Leafpool: Hey Firestar, what was visiting Skyclan like?
Firestar: I did meet some of the most insufferable people...but they also met me.
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Ivypool, to the Dark Forest: Hey there demons, it's me, ya boy.
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Bramblestar: well...it appears the lake has dried up... Prepare for drought everybody.
Lionblaze: We're already a disaster, why do we need more?!
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Dear god this blog has died, it's been ages since I read Warrior Cats...lemme go dig up some quotes for y'all. 🌿
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Leafpool: Aren't you worried that Bramblestar will be able to tell that you're lying?
Squirrelflight: No, because he has the social skills of a watermelon.
- source: the eboys' would i lie to you video
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Scourge: Bone, you're a genius!
Bone: Yeah, I get called that a lot.
Scourge: What, a genius?
Bone: No, Bone.
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Thistleclaw: Do you smell it? That smell...the kind of smelly smell. A smelly smell that smells...smelly.
Whitepaw: Riverclan?
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Bluestar: Goodbye, everyone! I'll remember you all in therapy.
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Lionblaze: Didn't Ashfur get busted for murder?
Squirrelflight: Assault.
Jayfeather: See? He's not even a very good murderer.
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Graystripe: I'm leaving in the morning, Leopardstar. I doubt we'll meet again.
Leopardstar: ...do you promise?
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Bramblestar: I'm so looking forward to seeing your mother again. When I'm with her, I'm reminded of the virtues of Thunderclan.
Tigerheart: But, isn't she Shadowclan?
Bramblestar: exactly.
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Rock: You cretin!
Jayfeather: Okay first of all, it's pronounced cree-tin. If you're gonna insult me, do it properly.
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*in Starclan*
Ashfur: *breathes* -
Ferncloud: I am so sorry and I apologise on behalf of everything my brother has ever said or done to you
Squirrelflight: Apology accepted.
Ashfur: what-?
Ferncloud: I am so sorry and I apologise on behalf of everything my brother has ever said or done to you-
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Mosskit: tell us how you died, Ashfur!
Ashfur: you wanna hear that story again, huh? Well, okay then. There I was, sitting on the river bank, minding my own business-
Hollyleaf: plotting how to ruin my family's life
Ashfur: plotting how to ruin Squirrelflight and her family's lives...when, suddenly, from behind me-
Hollyleaf: I ran out of the bushes, the glamourous heroine of the hour!
Ashfur: Hollyleaf, the little bitch that she is, ran out of the bushes, the glamourous heroine of the hour, and KILLED ME!
Mosskit: *gasp*
Hollyleaf: because I'm an asshole who deserved it
Ashfur: because I'm an ass- wait a minute
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Leafpool: um, Squirrelflight? Ashfur has a little song he'd like to sing for you...
Squirrelflight: okay
Ashfur: I love you, bi tch
Squirrelflight: o-okay-?
Ashfur: and i'm never gonna stop lovin' you, b iit ch
Leafpool: okay Ashfur that's enough now,,
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Blackstar: Shadowclan no longer believes in Starclan!
Bramblestar: alright everyone no need to panic
Mistystar: what do you mean THIS IS THE PERFECT TIME TO PANIC!
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Squirrelflight: I'm gonna be a great leader someday, aren't I, Leafpool? Can't you wait until I'm the leader of Thunderclan? I know I can't! I'm gonna boss you around so much!
Leafpool: //man I wish a cliff would fall on me right now,,//
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