire element, masculine energy, clarity and good dreams.
Rose: Love, affection, brings water element and feminine energy.
Lemongrass: Clears obstacles, brings air element and masculine energy.
Mugwort: Enlightenment, magic, intuition, brings air and earth element and feminine energy.
Mint: Awareness, concentration, brings fire element and masculine energy.
Spruce: Grounding, clarity, calmness, brings earth element and feminine energy.
Hibiscus: Attracting love, moon magic, intuituon feminine energy, and third eye chakra.
Passionflower: Soothes strong emotions, promotes relaxation, both feminine and masculine energy, hope and balance.
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booksbeansandcandles · 7 months
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Saw this skull in the clouds today.
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booksbeansandcandles · 7 months
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Saw this skull in the clouds today.
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booksbeansandcandles · 7 months
Elm, folk names: elven, English elm, European elm
Gender: feminine
Planet: Saturn
Element: water
Deities: Odin, Hoenin, & Lodr
Power: love
The folk name elven came from the myth that elves carried it on them.
Metaphysical properties: said to protect you from lighting and to attract love
Potatoes, folk names: blue eyes, flukes, no eyes, taters, murphies
Gender: feminine
Planet: moon
Element: earth
Powers: image magick and healing
Potatoes are often used as a "poppet" and the " eyes" of the potatoes can be used as the eyes of a poppet.
Metaphysical properties: carry a potato to cure a toothache, guard against warts and gout.
American ginseng, folk name: wonder of the world
Gender: masculine
Planet: sun
Element: fire
Powers: love, wishes, healing, protection and lust
Magical uses: carry it to attract love and to draw wealth to you. Burn it to ward off evil spirits and to break hexes and curses. Drinking ginseng tea is said to bring on lust.
Adder's tongue, folk names: serpents tongue, adder's mouth, yellow snowdrop
Gender: feminine
Planet: moon
Element: water
Powers: healing
Magical use: soak adder's tongue wrapped in a cloth in cold water and apply to a wound or bruise, until the herb grows warm. Bury the wet herb in muddy soil, the wound will then be healed
Sourced: encyclopedia of magical herbs, by Scott Cunningham
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booksbeansandcandles · 7 months
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booksbeansandcandles · 7 months
Elderberry Syrup Plus
3 cups water
1/2 cup dried elderberries
1/2 tsp dried ginger
1 cinnamon stick or 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 Tbs rosehips
1/2 cup honey – raw honey is preferred*
Bring water to boil in a saucepan, add in elderberries, ginger, cinnamon, and rose hips and reduce to a simmer.
Simmer for 30-45 minutes or until liquid has reduced by half.
Let the syrup cool.
Strain through a fine mesh sieve, cheesecloth, or muslin.
Add in the honey once cool and stir.*
Store your elderberry syrup in a jar in the refrigerator. Alternatively, you can make large batches of elderberry syrup and can them or freeze them in mason jars.
Keeps for 2-3 months
Dosage: Preventative: 1 Tbs/daily for adults, 1 tsp/daily for children over 1 year.
When Sick: 1 Tbs/2-3 hours for adults, 1 tsp/2-3 hours for children over 1 year.
* Warning: Babies under 1 year old should not have honey
What to do with the lefover elderberrues after making the syrup:
Place used Elderberries into a pot. Add 4 cups of water and bring to a boil.
Once boiling, remove from heat and let sit 10 minutes.
Allow mixture to cool a bit and then strain.
Add in sweetener and enjoy.
If you aren’t ready to drink your tea right away or you do not want 4 cups worth, I recommend storing in a mason jar in the refrigerator. When you are ready for tea, just heat it back up or drink it cold.
As this is nowhere near the strength of Elderberry Syrup, there really is no need for dosage.
A cup a day is what we usually do.
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booksbeansandcandles · 7 months
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Happy Mabon everyone!!
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booksbeansandcandles · 7 months
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booksbeansandcandles · 7 months
Mabon Tea Blend
2 parts Dried Apple Slices
2 parts Dried Orange Slices
1-2 parts Black Tea
1 part Rosemary
1 part Cinnamon
1/2 part Nutmeg(or Ginger)
1/2 part Cloves
1 part Rosehips(optional)
1 part Chamomile(optional)
Depending on how much or how little of your Mabon tea incense blend you want to make, simply adjust the parts to whatever measure you need. A cup uses teaspoons while a bulk batch would use 1/2-1 cup measures. Store in a air tight jar.
Benefits of the magikal ingredients:
Apples are good for Love magick and Prosperity.
Oranges symbolize prosperity and love, especially when burned as an incense.
Rosemary is a great all purpose herb as well as having focus on protection and cleansing.
Cinnamon helps with money magick, healing and protection magics.
Nutmeg is also good for money and abundance magicks.
Clove uses magic for cleansing, protection and prosperity
Black Tea repels negativity,
Rosehips carry energy that invokes good luck
Chamomile is calming and helps with healing, purification and prosperity.
Happy Mabon!!!
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