bradleyrcg-blog · 12 years
Assignment #4
The Problem: Discrimination
Post: Discrimination takes place all over the world and in every day life. The topic that i found the most interesting is the topic about college admissions. It is a fact that in modern day when colleges are accepting students the pay close attention to their race/color/religion. There have been many complaints about this matter from both the people who have been benefitted and the people who were not benefitted by these decisions. The reason behind this way of accepting students because of their race/color/religion is because colleges believe that it is important to have different races and different religions on the college campus to create diversity. I believe that from both point of views it turns out to be very racist. from the 'white' point of view, they believe that they should be chosen over people who aren't 'white' and visa versa.
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bradleyrcg-blog · 12 years
Crash the Movie
The movie Crash is a very complex and interesting movie that helps you understand the presence race, class and gender in every day life. This movie is a short movie form of our book that we have been reading in Race, Class and gender.the book demonstrates the amount of racism in every day life. In this movie EVERYONE is a victim. It was very interesting how the police officer who requested a different partner because he thought his partner was racist was then at fault for murdering an African American man because he mapped his identity and because of the stereotypes that he believes to be true of African American People. I really like how every one and every thing in the movie is connected. Stereotypes are found everywhere in the movie such as the job of each person. Why do you think the script writer decided to make every thing that happens in the movie relate to other scenes in the movie? I believe that it'll be very hard for a person to not be racist. it all depends on how they are raised. if a person is racist they cant suddenly just not be racist. As shown in the movie Crash even the victims of racism were racist.
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bradleyrcg-blog · 12 years
Unit 2 Blog Post
I have now read through over 20 different essays on Race, Class and Gender. I was able to understand and accept all of the essays. Although it took a lot of time for me to think about the topic or the main points / arguments in each essay. Most people in the class had some thing to say about each topic and were easily able to relate to them and understand them. One of the chapters that caught the most of the classes attention was the chapter about gender roles. Every boy was born and raised with a certain set of manners. The chapter discussed different incidents where Men would open the dor for women. I thought to myself that this is just a habit for me. I do not agree with the author because she says that when a man opens the door for a women it is not out of respect but it is because the man thinks women are inferior to men. I disagree with this passage because i was raised to respect my elders. i was also raised to open the door for women out of RESPECT. 
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bradleyrcg-blog · 12 years
First Blog Post
1) what you're interested in learning from the course....
I am interested in learning about the different topics of race, class and gender. I feel like it is important to learn about race, class and gender because all three of them have importance in everyday life.
2) one "RCG moment" in your recent history where you noticed an issue, irony or other moment having to do with race, class or gender
Growing up i never really went on a bus alone. I have been on some with my family on family vacations. Not too long ago i went to a SAT class in Korea town. When the class was over i asked my mom to come pick me up. She said that she will not be able to make it to pick me up on time. Later on in our conversation my mom told me to take the bus home. Because i had no choice i went to the bus stop with my cousin to get home. We were nervous. We didn't know what to expect. I sat on the bus in a way that know one could come and sit next to me. I was looking around all the different people. I was observing their faces, their ethnicities, their movements and their cultures.
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