braccito · 1 year
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child of mondstadt 💕🍃
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braccito · 1 year
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braccito · 2 years
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1. Birth of Venus, salon de 1907, by William Cot. 2. The Water Spirit, by Karl Schweninger (1818–1887).
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braccito · 3 years
MC: Hail Satan
Mammon: Snow Satan
Belphie: Rain Satan
Levi: Tomorrow there is a 90% of percipisatan
MC: It’ll be foggy in the morning with a lot of condisatan
Satan: I hate you all.
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braccito · 4 years
Reblog if you want your followers to ask you anything they're curious about.
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braccito · 4 years
Reblog if you would fuck a demon
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braccito · 4 years
I'll leave this here and walk away slowly
Lucifer: How did you find the dinner, Beel?
Beelzebub: oh, it was delicious
Lucifer: That's not what I meant and you know it
Beelzebub: MC told me where you hid it
MC: *Breathes heavily* oh no
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braccito · 4 years
Lucifer: How did you find the dinner, Beel?
Beelzebub: oh, it was delicious
Lucifer: That's not what I meant and you know it
Beelzebub: MC told me where you hid it
MC: *Breathes heavily* oh no
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braccito · 4 years
Amen ✊🏻😔
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braccito · 4 years
Thanks for the tag!! @sunset-novice-writer 💞
Name: Isabella
Sexuality: Pan💞
Gender: Female~
Hogwarts home: Slytherin
Current time: 17:45 or 5.45 pm
Cats or dogs: I love both but I'm more a cat person ❣️
Favourite animals: I actually find any smol animal cute, but my faves are turtles, spiders and felines uwu
When I made this blog: Idk lmao I made it because I wanted to see more content about OM! so... Yeah XD
The reason behind my url: it's a diminutive of my last name and literally everyone calls me like that so, that's my nickname lol.
Idk who to tag so feel free to answer it! 😅❣️
Rules: Tag 10 followers you’d like to get to know better
Thanks @hqxreader for tagging me! i'm kinda nervous 'cause ik i'm not interesting but here we go- and Idk what I'm supposed to put here akjdjdk
Name: Helena or just Lena bc why not
Sexuality: Straight but sometimes I think I may be bi (?)
Gender: Female :D
Hogwarts home: Griffindor!
Current time: 10:23pm
Cats or dogs: dOGS, the fact that my dog is staring at me now influenced me a lil bit i feel like i'm betraying the nekoma bbys lmao
Favorite animals: Since I was a kid I like giraffes -my little brain compared me to them bc i'm tall-, foxes are so cute like, have you ever seen a white fox?? and i love horses and for some reason stingrays too
Dream job: Singer or writer
When I made this blog: This was made like years ago bUt it is a writing blog since march i think
The reason behind my URL: At first it was mystic-jennie, "mystic" because I loved mystic messenger back then and "jennie" bc my friend introduced me to blackpink and i liked her name. N e ways, now is mystic-helena bc Helena is my name so I changed it lol
I'm tagging @drxxmofyou @iamthe-leaf @crazeddragongod @samanthaa-leanne @kozumebabie @bokutokoutarou @shouyouwrites @jinkicake @joxieee @dittoqueeno
Don't do it if you don't want to
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braccito · 4 years
Yes I just turned airpods into devpods lmao
MC: *Wearing devpods minding their business*
Mammon: I love you...
MC: *Takes one off* What?
Mammon: I love... Yoghurt...
110 notes · View notes
braccito · 4 years
MC: *Wearing devpods minding their business*
Mammon: I love you...
MC: *Takes one off* What?
Mammon: I love... Yoghurt...
110 notes · View notes
braccito · 4 years
At least the pillow doesn't go nagging everywhere lmao
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Ah yes. Me. My boyfriend. And his 500 grimm luxury bodypillow of myself.
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braccito · 4 years
Mammon & Beel W/ a s/o that's ashamed of her thick legs.
Requested by: @sunset-novice-writer
Hope you like it~❣️
Word count: 1.465
It was a rainy day on the devildom. Even though you've noticed that rain in the devildom it's literally and mostly a thunderstorm, this time was a little different. The skies were even darker if that's possible, thunders growling even louder than beel's stomach when he was starving. You actually loved rainy days but this one... this one was pretty scary.
Thankfully classes at RAD were cancelled due to the weather. You weren't exactly planning on going anyway. But that didn't mean that you would sit there and not do anything. You actually managed to convince Mammon to come to the library and help him study at his own will, or so you think since when you asked him to by using the words "Study date" he immediately brought up his tough guy act to try to avoid blushing. Spoiler! He failed.
"Oi, dontcha dare to think this will get you a real date with the great Mammon"
His trembling words echoed in your head, you couldn't help but smile when you remembered the way his cheeks got in a light shade of pink as you pronounced "date". He was, with no doubt, the most easy to fluster among his brothers. And pretty annoying to his liking, the most easy to tease and his brothers made him live up to that title. But hey, you too do love to tease him sometimes, mostly when he's getting all cocky and annoying. This makes him pissed off for a few moments, but when you apologize and start praising him he would just get all red and giddy, besides that he won't even look you in the eye. On the other hand, you found extremely weird the way he looked at you though. His eyes wandering from your head to your toes, only pausing to stare at your legs. He told you almost every time that your legs were so beautiful, worshipping them as if they were some kind of religion. Like he knew that it was something you had trouble with. You couldn't even think about something like that. To you, your legs were unnecessarily thick and jelly besides being one of your biggest insecurities. You would normally wear cargo pants, or literally any pants that weren't tight. Dresses and skirts would be only in super important situations. And shorts, you only used them in your pj's.
You sat at the house's library, reading the cover of one of the books that you've been using. Even though the brothers weren't especially happy to know that you fell for their "scummy" brother, they surprisingly appreciated all the support you're giving him, and that you're making him pay his debts. Even Lucifer himself has been reminding you from time to time that he's grateful that you're looking out for his brother, taking care of him and especially making him keep his cleptomane hands to himself.
When you first arrived you wouldn't even think about the brothers actually caring for him, at those times they all were absolute jerks towards him and the same goes for him, he did deserve some of that, but you never thought that you would find yourself falling in love with the Lord of Fools.
As a loud noise made you come back to your senses you found out that the avatar of greed was sitting next to you, complaining about something you didn't hear at all. Your eyes opened up as they looked to the window, staring at the raindrops that were falling outside.
"It's alright, it was just a thunder, it's no big deal."
He said taking your hand and playing with your fingers, a habit he used to do whenever you were anxious or scared to keep your mind focused on him. You turned your face to him.
"You didn't hear half of a thing I said before, did ya?" 
He pulled out a smug face sighing, one hand leaving yours, taking delicately one strand of your hair and placing it behind your ear, tracing his fingers on your cheek softly, caressing it as if it was a soft marshmallow. It's wasn't necessary to wait for a response, because your flushed cheeks already let him know that you weren't listening.
"I said that we should get a break, we've been sitting here for hours, silly. Also you need to chill, every time when a thunder strikes you jump like a rabbit."
You felt your cheeks burning up as he poked the tip of your nose. He smiled at you and held your hands leading you to a couch near the fireplace.
"At least tell me what were you thinking about that kept your mind busy, sweet cheeks."
He unconsciously pulled you close to him, his greedy eyes craving for your attention.
"I- I was thinking of you…"
You muttered hiding your face in your hands in embarrassment. He was genuinely grateful you did that so you wouldn't notice how flushed he was.
"Why are you thinking of me, when you have me right beside you?"
He became a stuttering mess as each word left his mouth. Sitting on the couch he took your trembling hands away from your face, cupping it on his hands while gently stroking your cheeks with his thumbs.
"Listen up, I am the one that has been thinking about you all day, every single day since you got here…"
He laid a warm hand on your thigh, caressing it really softly and in a lovely way. You already knew what he was suggesting. 
"Can i use them as a pillow?"
He asked leaning towards you looking at you with puppy eyes, those puppy eyes you couldn't resist. He already had an idea about how you felt about your legs, so he usually never gets to pushy when you ask him to stop. You're his human and he's your first man after all, he wouldn't even think about doing anything that might ruin your relationship. Or even make you feel uncomfortable around him.
You looked away, trying to hide your blush, placing one hand on your face.
"Oh no, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
He freaked out a little, fighting himself to not cling onto you.
"It's okay, i guess you could…"
"But you don't want me to, do ya?"
He looked at you in your eyes, knowing that whatever you were thinking could be seen on your orbs reflection. He incorporated himself and sat back next to you.
" Y/n, we've been dating for a while now… you can talk to me, please do. I know that I might be a jerk most part of the time, but that doesn't mean that I would ever think of judging you..."
His voice was as soft as a whisper, brushing comforting words against your ear, wearing the purest smile that you could ever see. In an attempt to stop your eyes from watering you took a deep breath.
"I've never felt comfortable or confident about my legs…"
You broke the silence, pulling him to make him lay his head on your thighs, sliding your fingers through his white locks. With his blue eyes locked on yours, he felt his chest ache. Why wouldn't you love yourself as much as he loved you? Why couldn't you look at yourself the same way his eyes did?
"How long have you been feeling this way? And why?"
You let out a deep sigh as you looked at the fireplace.
"I've feeling like this since I started high school and watching everyone praise all the popular girl's toned and slim legs didn't help much."
Your lips trembled as you spoke, looking back at the memories of your freshman year. He lifted one of his hands to caress your cheek.
"Besides that, I don't like the way they're too jelly, and all the stretch marks that they left on my body."
You pouted a bit as you saw his face frowning. He sat back on the couch, taking your hands on his, placing them on his chest. As he gave you a soft, loving look.
"Y/n, I know just a few words won't stop you from feeling that way, but you don't have to feel shame of such trivial things. No one is perfect, y'know? But to me… You're the reason why I want to become a better guy and the most beautiful, caring woman that I've met in centuries. You're perfect just the way you are and not even all the money in the world would make me think otherwise, ya hear me?"
He pulled you close to his chest, embracing you in a warm and full of love hug. Even though he's dumb most part of the time, he's still smart enough to say exactly what you need to hear.
Word count: 1.613
Beel and you had the tradition to make a movie night on Sundays, you guys even made a schedule to have breaks between each film to go to the bathroom or get more snacks, mostly for the snacks because if Beel ran out of food, you wouldn't hear anything but his stomach growling in the background. 
As the lovely and caring cinnamon roll he is, he invited Belphie to tag along with you. And you were totally fine with it, since you knew how strong was their bound and you also were close to Belphie so it was a win-win situation. 
You wouldn't let him know this but you had a huge soft spot for him. Is he hungry but there's no food? You'll go and cook a buffet just for him, unless you're were in charge of the dinner that day, then you'll cook just enough for everyone to eat and for him to repeat. Lucifer has called you out more than once for spoiling him so bad, but you just couldn't find yourself saying no to his cute and pouty face. Besides that, he always gave you sweet kisses to thank you for everything. Sometimes using the excuse that you had something on your face.
You were on the kitchen making popcorn for the three of you, two regular bowls for Belphie and you and a huge cauldron just for Beel.
Thankfully you managed to keep Beel busy enough to not eat all the snacks you bought for the movie night. A cool wave went down your spine as you felt a pair of warm and soft hands going around your waist. It didn't take even a minute to feel him burying his head in your nape. 
"Hey Beel"
You said smiling and turning your face to him giving him a little peck on his cheek. He only growled back in response, he was hungry and you giving him one small peck wouldn't satisfy his hunger. He took you off the chair you were sitting and placed you in a counter in front of him. He was just craving for your affection and he knew how to let you know it. He buried his face once again in the crook of your neck, breathing softly, trying to fill his lungs with your delicious fragrance. You couldn't help but giggle at his action, you could feel his breath tickling your neck and shoulder. You let your arms embrace him as the room was filled with the popcorn popping in the background.
"Can I have some?"
He looked at you with his iconic pup smile, his eyes sparkling like stars as his facial expression slowly turned into a worried one. You felt your heart flutter while you were staring at him. He was always so caring, gentle and lovely all the time. Looking out for you, helping you in anything he could come in handy, listening to you as you talked about how was your day or even when you were complaining about something, cuddling you every time you felt your life shattering into pieces. He has always been there, no matter how screwed up were things, being your supportive and lovely boyfriend.
"Are you okay?" 
He slid one of his hands through cheek, cupping one side of your face. You felt like you forgot how to speak because you couldn't find any response that would make sense. A reddish colour covered your cheeks as you tried your best to not tackle him and cuddle him right there at that exact moment. His eyes looking at yours, staring into them as if he was trapped in some kind of hypnosis, feeling like time had froze for a second.
"I- I..." 
"If you keep staring at her like that, you're gonna make her heart explode, Beel." 
Your mind snapped back to reality, noticing the avatar of sloth yawning as he laid his back on one of the walls. You weren't sure how long he has been there, but you couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. You knew he loved to tease you every time you didn't know how to react at Beel's lovey-dovey actions. Even though he was quite an edgelord and he seemed like he didn't care about anything but his pillow he actually cared about everything that involved his older twin. They were like two sides of a coin. Always had been there for each other, protecting and caring for the other. The fact that you two got along was enough to make Beel feel giddy and happy all the time, his two favourite people on the world being so close to each other and so nice towards him didn't fail to make him smile.
"Oh, I'm sorry Y/n I didn't know your heart could explode"
You felt your heart racing as he gave you a soft smile.
"It's okay, it won't literally explode, it's just that sometimes you're so cute I feel I could die."
"Please don't!" 
His eyes opened wide, pulling you close to him, holding you as tight as he could without harming you.
"Now, now, lovebirds, let's watch some movies before I fall asleep."
Belphie clapped his hands as he took his bowl and a six-pack of soda, making his way through the corridors approaching your bedroom.
You sparkled some salt to the popcorn and took your own bowl as Beel held his with one hand, the free one holding yours. As you entered into your bedroom you wrapped yourself around a blanket, settling down in a comfortable position next to your boyfriend. Your head laying on his shoulder, arms intertwined.  Your eyes were fixated on the TV but occasionally stealing glances at Beel. It was one of your favourite films, it was actually kinda sad and touching but that didn't stop you from watching it over and over again. Beel knew you could get yourself so immersed into the film that you would start empathizing with the characters. Laughing and dancing, crying and mourning. So he usually pulls you onto his lap and cuddles you from behind or holds your hand by the pinky, swaying it a little from time to time to keep your feet on earth. This time he chose none of the above. 
As your eyes started watering while watching one of the most touching scenes of the film he held both of your hands on his and kissed them trying to comfort you, you could feel him smiling as he pressed his lips on the back of your hands. You turned your face to him, one of your hands caressing his cheek with your fingers tracing his jawline as you saw him becoming a blushing mess.
He looked down for a moment, trying to calm himself down a bit. In a swift and gentle move you lifted his face by his chin, tilting your head to the side curious by his sudden blush.
He held a gummy worm between his fingers.
"This is the last one, and I want you to have it" 
He stuttered, not being able to look at you. You felt your heart skip a beat as he held his hand out to you. Knowing that he wouldn't accept to eat it, you took one side of the gummy with your lips, thinking of a perfect way that you could still share it with him. With both of your hands you pulled him into a kiss "forcing" him to eat the other half of the gummy. You expected it to be a quick one but he pulled you onto his lap not breaking the kiss. His hands sliding up and down your back, making your spine shiver.
"At least you should have waited until I go back to our room…" 
A voice echoed in the dark room, only lighted by the TV's screen. You broke the kiss because of the lack of air, hiding your face into Beel's chest.
"Sorry, it's my fault."
Beel chuckled as he pat your head softly, his heart beating faster than before. You felt a burning sensation on your cheeks, reminding yourself that you weren't alone after all.
"It's okay, anyways I'm heading back there. Good night lovebirds."
He whispered as he closed the door. You climbed down of Beel's lap, hitting him playfully.
"Beel! You weren't supposed to do that!" 
You giggled, poking his cheeks. He only gave you a soft look and brushed his hands in your thighs, squeezing them. A whimper left your mouth as he did that, you felt a little embarrassed because of your thick legs but that didn't stop him from giving them a squeeze.
"Beel stop!"
You whispered softly trying to hold back a nervous laughter. He gave you a soft smile.
"Stop what?" 
He grinned as he stared at your thighs, tracing his fingers along them.
"You want to sleep on them, don't you?"
You sighed, smiling and cupping his face on your hands, leaving a kiss on the top of his nose. He nodded with his iconic pup smile showing.
"Why do you like them so much? I mean, they're too big and jelly…"
He took your hands off his face, laying down on top of your legs leaving a trail of kisses on them.
"Because they're yours, and every single part of you, the good and the better because you don't have any bad thing, makes me realise that you're an actual angel… And I love you"
You could feel your heart pounding inside your chest as his words made you feel butterflies. You were so lucky to have him, and he was lucky because he had you.
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braccito · 4 years
MC: Once I went to this Brazilian restaurant with Mammon and we ordered a Tropical salad. A few minutes later the waiter placed a vase full of carrots and vegetables on our table, we looked at each other confused but didn't hesitate on eating it, and guess what...
Mammon: I made her pay for it.
MC: No, not that, the other thing.
Mammon: what other th.. Ah, yeah, the thing.
Mammon: The waiter eventually came back and placed two plates of salad in front of us. He stared at the empty vase for a moment. It was then that we realized that we ate the decoration.
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braccito · 4 years
Mammon: *entering the living room* Hey, why is Levi crying and shaking in the corner?
Satan: *sips tea* Oh, Jinx was telling us about a massive blackout that happened on her country when she was on the human realm.
Jinx: Just as people did back in the 17th century, using candles and socialising to avoid a creeping depression.
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braccito · 4 years
Living at The House of Lamentation is having this constant feeling that I want (and I will) punch every single brother… But never Beel. 
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